You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 64: Prairie Lions-Brotherhood


The daily life of the popular lions on the grassland is updated almost once a day, sometimes two to three times, and the frequency is more or less depending on the richness of the material that day.

The six male lions who like to hang on the tree to blow the air are properly one of the most popular'big' lions on the grassland, so they will have more updates.

For example, the heroic appearance of hanging a tree today, fans will be able to see the demeanor before the sky is dark, and then give them pointers.

It is the responsibility of protecting trees, lions and lions, and this is not unreasonable, because the grassland is their homeland.

The word'big' is enclosed in double quotation marks because the number of six is definitely not enough for the adjective'big', at least compared with the also popular Northern Border Alliance, they are a younger brother.

People who like African lions love to watch the recorded videos of the North Border Alliance fighting everywhere, because they are so cool and passionate that they can win every fight. Who wouldn’t like to watch them

But then I watched the recording video of the Six Lions League. At that time, the lions in this small league were still small and not strong yet. I saw that the half-big lion leading them was stunned every day, with a kind of cleverness and cleverness. Energetic, so people look at it with gusto, and feel that this lion group is a bit interesting.

Unconsciously chasing for three years, people like this lion group more and more, because the life they present always produces positive incentives for people, such as patience, bravery, hard work, and family friendship, etc. A lot of beautiful things.

In the past six months, the number of fans of the Six Lions League has almost tripled. This data has actually surpassed that of the Norman Twin Lions era when the Internet was not well developed.

The most gratifying group of people must be the old fans of the Norman family. In the past six months, their family members have been able to hear them praise and introduce their favorite lions every day. Today they have achieved hunting/fighting achievements!

There is a vocabulary that is not very good for the sensory impression. It is called'lion blow'. Fans who like Alexander are out-and-out'lion blows'. The difference is that other lion blows suffer from blinding eyes, while Alexander's lion blows They are all cute and generally won't be blinded.

Because Alexander is a good lion with no black spots on his body, even the best bargainer in the entire net can't find a point that can take advantage of him.

It was one point that he left the lion group and left alone and caused the white lion to be injured.

Fans of the Six Lions Alliance were very polite and polite, and no one responded to their mentally handicapped speeches.

Why give eyes

Every day, I see six handsome, cute, and flaming lions who love each other and live a happy life on the grassland. Happy.

The same group of lions, the Northern Border Alliance, which is 60 kilometers away from the territory of the Six Lions Alliance, has a very different family atmosphere.

This huge group of four lions and sixteen lionesses is almost recognized as the most powerful group of lions in the north and south, because their male lions are still in their prime of life, with violent and aggressive personality. Because of the expansion of the territory, he is not merciful to other lions in the fight.

The dough that had been alone by the river before came forward and attacked, also because of their tyrannical temperament hidden deep in their bones.

At sunset, beside the swamp.

A group of strong lionesses from the Northland Alliance captured a buffalo, but they did not have the priority to enjoy a good meal.

Four hungry lions came over and hurriedly drove away the lioness who was licking the blood of the prey, so that they could make room for them to feast on their prey.

Although the lionesses are also hungry, in the face of the male lion's threat, they can only stand by licking their mouths and wait, or lie on their stomachs to calm down the breathing caused by the hunt.

In a hierarchical group of lions, it is normal for the male lion to eat the food and then the lioness to eat it.

At this time, a group of cubs that appeared to be seven or eight months old ran over. The smell of blood made the hungry cubs forget their previous lesson. They cautiously approached the food and tried to bite off the prey. Come with a piece of meat.

"Roar—" But the lion who was eating immediately roared at them, frightening them to run away.

And this lion roaring at them is likely to be their father.

The lioness came and took the cubs away so that they would not be attacked, and the cubs seemed to be obsessed with food, after all, they had just licked a bit of blood.

These cubs are not the only second generation in the group. In fact, there are three sub-adult male lions who are about to be two years old. This is a sensitive period that will be expelled at any time, so the three of them are particularly cautious to avoid The lion saw them not pleasing to his eyes, and drove them out of the door in a rage.

Of course, sub-adult male lions stay in the group as long as possible, because going out to stray prematurely will increase the chance of casualties.

Generally speaking, it has a good relationship with an adult lion.

After the four lions were full and drunk, and slowly left their prey, the lioness and the cubs quickly surrounded them. They gobbled up the lion's leftovers and tried to fill their stomachs in the shortest time.

