You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 32


At the Polar Animal Research Station, a bunch of experts and professors became interested in stone houses by the sea.

They have speculated that this is a masterpiece left by the Inuit or other highly intelligent animals.

As for the polar bear... everyone thinks it should be impossible.

The impression that Ursida has always given people seems to be clumsy and reckless, with a brute force and fierce temper, and strategy does not seem to have anything to do with them.

However, people have not forgotten that there was a brown bear with outstanding merit in World War II. His life was very wonderful, and he created many great achievements and touching deeds.

The story of his gaining the rank of second-class soldier as an animal is still widely circulated.

In order to find out what is going on, the research station decided after consultation to place a land camera next to the two polar bears.

In fact, this idea is not a whim, the research station has long wanted to do so.

When the extreme night came, drone shooting became more difficult, and it was no longer possible to obtain more good-quality photos.

Secondly, aerial photography can only take photos from one perspective, which has long been unable to satisfy people's desire to discover Odis and Alexander.

The reason why land cameras were not put on before was because Odis and Alexander were always on the move, and the efficiency of putting on cameras was not as efficient as their migration.

Currently these two polar bears, haha, seem to have a house by the sea.

What's more pleasing than this.

Just think about the fact that two polar bears have shelter from the wind and rain on this barren land, and the corners of their mouths can't help but smile; also, after they settle down, the land camera can start working.

It was a calm night, and the stars were still so bright, as beautiful as the eyes of the charming bear Alexander.

A walking camera wrapped in a stone vest came quietly.

This is the most advanced field camera equipment from the Chinese market. According to reports, it is very powerful and claims to be able to take relatively clear and bright photos at night.

The only problem is that it is too expensive.

At present, the penetration rate of this kind of expensive equipment is very low, and only animals with mild habits are worthy of possession, such as the cute otters, foxes, and rabbits of smaller size.

Polar bears are fierce in nature and are among the best in the rankings that like to attack cameras.

The research station is willing to use such expensive equipment to track Odis and Alexander, perhaps because he likes the two polar bears too much, or because he believes that the stable and reliable Odis and the kind and lovely Alexander will not "play with" the poor camera.

I wish their trust will not be disappointed.

The camera on the ground has already started to work, maybe it can be named Xiaoshitou.

At present, every frame taken by Xiaoshitou is instantly transmitted to the computer of the research station, and is being viewed by people.

Soon they were about to observe the lives of Odis and Alexander up close, and the researchers who had only been overlooking them had been intently.

The first thing that appears in the picture is the house of two polar bears. The close-up shot makes it easier to see that this house does have traces of processing, and some gaps are blocked, leaving only the entrances and exits.

At this time, the two polar bears are not at home. They may be actively catching fish in the sea to fill their stomachs.

The little stone walked around the door and saw a bright yellow color inside. At this time, the researcher in front of the computer cheered.

"Look, it's Alexander's keg!" It was being placed in the house.

"It's so cute, hahaha." The researcher who peeped at the Polar Bear House laughed.

"Oh, when it was worn on Alexander's head, it felt that the barrel was small, but now it seems to be not small." Someone noticed this.

"Visually, it is a shallow-mouth industrial bucket with a capacity of 20 liters." A group of experts and professors commented on Alexander's keg with great interest.

I’m afraid it’s hard to believe that Little Yellow Bucket will one day become a high-profile object.

All the reasons only stem from the fact that it belongs to the barrel of the little polar bear Alexander.

Soon Little Stone took pictures of the inside and outside of the house. At this time, it needed to find a good place to stay, and then stayed there honestly and waited for the return of the two polar bears.

About an hour later, there was movement on the beach.

Alexander, who had just eaten enough, appeared first in the picture. This is the first time he was shot from this angle. You can clearly see his frontal appearance, his lazy steps, and the soles of his feet that flashed when he lifted his paws. .

The black plum blossom-shaped meat pad is quite cute.

"It's so cute, so cute. Alexander is really white. This sturdy arm is so cute." The people around the computer can imagine how the little polar bear's arm feels to the touch, as well as the cute and round feet. , Ah, it was the little sole that was held in his mouth lovingly by Odis.

"Ah, look at this round face, big eyes, ah, this chubby figure, Alexander!" Someone stood up excitedly in the office waving his hands and even twisting his hips: "He is so cute, he is so cute!"

Because Alexander's frontal appearance was too cute, he turned a whole lot of people cute.

This seems to be expected, after all, the frontal photo of the cute bear who even looks down from above is of course not bad.

Compared with the photos taken at the rescue station a few months ago, Alexander has grown taller and grown up. His face has the heroic spirit of an adult polar bear, but he is still very cute!

The little stone followed this super-looking little polar bear for a period of time to take pictures. It was in charge of the task and had to look away reluctantly, and switched the camera to the big polar bear Otis who came ashore behind.

When Otis' figure appeared in the mirror, people held their breaths invariably for a time, and the astonishment of'Oh my God' appeared in their minds. This is really a huge polar bear, using a behemoth to describe Otis It couldn't be more suitable.

