You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 68


After half a night with the energetic Otis who was just an adult, Alexander lay a little exhausted in the arms of the opponent, his long legs were shy and smashed on the shoulders of the opponent, because Otis was doing it for him. The intimacy between them cleans up the mess.

And what he can't stand most is that Odis kissed the base of his tail, then kissed his handsome face again, go!

Satisfied Odis didn't mind Joe Qixi's rude treatment. He squinted his eyes and lay with each other, enjoying the pleasure of being intimate.

Even the violent nature of the male lion has turned into a soft finger. This is the case for Otis, as is the case with the other lions raised by Joe Qixi. Their bravery and gentleman’s performance has all won the lionesses’ performance. Recognized.

The most helpless thing tonight is the photographers. In order to guard the most important moment of the two lions, they started working overtime a few days ago.

In the evening, next to the wetland, seeing that it was about to be done, these male lions led the lioness to walk in four directions!

The two teams had to be divided into four teams and went to take pictures of the four Lions who have daughters-in-law. As for the White Lion and Alexander who are still eating buffaloes, people have no time to take care of them.

The pictures of eating can be taken every day. At the important moment when the lions are mating, the white lion and Alexander, who are usually the protagonists, become uninterested.

I have to say that Alexander's luck is really good, and Odis is like this, but the base hasn't been discovered yet.

Photographer: No, that's just what you think!

After being pressed by Odis for half the night, Qiao Qixi was sleepy and exhausted, and soon fell asleep in Odis’s arms. It is estimated that only he would be treated like this on the entire grassland. After all, lions are not monogamous, and lions are all He is a scumbag man, even if he has a group of wives who are extraordinarily enchanting, he still thinks of the little lionesses of other lions.

It was noon the next day. The lions who had spent the night with their partners all slept in the bushes.

After a night of acquaintance, they learned more about each other.

The lionesses woke up first, stretched their bodies on the ground, and yawned by the way. Their furry faces still looked sleepy, but they could no longer be lazy.

Because the leader of Lena is calling, they must hurry up and go hunting.

The lioness with her cubs woke up a long time ago, and the lively cubs played around all morning. Now they are hungry and milk can no longer fill their stomachs.

What's more, these seven or eight-month-old cubs are weaning. The lion mother uses various methods to prevent them from feeding, such as climbing to a high place to hide, or participating in hunting.

The merger of the two lions means that the lioness has to bear the obligation to feed the six male lions, so their task is very difficult. They must hunt in batches to bring back food that satisfies the male lions, otherwise they will not be full. The male lion with the belly will go to find other lionesses to live.

In order to keep the six lions, the leader of Lena led the lionesses in search of prey under the scorching sun at noon.

After being awakened by the lions in the territory, they found that the surrounding lionesses had almost left, leaving only two adult lionesses taking care of the mischievous cubs.

Regarding the blood of the ten former lion kings, the four Norman brothers who are now taking over the lioness group did not intend to hurt them. Of course, Qiao Qixi vowed to take care of the two brothers’ ex-wives and Children, he will not let the four brothers be hostile to the little lion.

The tradition of the Six Lions Alliance has always been to hunt and feed themselves, so after they wake up, they are still ready to go hunting as before.

Odis rubbed Joe Qixi's head and blocked him with a strong body, seeming to express: I went hunting, you are here to wait for us to come back obediently.

Seeing that the children and daughter-in-law are watching, Qiao Qixi is embarrassed because he is a guilty conscience! But he still slapped Odis back several times.

Then Odis took the brothers out, and the backs of the five lions made Qiao Qixi watch for a long time.

The lioness may be a little at a loss, wondering what they are going to do.

Qiao Qixi saw that they were at a loss. Oh, it's not easy to explain. In short, they don't know how to make soft rice men. Now the lions have so many mouths up and down, if the male lions don't work, how can they feed so many lions

Work is definitely to work, you can't point to the lioness to support the family!

Soon after, the team led by Lena came back. What they brought back was a wildebeest. Although Qiao Qixi did not participate in the mating, no lioness felt that Qiao Qixi should not enjoy the prey they brought back.