The living environment of the little lions is cruel. Even with their mother's care, they can only rely on their own desire to survive at this time and try to grab as much food as possible.

If the natural physique can't keep up, then there is only the fate of being eliminated.

When the lioness and the cubs are eating, the four male lions seem to be lying lazily nearby, but in fact they are always paying attention to the movement here.

As soon as an undesirable event occurs, they will immediately rise up in trouble.

The sub-adult male lions who have learned to observe their words and behaviors, when the lioness and the cub eat almost the same, they dare to carefully go forward and divide the few leftovers.

This is also one of the methods used by lions to drive away sub-adult male lions. Without food, they will naturally leave the lions.

The photographer couldn't help feeling a little distressed about these three thin sub-adult male lions. They were obviously not yet reaching their age, but they began to be squeezed out by adult male lions.

This is not surprising, because the Lion Kings of the Northern Border Alliance are notoriously violent, and they naturally can't tolerate the soon-to-adult male lions eating and drinking for nothing in their territory.

The new generation and the older generation are natural competitors.

Some more extreme male lions will even kill their own little male lions, leaving only the little lioness behind.

It can only be said that there is a big difference between a lion and a lion, just like the difference between people. There are good lions with strong emotions and bad lions with cruel and violent ones.

The three sub-adult male lions did not feel full after eating the leftover food, and the lionesses did not seem to plan to hunt anymore, at least they would have to rest for a while.

While waiting for the next meal, the sub-adult male lions hid peacefully and did not obstruct their eyes in front of the male lions.

Their mother was a strong lioness, perhaps a poor three children, so the lioness, regardless of the lion's face, stood up again and went out hunting.

The two aunts of the little lion also followed.

The three sub-adult male lions seem to have some perception, and they are eager to survive, quietly following the footsteps of their mothers.

This scene fell in four pairs of indifferent yellow eyes.

After the video update of the day was released, fans of the Northern League were worried about the three sub-adult lions.

: The lioness's act of opening a small stove to the sub-adult male lion is a bad thing. Sa and the others will definitely drive the young lion away.

: The four brothers are good at everything, but the character is too cruel, even his own son can't be accommodated, the little lion is just over one year old, and he has not yet reached the age of outlier.

: Yes, even if you invade other lions, this is natural, but I think I should be gentle with my own flesh and blood.

: Gentle fart, you even bite off the spine of your biological daughter before, just because you robbed him of a bite.

: What's this? They killed stray lionesses to eat in the dry season a few years ago... I remember that it was a lioness from the Norman League. The video made my scalp numb.

: Lioness of the Norman League? Isn't that the aunt of the five brothers of the Six Lions Alliance? @Alexander, revenge!

: Really, that is simply new hatred and old hatred, @Alexander, the one who attacked your white lion before was also a lion from the north!

: Damn, are there a lot of passers-by here? Why did the Northern Fans call other lions to retaliate? Also, are you sure you are not here to die

: I’m not a fan of the North, I’m just here to see the cruelty of your four brothers Lao Sa, and wait for tomorrow to kill your son.

: Kill your grandpa! Heizi get out of the comment area, don't beep here!

: Some people are really, beasts, cruelty is also natural, we have no reason to use human standards to measure their behavior, right

: Nature is a hammer. If you think cruelty is the nature of the lion, then please move to the next door to see the daily life of the Six Lions Alliance. After reading it, you will know what rubbish the male lions in the north are all about. If you want to love or not, you only know about estrus and fighting. I flipped through the comment section and I was not the only one thinking, vomiting, vomiting strength, I'm going to see Alexander wash his eyes.

: Yalifen calm down, don't shame Yali, we are all civilized fans seeking truth from facts.

: Jimei! What a pragmatic one! Beautiful!

Seeking truth from facts, the fans of the four northern brothers knew the lions they knew very well. On the second day, three sub-adult male lions that were caressed by lionesses were unsurprisingly expelled from the lion group by violence.

At this time, the three brothers who were expelled were less than two years old and had little survivability.

The four brutal rulers didn't care about this, and if the lioness hadn't made a little interference, the three little lions might have been killed.

It's hard to accept the fact that, depending on their age and status, the probability of not dying is very small.

After watching today's updated video, the people who chased several lions at the same time cut the channel with a heavy heart and came to the official account of the Six Lions Alliance to see the loving Alexander family relax.

