You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 37


I don't know how long he lost his mind, Qiao Qixi finally came back to his senses. Just now, his attention was focused on the thing that surprised him,'Odis actually has erotic desires for himself'.

All the sensory abilities to the outside world have dropped significantly.

Pulling his thoughts back into reality now, he smelled the faint fishy smell in the air.

Even though it was almost cleaned by Odis, it still smelled a little bit with the amazing sense of smell of the polar bear.

Qiao Qixi's thoughts calmed down a little, and once again became a mess of twine, and he didn't know what to say. It was not the first time that Odis had gotten all over. Of course he wouldn't know that it was something like a polar bear.

The little bear, who was so ashamed that he curled up his toes, warned himself to hold his breath and not to breathe in. Even if he breathed in, don't pay attention to the indescribable smell in the air.

However, sometimes the more you forbid what you do, the more likely you are to lose control.

In the end, the little bear still failed to control his nose, and bashfully distinguished the smell in the air, and then he couldn't distinguish it. He even smelled... other smells.

And this taste is super familiar, it's coffee.

He was surprised...

How can there be a smell of coffee on the snow in the Arctic Circle

The little bear, who was immediately attracted to his attention, got up from Odis's arms with his chin on the big bear's back, and blinked his round eyes and looked at the direction of the smell.

smell good.

The first thing in Xiao Xiong's mind was that coffee was delicious, and it was a long time since he had drunk it; then he thought of the crucial question, the smell of coffee here, which means that there are humans.

I just don't know who it is, the research team, or the animal research team.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qixi was stunned suddenly, because he himself is now an animal.

Uncle's, isn't it the team that made the documentary

After thinking about the fake rock camera I encountered before, and the GPS positioning in the hands of the rescue station, I feel that it is very likely that I and Odis will become the protagonists of the documentary.

Qiao Qixi was petrified on the spot, and his mind was full of thoughts: This must not be a team shooting animal documentaries! If it is, then he may have to kill others, otherwise this matter will not be good.

Of course that was just a joke, the exaggeration was to express the violent mood at this time.

First of all, it is necessary to determine if those people were shooting documentaries. This is not difficult, just get closer and take a look.

It's not that Qiao Qixi hadn't thought about it, it was a group of bad guys, but his senses told him that the other party was not malicious.

It's not like a poacher either. If it's a poacher, the other party has already had a chance to do it.

Furthermore, Odis has suffered a loss from a poacher, and his sensitivity to danger should be even higher.

In short, Qiao Qixi really minded if the other party was shooting himself and Odis, he decided to check it out.

The little bear crawled directly on his back, and Otis, who had not yet completed the cleanup work, immediately followed, and found that the little bear was moving in the direction of humans, so he held the little bear's nape in his neck and refused to let him go.

At the same time, there was a low voice similar to a warning in his throat.

Qiao Qixi translated the meaning: Don't go, it's dangerous.

Through this time, he was a little surprised to find that Odis could lie.

First: If it was really dangerous, Odis would not have been so involved in him just now, and would have taken him away long ago.

Second: If it is really dangerous, there are many opportunities to leave afterwards, but Odis stayed steadily in the sleeping sanctuary that he had searched for a long time, as if those humans were not enough to get him up to find the next place to sleep.

"Whining alas alas." Ao Disi lie, did not he would not fake cry

"..." Odis looked at the little bear who was rolling around on the ground, looking a little dazed and helpless.

As a young polar bear, in his preparation knowledge, there is no concept of acting skill yet.

Those human beings really have no malice. Odis warns the bears of danger, but they don't want the bears to come into contact with humans.

He has suffered injuries caused by humans and received help from humans. He has no prejudice in his heart, but he does not want to associate with humans.

Cubs play coquettishly in the snow, how can Odis resist? Even in this situation, he will give them the first time to comfort or find food to feed, not to mention that he and Cubs have just been in the snow before and after the estrus period. Lingering in.

Not to mention just satisfying curiosity, at this moment, even if the little bear bites Otis into blood, he probably won't frown.

Qiao Qixi felt that Odis was arching his belly gently, and at the same time, a voice saying, "You can't help me," came from his throat. He stopped crying immediately. Not only did he stop crying, but he also crawled numbly. stand up.

Following the aroma of coffee, the chubby figure walked over in small steps curiously and vigilantly.

Odis took three or four steps against the bear, but at this time he could only follow patiently and act as a bodyguard for walking the baby.

At this time, the photography team had been lost for a long time because of the picture they had just seen.

From the onlookers to the moment when Odis slammed the Cubs back to the end, more than half an hour had passed, and they still hadn't digested the news.