People had thought that Alexander's limbs were sturdy enough just now, and now it was insignificant compared to Odis.

If the little polar bear is synonymous with cuteness and beauty, it makes people love and close when you see it, and you want to hug him and kiss him, then Otis is a completely different type.

This huge polar bear is different from other sloppy likes. It is rare to maintain a white coat of hair. The first time people see him, they are attracted by his strong and strong body lines, or the sense of power that rushes toward the face. More appropriate.

Next is his handsome and charming face, which doesn't look thin even in autumn.

It can be seen that he not only took good care of Alexander, but also took good care of himself.

Not only that, but Odis's slightly squinted eyes made him look like a normal polar bear.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the expressions in the eyes never lie.

Otis’ eyes are deep and full of wisdom, and his mighty and stable temperament is as reliable as imagined. Although the researchers who admired him did not cheer as before, it is because they have been subdued by the rare tolerance of Otis. .

Is this really just a polar bear

Many people here have doubts faintly in their hearts, but they are not really doubts, more just express amazement.

I was amazed at the outstanding polar bear I knew.

"It has always been said that polar bears are the king of the polar regions and the overlord of the ice. To be honest, I didn't feel that way before." A professor sighed, "Because I have seen them live in embarrassment on this land, how can there be any? A little bit of kingly comfort." He paused, but suddenly laughed: "I changed my mind when I saw Odis."

"Odis is indeed very powerful." Someone agreed.

"Yes." The professor said, and finally said: "It's not just Odis, in fact, all lives that can control their own destiny are kings."


Qiao Qixi knew that he was just a time to go out for a meal, and the inside of the house and his only property were all seen by everyone.

After all, this is the North Pole, and I never thought of locking the door when I'built' the house here.

If Qiao Qixi learned that someone not only spied on his home, but also installed surveillance near his home, he would definitely sigh his mother, oh no, the world is getting worse.

When the little polar bear came ashore, he would not enter the house for the first time.

First of all, he is still wet, and he needs to shake off the water to let the north wind blow.

Secondly, the room is cramped. Except when you need to go in during bedtime, the lively little polar bear still likes to be outdoors.

This is the waywardness of the house bear. If you want to stay outdoors, you can stay outdoors, and if you want to stay in the house, you can stay in the house.

Unlike other bears in this area, poor.

Alexander's share of today (1/1)

The sand on this beach is fine and clean, free of impurities, Odis will lie on the beach and roll, using the sand to absorb excess water from the hair so that the hair can dry quickly.

Snow also has the same effect of absorbing water.

These two are their little tricks in life.

Therefore, the polar bears rolling and rubbing on the ice surface just ashore are not because they are itchy, but it is equivalent to using a bath towel to wipe the body after a bath.

Qiao Qixi disliked the sand at first, who knows if it can be done cleanly

He didn't want to roll around with Odis at all, but later he saw Odis rolling and didn't turn into a fat man.

He is really fragrant.

At this time, the little stone pointed the camera dog awkwardly at the two polar bears who were twisting their bodies on the beach, trying to capture their every movement.

The little polar bear under the camera was still about one meter away from the big polar bear. At this moment, he suddenly paused, turned his head to look in the direction of the big polar bear, and then rolled over.

This collision slammed into Otis' waist firmly.

In front of the computer:… a little polar bear who is naughty, but so cute!

Every pair of eyes here can tell that the bear was deliberate, but should he be condemned

People are smiling and staring at the screen intently. No, at least humans will not condemn the lovely Alexander.

As for Odis... Uh, let alone, he should be the least condemned bear in this world.

In the picture, Odis stopped, and directly stretched out his arms to hug the bear, and placed the bear on his abdomen. The two round heads, one large and one small, leaned against each other, as if Otis looked up and licked. Licked Alexander.

After a few seconds of intimacy and communication, Odis held the bear and continued to roll around his body, allowing the sand to soak up the water on his back.

At this moment, he is equivalent to a rocking car.

There is no need to insert coins, just a coquettish look from the little bear to start it.

Qiao Qixi knew that Odis could still play like this a few months ago, so whenever the other party started to roll on the ground with his feet upright, he came up on the ground happily.

Shake left, shake right.

Ba Shi is very good!

And there is no need to take protective measures by himself, Odis will hold his body firmly.

It seemed that he had also acquiesced that this was a little game to coax him to play.

Sometimes it is obvious that the hair is dry and I can't lie down, just to make the bear have fun.

A happy after-dinner time can relieve the fatigue of the polar bears, whether it is for Joe Qixi or Otis.

Although their life is nothing but eating and sleeping, but who stipulates that they can't feel tired in this way

Desire is endless, of course the more comfortable the better.

Qiao Qixi is naturally not so selfish that he regards Otis as a free automatic toy. He is not a bear like that. In fact, every time he enjoys the service of the other party, he will give corresponding feedback.

When I was a human, I once heard that there was a service for animals called animal massage. At first it sounds incredible.

