You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 51


One month passed.

It has been a month since the official announcement of the death of all direct bloodlines of the Norman family.

After this period of buffering, people have gone from the initial disbelief, crying and sadness, to slowly accepting this fact.

The longer time passes, the less likely it is to reverse.

No one who pays attention to the grassland does not want the official to give false news. Everyone hopes that the official will suddenly release news that the Norman family has other bloodlines that continue on the grassland.

But it seems impossible.

Every move of the Norman family over the years has been under the eyes of the iron fans. How many cubs are there in the Norman family, don't they still know

The 5 little lions lost a month ago are undoubtedly the last blood.

But now, a suspicious photo taken inadvertently has made the entire African Wildlife Foundation headquarters boil, because the five lions in this photo are too much like the fourth generation of Norman who was sentenced to death a month ago.

The photography team in charge of tracking the Norman family got the news at the first time. It couldn’t believe it. It’s impossible to say it directly. Team leader Marshall said: “That evening, we saw five little male lions fall down with our own eyes. They were lying wet. In the grass, there is no breath at all."

Even if they still breathe, the skinny and very weak little lions are unlikely to stand up from the heavy rain.

This is a conservative saying that weak animals will never be given a chance on the grassland.

After the phone call, Marshall reopened the video that he dared not watch more. He felt that such a shocking picture would hardly raise hope.

Even a little bit.

A few seconds later, he received a photo from the headquarters. After special processing, it was much clearer than the original screenshot.

It can be clearly seen that there are four yellow lions and one white lion. Marshall, who has a vicious eye, can tell at a glance that they are between 911 months old.

"Oh..." These little guys are sturdy, not thin, and they seem to be raised very well by the lioness. Marshall is first heartfelt happy, and then endless melancholy. After all, the lineup is indeed fourth in the Norman family. Same generation.

Marshall could not associate the thin lion cubs lying in the grass with these sturdy cubs.

They are very different.

However, Marshall still admires this lioness with cubs. It is a model of prairie mothers, who can raise five cubs so well by themselves.

So he focused on this outstanding lioness, and based on his years of experience in dealing with lions, he immediately saw the unreasonable... etc...

Obviously, some of the missing details stunned Marshall. He said astonishingly: "You are mistaken, this is not a lioness, it, it is a sub-adult male lion!"

It is indeed amazing enough.

Everyone knows that the sub-adult male lion has not yet grown its iconic mane during the embarrassing period. At first glance, people will think preconceivedly that this is a lioness.

The fact is that only a lioness on the grassland can bring a cub, and there has never been an example of a male lion bringing a cub.

"Are you teasing me with fake photos?" Marshall, who was in the wild, immediately called back to the headquarters to question, and then explained the problem he found: "The photo is a sub-adult male lion."

Of course the people at the headquarters were all stunned, because the picture was correct, and Marshall's speech was too shocking.

"Isn't it easy to confirm? Just track its location quickly." Marshall said anxiously. The appearance of this photo gave him a glimmer of hope.

Perhaps, for the sake of 2 million people crying and sorrowing, God is willing to pity these people who are waiting for the good news.

After some discussions, the headquarters immediately dispatched multiple drones to conduct a search within the approximate range.

It is expected that the mystery in people's minds will be solved soon.

At this time Marshall was in the wild, and he was anxious, wishing to find out right away whether the four yellows and one white were the fourth generation of the Norman family

How he hopes to be.

On this side of the grassland, Qiao Qixi was cursing in his heart, cursing the lions who like to plot territory on the grassland.

The road was all gone by them, so which way could this little broken lion group lead by him go

The so-called survival in the cracks requires a seam.

Walking on the site where several large lion groups overlapped, the small lion group that was full of calculations and the main force walked with trepidation.

They hope to walk through this meadow soon and find a suitable place to live.

The deterrent smell of the unfamiliar lion made the hairs of the five young lions stand up, feeling instinctively afraid.

"Oh..." A very weak voice overflowed from the lions' throats, as if to say: It's terrible.

