You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 31


Qiao Qixi, who was promoted to a family with a house, thought happily, not surprisingly, he should have more than 20 years to live well in the future, and this stone house could become a real estate for himself and Odis.

From now on, I can live here for a period of time every summer.

As long as Odis doesn't break up with him, then this house is the common property of the two bears.

Thinking about it this way, I bought real estate to the Arctic Circle at a young age.

Fraud Fraud.

What's even worse is that this room is still a sea view room, facing the sea when you go out. The view should be very good in summer.

However, Qiao Qixi was a little uncertain, whether his ability to identify routes was as accurate as Odis.

To be honest, now he doesn't even remember the route back to the extreme, only vaguely remembering that they stopped on five islands, or six


Suddenly discovering that I can't do anything, it is inevitable to be a little ashamed.

However, he didn't introspect for too long, and soon regained his confidence and trot to the beach, at least he was quite good at catching fish.

The polar falcons are notorious sneak attackers. They rely on their own speed to fly and often snatch food from other animals, such as fish in the hands of polar bears, mice in the mouths of arctic foxes, and even wolves. prey.

Powerful auras such as Otis are rarely the target of falcons daring to cut their beasts. After all, powerful male polar bears are not easy to provoke, and they will be plucked out of bird feathers if they are not careful.

Qiao Qixi, who was small and weak, was different. The only prey he had killed was only a few catties of sea fish, but he was not murderous at all. It was expected that the Falcon would stare at the fish in his mouth.

The little polar bear fishing seriously in the sea didn't feel the danger approaching at all. He suffocated a breath and picked up a fish from the water.

The sharp fangs have crossed the fish's body, and the tip of the tongue tasted blood, but he wanted to give this fish to Otis.

While the bear was holding the fish and moving for a moment, a falcon dashed out of the night like an arrow, and swiped past the bear's eyes.

"Oh!" Qiao Qixi felt a pain in the back of his nose.

The scared cry of the little bear rippled on the surface of the sea, and suddenly shocked the nearby Odis, and he immediately sought it out anxiously.

Qiao Qixi's screaming was not entirely because of the pain, mainly because he was frightened. After all, he was originally afraid of this ghostly and gloomy environment. Of course, he would scream when something unknown suddenly sprang out.

When I reacted, I found that the fish in my mouth had been dragged away.


In other words, the thing that smoked Lengzi to figure him down was not a supernatural ghost, but a bird snatching food.

Qiao Qixi breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, it's great to have no ghosts.

but! In the next second, he was angry and angry, so angry that his cheeks puffed up: "Oh oh oh!"

Your uncle!

Beep-your uncle!

Did you hear me? !

Qiao Qixi directed at the direction where the robbers flew away, exhaling fragrance in Xiong Yanxiong language, and violently scolded each other's ancestors for the eighteenth generation!

It is true that Qiao Qixi is very caring for small animals and will buy canned food to feed stray cats on weekends.

But now everyone is a small animal, ooh, he doesn't want to get used to each other, why

His fish...

Odis spent twenty or thirty seconds swimming very anxiously from a distance to the little polar bear. When he arrived at the scene, he immediately saw the little bear he was worried about floating on the water.

This scared Odis.

Uh, but in fact, Qiao Qixi just didn't control his body. He floated on the surface of the sea and drifted with the flow irresistibly.

I was filled with the fish I had finally caught, which should have been eaten by Odis.

"Woo woo 嘤嘤." Very angry.

Just, the beatings in the animal kingdom were too unpredictable.

In response, Odis put the bear in his arms with both arms, and used his sensitive nose to carefully find the location of the injury on the opponent, and his warm tongue kept licking the bear’s mouth that was slightly opened because of bad mood. .

There was still the blood of marine fish there, and Odis couldn't be more familiar with it.

After searching for it for a long time, Otis finally found the wound of the bear. It was a scar on the back of his nose, and he smelled a little blood.

To say that this wound is not big, if you don't pay attention, it may be healed in two days.

