You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 116


Little Fatty scratched his butt, narrowed his eyes and opened the door to go downstairs to drink water. He was just half a step out of the room door when he saw his mid laner and ad who were hugging each other in the corridor, head to head and whispering. He was stunned. For a moment, he threw down the word "spicy eyes" and slammed the door shut.

The nursery rhyme let go of Lu Sicheng and sent him to sleep. Lu Sicheng didn't say anything and let go of her, so he obediently turned around and went back to the room.

The nursery rhyme ran downstairs by herself, and practiced for a while in the stand-alone mode for a few mid-lane reinforcements—especially a few Taliyah, the heroes that she was not familiar with the operation, she was almost done, and she was ready to go to the queue to try it out. Try, so turn on the ranked mode and start queuing.

While waiting in line, Tong Yao suddenly caught a glimpse of the small book on the table, picked up the small book and glanced at it - then found that I was busy with various things before, procrastination before the month, and went to Xiamen again last week, so this month's live broadcast There was still a long time difference. After thinking about it, the nursery rhyme opened the live broadcast.

- This kind of hot-spot, the nursery rhyme will be broadcast live, which is absolutely unexpected!

For a time, the number of people in the live broadcast room grew exponentially. After the nursery rhyme reached out to adjust the camera, adjusted the camera and sat down for tens of seconds, the popularity of the live broadcast room changed from a dozen at the beginning to more than 200,000... Live broadcast room The barrage was swiping quickly, and everyone who had been holding back for two or three days finally got the opportunity to face the heroine of the news, and they jumped up and down!

[Wow, the live broadcast is actually on!]

[I relied on my wife to start a live broadcast to support a wave-wife, how are you! !]


[Warning of a large number of sprayers in the front]

[You still have the face to start a live broadcast, are you looking at your recent topic to get a wave of popularity? Ha ha]

[↑Already appeared]

[Demacia Cup 6666666666666 How did you two get together hahahaha]

[Housing management work, housing management work, or smiling, give me a house management and I will watch until your next broadcast]

[Muhao, the sister-in-law of the China Telecom team, where is my sincere brother]

[Where is Lu Sicheng? Where is Lu Sicheng? Where is Lu Sicheng?]

[Call your man to live broadcast! ! ! !]

The bullet screen scrolled very fast, and both those who were supporting and those who were spraying people were quickly wiped out. After a few glances at the nursery rhyme, he chose a few random answers: "I'm starting the live broadcast, and now I'm rank. Training can’t start live broadcast when will the mixing time start? I’ll be ashamed to start a live broadcast, I used to start a live broadcast... If I don’t start a live broadcast today, there won’t be enough time for the live broadcast at the end of the month, so I’ll have to live and sleep for you—”

[Sleep with Lu Sicheng!]

[Porn anchor, I called the police!]

[Shy face, the ghost will see you sleeping with Brother Cheng]

"... I slept by myself," replied the climax of the barrage without changing his face. At this time, a game was matched to a teammate, and the nursery rhyme clicked to enter the game, pre-selected the second choice, and then continued to chat, "Teammate? The teammate is still there. Sleep, I just returned to the base yesterday, and I'm exhausted - right back from Xiamen - the second team? The second team played very well. Although they lost to ck, they barely made it to the next round. Greedy Wolf is quite talented... "

[You actually praise other ads!]

[You are the kind of man who is talented. Thank you.]

[Recording, complaining, change to a housekeeper in Lu Sicheng's room!]

[Tell me about Brother Cheng! ! !]

"What are you talking about?" Tong Yao glanced at the barrage, and said in a natural tone, "Brother Cheng is a very powerful ad, why is there a top three in the world rankings now..."

[Only the top three!]

[Damn mentioning that his man is so indifferent, the girl's heart is too! I want to see you blush! I want to see you shy!]

[First three 6666666666]

"It's the top three, I can't say No. 1. After all, there is an ad of a similar level living in the yard next door... The adking in my heart is a smile, Gao Xuecheng, the king - that gunner who misses a gun will scream. The person... Brother Cheng won't, he only inherited Gao Xuecheng's facial paralysis, soboring."