In the past, they were scared, so they could only walk with their tails clamped, because lionesses need to concentrate on their surroundings and prepare to fight anytime and anywhere. Except for the occasional few free time to calm the cubs, in fact they do not spoil them most of the time. .

But didn’t the little lions be taken over by the new parents

After a month of getting along with each other, the little lions seemed to realize that this extraordinarily gentle lion could respond to everything they did and succeeded in everything.

For example, now, if you show a trace of fear, gentle licking will come as expected.

The cats are a group of coquettish monsters who can push their noses on their faces. After getting along for a month, even the third child, Zidian, will rub the male lion's body temperature without a trace.

It's just that it will be very awkward to be found, such as turning his face away from Qiao Qixi's eyes, leaving only the fluffy back of his head.

ok, Qiao Qixi thought he hadn't found it.

But I will cry in my heart, my son is so cute!

The grass they are currently traversing, on the one hand, is the edge of the big lion group that Joe stayed before Qixi. Like the famous Norman family alliance, the lion group called the Magic Red Alliance also has its own glorious history and number. A lot of fans.

Qiao Qixi: I'm still from a famous background.

The territory of the Magic Red Alliance is almost 200 square kilometers, so Qiao Qixi has dragged his family away for so long, but he still hasn't walked out of his previous home.

If he dares to go back and eat food now, the lions in the lion group will definitely beat him up, even if they are related by blood.

The lioness may protect a little, but it will not conflict with the male lion.

Being a son on the prairie is worthless anyway, so it's better to be a girl.

Generally speaking, Qiao Qixi seeks life on the edge of the original alliance territory. As long as it is not too excessive, his old man or uncle will not pursue him too seriously.

Therefore, the chicken thief's Joe Qixi has calculated this point, so he has been walking close to the edge of the old home.

On the other side, it belonged to the borders of the two brothers Derrick and Cedric.

What do these brothers with different surnames say, they are a pair of brothers with different surnames with stories. When people find them, they are all green boys who have just been driven out by the lions.

Although they come from different groups of lions, they meet and accompany each other on the perilous grassland. Of course, this is the way many sub-adult male lions will choose to survive after being driven out.

After all, forming an alliance with other lions can increase the chance of survival.

It is worth mentioning that some lions will have sex with their allies in order to consolidate their relationship.

But this does not affect them after they successfully invaded the lion group, they actively have a relationship with the lioness and continue the offspring.

Derrick and Cedric are such a pair of allies. They have a good relationship and often have sex. At the same time, they will mate with a lioness and give birth to their own children.

Emotionally speaking, Derrick will accompany Cedric through his life, if there is no accident, but he does not necessarily stay with the lioness in the lion group until old.

Therefore, the relationship between male lions will not change easily once they form an alliance. They will be allies for life, which can be said to be 100 times more intimate than their relationship with a lioness.

The lions of Kiriki: Of course, we can exchange the friendship of our wives.

Derrick, who led a group of lions with his friends, smelled a little fresh meat when patrolling the territory. It smelled strange, but it already had Cedric.

It is impossible to provoke other young lions.

In an attitude of looking at the little fresh meat and not breaking the law and guarding the territory, Derrick slowly rushed towards the smell.

It is a seven-year-old lion. It is currently at its peak. Its lethality and deterrence are very powerful, making the surrounding herbivorous animals frightened.

Qiao Qixi sniffed the mighty lion approaching, and immediately tightened his fur. Was he spotted by the patrolling lion

Damn, wouldn't it be so unlucky

Generally speaking, if it is not for the patrolling male lion, nothing will happen.

The male lions are very lazy. They doze around for 18 hours a day. The rest of the time is to molest the lioness, and then go out to eat casually.

Some have to take care of friends.

So when I met Derrick, it was indeed Qiao Qixi's face that was too dark.

Although Qiao Qixi clamped his tail and immediately led the children to quicken their pace, Derrick caught up with them, not far behind.

