You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 26


Staying together for a long time will eventually make Joe Qixi, who has become a polar bear, more sensitive to the body language of the same kind. Therefore, it is certain that his interpretation of Odis's expression is not an assumption.

It's just that some of the meanings are too complicated, and even Qiao Qixi himself can't believe it. This is what Osdie wants to express.

He could only believe the simple meaning. At this moment, Odis asked him with his eyes, do he still need to lick his fur

The little polar bear was agitated, and quickly raised his head and shook his head to indicate that it is enough, too much.

He licked his head and covered his face with warm and humid licks. Today, oh no, he doesn't want to experience it again this week.

The runaway incident ended with thunder and rain. Qiao Qixi licked his paw, and then struggled out of Odis’s arms because he remembered an important thing.

"Hey, hey." Thinking of what happened to the little yellow bucket, Qiao Qixi turned into a stranger, and ran to the location where the opponent was'murdered', in a cramped stone pit.

The visual inspection is not deep, but there is no way to get down.

Otis immediately followed. In response to the little bear’s babble, the polar bear’s throat had bursts of strong bass, just like the best-sounding subwoofer on the human market, originally meant to be soothing.

Leaning over to look down at the distressed little yellow bucket, Otis, who seemed to be "sympathetic", lowered his head and licked the bear's ear, then raised his leg and stepped into the pit.

Qiao Qixi blinked and lay down on the pit. He watched nervously as Odis rescued the little yellow bucket.

Fortunately, Otis is tall, and this pit is easy for him, without difficulty.

The other side's two front paws stepped forward a little bit, lowered his head to hold Xiao Huang, and then back to the ground, just staring at Qiao Qixi with Xiao Huang in his mouth for a moment.

It's great to see that the little yellow bucket is safe and sound.

Qiao Qixi was excited and was about to happily take over the keg, thank you Otis for extending a helping hand, but before he could do anything, Otis turned his head and dang the bucket and walked in the direction where they had settled. go.

Huh, Odis

Qiao Qixi followed up with a small step, a little bit dumbfounded in his heart. It was his private property, and Odis would normally not touch it unless he was lazy and forced the other party to help him take it.

Now that he hasn't forced the other party to take it, but he has been so diligent, is it still a sign of confession

It took Odis for twenty-five minutes to run over, and now it took more than twenty-five minutes to walk back slowly. The little polar bear, who felt that he hadn’t been dry for a long time, looked at the distant sea and sucked its saliva.

Passing by the site circled by Mama Bear again, they received two eye-catching gifts.

When he left, Qiao Qixi didn't have the guts to say hello to the other party. Now that there is a place in Odis Town, he also stared back openly. Of course, his gaze at the little polar bear was quite gentle.

Qiao Qixi muttered, if your mother hadn't watched it, brother would have bald you.

It's like Odis hitting him all day long.

Half an hour after going out, and one hour after going back, they were all self-inflicted. Cub felt that his legs were sore and hungry, and he could only be more comfortable if he lay down.

So today's learning goals have to be suspended. It can't be blamed on him, the body and mind have been shocked.

The lazy little bear lay in the shade of the tree to excuse himself, and looked at the sky. It was really blue this day, holding his feet and digging, and then looked at Otis who was going hunting, and the boss raised him. Xiong Sheng is really good.

Don't you want to face

The voice deep in my heart asked like this, and then asked, if one day Odis gets sick and can't get up, can you feed him like the other party feeds you

Two soul tortures instantly made Qiao Qixi feel guilty of being idle here.

He got up, shaking his hair, and went to Odis to learn hunting skills.

On the surface of the sea, Odis was moving slowly, looking for a good place to squat. The little polar bear who was supposed to be sleeping suddenly approached and attracted his attention, making him very confused.

In other words, he didn't want Qiao Qixi to join in the fun.

Two bears hunting together does not necessarily mean that the success rate will be higher.

The rough little polar bear didn't understand what he meant, and he insisted on coming over, staying in the sea water that was about to drown his head. Who would call him short.

