You Plan To Kill Me With Meng?

Chapter 91


Under the dark green sea surface, there are strands of kelp. In this environment, you must pay special attention to the reef, because maybe there are reefs hidden under the kelp, and you will hit your stomach if you are not careful.

Wild killer whales should not make such low-level mistakes.

At this age, Qiao Qixi, who would occasionally bump into each other, kept an eye on it:...

He floating on the sea, because of a string of bright floating balls hung on the dorsal fin, it became the only bright color in the ocean, which was very eye-catching.

At this moment, human drones are paying attention to this very special and cute Antarctic killer whale. By the way, he has a very cute name, Alexander.

The biggest mystery of Alexander: As an Antarctic killer whale himself, he accepted the invitation of a passing whale for some reason.

Is it because the passing whale is so handsome

It's because the gift from the other party won his heart.

The drone also photographed Otis, who was taking the Antarctic killer whale home not far away, and it seemed that Otis's eyes were still on his date.

His reluctance to leave is a little bit distressing.

So people can't help but guess, will they still meet in the future

It may or may not. The probability is half and half, depending on the personality and specific circumstances of each killer whale.

Odis's specific situation, with companions, he and his companions lived a life without a fixed place, and he was a true wandering prodigal.

The specific situation of Alexandria is an Antarctic killer whale who likes to stay with family members.

The gap between them is huge, it seems that there will be no future.

Last night when the moon was beautiful, it was more like an unexpected encounter in the ocean, short and beautiful.

Whale Joe Qixi didn't think so much about it, since Odis said that he would not leave him, it was true.

The little waves rushing from behind pushed the yellow floating ball in front of him, and he blinked. Although he was happy in his heart, he was also a little worried.

How to deal with this gift

Perhaps in the eyes of the lovely and pure Odis, this is a perfect gift. They will never know that this is just a piece of marine trash, and an increase in quantity will destroy their living environment.

Even though Qiao Qixi has not been a man for a long time, he still has a sense of shame in his heart.

Orca mother Ida may not know that this is a piece of marine garbage, but she seems to know that this kind of thing should not be hung on her body, just like a barnacle, it should be cleaned up in time.

Mother gently helped herself get the float down, and Qiao Qixi couldn't refuse, because it was the other party's kindness, and it was really not a problem to hang on her body all the time.

Ada surrounds her son who hasn't returned all night, and gently touches the other's body, expressing intimacy and concern.

At the same time, I was checking on Qiao Qixi: Is there any rubbish on him

When Qiao Qixi and Odis hugged intimately, they felt like a lively deer living in their hearts. They would be very excited and passionate; when they touched their mother's face, they felt warm and happy emotions.

His mother-in-laws loved him very much, and occasionally seemed to worry that he would be jealous of his younger siblings, and would deliberately coax him to please him, telling him that no one ignored him.

Alexander: No, please stock as much as you like.

No matter what Qiao Qixi thought when he was first born in this family, he now regards these killer whales as his true relatives.

Otherwise, he is out of the crowd now.

Thinking of Odis, Qiao Qixi poked his head out of the water, swept his big grape eyes to the sea, and used Fat Tiger's professional voyeurism to see if the other party had gone.

Without seeing the killer whale's dorsal fin in a radius of 50 meters, Odis has already gone, ah, there is nothing to say.

Joe Qixi: Odis, have you gone back

Odis: Hey...

The other party screamed to him, but it didn't mean to go back, it seemed to be a simple bubbling.

Respond to the slimy boyfriend.

But it seemed that he felt that he was too straight. Otis finally said something meaningful: Go catch the seals and eat them.

Qiao Qixi wished that he would not speak, because he couldn't eat it: Oh, I want to eat it too.

Odis: I see.

Qiao Qixi:

It was a bit dumbfounding. Odis, who had an IQ, was such a straight man, and he still regretted that he used to make him feel bad. If only they could talk and communicate with Odis, they could say a lot of things and exchange little secrets that they didn’t know about each other.