If it is calculated in the unit of human length, it is about less than a centimeter, but Odis still pays special attention to it.

He kept licking and licking on the bear's wound, and his whole body exuded a breath of distress and anger towards the perpetrator. The two emotions were intertwined.

To describe it in one sentence is angry and anxious.

If the falcon were still there, Odis would definitely do everything possible to tear the falcon into pieces.

Then pluck its hair and eat its meat.

Qiao Qixi wasn't so hostile either. He was just angry when he was robbed. He didn't want to see blood in the real thing.

The sharp emotions on Otis were so strong that even the sad Joe Qixi could feel it. After turning his attention back to reality, he saw Otis' angry expression.

Well, it turns out that the polar bear is not expressionless, it's just that it's too buddhist.

Wait, this is not the point.

The point is that Odis is also angry. It doesn't seem worthwhile for a fish, is it just a small problem

Qiao Qixi immediately hugged the little friend who seemed to be brewing on the verge of fury, and quickly rubbed his cheeks.

No, it's just a fish matter, not to get angry!

Really Odis, your body is important, don't be mad, okay.

Finding that Odis cared more than himself, Qiao Qixi immediately put his little emotions behind, hugged the other party and licked, and what he didn't know was that Odis was angry not because of the fish, but It was because the falcon scratched him.

Even if the wound is less than one centimeter.

But the little bear bleeds.

At this time, Qiao Qixi had long forgotten about the injury to the back of his nose, and he could only pretend Otis in his heart.

I hope Odis will regain a good mood.

The time spent together is not short, and the little polar bear knows how to please Odis.

After the previous kiss and hug, Odis' emotions did slowly stabilize, and he no longer cared about the falcon that hurt Qiao Qixi.

He bowed his head and licked the bear's wound again very affectionately.

Polar bears are also afraid and panicked. Just now, the little bear'dying' to float on the surface of the sea will undoubtedly make Odis feel scared and panicked.

Now the other party is lively and active again, so it calms his emotions.

Ah, it's fine.

The state of Odis just now was really scary. Although the sharp anger was not directed at him, the little bear who was close at hand still felt his hair stand up.

He didn't give up on wanting to catch another fish for Odis to eat, so he plunged into the sea. At this time, the salty sea water splashed on the wound on the back of his nose, and there was a tingling pain, and he remembered that he was in the same scene. Gloriously injured in a brief confrontation.

Qiao Qixi immediately scolded the other party's eighteenth generation ancestors again.

He tried to swim to the far sea where the fish gathered, but a force lifted him to the surface, and then hugged him and swam back to the shore aggressively.

Cubs’ voyage plan was interrupted, and at the same time, the other party’s meaning was translated from this compulsory intervention: Don’t go to sea if you are injured, go back and rest and I will support you.

Hey, can you not be such a domineering president

We are just two polar bears.

They are all public.


Damn it, the sea breeze makes the eyes astringent.

Although, how could Odis be so good!

It's really puzzling.

Overlord Otis sent the bear back to the door of the new home, reluctantly nuzzled twice, then turned his head and went to the beach again.

Strange words appeared in the strange little bear's mind: I can't hold you when I catch fish with both hands, and I can't go into the sea to catch fish to feed you if I hold you.

Gazing at the back of Odis disappearing into the sea, Qiao Qixi blinked.

At this time, a different emotion arose in his heart, which was sour and astringent, with a little shock.

When he was a human being, Qiao Qixi watched animal-themed movies, and he would cry every time he watched it. On the contrary, he seldom moved when he watched family and love movies. It may be because the feelings of animals always carry a spirit of dedication and sacrifice.

Thousands of times to protect the object for oneself, without hesitation.

There is truth.

Animal emotions are never deceptive, and likes and dislikes are clear at a glance.

Ah, recalling the bit by bit of the street-style meal in the past few months, the little polar bear smoked his nose and thought, Otis must have loved his infinitely charming little bear.

if not

Little Bear stood outside the house to express his emotions, let the sea breeze dry some of the hair on his body, and entered the house happily.

