You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 110


What's more rare is that Lu Sicheng and Greedy Wolf returned to the lounge after that kind of conversation. Both sides showed excellent psychological qualities, pretending that nothing happened...

Especially when Lu Sicheng asked Greedy Wolf, "Jinx played well today, have you practiced well in the past two days?", Tong Yao felt that Oscar owed her captain a golden statue.

Greedy Wolf nodded, not surprised at all, raised his head to look at Lu Sicheng and said with an expressionless face: "I practiced the supplementary knife in the single-player mode, mainly to practice the feel, and the hero's growth hurts this kind of thing, you can understand it after using it once. No need to memorize it - if you think you can get it in today's game, just apply for it with the coach and try it out."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Two Oscar statuettes.

as well as.

Thinking back then, she practiced for the whole night to break the Tsar Guanglian and supplementary troops, and then she took out the diamond rank of Lu Yue and bombed it with death, and finally used it a little decently... Greedy Wolf's words are too irritating.

At this time, like the nursery rhyme, the number of people around who felt that the greedy wolf was pretending to be a big hair was all the team members—but those with long eyes could see that the greedy wolf was really playing well today, so there was nothing wrong with his pretense— When Xiao Pang smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You can be a genius AD boy", Lu Sicheng nodded, dropped the "good" and put the earphones in his ears, and stopped worrying about it.

Climbing into the car, he took out his mobile phone and saw someone on WeChat picking up trouble—

[The rabbit hugs the carrot tightly: I thought you would answer: I don't need to train and replenish soldiers and I won't miss a knife... At least it should be: Oh, the same as me.]

Lu Sicheng: "..."

[fhdjwhdb2333: Greedy Wolf said at least one thing right at the toilet door just now.]

The nursery rhythm sitting in the front looked at the screen of the mobile phone, stuck his head out from the armrest and silently looked back at the man sitting in the last row, he paused, lowered his head and continued typing—

[fhdjwhdb2333: Elderly people are more merciful. If an elderly person like me has to care about everything with you children, it would be a waste of the years of rice that I ate too much.]

The nursery rhyme stared at the word "kindness" for a long time and didn't react. He was full of thoughts about the team's usual scrims. After the scrims, he mentioned the words "Lu Sicheng" and talked about his discoloration. He replied on WeChat. He sent out a string of "Oohhahahahahaha" to express the absurdity he felt inside.

... But at this time, Tong Yao accidentally forgot that Lu Sicheng was not only their teammate, but also their half boss—

This means that when he finds out that Greedy Wolf intends to discuss transfer matters with other clubs privately outside the transfer period, he has every right and a valid reason to deal with him - according to various LPL clubs The practice of this kind of collaborating with the enemy and treason has always been severe, ranging from fines and salary suspensions for one season;

But he didn't.

Even if he knew that the kid, Greedy Wolf, was actually not that friendly to him, and that he did have the strength to threaten his status, he still did nothing, pretending that he didn't know anything.

Just after returning to the hotel, he sat in the nursery rhyme room to watch the match between LSPL's RMB team and CK team, and turned up the sound very loudly - so even if he was washing his face and washing his hands in the room to clean up his own nursery rhyme, he could hear the opinions in various ways. forcing...

Commentary A: [This is a fateful battle. The Butterfly of the CK team will face the Speed Star of the RMB team. The two sides are full of gunpowder when they go online at the beginning. It is obviously not suitable for the first-level team.

Commentator B: [To be honest, I haven't heard from Speedstar for a long time without talking about LSPL - such an old player.]

Commentary A: [I heard that the CK team wanted to buy Speed Star back this year, and they said that even if they want to retire, they should let him retire from the CK club. At that time, many old CK fans were very moved, but Speed Star rejected the invitation contract. .]

Commentary B: [That's me, I'm not coming back, it's been so many years, why did you leave then? Wouldn't it be a pity to come back without a score now? Although the team that Speedstar is in now... ugh.]

The two commentators were very euphemistic. After the nursery rhymes washed their faces, they came out and leaned behind Lu Sicheng to have a look. The player named Su Xing was still as smooth as he saw in the training match yesterday, with a big mouth and a light tail.

Nursery Rhyme: "Ah, this big mouth... the tail is wagging."

- As I said before, the tail wagging of the big mouth is due to the special animation effect produced by the number of game animation frames and the player's extremely fast hand speed and effective operation. Even in the current LPL, when the big mouth is used, the AD can make the hero's tail wag. no more than four...

The current version of AD is not strong in the early stage. It all depends on teammates to survive the early and late stages and stand up to take over the game. The RMB team, relying on AD to support, can barely play before the S5 World Finals. After the S5 finals version is greatly changed, In the event of a strong team, the RMB team may not have waited for the speed star to come out in the game, and other teammates have collapsed across the board.

like now-

Obviously the game is still in the laning phase, except for the bot lane, which is barely halfway open, the other two lanes are shaky and about to collapse...