[So are they really together? Ah, see me, see me, answer me, answer me!]

"It's together, otherwise how could it be like that."

[Who is chasing who! ! ! How come together! ! !]

Nursery Rhymes bent over and picked up the passing shallots - in just over half a month, the shallots have changed from "scallions" to "scallions". The skin and bones that were originally picked up by a casual grab are now full of fat and fat. … Nursery Rhymes brought the cat close to the camera: "He said, if he doesn't agree to be with him, he will throw the shallots away. I wondered why it's a small life, so I agreed."


[I didn't expect him to be such a sincere brother]


[Mom's routine is old and powerful, and I will go to routine and get a daughter-in-law back!]

[Then when will you break up!]

In the barrage of "66" swiping, Tong Yao touched Xiao Shao's head with a calm expression: "If you don't break up, why do you want to break up with the boyfriend you found based on your ability."

At the same time as her words fell, the ban&pick mode ended, and the nursery rhymes adjusted the runes and waited to enter the game. After entering the game, she stopped watching the barrage and played the rankings seriously... This made the people outside the barrage very anxious. This is not the same as the live broadcast they first imagined—

They thought that nursery rhymes would directly avoid all topics about Lu Sicheng, but she didn't;

They thought that nursery rhymes would just spray the face, but she didn't either;

They thought that nursery rhymes would smack those wives in the face, but she didn't either;

They thought that the nursery rhymes would hypocritically appease a wave of Lu Sicheng's female fans, but she still didn't—

Business as usual.

Business as usual.

However, because of her performance, some female fans who were a little sour and unhappy at the beginning calmed down instead - very wonderful, I don't know why they calmed down like this - the performance of nursery rhymes is too natural, she did not deliberately take care of other people's emotions There is no intention to avoid the related questions...

Everything just happened so naturally.

So when the nursery rhyme began to earnestly play the qualifying training, some fans who had previously posted on the China Telecom team and questioned the nursery rhyme quietly deleted some of their own bad remarks and privately sent an apology to the nursery rhyme; some continued to remain silent; Only a few people are still nitpicking in the eggs...

It seems that the calmness of the nursery rhymes has calmed down most of the people, and made them calm down too: Yes, it's just that the two players are together, how normal, what's the matter with them... Mom's mental retardation.

And here, of course, Tong Yao herself didn't know these subtle changes, so she continued to play her own rank and worked hard to study the usage of the new hero - the hero of the rock sparrow, which moves fast, roams agilely, and is elusive, and has a first-class ability to prevent breakthrough assassins. , that is, it is not so strong during the online laning period, so for players with a more aggressive style of play such as nursery rhymes, it is not so handy...

After being killed by the opposite mid laner once, she cut it out and glanced at the barrage. There were various [66666] outside for the opposing mid laner, as well as [You are in love, and you have become a fisherman. It was rarely used before. People kill alone online, waiting for a China Telecom explosion] [You are not suitable for playing rock sparrows] This kind of barrage...

"I also think I'm not very good at using Taliyah, but I think Koreans use it quite well, so it won't work if you don't practice. If you don't practice, the World Championship will blow up. If you don't practice one hero, you will waste one more hero. Ban, that's not good."

The nursery rhyme's tone was calm, and she switched back to the game to continue.

At this time, footsteps sounded upstairs, and the people of the second team woke up and went to the first floor for training. Tong Yao stretched out her head to say hello to the little ghosts. When she retracted her head, she was facing Lu Sicheng and Xiaopang's room. The door also opened from the inside, and the two walked out with a sleepy look on their faces.

Lying on the railing, Lu Sicheng glanced at the nursery rhyme sitting in front of the computer, scratched his hair and squinted, and went back to the room to take a shower.

The chubby wandering soul made him go downstairs and shouted from downstairs: "What are you going to eat at night?"