He also wanted to tell Odis about this wonderful colorful world in words.

For example, the drone that occasionally appears in the sky: Look at Odis, this thing is called a drone, which is that it often treats the lives of our animals and is very frantic! Don't even let it go when you sleep.

When you see a huge oil tanker, you can tell the other person: Look at Odis, this is a luxury cruise ship that humans use to enjoy life. There are comfortable accommodations on it, as well as food and entertainment. Sitting on a cruise ship around the world, it used to be My plan list, aha, but it didn’t come true because it was too expensive (isn’t it because you died early?).

In the fantasy of Qiao Qixi, Odis would certainly receive the new information in awe like a bun, and then smile softly and praise him: Alexander knows so much.

In fact, when the two sides could finally communicate, it was him who was refreshed, not Odis.

Qiao Qixi: I'm too difficult!

You can communicate what Odis he thought before: gentle and steady, strong in combat, and even a little silly. In addition to eating and sleeping, every day in life is to raise him as a son.

Of course, he didn't mean to dislike it, there is no doubt that he loves Odis!

Odis, whom he re-acquainted after he could communicate: Gentle, steady, and strong in combat, these points remain the same.

But there is no, silly, silly, silly.

"..." The original impression was so wrong!

Qiao Qixi: Forget it, it's definitely not because of my clumsy eyesight before, it's obviously the fault of communication barriers!

If you don’t talk or communicate with you, no one knows what the other person’s real thoughts are like.

It's just that Qiao Qixi didn't expect it to be like this.

Throughout the encounter now, Odis, as a wild animal, is trying to catch him, showing his charm, and then playing straight shots, confessing to the wall, and after being rejected several times, he readily let go without being entangled.

Meeting again and actively fighting for an opportunity means that his feelings are not casual, and he can't let it go because he really likes it.

Get the opportunity to execute it immediately, instead of picking up a piece of rubbish on the sea to see him, but looking for it seriously.

Although I haven't asked the other party how long they have been looking for and where they found the gift, it must not be as easy as imagined, Qiao Qixi thought.

At first, Qiao Qixi didn't think there was anything in it, didn't he pursue the target? Of course, he had to take action, but now that when he thinks about it, he finds that this killer whale is amazing.

The heroes of Ba Zong's novels do not have him.

The killer whale that Qiao Qixi said was indeed going to catch the seal as he reported.

But it is not an independent hunting.

His companion was hunting, and according to the signal sent by the other party, he rushed over.

The blue and turbulent deep sea is more dangerous than the shallow sea. The deep sea of aerial photography makes people have a fear of being swallowed into it at any time.

Probably only a monster like the killer whale can face the ocean calmly.

And sometimes even they are powerless.

The seal, surrounded by six passing whales, escaped by hiding on the pectoral fins of the humpback whale.

The ethereal cries of the big whales echo in the ocean, and humans listen to beautiful songs, but they may be just driving away this group of innocent killer whales, which is actually a warning.

The six passing whales are not in love with each other, and when they find it is a humpback whale, they rush to the next stop.

The high rate of appearance of seals is not because the killer whales have opinions on it, nor is it because it is really better than other marine animals. There are many delicious seafood in the ocean.

It can only be said that the number of seals is huge, and they are distributed all over the world, and they can be found everywhere.

As for the cubs of other whales, they are also unforgettable!

If every meal has to eat whale cubs, many killer whales will starve to death.

More often, they don't dislike small fish and shrimps. For example, in Otis now, when he encounters a school of fish, he will pat his tail and take two bites. After all, he is not picky.

Eating is anytime, anywhere. Small targets eat as soon as they meet them, and big targets slowly figure out.

The lucky seals escaped, and the unlucky seals fell into their mouths and became food for their stomachs.

Everyone was very satisfied after eating the prey, which meant that the hunting could come to an end. Even the energetic passing whales should rest and replenish their strength. What's more, they are quite lazy, and they don't do it every day.