Even animals are so particular about these days.

But it does have a scientific basis.

In order to make their pets healthier, some pet owners do not hesitate to purchase this service at a high price.

Qiao Qixi hopes that Odis is healthy, and if he says anything in the human society, he has to do a card for Odis.

But now there are no conditions to apply for a card, so I can only do it myself.

After the daily enjoyment of rocking the car, it's Joe Qixi's turn to use his pair of bear paws to press down the tired back muscles for Odis.

This is an effective way to relax muscles.

Do gym teachers often say that they need to relax their muscles after exercise

very true.

Polar bears catch fish in the water, and the amount of exercise is no less than the iron friends in the gym.

"!" If Odis dislikes his little bear paw, it doesn't matter, he can still step on it.

Of course, doing this is always very tiring, but as long as you think of Odis, you can be healthy.

Hey, that's enough.

Tired of his limbs and cramps, Joe Qixi lay on the sand and wondered, when will there be an award in the Arctic Circle and give himself a three-good bear.

By the way, I have to comment on Odis... Three good... Three good what...

The sleepy little polar bear hadn't thought of a well-known title for Odis, he couldn't resist the sleepiness that invaded him, and fell into a sleep.

In his dream, he dreamed that the place he was staying in was really going to be judged, and he also successfully won the title of Miyoshi Cubs, and he also gave a pennant, which was hung in the house.

How can it be a handsome character.

Otis sniffed the little bear's nose and found that the other party was asleep. He blinked and looked around again, seeming to be helpless with this little bear sleeping everywhere.

Fortunately, the weather is calm today, and there is nothing wrong with sleeping outside.

A cloud of white mist sprayed from Odis' nose, and he was about to go to sleep.

He stood up and moved a position again, lay down and circled the bear with his body so that he could sleep comfortably even outside.

People watching the surveillance also realized that Alexander was asleep and Odis was protecting him who was asleep.

This scene is so tender.

"Good night Alexander, good night Odis," the people said softly.

Waking up from his dream, Qiao Qixi found that he was sleeping on the beach, but he didn't even enter the house.

He got up sleepily and yawned, then suddenly remembering something, he stepped on all fours and jumped from Otis' back.

This time he didn't even trip over, indicating that he has improved a lot.

Not bad.

The little polar bear ran into the house, stared at the wall of his house, and then smirked in his heart.

That's really a funny dream.

It's also a small pennant.

Suddenly, Qiao Qixi heard a distinctive sound. Maybe this sound would not attract the attention of wild polar bears, but Qiao Qixi cared very much. It seemed to be the sound of a remote-controlled car walking on the ground.

He immediately came out of the house and walked around the house, seeming to be looking for something.

This scene made the researcher in front of the computer very nervous. Here comes the famous scene of polar bears fighting against cameras.

They hesitated to think about whether it is better to stay still, or to quickly control the little stone out of the bear's field of vision.

"Stop it, moving again will attract his attention." The final decision.

At this time, Qiao Qixi had seen the extra stone near the house, and there was an empty space around it, which he and Odyssey had cleared out.

This stone is very obtrusive.

Other polar bears might not care that there is an extra stone around, but Qiao Qixi is different, he can be scared to death if there is an extra stone around him.

supernatural event!

The little polar bear immediately exploded his fur, and he hesitated between going back to Odis and checking it out. With good eyesight, he saw the wheel under the stone.

Qiao Qixi: You are not right.

small stone:! ! !

Slowly approaching and taking a look, it is easy to see that this is a fake stone, and the real identity is a camera.

The face of the little polar bear that was close at hand froze in front of the camera.

His true heart: what? Is there a camera taking pictures of me? Ahhh!

a bolt from the blue.

Researchers believe that his heart: The little guy must have never seen a camera, and he is full of curiosity and desire to explore at the moment. He is really a cute little guy.


Qiao Qixi has watched countless animal documentaries, and of course he knows that there is such a thing as a field camera.

He just didn't expect that he and Odis would have cameras next to him, after all, they never stayed in the same place for too long.

A rational analysis, it is not a pair of objects suitable for tracking.

In this way, it didn't take long for them to settle here, and the camera came, indicating that they had been tracked all the time.

Perhaps his whereabouts have been recorded since leaving the animal rescue station.

Qiao Qixi was dazed: "..."

How can I put it, I really resisted when I first learned that I was filmed by the camera.

Why do those people want to do this!

Infringe on the privacy of two polar bears!

Then think about it, is the purpose of people doing this also to understand animals better, so as to help them in all aspects


Qiao Qixi believes that there are such a group of lovely and respectable people in this world who are always fighting at the forefront of protecting animals and protecting the environment.

They are a group of unknown soldiers.

Ah, if you can also help, why not do it

Just contribute a piece of data.

As long as the other party doesn't dislike this data, it may be a bit false, ah no, something is wrong, ah, it's not right, it's a bit non-mainstream!

He is also willing.

The only requirement of the non-mainstream little polar bear is that the research station will take him and Odis well.