In order to prevent water from entering the nose, Qiao Qixi had to step on the rock in a standing position. As we all know, supporting a fat body with four legs will make it easier, and supporting a fat body with two legs is equivalent to increasing the amount of exercise.

Otis was also not good at driving the bear, he moved his nose reluctantly, as if accepting that there was an oil bottle next to him.

Hunting is not a trifle, and you will be hungry if you fail.

But Van Odis has a bit of cruelty from the bear mother, and now Qiao Qixi has wailed back to the shore and stayed obediently.

The problem is that Odis arrogantly indulges him, preferring to risk the failure of the hunt, rather than making a move to drive him away.

Fortunately, Qiao Qixi was very well-behaved, staying in the water and moving, hiding himself, he was okay, he was a good student.

The only thing that moves on the body is the eyes.

The little polar bear's innocent and beautiful big eyes, for a while, followed the swimming fish in the water, his pupils diminished and enlarged with the mood, and for a while, he secretly observed the big polar bear next door. Oh, Otis is so strong and tall.

The opponent stared at the water for an instant, with a solemn secret between his brows, super handsome.

Only then did Qiao Qixi think of the title of King of Ice, and he was very arrogant.

Ang, watch Odis secretly by himself, will Odis also secretly watch the little bear next door

Once Qiao Qixi had this doubt in his heart, his eyes would never be shared with the swimming fish in the sea.

One minute, two minutes... Ten minutes passed.

The result of the test came out. In Qiao Qixi's expectation, Odis was very focused on the hunt, and would only focus on the beluga whale, and would not look at him at all.

"666." Odis cheated.

In this way, Qiao Qixi stared at Odis, Odis stared at the beluga, time passed quietly.

Through the failure of the last hunt, and this time there was a little bear interfering with him, Odis was obviously more cautious than before, and did not want to show the scene of the failure of the hunt again.

A 100% chance of success was placed in front of Odis before he attacked.

Qiao Qixi stared at Odis, of course he was not a nympho, he just wanted to see what signs would happen before Odis attacked, and under what circumstances would he attack.

Despite his intent, at the moment Odis plunged into the water, Qiao Qixi still felt that he had missed a few frames in vain. He saw that Odis bit a beluga in the water in a blink of an eye.

That hapless beluga whale struggling hard, shaking its thick tail, this is not the point, the point is that the battle circle unexpectedly came to him, and the innocent little bear got the beluga's tail!

The slap is louder than the mother's slap in childhood.

I thank you!

Qiao Qixi was attacked by this unexpected tail, and the whole bear looked so dazed, and then his body fell into the sea force majeure, and he immediately poured a few mouthfuls of sea water.

The sea water is astringent and salty, and the taste is quite uncomfortable.

Qiao Qixi was looking for a sense of direction in the water with his hands and feet, and by the way witnessed the whole process of Otis biting the beluga whale underwater. It was called a cruel, white tusks, which made the little bear shudder.

I am very thankful that I am not Odis's prey.

At this moment, Qiao Qixi was not in a hurry to surface. He swam over boldly. Before the beluga whale was completely dead, he used this hapless beluga as a hunting object, and went up to the ground to take a bite.

Beluga whales do not lose their hands when slipping in the water, only sharp teeth can catch them.

Seeing Qiao Qixi's behavior, Osdie blinked in the water. The next second, he slowly let go of his mouth and let go of the half-dead white whale.

As we all know, even if aquatic animals die, they can go far away. As soon as Osdie let go, the white whale flew away.

The little polar bear whose teeth still bit the beluga whale was immediately taken away by the beluga whale scurrying!

Suddenly encountering this kind of scene, Qiao Qixi felt that he did not scare to pee, instead he bit her prey tightly and didn't let go. His performance was already remarkable.

But as a future bear, self-demand cannot be so low.

Qiao Qixi thought, trying hard to overcome the fear of the deep sea, and stretched his limbs and stroked desperately, trying to contend with the power of the white whale to escape.