Odis was alone, and his companion expressed doubts: Odis, where are you going

"Catch the seals." Odis had already swam out a long way. The cool guys only heard his voice, but couldn't see him: "Antarctic little killer whale wants to eat seals."

Cool brother C: "Did you fail again?" Otherwise, why continue to send seals? Perhaps this killer whale thought so in his head.

Cool guy B: "He wants to do it the second time." This is a smart killer whale.

Cool guy A: "It's many times." This one is smarter.

Odis no longer responds to them. The more talk is just Qiao Qixi’s impression of him. I have to ask his companions: Do you think Odis talks a lot

Companions: This question is so silly, ask another smart one.

The killer whale really has no concept of time. After Odis left, Qiao Qixi didn't receive any news from the other party for one day, and there was no bubbling against his cute little killer whale.

Should this relationship go on

If I ask one thing on the Internet: Does my boyfriend break up if he doesn't message himself for more than 24 hours

There must be some persuasion underneath.

Can't think of the object all day, so what do you want the object to do? Minute! But now the situation is special, Odis is just a killer whale, don't be too harsh on him.

Although Qiao Qixi wanted to know what the other party was busy doing in the ocean, but still resisted the thought of disturbing the other party, maybe they were doing serious things.

Serious things about killer whales: eating, sleeping, hunting.

Dating is not serious, dating is not serious!

After a good morning rest, Qiao Qixi followed the family members, eating and drinking, and continued to float, like a slow-paced travel with children.

However, their range of activities still did not leave the Colon Islands, but shuttled between each island, eating and sleeping.

It seems that their family will spend the 410 month of this year here.

This is a good thing. The fixed residence is their favorite for Antarctic killer whales.

By the way, guest whales don't seem to like to stay in one place for too long. If Odis is a bachelor, it doesn't matter where he goes, but the other party has a companion.

Qiao Qixi allowed himself to drift freely on the sea, with strands of kelp under his belly. He used to hate this environment and felt dizzy when he looked down.

Especially at night, who knows what's hidden inside, hey, it looks like hair, terrible.

It's better now, and occasionally dare to dive down to find food in broad daylight.

Surely Odis will not be afraid, will he

The other party is already very familiar with marine life, and it should be easier to become a killer whale.

Qiao Qixi’s uncle did not go out today, and the other party was singing next to him, seeming to enjoy this peaceful evening.

His singing is very good. At this moment, the same kind of killer whales all over the world are also listening to his singing.

Soon Qiao Qixi heard that many killer whales were praising his uncle's singing and said that they liked it very much. This is a more subtle statement, and there are some very bold ones, asking directly if they can date.

Qiao Qixi: This is not what a child should listen to!

It is estimated that there are too many high-quality killer whales, and his uncle only drifted with him for half an hour, and then went out in the dark, and told him to be obedient when he left.

Qiao Qixi feels funny, he is older than his uncle in terms of age! But his heart was still warm, and he could fully feel the other party's love for him.

Although it is stocking...

But this is the case with the killer whale family. Don't be harsh, don't be harsh.

Not long after the uncle left, the boyfriend who had been missing for 24 hours finally contacted him: Hey...

It's still a syllable without meaning.

"Hey..." Qiao Qixi also has something to learn, isn't it cooler than shit! He will not lose.

Then there was no sound from the other party.

Qiao Qixi: Hey, I lost.

Why are you fighting with a killer whale? Qiao Qixi blinked and gave up being cool with Odis without pressure: What are you doing? Where

Otis: Catch you seals.

Qiao Qixi: Caught for a day

Otis: Ah.

Qiao Qixi thought to himself, A your head, I believe you a ghost, the ocean scumbag is very bad!

"Have you caught it?" Qiao Qixi came up to take a breath of fresh air, took a deep breath, don't care about a killer whale: "I miss you."

The other party can tease him and don't want it, and he can also tease him back.

The question is, what does a killer whale know about flirting? Do you know that you are being teased again

"Caught it." On the way here, Odis looked very happy. Undoubtedly, he knew he was being teased: "I'm still 50 nautical miles away from you."