In contrast to the adult male lions of the Northern Territory Alliance, they do not even give the cubs a chance to eat, while the Six Lions Alliance is just the opposite.

Recently, one of the five brothers in their lion group suffered minor injuries due to regaining the territory. It may not be as heavy as one-third of the white lion’s weight, but the lions still remove him from the main hunting force. He was removed from his post, and he was not allowed to participate in hunting anymore.

This injury is not worth mentioning among other lions.

During the recuperation period, his food was as good as that of the White Lion. His brothers and Alexander had given way to him, and he would even be chased and fed by Alexander.

The loving interaction between them makes people laugh, and there is almost no such group of lions in Africa.

I can't imagine what would happen if the five brothers grew up in a group of lions

The good-tempered Alexander still loves the White Lion so much. The relationship between him and the White Lion during the recent period is as good as a honeymoon period, and it seems that there is no gap caused by the previous events.

They often stay together in the sun, licking each other's hair, and occasionally the interactive close-ups taken by photographers are too gay to look directly at them.

The most surprising thing is that in the past, white lions acted like a baby to Alexander, just like an unweaned lion, but now it is Alexander's turn to act like a baby to the white lion. Specifically, it has increased a lot of actions to actively adhere to the white lion.

Perhaps related to the previous encounter, the White Lion has become more mature and stable. Even if he has not participated in hunting or battles recently, he looks like a sharpened edge.

After all, he was a lion who had fought two adult lions alone and could escape a catastrophe. The scar on his abdomen was a medal of honor. From now on, he is destined to be a lion who will walk a different road from his brothers.

A month later, Odis took part in a patrol for the first time after he was injured, and the lazy bear also followed him out to wander around.

This time the team is a group of Odis and Joe Qixi, and the other four brothers.

In terms of combat effectiveness, there is really nothing wrong with this division of labor, even the photographers think it is reasonable.

The northern part has been a bit turbulent recently. Through the incubation of a rainy season, many new generations with unlimited potential were born. Except for some stable large lions, many lions are replacing the old with the new.

But what does this have to do with Joe Cubs

Of course it does matter, he said he wanted revenge.

Besides, the cubs are about to enter adulthood, aren't they? Parents should consider marrying them!

Walking on the road, Qiao Qixi was thinking about this.

Odis would stop and wait when the bears were behind, the gentleness that turned around was full of blind doting.

Qiao Qixi trot up and chatted with Otis. When he kissed him, he suddenly thought, is this a date for Otis


Halfway through the patrol, the two lions stopped to play under the tree. You grabbed me with your claws, and I grabbed your tail.

Photographer: Aunt laughed.

After all, it is the World of Two Lions, Qiao Qixi feels like he wants to whisper to Odis.

Although he knew that he would not understand Odis, his plan, his old father's anxiety, outputted to Otis on the patrol.

"Ouuuuuuuuu" So annoying, where should the lioness group look for

If the lioness group is invaded, what should the lion cubs do

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Alexander did not want to kill the cute little lion, he even wanted to raise it.

Odis didn't know what the bear wanted, but he would respond when Alexander kept yelling.

Sometimes it's a voice, sometimes it's a move. Maybe he can't grasp the complicated information, but he knows that the little bear is acting like a baby.

In the eyes of Qiao Qixi, Odis' expression is: Well, it's all up to you, what you say is what you say, and you are the master.

Qiao Xiaoxiong: Please call me a god translator

Although it's the chicken and the duck talking about it, it doesn't matter, he feels that this is also very happy.

As for the question of finding daughters-in-law for the children, let it go.

After the patrol, Odis, who was still going to participate in the hunt, obviously had his own judgment on his injuries, even if Qiao Qixi tried his best to stop it, he did not reverse the situation that he was going to hunt.

Odis is too domineering, he is always coaxing him when he listens, and once something is decided, he will never compromise.

Dog men really do not distinguish between species!

However, after eating the zebra hunted by the dog man, Alexander licked his mouth, still feeling happy.

Hello everyone, this handsome lion is my boyfriend.

There are also these four majestic little handsome lions, I raised them, please call me the winner of the most mischievous grassland.

The same wounded Zidian, the wound has healed a long time ago, leaving a shallow scar, and has not grown hair for the time being, but I believe it will return to its original state in the near future.

It's the scar on Odis' abdomen, it is estimated that it will be difficult to completely eliminate.