There are only a few words that express surprise in English, and they have spoken each other countless times in private.

Repeatedly, unbelievable.

Now, the two polar bears who had just finished their intimate behavior came over to the device.

"Oh, no, they found us." The whole group started covering their mouths to reflect. It must be that the voice was too loud and attracted the attention of the two polar bears.

"Captain, are you going?" a group member asked nervously in a low voice.

"It's hard to choose..." The captain kept looking at the camera and shook his head. Began to occupy the camera.

If they had a chance to leave, they could at least return to the off-road vehicle.

But Alexander’s cute little steps and doggie expressions firmly caught the captain’s gaze, and his heart quickly melted: "Alexander is so cute. He is obviously curious about us, but he is scared. When encountering danger, I walked over step by step, like a cat on the hunt."

"Hunting?" The team members were terrified: "Captain, then you can stay here, we will go back first."

"Coward, I heard that Alexander is very friendly to humans," the captain said.

"What's the use of Alexander's friendliness? The key is Otis. Don't forget that he is in a restless period and should be quite unfriendly." The team member reminded helplessly.

"But he just finished getting comfortable." The captain's tricky speech was beyond refutation.

Perhaps this is the adventurous spirit that can be the leader of the gold medal team.

The captain wasn't blindly confident either. He took a close look at Odis's state. This big guy, who had just finished comfortable, was looking at Alexander tenderly, and he didn't have time to pay attention to humans.

As Qiao Qixi got closer and closer, he relied on his good eyesight to see the photography equipment.

I can't believe it is really a photography team that shoots an animal documentary

This is truly terrible news.

In addition to feeling embarrassed and shy, Qiao Qixi was also very sorry, I'm sorry, but finally gave the country an unreliable data.

Ah, the point is can it be deleted? !

Go and record some serious polar bears, please.

Qiao Qixi thought to himself, neither of them was serious from old to young.

On the other side of the photography team, the little polar bear suddenly stood up and threw towards Odis, and stopped walking.

The behemoth guarding the little polar bear stood calmly in the snow, enduring the paws that the little polar bear kept slapping on, and even turned his head and licked the little bear's nose.

The captain said excitedly: "Come and see, Alexander beat Odidi."

The group members who had just said they were going back immediately gathered around enthusiastically.

"Odis doesn't seem to hurt at all."

"Is this considered domestic violence?"

"No, it's acting like a baby."

People who were still struggling with the mutation of the relationship between the two just now saw this scene of pampering and petting in the snow, and suddenly felt that even if Odis fell in love with Alexander.

Even if Alexander is only two and a half years old, even if they are both male polar bears.

If they really have feelings for each other, this should be a love affair that deserves to be blessed.

"Homosexuality" is inherently uncommon in the animal kingdom. There are currently more than 1,500 animal species known to have such behavior.

The only surprising thing about Otis and Alexander is that before this, Otis has been raising Alexander like a child.

No one knew that the relationship would become like this.

Thinking that the clip of'Cengceng' might appear on cctv, Qiao Qixi suffocated for a while and almost fell on his back on the snow. When he was angry, he couldn't hold back his breath at Odis.

After all, Odis is the culprit.

Wanting to leave the camera as soon as possible, he turned and walked back.

Obviously, this place couldn't stay any longer. He picked up the small yellow bucket that was about to be buried by snowflakes and left overnight.

Otis will not dislike the willful bear, he will follow the puffed bear, no matter where the other party wants to go.

The silhouettes of the two polar bears gradually faded out of the camera.

This is the tenth hour of tracking. They will temporarily camp, sleep for a while and continue tracking tomorrow, and at the same time... They will report the latest news and the station.

Odis rubbed Alexander in the restless period

Well, it's surprising, but for now, we can't make any conclusions. Let's keep track of it.

The attitude in the station is like this, which is exactly the same as Qiao Qixi's mentality, and he also feels that once or twice does not mean much.

Just because of this, it would be too hasty to conclude that Odis has erotic desires for him, maybe Odis will meet his favorite female polar bear in a few days.

At that time, it will appear that his conjecture is very funny.

After all, this kind of thing is really rare and hard to believe.

So Qiao Qixi felt that it was better for him to watch the changes, and instead of rushing away from home, he should actively find a partner for Otis.

If he could, he didn't want Odis to like himself.

Meeting female polar bears once a year is the right way for male polar bears.

If you like the same sex, there is no future for development, and no cubs.

Qiao Qixi thought, fool Otis, there is no love in the Arctic Circle, is it not fragrant to be a sea king polar bear

After leaving the human lens, they found a new sleeping place.

I slept peacefully.