Cut out the nursery rhyme to see the bullet screen, the bullet screen is all [6666 dead fat man knows to eat] [fat man wakes up] [tell him to start the live broadcast]... The nursery rhyme smiled and switched back to the game. At this time, her game data is 0/2/0, the only two people who have contributed to the game. I am Takik. This hero has a very strong anti-gank ability. It has knock-up, traps, deceleration and self-acceleration. The escape ability is first-class, but nursery rhymes are used more. If you are unfamiliar, and your skills are not connected, you will always be caught and killed...

Fortunately, she still has the basic skills of repairing the knife, so the equipment economy has not fallen too much.

Twenty minutes into the game, her stats were 1/6/5, with 1 kill, 6 deaths, and 5 assists—the door to the room opposite her was pulled open, her hair was still wet, and she had obviously just taken a shower. Man comes out.

The nursery rhyme cut through the barrage and found that everyone said that they heard the door opening. She smiled and said, "Well, our captain is up."

[Our captain, we.]

[Dog food flavor.]

[Dog abuse! Unsubscribe!]

[Ah, ah, our captain, why do you feel so much love that I never felt before!]

When she was talking, Lu Sicheng had already walked downstairs, took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and went upstairs again, went directly to the training area on the second floor, and stood behind the door like a nursery rhyme—

Lu Sicheng: "The 1/6/5 rock sparrow, if you dare to take it out in the competition, I will dare to blow your dog's head."

"... This is not practicing, eh." Nursery Rhythm frowned, "Go away."

"I saw Tai used it before, but it's not like this. What the hell are you doing, let me demonstrate it to you..." The man said, putting down the mineral water bottle, and bent over to grab the mouse and keyboard.

"Don't, don't, oh, what the hell is your ad teaching me to play the mid lane, you're very swollen, go away." The nursery rhyme didn't let him grab it, and reached out to push him.

"I'll try, don't shake me."

Lu Sicheng pushed aside the nursery rhymes. At this time, the middle line was not bad. From the front, the nursery rhymes had been cowardly and did not dare to go up, so the opposite mid laner, Ryze, dared to ride on her head openly - at this time, the other party obviously didn't know that this side was replaced. Now, I watched the Takik come up with a disagreement and connect qa - instantly knocked out most of the opponent's blood, and at this time the opponent Ryze also reacted, and the backhand is a set of skills to chase and fight hard, because the equipment is on. The gap, the Taliyah did not hurt enough, and in the end, the murder was unsuccessful and Xiu died.

The screen goes black.

Nursery Rhyme's teammate ad silently typed out a:

Auxiliary is more straightforward: ruesmiling (middle menu chicken, fake smiling)

Lu Sicheng: "..."

The nursery rhyme was angry: "Made, you go, you go!"

The nursery rhymes pushed Lu Sicheng away, waiting for the resurrection to quickly open the store to update the equipment - while frowning and wondering whether he would go out of "Abyss" or "Central Asia" first, he suddenly felt his face being pinched from the side. .

Tong Yao's face was twisted to one side awkwardly, her eyes were still fixed on the computer screen, just like a qualified Internet addict girl: "Lu Sicheng, don't be noisy, I'm here—"

Before she could say anything, the person standing behind her lowered her head and kissed her lips.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

The man stopped after tasting it, bit her lips, let go of her, and said lazily, "What?"

The nursery rhyme said expressionlessly: "I'm broadcasting live."

Lu Sicheng's expression froze, looked up at their camera, paused again, raised his hand to cover the camera with his big hand: " didn't say it earlier."

"You gave me a chance to cover up, you still know how to face."

"I want it."

Outside the live broadcast room, everyone's eyes were pitch black and they could only hear two people arguing in the live broadcast room.



[Can you play the game well? I am an honest person who came to learn technology]

[Porn anchor, I called the police!]

[Take your hand away, ah ah ah, your sister, Lu Sicheng, take it away]

[Porn anchor, I called the police! !]


[I'm just watching a live broadcast, why do you want to feed me dog food]




[Unsubscribe and take a wave]