Every time Qiao Qixi licked her boyfriend’s abdomen scars, she felt very distressed and took revenge! His uncle must have revenge!

He had already kept the smell of the two lions firmly in his mind. If the other party appeared within ten miles of him, he would definitely be able to recognize it again.

What Qiao Qixi didn't know was that the two lions still had an alliance, and a serious fight between them might hurt both.

Fortunately, there is no chance for a head-to-head confrontation. The intersection of the two alliances only ends at the riverside.

Norman fans, who had always been in conflict, hoped that they would be ashamed of the Northland Alliance, but also did not want them to take risks. Finally, the smart fans made a compromise. They hoped that the six lions would decline in the state of the four brothers of Sao. Go and kill them when the time comes.

This is a good idea.

Time slowly came to April. In the early morning of this day, six lions were still sleeping soundly in their territory. Suddenly, they were awakened by the movement of the lions next door.

The lions are fighting, and it sounds terrible.

Qiao Qixi knew that the next door was the territory led by lionesses. Two lionesses gave birth to cubs about a month ago. He wanted to see two of them when he went on a patrol recently, but he was struggling for the peace of the two alliances. Suppress yourself.

Now the male lion of the lion group next door has been challenged. If the two of them lose, all the cubs in the territory will be killed. The pregnant lioness is equivalent to being exiled.

Alexander thought for a while, screamed at his companions, and let's go! Go ahead!

All the lions were stunned, including Odis, he seemed impatient with strange male lions invading around.

The lions stretched out under the tree, and then trot mightily towards the lions next door.

The photographers who came to work in the morning came to the territory, only to find that there was no lion under the tree: "???"

What a big group of lions!

Then I heard the movement from the lion group next door, and photographers who knew something about the lion group of Alexandria felt that this group of curious lions must have gone to join in the fun.

So of course they have to keep up.

Early in the morning, the Melissa Lion Group was being hit hard by a group of stray male lions. They seemed to have just grown up, and only six or seven came together. This was a terrifying number.

In order to protect their children, lactating lionesses also joined the fight.

But they are desperate, because the two male lions and the lioness alone cannot withstand the invasion of seven male lions.

Fortunately, the two lions did not back down. They took on the responsibility of protecting the lions and resolutely did not compromise even if they were injured.

But if they don't escape, they will undoubtedly die under the mouth of seven young lions, which is the established fate at present.

One of the lions of the Melissa group was overthrown by two wandering lions who invaded the territory, and he was about to enter the countdown to death.

The most thrilling and desperate people should be the photographers who have followed this lion group for a long time. They were just happy that the lion group gave birth to a lion cub, but now they are about to face the bad news of the lion group's disintegration.

However, things seem to have turned around.

The six lions from the Six Lions Alliance next door come to join in the fun, oh no, come to rescue the neighbors!

They actually came.

"Roar—" A roar fell from the sky, and the two wandering lions who were planning to carve their opponents had no time to turn their heads before being bitten by a force of power.

Da Yuanzi and the second child Chengfeng, one was noisy and murmured, and the other threw down their opponents with solemn expressions.

This action undoubtedly saved the lion that was about to die.

The lions who followed behind each looked for their own opponents. Alexandra liked the little lions the most. He helped the two lionesses take the burden of fighting and asked them to concentrate on taking care of the little lions.

Otis fought for the first time after healed from his injury. This white lion ran from a distance and threw down a lion. He bit the back of the opponent's neck, and threw the opponent with the help of sprinting force. go out.

The power he showed was stunned by the photographers.

Starting a run-up from a long distance is a habit of polar bears. They are very good at using their weight to fight.

The newly grown lions are not Odis's opponents at all. They are too tender in the eyes of Otis, maybe Otis didn't care about it at all.

The lions of the Melissa Lions in the battle suddenly lightened their burdens, because the arrival of the Alexander Lions turned their battle around immediately.

The seven stray lions were handed over to the male lions to fight, and the lioness immediately withdrew from the battle, covering the cubs to leave.

Some of the strong lionesses who are not breastfeeding still stay nearby to watch the battle.

When an invading lion was at a disadvantage, they did not hesitate to swarm forward to kill.

The Melissa lion group was named after a lioness because their ancestors had a legendary lioness who was not defeated by the lion and created an era.

If you have a mother, you have a daughter, and they are not bad for this generation!