After waking up, the two polar bears continued to march towards the snow-capped mountains.

Polar bears looking for a mate rely on the smell to find the one they like. This smell is not the smell of not taking a bath all the year round, but the unique hormonal taste of each polar bear.

We are also looking for female polar bears of the opposite sex, and we can tell whether this male is strong or not, and whether she is suitable for her mate.

For example, Odis, who has just matured, has experienced two vents, and the smell on his body has changed a little.

If he does not receive the attention of females before he matures, then he, who has the ability to reproduce at present, has become the target of active pursuit by females.

Female polar bears that are about to enter estrus have smelled Otis from a long distance away. They like this polar bear, which smells very powerful.

Even abandoning reservedness, looking for it.

When the three polar bears met on a narrow path in the snow, the female polar bear finally found her favorite object, but she was a bit at a loss. She didn't seem to understand why there was a sub-adult cub here.

Qiao Qixi sniffed, and quickly distinguished that it was a female polar bear. Yes, you can tell from the smaller size of the other party. This is a good thing, and it feels pretty good.

The bear caught up with Odis, who was not squinting, and bumped the opponent's body with his butt: "Oh!"

Your wife shows up, why are you still hurrying

Don't hurry up!

Odis didn't react at all, and didn't seem to be interested in the female polar bear.

Male polar bears also have standards for mate selection, and if they do not meet the standards, they will not approach.

Qiao Qixi looked at the ruthless Otis, and then at the female polar bear who came across by chance from thousands of miles away, wondering if this should have been missed.

Well, he can't help.

It can only be said that the animal world does not like women chasing men's compartment yarn.

The female polar bear didn't get entangled. Seeing that Odis didn't seem to like herself, she turned her head and left.

Soon after, a female polar bear, who looked taller, ran into them.

Qiao Qixi made a serious comparison, and felt that the conditions of this female polar bear were better than just now, not only had white hair, lovely eyebrows, and a bolder personality.

Seeing Odis's opponent, he walked over directly.

Ah, this...

Qiao Xiaoxiong was quite nervous, so he immediately considered whether to hide first!

He looked around. He was bald. He had no choice but to wear Xiao Huang, leaving only a gap to peek. How did the polar bears go on blind date

I saw that lovely female polar bear walked to a position three meters away from them, and lay down charmingly, turning her belly to look at Otis.

Qiao Qixi was stunned: These sisters are really cheating!

Long knowledge, long knowledge.

Who can stand this

Little Xiong's gaze swept the ground and turned to Odis, he wondered, if such a good object is not available, can he wait for the next better one

How picky is Odis' eyes.

Besides, male polar bears can't only choose one to mate. If Odis is willing, this, the one just now, can be dated once.

Waiting for Odis to accept the female polar bear's goodwill, not only Qiao Qixi, but also the group that followed.

Now, if Odis accepts this cute female polar bear, then the guess that he is a gay polar bear does not hold.

On the contrary, if he refuses...

That's a bit big deal.

Qiao Qixi held his breath, there was no prayer or hope at this moment, anyway, no matter how Odis chose, he couldn't control it.

"Roar..." Odis whispered to the stagnant bear behind, urging him to follow his footsteps.

Besides, she didn't take a second look at the female polar bear lying in the snow.

The whole photography team was silent and surprised.

Generally speaking, male polar bears are not so picky.

When I look at Otis, I am not even interested in the smell of the opposite sex. I look at it as a gay through and through.

At the same time, Qiao Qixi followed in Otis' footsteps a little bit unswervingly. Don't you like this condition so good

So what does Odis like

The question in my mind changed from time to time, and in the end it became one, the most central question: Odis really likes being a bear of the same sex and being a juvenile bear

As the saying goes, practice leads to true knowledge.

If you want to know, can you just ask

Although polar bears cannot communicate with words, they can communicate with their bodies.

Qiao Xiaoxiong already had the means to seek the truth in his heart, ah, it was the way, but he was hesitant to look at Otis's huge back as he walked, do he really want to do this

Um, what should I do if I get caught by the camera

Little Bear looked around, he didn't believe it, and there was still a camera that couldn't work on the road.

Besides, the quality of the shots under this kind of light is limited.

It's okay to be thick-skinned.

The main reason is that some questions are too difficult to get up in the heart, and it will be uncomfortable if there is no answer.

Qiao Qixi thought, and there was a voice in his heart, saying, if Odis really likes you, is it acceptable to you to be lustfully loved by a polar bear

This is indeed a problem.

Qiao Qixi thought about it seriously. If nothing happens, Odis will be the deepest fettered existence in his polar bear career, and the only one with fetters. After all, it should be impossible for him to encounter a second such special polar bear.