Why do you have to blow cold wind outside if you have a house

I really don't understand how the guys who don't have a room live.

Not long after Qiao Qixi stayed in the house, Odis came back, shrouded like a huge shadow in the night, but would not let the little bear feel any fear.

Because the other party had a fat sea fish in his mouth, he was sent over to feed him as soon as possible.

Of course, it is impossible to refuse. There is a problem with not having a positive attitude when eating.

However, the little polar bear only ate the part under the fish head, and the fish head and the remaining half of the fish body spit on the ground without even looking.

Odis licked his mouth every day, looking back and forth between the bear and the fish, full of urging.

However, Qiao Qixi just didn't eat it.

Blinking and looking around blankly, Odis obviously couldn't do anything with this picky bear.

Finally, he got down and ate the remaining fish heads and tails.

At this time, Qiao Qixi leaned over to post Odis, well, stop hunting.

Sleepy, sleepy.

In order to keep the other owner of this house, the little polar bear snuggled into Odis's arms.

Started to pretend to sleep with a kick on both legs.

Give Otis another brain, and he can't even know that Little Bear is playing tricks on him.

So he thought the little bear was really going to sleep, so he dispelled the idea of going out hunting again.

On the first night of staying in the new home, both polar bears slept very sweetly.

Except for some gaps in the house that are not blocked, and there is still a faint air leak, everything else is fine.

On the cold autumn night, the biting wind blew across the polar continent.

It is true that polar bears are not afraid of cold, but the power of cold wind is sometimes more terrifying than cold.

Staying in the house is indeed safe and comfortable.

When I woke up, I heard a whining sound outside, crying like the wind.

The strong wind is coming.

Maybe it will pass soon, or it may last for a while, and only humans know the details.

After being a polar bear, these data can no longer be obtained from the Internet.

Forecasting the weather can only rely on intuition and sixth sense, as well as a sensitive nose.

Given that Qiao Qixi is a polar bear halfway through, he may lose these advantages.

This is not a question of his hard work.

Realizing that he was unaware of the coming of the strong wind, the little polar bear sighed. Nowhere did he feel that being an animal was so difficult to be an animal like now.

Especially animals without houses.

Thanks to the safe Otis, he arranged a warm home before the wind raged.

Before the strong wind passed, Odis didn't go out. He stayed quietly in the house, either sleeping, or licking Qiao Qixi, or playing with Qiao Qixi.

As for the content of play, of course it is quite naive.

The weather that cannot be hunted is a good time to make progress.

In view of the limited space in the house, the fierce fighting turned into a shameful provocation.

For example, while Odis is yawning, he shoves a bear's paw into the opponent's mouth.

Odis: "..."

After a moment of stunned, he began to lick this coquettish little bear's paw.

For example, climb onto Odis's back and squash the opponent with hundreds of catties of weight.

Odis: "..."

This weight is no burden to him, and he doesn't feel that Bear's behavior is unfamiliar.

The little polar bear likes to hang on his mother's back and be carried by her mother. Maybe the little bear just remembers these memories.

Odis's temper is too good.

Otherwise, Qiao Qixi is so idle and humble, because he doesn't do personnel affairs.

For the last time, he sat on Otis' head with his ass, wondering if the car should roll over this time

Qiao Qixi's intuition is very accurate, but if he uses this intuition on the right path, he won't be a rookie until now.

Otis turned his head and bit the bear's fat leg, tore him off his head, and then pressed it under his chest and gave a light bite.

The ribs were beaten rhythmically by the opponent's teeth, and there was an itching.

Sorry, that's Qiao Qixi's tickle meat.

He immediately twisted the bear's body and tried to escape Odis' punishment.

They are equally boring on boring strong winds.

As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, and there are also big winds and waves, and the sound of surging waves is endless.

Little Bear was so afraid of water in his new home, but fortunately, the house was still some distance away from the shore, and the waves couldn't get here.