Qiao Qixi turned his head as he walked, and saw a strong and majestic lion with a thick mane.

The opponent's hair is slightly darker, and his correct facial features look strangely handsome, but now is not the time to appreciate the appearance of the lion, he must run away as soon as possible.

Don’t follow, don’t follow...

Just passing by, Qiao Qixi didn't feel the need for a big fight, but Derrick didn't seem to think so, it still followed.

The drone sent by the headquarters of the African Wildlife Conservation Foundation also found the incredible lion figure at this time, but it did bring 5 little lions on the grassland to beg for life.

The situation is not so good.

A family of six sub-adult male lions with their cubs seems to be crossing the territory of the Magic Red Alliance and the Rick Brothers Alliance, and they met Derrick who came out on patrol...

Wait, is it Derrick or Cedric

People took a closer look and found that it was Derrick who was slightly relieved. As we all know, Derrick has a gentler temper.

It should not be so irritable, people predict that it will at best drive the young lion away.

Regarding the lions passing by the territory, there are indeed some grumpy lions who will come forward to fight if they disagree, such as Cedric.

Catching up unhurriedly, it lasted for a while.

Qiao Qixi found that the other party had no intention of killing, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It was great, and thank God he met a lion with a good temper.

And Derrick's heart should be quite puzzled at this moment. It sniffed the smell in the air and determined that it was a sub-adult male lion in front of him, but the other party was carrying five children...

Not to mention that Derrick was confused, the people at the headquarters were also confused.

When the drone got a little closer and shot the lion on the ground at a suitable angle, they finally saw clearly that the lion they had mistaken for a lioness was actually a mane.


Although it is not dense, its existence cannot be denied.

The stone is hammered, a sub-adult male lion with cubs, my God, the five lions adopted by him are quite fat.

What a comforting thing this is.

The people watching the live broadcast were more or less affected by some ideological shocks.

"..." Impossible, really impossible.

But the fact has happened, right under their noses.

I caressed my inexplicably excited chest, calmed down, ok, it is known that the 5 cubs are the children picked up by this sub-adult male lion, then is it possible that these children are...


They wanted to know what the opportunity came from this sub-adult male lion, that's why they adopted these five cubs. Then, where did they find it

In other words, on this grassland, the probability of losing five cubs at once is even rarer than winning the lottery.

Next, the staff at the headquarters of the foundation took action to confirm whether the five cubs led by the male lion were the fourth generation cubs of the Norman family.

Detection of dna.

It is not difficult to get test samples of the cubs, just follow them for a period of time to get their hair and saliva.

By the way, a sample of that male lion was also taken, and they wanted to see where this male lion came from.

Which alliance has such a weirdness appear on earth? !

The waiting process is extremely long. If it is the result of their exceptional prayers, then it can be foreseen that earth-shaking changes may occur on this grassland.

It's incredible.

When the result came out, people couldn't believe it. After repeated comparisons several times, they finally convinced that it was very good, very good. These five little lions are undoubtedly the fourth generation of the Norman family!

On the evening of the day the Marshall team left, there must have been a huge change.

Unfortunately, they missed the thrilling and legendary scene. Fortunately, after a month, they reopened the record for these 5 little lions.

Qiao Qixi: Thrilling? I just picked up five cubs on the way to work.

"It's great, great, it's really them." A group of staff in the laboratory was very excited. Someone said, "Let's take a look at where the other lion comes from."

After dna comparison, it was discovered that this avant-garde young lion came from the Magic Red League, was born in a famous family, and has excellent genes.

"It is the group of sub-adult male lions that left the Magic Red Alliance two months ago," the team members responsible for tracking and recording the Magic Red Alliance got the information and said: "At that time, there were four sub-adult male lions who were driven away. When they come out, they are all children of the lion king Hardy, and the cubs in this alliance are very well-developed."

But I don't know why he did such a weird behavior with cubs.