If you must go hand in hand with someone to grow old, Qiao Qixi does not resist it is Odis.

The premise is that Odis firmly chose him, it is love, not any other feelings, and can't go about it, like this today, and like that tomorrow.

… It would be too ridiculous to be emotionally hurt when being a polar bear.

The little bear thought about it all the way, until the third female polar bear who took the initiative to come to Otis for a favor appeared. Without paying attention, he ran into Otis directly.

ha? What? The third one appeared

"..." Should Odis be so charming

In such a short period of time, three female polar bears came from afar for him.

The photography team hidden on a nearby snow ridge also thinks so. It is worthy of Otis that fans all over the world are optimistic about. This polar bear is indeed favored by many female polar bears during the breeding season.

The third admirer's favor, expecting Odis' response.

The same goes for the little bear, he walked behind Odis's body in a complicated mood, so that Odis could better appreciate the female polar bear.

But Otis, a straight steel man, thought that the bear was scared, and it was the female polar bear that frightened the bear.

He was immediately unhappy.

No one saw Odis's fierce eyes in the snowy night, but everyone and the animals heard Odis' roar.

The subject was the female polar bear.

Everyone and the animals were stunned. The first thing that reacted was the well-behaved female polar bear, because it would be dangerous to stay, so it left immediately.

And the nearby photography team, even if they didn't understand the bear's expression, heard Odis's anger.


Odis is really a cold boy who is incomprehensible, and he has rejected three opposite sexes that show favor to him in a row.

Had it not been for seeing him rubbing against Alexander last night, everyone would think he was not good at that

It seems to be OK now, but the object is not a female polar bear, but a cute little male polar bear.

When you think about it this way, Otis' vision is not bad, Alexander is indeed the cutest.

Qiao Qixi was also dumbfounded, why did he rush away again

If he can comfort himself with the first two, it is a matter of probability. Finding a target, of course, has to be compared.

But Odis didn't give the opponent the chance to connect, which is very unreasonable, okay

The temptation thought that I had thought about before, came out of Qiao Qixi's mind again.

Let it go, let it go.

Try it, try it.

Qiao Xiaoxiong took the small bucket off his head, after all, carrying this silly bucket would affect his performance.

He recalled the behavior of the second female polar bear, and to be honest, even he was moved by it at the time.

Ah no, no, he is still young.

The little bear ran to the front of Otis, then threw the bucket and lay on the ground with his belly exposed and tilted his head to look at Otis.

"..." Odis: I was stunned. jpg

Not to mention that Odis was stunned, the whole photography team was also stunned.

oh, my god! oh, my god!

The scene was once difficult to clean up.

The members of the team have already screamed crazy: Oh my god, it turns out that Alexander and Otis are in love with each other, it's great, this kind of relationship is really good!

Even though they are two male polar bears, they love each other after meeting each other.

This cannot be said to be not a miracle.

Transcend gender, transcend age.

Alexander is not even an adult, but already knows how to use adult female polar bears to show good to the opposite sex and act like Otis.

Who can survive this

People guess that Odis, who was enthusiastically and sincerely confessed by the bear, must be baffled by happiness at this moment.

People even expected Odis' reaction more than the previous few times.

This is the time to verify the truth.

Qiao Qixi and the people in the photography team all think so.

The high-profile Otis was stunned for a few seconds, and then he made a pleasant low voice from his throat, the frequency sounded very happy.

Next, he walked towards the little bear, his huge body lay down and hugged the little bear, and he rolled in the snow.

Qiao Qixi's face and nose were licked enthusiastically by Odis.

At this time, Qiao Qixi could comfort herself and play, while Odis was just playing with herself.

Normally, this is not less!

However, after only two laps, his fat legs were pressed against the little Otis, who had taken his head for some time.

This made his mentality collapse, and at the same time he was panicked, for fear of crushing Odis.

Odis didn't care, and seemed to be able to bear the bear's fat legs.

It can be seen that he is indeed very happy at this time, and it is very different from the appearance of the roaring female polar bear just now.

Qiao Qixi didn't know that this action was not simply a gesture of goodwill, but a more accurate translation was to ask for joy.

If the male polar bears agree, they can find a date right away.

This is obviously not a good place for intimacy.

Odis wanted to get up immediately, and continued to climb to the top of the mountain with the bear.

But he was reluctant to give up the chance to hug the bear, so he hugged the bear and played affectionately in the snow for a long time.

And the proof of his passionate love, always blooming in the wind and snow for the beloved bear.

The iron-like fact lay before his eyes, and Joe Xiaoxiong finally admitted.

Odis is a clear lust for himself.