In this tug-of-war, after the little polar bear tried to feed his milk, he finally managed to be evenly matched.

So next, either the little polar bear will kill the white whale, or the white whale will kill the little polar bear...

However, such a line of life and death would not appear, and a white figure swam over and made a bite of the deadly part of the white whale.

When Odis took this bite, his eyes focused on the messy little bear.

"..." Qiao Qixi couldn't say what it felt like, maybe this was the feeling of being despised!

The hunting skills are superb and great, and great strength is great!

Qiao Qixi stared at Odis without a trace and thought, I will be as strong as you when I grow up, wait and see.

When the beluga whale stopped struggling, the little polar bear finally took advantage of the buoyancy of the sea to drag the beluga out of the water with great difficulty.

As an aid, Odis just watched the bear busy quietly, he did not participate in the drag.

However, after leaving the buoyancy of the sea, the weight of the Beluga stumped Qiao Qixi.

Otis came to the surface and saw a pitiful meat ball that couldn't drag the prey ashore twice, and his back was about to break out of the outline of the muscles.

Even so, there is still no way.

"Hey yeah." The little polar bear immediately turned into yeah, and turned his head to ask for help from the big polar bear that came up behind.

The opponent squinted his eyes and swam towards him.

I don't know why, Qiao Qixi feels that Odis is in a good mood, is it because he was asked for help

Odis came to the little bear, licked the tip of the little bear's nose, then bit the prey and dragged it to the shore.

It can be said that Qiao Qixi is very envious of that smooth and steady action.

You know, cuteness is worthless in the face of power.

After tossing for so long, I can finally have a meal, and today’s prey, Qiao Qixi, lying on the back of the beluga whale, sniffed shamelessly, waking up from the sea water inside, thinking, I also have something to do. .

Fraud Fraud.

Qiao Qixi finished complimenting herself very proudly, and looked up at Otis with some triumph, like a primary school student who took the exam papers when he was a child and went home to see his parents.

Otis looked back at him gently, and lowered his head to lick the blood from the beluga's wound. This behavior suddenly made Qiao Qixi feel very social.

Damn, did Odis treat him like a meal!

This one time may make Qiao Qixi think that he thinks too much, but twice and repeatedly, staring at his peerless cute face while eating meat is very contemplative.

It turns out that Odis doesn't like to see him, isn't it

It seems that the situation is not allowed when hunting, so I don't like to look at him.

Oh, I don’t know why, Otis’s penetrating eyes made Qiao Qixi’s old face ashamed, and immediately lowered his eyes, gnawing at the back of the prey.

Otis' nose moved, and in the next second, he still didn't give up, biting a piece of fat and feeding it to Qiao Qixi.

"..." Really.

At the moment when he saw the fat, all the atmosphere was swept away, leaving only the picky bear eater.

Perhaps this time the white whale is larger, and they haven't finished eating.

One quarter left.

Odis kept biting the meat and sending it to the bear.

To say something good or bad, Qiao Qixi was about to be vomited by the other party. He looked at the beluga whale on the ground that hadn't finished eating, and burped the monster to support the ground and thought, as if this beluga could not finish eating. It seemed his fault.

Isn't it because I just ate it two days ago, so naturally it won't be like a bottomless pit like I've been hungry for a week.

Qiao Qixi buried her mouth in her two paws and pretended to be dead.

"..." Otis was holding the meat in his mouth, anyway, he had a lot of time, so he wasn't in a hurry.

Occasionally, I looked up and looked around, twisted my neck, and fed again when I remembered.

Qiao Qixi: My day!

At this moment, Qiao Qixi’s dreams are full and rising. He sincerely swears that if he can, he is willing to donate ten catties of fat on his body to help the hungry bears.

Although he filled his stomach, Qiao Qixi did not forget that there are actually many starving polar bears on this continent.

Not every polar bear is as strong and excellent as Odis, and he is doing well now, but it is just a survivor's deviation.

Every year, some polar bears have a bad life, and some polar bears have a better life.