Qiao Qixi suddenly felt soft. He used echolocation to measure it. Now it is not 50 nautical miles, and the distance between them has been shortened by a few nautical miles.

"Where is your companion?" The echolocation system indicated that Odis was acting alone.

"I don't know." Odis said very coldly.

"You have been following me, what about your companion?" Qiao Qixi's words are a bit complicated. He doesn't know if the other party can understand it, so he speaks very slowly: "Will you leave your companion? They are leaving. "

Sure enough, it was a bit difficult, and there was no response from the other side for a while.

Haha, Qiao Qixi despised her boyfriend's IQ, and then said again: "Your companion is leaving, will you follow?"

This sentence is very simple, Otis get, the answer is also very simple: "No."

Qiao Qixi had already guessed the result, how should I say, he felt relieved, and at the same time felt sorry for Odis: "Then you are the only one left."

Odis didn't respond, maybe he was busy on the road, or maybe it was inconvenient beeping because of a seal in his mouth.

Yes, not long after, his figure appeared in Qiao Qixi's field of vision, still huge and fat, with food in his mouth.

Even if Qiao Qixi knew that there was a master's soul living in this fat tiger's body, he still wanted to praise how cute and cute it was.

"Odis." Joe Qixi shouted with a smile in his voice.

Odis quickly swam over in silence, threw the seal in front of him, and blinked his dark eyes.

"Thank you." As soon as Qiao Qixi saw Odis appearing in front of him, he lost all his emotions. He pushed the seal's body with his mouth: "You really caught the seal for a day?"

"Hey..." This question was asked many times, but Odis answered it seriously.

However, he has always spoken with personality, and it sounded slanderous.

"Do you miss me?" Qiao Qixi continued to sult others.

After all, he could talk hard, he wanted to hear more sweet words, hehe.

"Got it." The straight man Odis, oh no, the big straight whale, leaned up and said to the little milk whale's mouth, "Are you going on a date?"

"Damn, no appointment." Qiao Qixi laughed angrily. Can this guy think of anything besides dating

He wanted to talk to the other party about something serious, so he kept his mouth close to his mouth, and organized his vocabulary to express: "Odis, do you come with me?"

This seems to be a question that has been discussed.

Odis blinked: Hey...

"I mean... Forget it..." Qiao Qixi got close to the big killer whale, and wanted to say if you would go home with me and live with me, but he thought about it, it seemed that he could not decide for himself. matter.

You can't let your family members accept a passing whale just because you like Otis, that's wrong.

"Nothing." Qiao Qixi approached each other intimately and whispered to each other: "Aren't you tired? Do you want to sleep with me?"

After catching the seals for a day, even the strong Odis couldn't help getting tired: "Hey..." He leaned on his favorite little killer whale, enjoying the pleasure of staying with each other.

Seeing that Odis was sleeping in seconds, Qiao Qixi's heart twitched tightly. No, he couldn't let the other party continue to run back and forth between the two places.

A killer whale can swim about 150 kilometers a day, and exceeding this number is a burden.

Qiao Qixi estimated that Odis had not only swam this number today, otherwise, after coming to him, how could he fall asleep without even having the energy to be a gangster.

Odis fell asleep, and the air vent floating on the water opened the valve to breathe from time to time, which was lovely.

Qiao Qixi accompanies Odis to help solidify each other's body so as not to be taken away by the ocean currents.

Killer whales like to rest in calm shallow seas because shallow seas are safer.

But it’s okay, it’s safe to sleep here, baby is with you, Qiao Qixi thought.

Qiao Qixi originally planned to leave the group in half a year, but now it seems to say goodbye to the family members in advance.

In their world, mother-in-law, uncle, there are many relatives besides him, but there is only one Alexander in Odis's world.

The author has something to say: Qiao Qiao is going to be a passing whale, and start the right way to be the overlord of the ocean

Ku Ge Tuan: Bring your daughter-in-law back and don't discuss it with us

Otis: So

Cool Brothers: Welcome! !