You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 84


Qiao Qixi, who was free again, breathed the free air, very sweet.

But freedom comes to freedom. Recently, even if family members are not staring at him, he has not left the house a step.

Because he likes his younger brothers and sisters so much, ah, the drop-shaped little killer whale, what a cute and cute creature!

After drinking milk for a few days after birth, he grows round and round, and is different from the shape that was a little flat when he was born. Now it is like a balloon blown up at both ends, plump and round.

How can Alexander be willing to go wild, he depends on his younger siblings.

The younger siblings are always hidden on the pectoral fins by the aunt, of course, because caring for the two baby killer whales is too hard, and one of them is taken care of by Qiao Qixi’s mother.

Congratulations, so Qiao Qixi was really stocked.

Except for his uncle who occasionally takes care of him, the other killer whales don't care about him at all.

Why is this

Because the family has entrusted the responsibility of taking care of him to his uncle, and then his uncle is two hundred and five!

I'm still a playful age, good fellow, let's go wild together.

No matter how cute the younger siblings are, they will be bored with watching them. Two months later, although the baby killer whales grow and become more adorable, the newness of Qiao Qixi has passed. He decided to go out to play and come back to see the baby.

Leaving home with uncle, the other party went to look for handsome brother OR handsome brother to flirt, and Alexander found a chance to slip away.

The vast ocean, my baby is here!

The sea in Antarctica is still clear, but their family will leave here soon, because the cold season is coming again and the ice in Antarctica is already expanding.

When Qiao Qixi came out of the water to breathe, he saw penguins leaving in groups on the ice. They were full and they were going to find a partner inland.

very nice.

Qiao Qixi dived into the water and looked down from the air. His figure was 56 meters long. He was thick and fat. Behind the straight dorsal fin pen, there was a white heart-shaped pattern. It was wrapped in a black suit and looked very eye-catching.

The cute and handsome killer whale Alexander happily swims and rolls in the water, backstroke for a while, and flipping for a while. He feels that his swimming skills are invincible in the world.

After a while, Alexander flipped his tail out of the water and made a wave of waves. In the next second, his head came out of the water again, opening his mouth to catch the fish he shot out of the water.

Ouuuuu, swallow it directly, there is no taste, it just fills up the stomach.

Hey, I want to eat seals.

Alexander, who is guilty and courageous, uses his echolocation system to find the seal closest to him. He has done this many times, but he did not take any action once.

It can only be solved through imagination.

He couldn't find the seals lying on the ice, he could only find the seals swimming in the water.

Seals are also mammals, and they will come ashore after swimming in the water for a while. In other words, even if Qiao Qixi temporarily finds a position, it is very likely that the seal will not be there after he rushes over.

So Qiao Qixi hesitated, the location seemed to be quite far away, do you want to go there

Hesitating and hesitating, Qiao Qixi suddenly looked down upon himself, God, you are 7 years old this year!

What is there to dare not go here

You know, his uncle scum started messing around with male-male relationships when he was 7 years old. Yes, he can get X pleasure at this age, but he has no fertility.

Qiao Qixi: Why should I use my uncle as a positive teaching material? He is not worthy of that wave whale!

Of course, Qiao Qixi would not say a word when he went out to surf. He told his uncle by ultrasound: I'm going to chase a big fish.

Sorry, he lied, it's not a big fish, it's a seal!

Uncle Zha: Got it, baby, come on.

Orca will nicknames for companions and relatives. Of course, Alexander also has his own nickname, which is a very cute pronunciation. The whole family calls him like that.

Alexander called himself the same way in the exchange.

So the correct translation for his communication with relatives is: baby bala bala bala...

The sentence just now should be: Uncle, baby go chasing a big fish.

Uncle also has his own nickname, here Alexander is automatically translated as uncle, because he doesn't know how to translate his uncle's name in words.

Alexander, who had reported his whereabouts with his relatives, embarked on the journey of chasing the seal happily.

Qiao Fathu: The baby swims left and right, swimming skills are so 6!

"Hey yeah—"

I am so happy. From birth to now, I have been surrounded by four adult killer whales. Wuhu, now this kind of suffocating love has finally transferred from myself to my younger siblings.


Alexander used his superb swimming skills to come to the area where the seal was infested. It was a shallow sea with faintly visible white beaches and many reefs around. For killer whales, this hunting place was quite dangerous.

In order to avoid killer whales, clever seals often hide on the shore, because seals can live out of the water, but killer whales are in danger of stranding on the beach.

Alexander, who was chasing here, stopped nearby and looked at the seal from a distance, thinking: You are the fortuneteller.

Yes, he didn't dare to come close, without a companion by his side, once he was stranded, he would be a dead end.

But Qiao Qixi was not reconciled to let him go like this, he could just stay here to feast his eyes, hum.

Qiao Qixi stayed in the water, thinking that it was better to be a polar bear, and he could go ashore to catch seals, so he wanted to sigh when he thought of the past.

Because he was very focused and the surroundings were quiet, Qiao Qixi didn't notice anything approaching.

The sound of water flow is very common in the ocean, and it can no longer cause waves.

What if something approaches him? Could it be that in this ocean, there will still be animals who dare to attack him

If there is, then 80% of the head is pinched by a large clam shell, and something is wrong.

When a seal faces a killer whale, does it mean that it’s safe to approach the shore

That's not the case. There is a kind of killer whales, they will run aground tactics.

