You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 48


On the grassland, which has always been perilous, it will be relatively safe on rainy days. This is probably the common sense recognized by most animals.

Because there is no need to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies in such rainy days, even herbivores can sleep peacefully.

Of course, it does not mean that carnivorous animals will not be affected. Sub-adult lions like Qiao Qixi and Xiaoxiong will also worry about being killed.

The sound of raining outside the den gave these little lions a sense of security, and they slept beautifully here.

The many days of wandering life eroded their bodies and willpower, but everything was soothed in the den of this strange male lion.

Although these little lions didn't know, when they opened their eyes the next morning, they would face the fangs of the unfamiliar lion.

In short, the five brothers who are still weak and helpless seem to have no choice.

When the rain stopped at dawn, Qiao Qixi breathed a sigh of relief, because if the rain continued, the drainage ditch in front of the nest would be submerged.

In any case, a long continuous rain is not a good phenomenon.

In order to take care of the new family members that night, Qiao Qixi slept for almost five or six hours, which seemed not to be miserable, but he usually slept for ten hours.

During this period, the little lion brothers did not wake up, which is a good thing, because deep sleep can help them repair their weak bodies.

Animals have strong self-healing ability, which is far more miraculous than humans understand. Just like their tenacious vitality, they often create miracles.

The white lion in Qiao Qixi's arms breathed evenly, his hair had already dried out, and his thin body was exuding a warm temperature.

Even in his mother's arms, this white lion may not have slept so peacefully.

After another half an hour or so, the sun was fully up, and the little lions curled up in the corner woke up one after another, stretching their waists there, licking each other's sleepy faces.

Soon, they seemed to think of a potential danger, that is, the lion staying beside them.

Qiao Qixi raised his eyes and met the four pairs of amber eyes, feeling that these four sub-adult young lions were full of fear for him, but also had a hint of curiosity that could not be concealed.

This is a little lion who is a few months old, yet he has not formed too strong a defensive heart.

It can be adopted by a lion other than its biological mother.

But they would not have thought that a male lion would want a dog to adopt a rat.

After watching for a while, no danger came, the little lions gradually became bolder, and began to walk to the leftover antelope last night, tentatively craned their necks and bit the food.

Seeing that Qiao Qixi was not angry, they were relieved to eat as if they had received a signal of safety.

Obviously, the food they ate last night has been digested.

Sure enough, it was a half-and-a-half child who eats a poor man. This young lion has a lot of appetite.

Although the antelope is very large, it will quickly finish eating after feeding so many mouths. Before they finished eating, Qiao Qixi moved his paws pretendingly and awakened the little white male lion.

Otherwise this one won't be able to eat it.

The moment the two sides met their sights, Qiao Qixi finally saw the white lion's eyes. They were a rare dark blue and very beautiful.

Although the white lion was weak, it was defensive when it woke up, and then struggled to crawl out of this male lion's arms.

It seems terrified.

He quickly hid to the side of the brothers, but did not immediately join the ranks of dry rice, but looked at Qiao Qixi cautiously and curiously.

The strange lion that slept with him all night.

Maybe this makes him very puzzling.

After a while, after receiving the gaze from Qiao Qixi, the white lion hid behind the antelope, hiding his thin body out of the opponent's sight.

Qiao Qixi didn't eat much to take care of the little lions last night, but he didn't plan to eat this antelope either.

The ready-made food is left for the little lions, and he will go out hunting in a while.

Now there is a problem.

The general lion group will divide the work and cooperate, and part of the lioness is responsible for hunting, part is responsible for guarding the cubs and territory, and the lion king is responsible for defending against foreign enemies.

Qiao Qixi, a shabby lion group, has only a three-year-old lion as its main force, which is not enough.

So he is the hunter, he is the guardian of the cubs, and he is the guard against foreign enemies.

This is difficult, but now that it has been picked up, there seems to be no room for retreat.

Before leaving the lair, Qiao Qixi carefully cleaned up his face to keep himself tidy.

This is a habit left during the period of the polar bear. The sloppy lions do not deserve to have such a good character.