The provocative Alexander looked at the wildebeest and thought to himself: Would you like to eat it? I'm still waiting for my boyfriend's zebra, that is delicious and sucking.

Lena seemed to understand the thoughts of the lion from the eyes. Although she was puzzled, she liked the generosity of the lion for letting them eat first, so she tore the flesh of the prey and let the lionesses and the cubs feast on . Alexander watched the cubs eating with relish, watching them quickly become a painted cat.

The lioness tore off a piece of meat and threw it on the ground, and was immediately pulled in its mouth by the two little lions, not giving way to each other.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Qixi's first reaction was, ah, lion mother, you are so careless! Wouldn't such a large piece of meat separate a bit! The little lions will fight, can they still eat well

But just stepping out to help, he retracted his paws again, thinking, could this be done by the lioness deliberately? It is not without benefits to train the habit of grabbing food at a young age.

Forget it, respect Lion's mother's way of education.

After eating for a while, another group of lionesses also came back. What they brought back was a wild deer.

Watching the little lion eating and watching the hungry Qiao Qixi, the look of expectation gradually solidified, isn't it, how could it be a wild deer? !

He felt that there was no love for a moment, oh oh oh, he had a psychological shadow of eating wild deer, and didn't want to eat such things as wild deer.

It seems that I can only wait for Odis and the others to come back.

The five brothers went out much later than the lionesses, but they did not come back very late. They brought back a zebra, and the lionesses who were still eating raised their heads, seeming to be shocked by this scene.

Their frozen expressions seemed to say: Damn it? Cohabitation AA

No, the six male lions don't mind the lioness taking food from themselves, but now it seems that the prey they bring back by themselves is enough to fill their stomachs.

As for the merger today, for various reasons, I still eat myself!

The six male lions stayed together to eat. The zebra meat is delicious. That's right, even the cubs are poking their heads, and in a short while, they are all attracted by the zebras here.

As the so-called half-sized child, eating poor old man, the little wildebeest over there is obviously not enough for their ten mouths.

For the first time, the cubs came to the group of lions to eat, their expressions and demeanors were still timid, and they only dared to stay in the corners and eat secretly.

The photographers were surprised by their boldness. This is not your father and uncle. Only Alexander has a good face for you.

I saw the majestic five Norman brothers behaved normally, and did not get angry because of the arrival of the little lions.

Alexander, who is more beloved by the little lions, has a few little lions lying next to him, and he feels that it is heaven at this moment, ah, many little lions are next to me, I want to feed them meat

"Woo." Alexander made a happy voice. Alexander followed the lion mother's practice and threw a piece of meat out and let the little lions grab it by themselves.

Odis licked his mouth, seeming to have found a way to keep these little lions away from Alexander, so he also learned to throw some pieces of meat out to lure them away.

It can be said that the scheming is very heavy.

Photographer: You are really a harmonious family.

After the video of the merger of the two popular lions was updated, it was immediately ridiculed by people. Some were saying that the lioness's ability to support a family was not good, and even let the male lions hunt by themselves!

Some people ridicule that they eat their own food. Isn't this cohabiting AA? It simply merged a loneliness.

However, these are all superficial ridicules. The people's hearts actually admire the male lion. You must know that the entire lion group has more than 30 mouths to eat, and it is all about the lioness.

Norman fans were so excited that they were about to explode, and they almost wanted to go downstairs and run two laps. The 4th generation who grew up and watched them finally entered the stage of adulthood. It’s great, and they are strong and powerful as soon as they grow up. The Lions of Melissa are married.

They really like this kind of strong combination, there is no better choice than this.

The outstanding descendants of the famous lion king and the brave and fierce descendants of the legendary lioness group will definitely give birth to stronger cubs.

Thinking of the fifth generation who is about to meet soon, can I ask which fan who has always been a fan can be calm and self-sufficient in his heart

Certainly not.

The male lion and the lioness ate separately, but it did not affect each other's feelings. They came together after the meal and exchanged feelings.

In the season when the grass grows and the warbler flies, other animals on the grassland are also wandering around their companions, or are on the way to find a companion.