Stranding tactics is the unique skill of Patagonian killer whales. The principle is to be familiar with the high tide cycle of this beach, and then the killer whales who dare to use the waves to wash ashore, and then follow the next wave of waves to swim back into the deep sea.

So they only have one or two seconds to attack their prey. Generally speaking, it is a very deadly and wild tactic.

Qiao Qixi, a conservative killer whale, would never do this, he was afraid of death.

But today he was fortunate enough to witness a group of killer whales doing this with his own eyes.

The seal he was staring at was not the one who was scared to the shore by his small innocence. Before he arrived, there was already a group of cold passing whales watching.

Like Alexander, they are also waiting. The difference is that Alexander is waiting and has no next action plan at all.

This group of passing whales hidden further afield is waiting premeditatedly.

The familiar sounds of them coming up to breathe finally caught the attention of Qiao Qixi. The lonely fat tiger raised his head and exposed his eyes, and saw the looming dorsal fin on the sea.

Great, the dorsal fin is straight and straight, all handsome guys in suits and leather shoes!

But they were quiet, did not speak, and felt that they were not the same kind of chattering.

Qiao Qixi blinked, thinking a little bit eagerly, should you say hello and say hello

But no matter how stupid he was, he could see that these elder brothers were obviously in a hunting state, and if they spoke rashly, they might disrupt each other's state.

At this time, the sound of smashing, smashing, rising tide!

The tall waves blocked Qiao Qixi's sight, and also swept the seals standing by the water.

A huge killer whale walked away from the waves, rushed to the shore at a swift speed, and held the seal that hadn't reacted with its mouth.

The inertia brought out by the behemoth caused countless splashes of water, and the movement was very loud.

The body of the killer whale left the water, revealing its original face, and for a while more intuitively showed its huge body like a mountain.

What's more, this is not an adult killer whale. He is just a 10-year-old sub-adult killer whale. The reason why he has such a large body is related to the species he belongs to.

This non-Patagonian killer whale that used stranding tactics came from the Atlantic Ocean, but later became Odis of the passing whale.

I don't know where he learned his stranding tactics, but it is certain that he is not using it for the first time.

Qiao Qixi didn't know how to operate the stranding tactics. When he saw such a big killer whale stranded on the shore, he panicked.

Oh my!

Is it worth it for a bite

He was so greedy for seals, he didn't come forward, hey, can't this buddy bear it

Look at his companions again. They all stayed far away and didn't come up. Are they so cold-blooded

Qiao Qixi looked at the eye spots of the stranded killer whale again, which seemed a little different from himself, so he could be sure that the other party was not an Antarctic type A killer whale.

Maybe it's a pelagic whale.

The companions who are stranded do not come to rescue. Is the brotherhood of the ocean whale group so plastic

However, it is also possible that their tonnage is too heavy to dare to step forward.

Qiao Qixi was okay, it should be about two tons now, he couldn't see the big killer whale stranded, so bravely he swam up.

Chivalry is righteous, but his lofty ideals.

One good deed today is to rescue the stranded killer whale.

Alexander, come on!

The kind-hearted and lovely Alexander rushed up, and the stranded water level of the opponent was still able to swim because he was short.

He used his body against the opponent's body, using the strength of feeding, hoping to push the opponent back into the sea!

Otis, with his head on the other side, noticed that something was against him, he turned his head with the poster in his mouth, a pair of deep and big grape eyes, yes, no matter what kind of killer whale, their eyes They are all like big purple and black grapes.

This killer whale, named Otis by humans, stared at Qiao Qixi quietly, while the seal shook his body in his mouth, not dead.

Alexander, who was working hard, was slapped by the seal's tail, which made him feel embarrassed and greedy. It was the seal who sucked and sucked.

No, wake up!

Fat Tiger Joe, now is not the time to be greedy!

"Hey—" Alexander, annoyed by his own nonsensical irritation, continued to push the stranded killer whale hard.

The killer whale, who was "nosy by the dog and the mouse", seemed to understand his intentions, and then remained indifferent.

Because he doesn't need to be rescued.

After the waves rushed up again, Odis could use the waves to return to the sea again. This kind of trick was familiar to him.

This time it was to demonstrate to his companions, so that his companions could also learn this hunting tactic.

However, this sub-adult killer whale, who did not know where it came from, seemed to be sympathetic and anxious for what happened to him.

Otis, who was cold and silent, blinked, revealing doubts rarely.

He wanted to tell the other party, don't be afraid, and go back in a while.

But Odis is not used to talking, and this killer whale is not his kind, nor is it a passing whale, the other party is another kind of killer whale.

They have no possibility of communication.

Qiao Qixi: Who said it is impossible!

Qiao Qixi is very anxious. He is not familiar with this coast, and he doesn't know when the tide will come. What if it doesn't come for a long time

Knowledge alters your fate.

The various languages he had been learning in the past finally came in handy today.

"Huh?" Is your brother a pelagic whale

The other party did not respond, no, maybe it was, but could not understand this dialect.

"Huh?" Is your brother a passing whale

Well, there is no response to this.

Qiao Qixi tried and tried, almost desperate, because there were too many dialects of Orca, even if he could say it, he didn't know which one it was.

And he didn't know whether his pronunciation was accurate.

After all, it's the first time to use it.

"Hey..." Odis, who was holding the seal in his mouth, reminded him that the tide was coming.

The careless voice was deeply carved into Qiao Qixi's mind.


Can communicate!

However, the meaning of this big killer whale brother is: gone, silly.

The author has something to say: Qiao Qiao: Han... Han Han