When the little lions finish eating the antelope meat, there seems to be some left. Although Qiao Qixi is quite disgusted, but how to say it, the meat on the grassland is hard to come by, so if you can eat it, try to eat it as much as possible.

And now that the rain has stopped, he must throw out the wreckage as soon as possible, otherwise it will attract other carnivores.

So Qiao Qixi quickly ate the remaining antelope meat, and then dragged the remains of the antelope to the outside.

To be honest, he didn't know how to raise the cubs correctly, nor how to make the cubs keep up with him, so as not to be killed by the strange male lions who invaded here.

Of course he sniffed the air. There is no strange smell of lions within a radius of 20 kilometers.

If there is, he can definitely smell it in advance.

And before the threatening lion arrives, move to a safe place.

With five pairs of restless eyes, he saw the lion dragging the wreck out, while their legs were close together, huddled in the corner.

I didn't even mean to keep up.

Of course, for these 5 little lions, they are not familiar with them at all, and Qiao Qixi is still the object of vigilance.

Qiao Qixi did not reluctantly, he quickened his pace and quickly completed his task.

Thanks to the powerful lions inhabiting nearby, the hyenas were expelled far away.

Otherwise, even if a group of hyenas comes, it will be enough for the little lions in the den to drink a pot.

The lions and hyenas on the grassland are definitely enemies who have forged enmities in the past lives. As long as they have the opportunity, they will never let each other alive.

The unfamiliar lion walked away, and the five brothers in the nest were at a loss.

Everything is so unfamiliar, the lioness who protected them is no longer there, and the future of life is elusive.

And they didn't seem to want to continue living a life of aimless wandering, so no one took a step out of this lion's territory.

Ah, praised Joe Qixi.

This is not his territory, but he takes advantage of the loopholes to live here.

When the nearby lions free up to engage him, maybe they will or not, if they will, he will leave.

At least you have to be 5 years old to be eligible to fight.

The paw is stepping on the moist grass, and the air after the rain is mixed with various smells.

Qiao Qixi can distinguish the taste of the food inside. Water buffalo and wildebeest are all animals that live together in groups.

The smell is particularly strong.

But they are difficult to catch.

The sub-adult male lion, who is very self-aware of his current strength, skipped the buffalo herd close to him, and continued to explore far away.

I have to say that the rainy season is a very good season, the grass is very high, you can easily hide the figure.

But lions and leopards don't like the rainy season. The green grassland is too different from the color of their bodies, which will increase the chance of exposing themselves a lot.

Living on this grassland, Qiao Qixi avoids carnivores that are stronger than himself, as well as humans.

He doesn't want to be watched anymore, even if he wants to watch, he has to wait until he reaches adulthood.

The sub-adult male lion is not awe-inspiring at all, just like him at present, the brown hair has not fully grown out, only a sparse and short circle on the side of his face.

Fortunately, the color of his coat is good, the yellow is very high-quality, like satin.

There is a saying that Alexander's food is very good on the prairie.

It is rare to be hungry, and it can be eaten after hunting prey, which may not be possible in a large group of lions.

Therefore, his body is covered with a layer of beautiful and even muscles, without the slightest emaciation of sub-adults.

If the brown hair grows a bit longer and is more generous, it will be a standard male lion.

Two giraffes in the distance are eating the leaves on the canopy.

The appearance of a single lion did not arouse their anxiety.

So the two passed by, quite harmonious.

Following the smell of antelope, Qiao Qixi found that he had stepped into the territory of the lion group next door.

This is a risky move.

If it is not necessary for his own life, he can slowly find the next group of antelopes.

But now there are 5 little male lions waiting to be fed in the nest.

Qiao Qixi stepped into the territory of Brother Eminem. They had just taken over the lion group, and they were running in with the lionesses in the group.

The cubs in the lion group were all killed as usual.

While Brother Eminem is busy pleasing the lioness, Qiao Qixi haunts the edge of their territory.

He was not afraid of the hunting movement to disturb the opponent, and when the opponent came up, he had already taken the prey and left.