Most of the animals are mating this season. The silly Alexander thought he hadn’t revealed his relationship with Otis, but in fact, their insistence on not touching the lioness has been discussed for 800 pages. ,even more.

While the brothers were going to fall in love, Odis stayed asleep on the thick big tree trunk, or wrestled with Joe Qixi.

But most of the time Qiao Qixi was teasing the little lion, and did not stay by his side obediently.

At this time, Odis would squint his eyes, licking his paws while watching Qiao Qixi play with the little lion. Until he missed the other party, he would go down the tree and walk to Qiao Qixi's side to bite each other’s ears, seeming to be agitated. The partner only cares about playing, but ignores himself.

Qiao Qixi didn't want it either, but he was too fond of the little lion.

Just now, lying on the trunk with Otis in good faith, he attracted a group of naughty little lions. In order not to affect Odis's sleep, he sneaked away the little lions.

Now that Odis was awake, he left the little lion and kissed Otis, even making a cute voice, explaining to the other party that he didn't deliberately ignore his partner.

Otis is very coaxing, never angry.

While biting Qiao Qixi lightly, he looked at the sky. It was late now, but the brothers were still dating the lioness, and they had not eaten today.

"Hmm..." Qiao Qixi acted like a baby to Odis, hungry.

But I don't want to disturb the couples who are still dating. The mood is very complicated. After all, Alexander wants to bring a little lion.

I heard that a male lion and a lioness can get pregnant for several days.

Odis responded in a low voice, seeming to say: Let me take you to hunt, let's go.

The big white lion with a strong physique turned and led the way. Alexander happily followed him, and the hungry little lions followed eagerly, leaving the lion mother to have nothing to do with them.

After all, the little lions know that they have food with their uncle.

The lioness who was responsible for taking care of the children had to follow up, and let the lions who are sentiently drinking enough to continue to make it. Their mothers' lives still have to function normally.

Otis and two lionesses were on the water's edge, and they worked together to hunt down a zebra. They took ten cubs and ate happily.

Is this the joy of sneaking out of a small stove

Huh, he’s really happy.

Without the bastard of Da Yuanzi, Qiao Qixi took out the zebra's entrails for the first time. Of course, he didn't eat a single meal. He gave it to everyone very generously.

The internal organs were half gnawed, and a group of wild dogs groaned and approached. Qiao Qixi had noticed it early, and he whispered unlucky secretly.

Odis looked back and didn't take it seriously.

Since her boyfriend's attitude is so calm, Qiao Qixi is also there, so he can eat with peace of mind.

The fighting power of more than twenty wild dogs is still very strong. They waited and watched for a while and then began to approach step by step, trying to use their numbers to besiege the four lions.

The lion mother was a little jealous, and her eyes began to feel uneasy, because wild dogs are 100% lethal to the cubs. Even if there are four adult lions, ten cubs cannot be seen.

And the lion mother is not sure if the male lion will help protect her children.

They stopped eating, stood up and bared their teeth to defend in front of the food and the little lion.

When Qiao Qixi saw this, he felt uneasy about eating. He absent-mindedly licked his mouth, his eyes full of worry.

Wild dogs don’t really want to attack, do they

Are their heads caught by the door? There are more than twenty adult lions on his side.

If you just wait for the leftovers... Um, no, that won't work either. There are still other lions who haven't eaten after you finish your meal. These wild dogs don't want to pick up the leftovers.

In order to leave a stutter for Dayuanzi and the others, Alexander immediately got up and chased away the wild dogs!

Seeing the wild dogs approaching step by step, Otis also seemed to have a temper aroused by them. When he raised his head again, his brows were full of murderous aura.

He roared and suddenly rushed towards a wild dog closest to him. The wild dog who had been watching him didn't even notice the precursor of his attack, and only screamed in time, and his neck was bitten.

After Odis bit the wild dog, he slammed his head twice in the air without hesitation, and the wild dog that had spare capacity to scream suddenly softened into a corpse, obviously his neck had been broken!

His brutal actions and the death of his companions immediately suffocated the other wild dogs on the offensive, making them fearful; after being entangled for no benefit, he immediately chose to escape desperately.