A mid-level team with AD like Speedstar is placed in the LSPL, and is dragged down by teammates who are not on the same level at all. It is really a waste of time.

Nursery Rhyme: "This Speed Star is really powerful, Butterfly can't get anything from him."

Lu Sicheng: "It used to be more powerful. Butterfly is definitely not his opponent. Now it's a little dull. The management and operation of the LSPL professional team without a higher-level team is still worse... Although the management of domestic clubs is very bad."

The nursery rhyme reached out from Lu Sicheng to close the game he was watching, and the room became quiet: "No, if the little wolf goes to another team in the LSPL now, it will only be an end..."

"It's not even as good as Speedstar, he's just a half-finished product now, and he may be strong in the future, but it depends on what environment he grew up in—" The man lowered his eyes, hiding the faint smile in his eyes, "But he's leaving. No one can keep it. It is impossible for China Telecom to play the relegation match. They can't get promoted to the LPL, so I am afraid he will shout the slogan of defeating me every year in the future, and then meet me at the Demacia Cup. , I was hung up and beaten—"

"...Why are you so evil?"

Lu Sicheng smiled: "There are more evil ones."

When he said this, he was sitting on the sofa in the nursery rhyme room.

Outside the door, there was Xiao Rui walking around yelling at Xiao Chuan and asking him what he wanted to eat at night. Xiao Rui shouted, "Why don't you ask the captain, the captain?"

"Oh," the league's first assistant replied calmly, "I'm taking a shower."

at the same time.

In the room, Lu Sicheng threw his mobile phone on the bed, and the game that was paused just now started to play again. When the sound from inside and outside the room sounded together, the man stretched out his hand and dragged the person standing behind him into a circle and sat in his arms. .

Tong Yao sat firmly on his lap, and before she had time to ask him why he was crazy, the man raised his head slightly and bit his lower lip—Tong Yao was stunned, and felt the tongue of the person holding her swiping between her teeth. Sweeping, she submissively opened her teeth and let his lips penetrate...

[Now the two sides are starting a team battle in the bottom lane, and the CK team Yangshen - Yangshen is finally ready to move to the bottom lane! Good luck also TP! This volunteer speed! Oops, Speedstar can't run this time! Complete disregard for the feelings of the old teammates!]

In the roar of the mobile phone commentary, the team manager outside was still looking for his captain to urge him to take a shower.

Little did he know that the person he was looking for was sitting next to the door, holding his family in his arms, and kissing her softly as if he devoured her alive, her heart beat faster and her face flushed, and the man let go of her lips and kissed her. Red earlobes, a series of kisses all the way down...

She was nostalgic on the old red marks that she had previously covered with concealer, which she had just washed her face and hadn't had time to cover, and stuck out her tongue to bite—

The nursery rhyme made him a little itchy.

Tong Yao stretched her neck to hide, and said in a low voice: "Wait a minute, they're all outside, ah..."

[Speedstar knows that he can't run, and flashes forward and wants to change to Butterfly - How much hatred and resentment, I will take you away when I die - Butterfly is estimated to be confused hahahahaha Butterfly is going to die! Ah ah ah, the sun god opened up, and saved the butterfly with residual blood! Kindred can't use it? It also depends on who uses it - the sun god has harvested it!]

Amid the roar of the commentary and the little protest from the nursery rhyme, the man's big, slightly cold hands had already got into her clothes after staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time. This time, there was not much hesitation. It was fixed to death, and the slightly cold big hand moved around and caused a slight itching, and the nursery rhyme was frozen by the strange temperature and screamed a little...

The nursery rhyme grabbed the man's hand nervously, feeling that across the thin summer fabric, the two were too close, so close that she could feel the breathing in the other's chest gradually increasing...

[Yangshen is chasing the auxiliary troll with residual blood. To be honest, trolls are still quite fleshy, but don’t run away, child, you are facing a ninth-level, eight-headed, who just got four kills. …]

The girl's breath was unsteady, her face flushed red, and the corners of her eyes became the color of rabbit eyes... Staring at the handsome man's face, she asked in a low voice, "What the hell are you doing? There are people outside, and the whole world is looking for you. What's crazy?"

While talking, I moved my butt and tried to stand up.

"Don't move around," Lu Sicheng said in a hoarse voice, and patted her ass with his big hand on Tong Yao's leg, "You'll have to go to that brat for quality education in a while, he just finished me today, and I'm still I'm going to send my people to give him psychological counseling—"

[Five kills! Sun God! Jian Yang! Contributed to our second terrific pentakill on Day 1 of the Demacia Cup!]

Lu Sicheng's hand fell on Tong Yao's butt and didn't move away.

[In this wave of team battles, Yangshen made great contributions.]

"—I am dissatisfied."

His eyes darkened, his thin lips parted lightly, and he threw out three words that were so concise and conclusive.