He is afraid that the other party will follow the smell and follow his lair all the way, so he always keeps an eye on the way back, making sure that no one is following to take the correct route.

Brother Amu in the distance seemed to hear something. One of the lions named Armstrong by humans raised the head of a huge lion and roared into the distance.

If it was normal, he would definitely rush over to find out.

But now, Armstrong can't bear the lioness that has just run in.

If he works harder, he can mate, and the lioness will soon be pregnant with his baby.

The male lions continue to invade the lions and leave behind their offspring.

But not all lions have the ability and luck to guard their children when they grow up.

Wild lions have a life span of about 12 years. In their short life, there is only a small period of time at their peak.

The cruel replacement of the old and the new is happening all the time, just like the Lion King who was expelled by Brother Amu not long ago.

All its children died.

The official account dedicated to releasing news about the Norman family, this morning, posted a sad news very painfully.

After all the third generation of the Norman family died, the fourth generation was gone.

In the video, the lioness was injured and fell down during hunting. Despite the tenacious willpower, it was due to too many old injuries and finally failed to stand up.

Five little male lions of the Norman family who lost their sanctuary wandered aimlessly on the grassland for two days, and finally fell into the grass with exhausted energy.

The rain hit their thin bodies, and they could feel their body temperature passing by through the screen, and their breathing was weakening.

The god of death was by their side.

Reap their souls at any time.

There are about 7 million people in the world who follow the Loman family, and about 2 million people think they are their iron powder.

Most of them are old fans who have followed all the way from the period of the Two Lion Kings, watching the Norman family step by step towards today.

This group of friends who are no longer young heard this bad news, and no one can believe it.



They put aside what they were doing, digesting the news incredibly.

The cubs of the Norman family are all dead

The fourth generation of the Twin Lions is gone

No, no one wants to accept this fact.



"My youth!"

On this ordinary and extraordinary morning, every part of the blue planet was roaring and crying because of the news.

On the online social platform, friends are venting their feelings.

Passersby don't even know what's wrong with them.

In fact, these yelling people are not crazy.

Everyone has a lion in his heart.

Since when did you follow the Norman family

Some people like the Six Lions era when they are 20 years old, and some people like the Two Lions era when they are 40 years old.

No matter which era they like best, these 2 million people have twisted into a rope in the later period, and they are broken for the third generation of Norman.

Seeing the death and disappearance of their brothers, my heart is broken.

In the end, this brilliant and glorious family declined, and had to take the cubs out of the territory and settled in a corner.

People think this is not bad, stop fighting and live your life well.

Just stay alive.

It's just that they forgot that there is no stable life on the grassland, and they can only survive by fighting non-stop.

The fourth generation, the fourth generation that hasn't grown up yet.

Demps is an iron fan of the Norman family. He came from the period of the Two Lion Kings. At that time, he was in his early thirties. The story of the Two Lion Kings influenced him deeply.

He is now in his fifties, a retired worker, and his children are already working.

However, the atmosphere in Demps's house is very good, and the children live nearby.

When his son Stanford, who was at work, learned of Norman's news, he hurried back home. Sure enough, his father was sitting in front of the computer and wept.

"Unbelievable, oh, unbelievable..." Demps cried old, he lifted his sleeves, his muscular upper arm was tattooed with the double lion king.

He wept bitterly.

"Father." Stanford came to hug his sad father. His father, who can usually beat 10 times, leaned on his shoulder and cried like a child.

"Stanford, my child, oh no, Norman, my child...uuuuuu..."

Stanford is not jealous at all. Norman has walked under his father's nose for more than 20 years, isn't it like his father's child

Similar scenarios were staged in many families.

Because of the influence of parents, some people's families are fans of the Norman family.

It is quite painful for them today.

The officially released videos have been watched countless times over and over again. People who tried to find a chance completely gave up hope.

It is impossible for these 5 cubs to survive.

The Norman Family Alliance, which has been hired on the grassland for more than 20 years, has completely come to an end.

On the prairie, Alexander took an antelope from the territory of Brother Eminem. He used his unrecognized steps to take an untrackable route and returned to the nest smoothly.