"Norman came from the north, and there was no conflict with the Magic Red Alliance. They had lost their resistance when they encountered the Magic Red Alliance. Now the little prince of the Magic Red Alliance rescued the fourth generation of Norman. I, I feel that I am witnessing a legendary history, this is too..."

"It's not a rescue, the weight of this word is too light, it should be rebirth."

After the five lions whose dynasties had fallen out of the way met the magic red little prince, they were reborn from the ashes.

"Then it is too diao." A staff member praised heartily.

"From today, we can call him Alexander." The staff immediately named the legendary lion from the Magic Red Alliance a suitable name.

Starting today, they will keep track of this romantic and bloody encounter.

Iron and blood and tenderness can always be combined.

Who said that a lion can't pull a child

Alexander, who was born, opened the door to a new world for them.

Not much nonsense, the headquarters immediately arranged a team to follow this alternative lion group.

In order to obtain new information, establish their official account, and release the first news of linkage with the official account of the Norman Family Alliance as soon as possible.

Now that the fourth generation is following Alexander, their lions can no longer be named after the Norman family, and of course they cannot be named after the magic red.

This will be a new alliance.

As for what it is called, it is not in a hurry, the time that belongs to them will come.

There will be a resounding name.

The staff who are preparing for these issues non-stop, in fact, are both excited and anxious in their hearts.

How should I put it, life and death on the grassland are changing rapidly, and they are afraid that everything is just getting better, and they will be knocked to the bottom again.

It is too difficult for a male lion to bring 5 cubs.

"I'm so afraid that Alexander's legend is only a flash in the pan." A staff member said worriedly.

"No, you see," his colleague said, clicking on the photo, "he is fat, he must be very smart."

In other words, Marshall really wants to take over the filming of this lion group again. After all, he has been following the Norman family for many years, and he is very familiar with it.

After consideration, the headquarters finally dispatched a young team to shoot.

Since Alexander didn't take an unusual path, an unusual team should also cooperate with him.

Marshall was relieved after thinking about it. After all, he was about to retire, and it was indeed not suitable to shoot such a young lion group.

He anticipated that when he retired, he would be able to sit in front of the TV and cheer for the newly emerging Lion Race League.

The matter is so settled.

A vigorous young photography team quietly entered the grassland.

Maybe they can be very low-key and let the lions ignore them.

But in front of Qiao Qixi, the smell has nowhere to hide before they appear.

Recently, a group of people followed behind and didn't know what they were doing.

It has been confirmed that he is not a poacher, and Qiao Qixi only feels a little relieved.

Whether the poaching situation on this grassland is serious or not, he hasn't counted it yet.

But one thing is certain is that if there is a team to track itself, there are advantages and disadvantages.

It can avoid 90% of being poached. The disadvantage is that there is no privacy, eating and drinking Lazard are all under the camera.

Worse than the top star.

It was okay when Qiao Qixi was a polar bear. As we all know, photographers in the Arctic are very polite and generally stay far away.

It's not that they don't want to get closer, because their strength doesn't allow it.

The wildlife photographers on the grassland are very cheating. It can't be said that they are very close. They just put the camera in front of the big cats and just called them to pose.

When the big cat was hunting, the photographer stood by his side, very wild.

What's even worse is that these lions and leopards on the grassland can basically turn a blind eye to the photographer.

Sometimes it gets cold at night, and I still rely on others to keep warm.

Qiao Qixi feels that there are some problems with people and animals. Of course, this is a complaint. In fact, he knows very well that these big cats are only used to seeing humans since childhood.

It has become accustomed to it.

Can't eat, beat, and drive away, what else can you drop besides ignoring

Now, they themselves have encountered human lens snooping.

I didn't want to get up and leave at the resting place I just found, and the little lions were sleeping soundly.

It can be said that it affects the whole body.

Of course, it's not completely unprofitable, hehehe.

Qiao Qixi yawned at the front camera, squinting his eyes and thinking that the safety of our Qiao family of six is now being guarded by the heroes here.

I'll sleep first when I'm sleepy.