He who followed Odis was of the smoother one.

As the saying goes, you have eaten enough, and don’t forget your starving compatriots. Every time Qiao Qixi is holding his chubby belly, he will worry about the condition of other polar bears.

Then pray that this summer will pass quickly.

The temperature should not rise any more.

Odis was so hot as a fool. He was so panicky that he was sleeping next to him, making him feel the heat when he was warm in winter and cool in summer.

There are many people who are praying together that this summer will pass quickly.

They are all people who really care about the living environment of polar animals.

The highest temperature is coming soon.

On some coasts of Greenland, groups of sea lions are basking in the scorching sun.

With tons of weight and fangs, even if hungry polar bears pass by them, they dare not covet them.

Even baby sea lions are a good medicine to relieve hunger.

The single polar bear that hasn't found the summer sacred place, wandering aimlessly, looks extremely helpless.

Whether it's hot temperatures or hunger.

The rescue agency on the island also rescued some polar bears in serious conditions this summer. If nothing else, they will not be released until the beginning of winter this year.

After a busy day, I finally got off work.

Often po Otis and Alexander’s posters chatted about their recent work on the forum.

The friends are almost hungry for the news he brought, and only through his description did they know some of the latest situation.

It is great that several polar bears that have been tracked down and whose situation is not optimistic have been rescued by agencies.

But what they most want to see is the latest situation of Odis and Alexander.

Those two fat guys, what are they doing on the coast now

Regarding the story of Odis and Alexander, of course the first floor must be reopened.

#奥迪斯 is teaching Alexander to hunt#

The link that everyone cares most has finally arrived, and the po owner is very pleased to announce a progress. Otis finally has the idea of teaching Alexander hunting.

This is not easy.

The previous Odis, wishing to chew up the meat for Alexander.

As for the specific teaching, after everyone watched the video, they couldn't calm down for a long time.

Very confused and shocked.

All of you here are senior people who have watched many documentaries. They don't remember that the mother bear taught the little bear this way.

Odis is a teaching, because he is hunting and raising children. There is no other way to do it.

: Why do I see perfunctory meaning in what Odis did?

: This is it? I can hammer him, isn't he teaching little bear seriously? !

: Ah, in today's video, Riodis appeared to be gay. If they weren't both polar bears, I would think he was gay as a little polar bear.

: Although, Odis is so spoiled!

: Alexander went out to play mischievously, and was caught by Odis back, hahahahaha.

: With all due respect, there are bear mentors like Odis, and Alexander can only be like this bear for the rest of his life.

: Well, I can only say one thing about how a kind father is more defeated. ps: I know they are not father and son! Don't arrogant me (dog head saves my life)

: Hi, what does it mean to keep your head

: If you see a dog head save your life, you know that you are a compatriot of the motherland, hahahaha.

: Funny is funny, but I hope everyone will pay attention to it. Alexander is almost two years old. The male polar bear really has no parenting consciousness. Alexander should be raised by a female bear.

: At this time, where to find a female bear to raise Alexander, it is a small probability that two polar bears who are not related to each other will get together.

: The situation of the two of them can only be counted as one step. I hope that Alexander can stand up for himself. Seeing Otis dipping meat and chasing after feeding, I have no expectations of him. Parenting.

: Odis is also successful, Odis is also defeated.

: Poor Alexander, was fed to sleep.

: No, he may be really sleepy, hahahahaha.

People never dreamed that in addition to solving the problems of high temperature and hunger for polar bears, they would also solve this... non-mainstream parent-child education problem.

All the polar followers of the forum know that a male polar bear dog picked up a small polar bear with a mouse, but did not raise the other side according to normal conditions.

Don't teach hunting, don't let work, chase and feed meat... Excessive spoiling.

This is very sad.

Continue to raise in this direction, even if raised for ten years, the little polar bear will still not be independent.

He will only be developed into a naive and simple temperament that has no hunting ability.

To put it bluntly, it's a Dad Treasure Bear.

Funny, funny, this is really a serious problem.