First, let's see if the 5 little guys are still there

Qiao Qixi put down the prey near the door, walked over and took a look at his den. Good fellow, the five pairs of eyes were immediately raised up.

Four of them were amber and one was dark blue. When I saw him, I was frightened and... with something else.

Anyway, they still stayed obediently.

Qiao Qixi was somewhat surprised, but didn't think too much. He just shouted, turned around and walked to the open space where the prey was placed, and started to bite the prey.

He walked this trip for almost three hours.

The young lion cubs who were developing their bodies were already hungry. When they smelled the smell of blood, they couldn't help licking their mouths and fangs, showing a longing expression.

After swallowing, there was a yellow hair ball that couldn't help it at first, stepped away from the tentative paw, and went over to eat.

Qiao Qixi raised his head and glanced at him, and found that the hairball ears were particularly round, well, it will be called Dayuanzi from now on, the boss.

In terms of courage, Da Yuanzi is indeed qualified to be the boss, but it is also possible that he is just a foodie.

After all, this guy is still very difficult to bite the flesh of the antelope, and he doesn't have much cruelty on his body.

Then the second yellow hair ball came over, with calm eyes and light movements, which looked both brave and intent.

Qiao Qixi decided to let him be the second child. Such a handsome little lion should also have a more handsome name, so he chose Chengfeng.

The third little lion who came here was the most hostile towards Qiao Qixi. He seemed to be always on guard at all times, and his fear was hidden in his undetectable determination to counterattack.

Is a kid doing big things.

Zidian Qingshuang, the third child is called Zidian.

The fourth child with a gentle personality, the spots on his body haven't been finished yet, his name is Qingshuang, and his nickname is Xiaoban.

In the end, the very thin fifth, waited until his brothers were in place, before he cautiously found a bad position.

It seems that he is always ignored.

Qiao Qixi knew that the white lion was not easy. He went to pick up the white lion's neck. At this moment, he felt the white lion's body froze for an instant, and then shivered.

Despite this, the white lion still has a fierce expression on his face, grinning, but he has not really bitten.

Qiao Qixi took him to the place where he had just eaten meat. It was undoubtedly a very good geomantic treasure, and the skin had been torn apart.

Hurry up, kid.

The danger was lifted, and the white lion still looked very vigilant, but could not resist the temptation of food.

Survival is such an extravagant hope for him, and he cannot give up the food in front of him.

Whenever there is a shred of hope, he will stick to it.

The white lion was lying in front of the antelope's belly, his two paws pressed tightly against the antelope's body, and it opened its fangs to bite the scarlet flesh.

His thin body can almost see the traces of swallowing in his throat, and his shriveled belly bulges visibly.

Watching a hundred jin of antelope quickly turn into a skeleton, Qiao Qixi finally understands the hardship of a lioness.

The little lions who are not picky eaters have eaten up all the meat they can eat.

Spilled blood was also licked clean, not letting a trace of food that can be eaten.

Although this meal they have eaten very well.

Even when I was living in a lion group before, I had never eaten such a full meal.

Because there are too many lions in the lion group, the cubs do not have much priority.

If there is a shortage of food in a lion group, the cubs are undoubtedly the first to be abandoned.

This time Qiao Qixi went to throw away the wreckage, and a few full-fed little lions hesitated...

Being fed twice allowed them to find a sense of belonging among the lions in Qiao Qixi, even though this unfamiliar male lion is not a father nor a mother.

But he is feeding them.

In order to prevent carnivores from finding the nest, Qiao Qixi deliberately threw the wreckage far away.

And he intends to continue hunting after throwing it, not going back to the den.

After burying the wreckage hastily, Qiao Qixi turned around and saw a group of white figures following him from a distance.

It is the fifth white lion.

After being spotted, the little guy crawled quietly in the grass, pretending that he hadn't been spotted.

Ah, Qiao Qixi finally remembered that he hadn't named the other party yet.

What's the name for nothing

Qiao Qixi was startled, as if suddenly understood why he was so partial to this white lion.

Because Odis is also white.