A few days later, Cubs had a new home experience.

Apart from being a bit noisy, the sea-view room has no other problems.

Human weather stations have already monitored that the wind in some areas of the polar regions is relatively strong these days.

Those engaged in conservation work are naturally always aware of the climate change in the Arctic and are worried about it.

The strong wind covered a wide area, and it was visually estimated that many animals would be affected.

Odis and Alexander also live in the range, I don't know how they spend it.

In this weather, the drone has been completely taken down, leaving only the land observation camera.

However, it is impossible to observe the life of polar bears with land cameras. Their destructive power is extremely strong. Once a moving camera is found moving around, this camera will undoubtedly be damaged.

: The wind is very strong, pray for the little animals in the polar regions.

: In fact, their radar is more sensitive than the weather station. It would be nice if they can find the hiding place smoothly.

: Have you forgotten? A polar bear with a very iron head was photographed during the strong wind last year, and he was lying directly on the bare ground, holding his head stiff with his paws.

: Haha, sorry, I brought in Odis directly.

: This iron polar bear is very cute.

: Their tonnage really cannot be blown away by the wind, they can be willful.

: A single polar bear has no problem with his head iron, but Odis took the cubs with him. With his pampering energy to the cubs, I think it is impossible to do nothing.

: It should have found a place to hide.

: I am a staff member of the rescue station, and I have monitored the positioning of Odis and Alexander for many days, and I have indeed hid.

After a few days, the wind weakened a bit, and the drone traveled again, and as expected it was photographed on the beach... Two polar bears nestling in a stone cave.

It's so comfortable.

"It's really two smart big guys." The man who sorted out the data smiled: "It makes people worry about it for nothing."

"Hey, look at this carefully..." The colleague pointed to the part of the stone house with artificial traces: "This is a stone of different colors. It should be put on purposely to block the gap between the stones."

"Who did this?" In short, it can't be these two polar bears. Is it possible that it's an Inuit who has no place to live.

"Of course it can't be a polar bear." The other party smiled: "Male polar bears do not build nests. Only female polar bears that are ready to breed will build nests. If a male polar bear helps female polar bears build a nest, then it must be this. The best prospective polar bear dad on the continent."

"That's what I said." The person talking to him nodded.

Male polar bears are all scum.

They will mate with a number of female polar bears during the long breeding season, and leave without reluctance after mating.

This is the nature of the polar bear, and it seems that it cannot be called a scumbag.

After the strong wind, the sea returned to calm and calm.

The animals that had been hiding for several days came out to look for food, and they found that the strong wind had blown away the fog on the ground and the sea.

Winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder, almost reaching the conditions of snow.

Qiao Qixi woke up immediately and couldn't wait to get out of the house to breathe fresh air.

By the way, he stretched fiercely.

He was about to turn his head to greet Odis, and he came out to move his muscles and bones, and he found that Odis was also following.

Although he is still a little sleepy, it seems that as long as the bear can't get up, he can sleep for another 300 rounds, but he still follows him every step of the way.

Go to the sea to catch fish together.

Qiao Qixi is a self-knowing thing. He feels that Odis is really pitiful. He can lie in his den without eating or drinking, but he can't be lazy because he wants to raise cubs.

Doesn’t it smell fragrant to dry rice

Why do you have to lie down all the time

Get out of your comfort zone, brother.

Even the polar bears are hungry, and the thief who likes to cut the beard must be hungry too.

This time, Qiao Qixi was very careful. Once he caught a fish, he would watch and listen to all directions.

He finally realized his illusion, and before Otis could cheer up, he fed him a fish he had caught.

Aha, it feels wonderful to have Otis.


Otis woke up from a few days of deep sleep, and was indeed still a little absent, until he was fed a fish in his mouth, and he subconsciously ate it.

The meal is really fragrant.

Not to mention the fish fed by the bear.

At this point, the lazy behemoth fully awoke, and his pitch-black eyes had an indescribable fondness for his little bear.