Otis' rage not only suffocated the wild dog group, but also scared away the carnivorous birds such as vultures peeping around. They were all frightened by this white lion.

The baboon in the woods watched this scene from a distance.

They are also carnivores, but they will not leave the bush to provoke the lion, they will just wait for the prey to come.

Perhaps after eating, the cubs will come to play in the woods, and the baboons will have a chance to fill their stomachs.

Lion mothers certainly wouldn't let such dangerous things happen. They never allowed the little lions to play in the grove, it was too dangerous.

At the end of the meal, other lions rushed over. The lions who had eaten left their prey and gave the remaining food to the members of the lion group.

Odis picked up the cold stray dog corpse and went to patrol the territory. As he walked, he made a deterrent roar.

It was not allowed to have so many wild dogs in his territory, which angered him.

Qiao Qixi is not used to roaring into the air when patrolling. He feels so stupid, but Odis is so handsome, so handsome, he likes it so much.

Hehehe, what a lion with personality.

Wild dog: Hello

Hello fart! Qiao Qixi thought rightly, everyone is to survive, no one is more pitiful than anyone else, are you guys coming together to grab our food? !

If you can kill a lion cub, will the wild dog have mercy

would not.

Leader Lena, who was hunting in the distance, heard the roar of the lions patrolling the territory, which seemed to include her own territory.

This means that the lion is willing to guard their safety, willing to resist all intruders and possible dangers for them.

She should be relieved.

Soon after, good news came from this harmonious group of lions. Five lionesses became pregnant one after another.

Male lions can tell whether they are conceived by their smell, and the conceived lioness will no longer engage in mating behavior.

In the lion group, the pregnant lioness is still the main hunting force, and the early pregnancy does not have much influence on their combat power, until their belly is too big to be convenient for hunting.

However, in the lions of Alexandria, pregnant lionesses certainly have no chance to participate in hunting. The male lions will bring back enough food to feed their mothers-to-be.

The lions who have become fathers will also work harder than in the past, and will no longer go to bed climbing trees every day.

The most gluttonous member of the Norman family, Da Yuanzi, also knows to let out his supper to give the pregnant wife a meal.

The photographer photographed him happily dangling his zebra legs to find a pregnant lioness. His heart is not without emotion. It seems that every lion raised by Alexander University is a good model lion on the grassland.

No wonder they have now become the lion group with the most followers, because a group of loving, righteous, flesh-and-blood lions, their charm is hard to resist.

The brothers won the hearts of the Melissa Lions before they reached adulthood, knowing that not only humans recognize this charm, but the lioness is not blind.

After living with this group of outstanding male lions for a period of time, the lionesses gradually realized that the burden of raising a family is not entirely on them, and they can raise their offspring with peace of mind.

It was impossible for Qiao Qixi to smell the'daughter-in-law', so he didn't know at first that five lionesses in the lion group were pregnant.

He didn't know until after showing her arms!

Then he was crazy happy and counted, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ah, really crazy, ah!

When Alexander saw that the lioness was carrying a lion cub in her belly, the whole team watched him perform and go crazy.

Ah ah ah!

"Uuuuuuuuu!" Alexander ran from this small soil slope to that small soil slope, and from that small soil slope to this small soil slope.

"Hey hey!" Got down from this tree and climbed up another tree, so happy, so happy, so happy!

Qiao Qixi: From today, my supper will also be given to pregnant mothers-to-be.

He did so when the next meal came, but it didn't end well.

The four brothers did not suspect that he was hooking up with his own wife, this did not exist, everyone knew that Alexander was the object of dough.

This is not the point, the point is that the dough is so fierce.

Some lions dare too.

Joe Qixi awkwardly saves food from his mouth to feed his mother-to-be. After being caught by Otis, Otis beat him up.

Because Odis's vinegar was broken, Alexander's behavior angered him.

So all the lions saw that Odis chased Joe Qixi from this small slope to that small slope.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Alexander was wronged, not convinced, and running around is too tired? !

He quit and lay on the ground with a snap.

So what, life and death depend on fate, wealth is in the sky.