You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 12


ten minutes later.

"Weibo has been deleted."

"Do not."

"Weibo has been deleted."

"I do not."

"For the last time, Weibo has been deleted."

"I won't."

Lu Sicheng was on the sofa and glanced at the short-haired girl sitting directly opposite him - the latter was wearing a T-shirt jacket, flip-flops and big pants, holding a cat with a face that looked like it had been drawn with three or eight lines in his arms. Putting the suitcase that she just dragged in, at this moment, she smiled brightly.

"… "

Seeing Lu Sicheng's eyes swell.

He frowned, simply looked back, grabbed the phone that he had just thrown aside and opened Weibo—even though he hadn't posted any new Weibo for more than ten days, ten minutes ago, his "@" prompt Just kept refreshing, and when I clicked it, all the melon eaters were crazy @him under a certain Weibo, this Weibo looks like this—

[The salted fish girl smiling greatly: I went to the gate of the base and knocked on the door, it was Brother Cheng who came to open the door, then he glanced at me and closed the door - so now I'm standing in front of the gate again, and My pie.]

Attached picture: The ugly cat whose face looks like it has been drawn with three or eight lines is lying softly under a potted plant. The background is the gate of the ZGDX team base. The potted plant is a green plant grown by Xiaorui.

Seven hundred comments.

Below is a bunch of people's various "Hhhhhhh distressed", "卧 卧 Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" "Are you too much like sale" "Big Cake" ...


[Clean up a habit: How can Brother Cheng be so right! It's too much, let's take revenge on Brother Cheng together! For example, secretly take his indecent photos and sell them to us (.?﹃?.)]

[--Dai Ding: The pie quickly eats up all his fish! @ZGDXLu Sicheng]

[Dream and salted fish and you: I'm dying laughing, @ZGDX Lu Sichengcheng, please open the door to my smiling family, she has a dream, she wants to play a career!]

[A Mao Mao: Yes, although it does not look good, but closing the door and opening it again cannot be like fairy magic to change the face of your new mid laner @ZGDX Lu Sicheng]

[I'm your brainless fan: it doesn't matter if you keep her outside, let's let us in the house first, shall we? @ZGDXLu Sicheng]

[I suspect that you are not salted fish: eat his fish [Tan Shou]]

[Chicken Mua: Eat Goldfish! Eat his goldfish! ! !]

"… boring."

Lu Sicheng threw away his phone, stood up, walked to the computer, bent over and opened a new ranking. After the others greeted him, they dispersed back to the computer... At this time, manager Xiao Rui came from the building. After walking down, the nursery rhyme sitting on the sofa stood up and said nervously: "Brother Rui, I'll report."

"Ah, come on," Xiao Rui walked to Tong Yao's side in three or two steps, her eyes lit up, and she reached out to take the big cat hanging on her arm, "Come come come and hug Big Bing-oh, this cat is really heavy... say I just saw your Weibo, and Lu Sicheng shut you out?"

The nursery rhyme moved the corners of her lips.

Lu Sicheng: "I thought it was a fan gank base."

Xiaorui reached out and touched Dabing's head, the cat lowered its ears and made a "purring" sound, which seemed to be very satisfied... He looked down at the flip-flops in the nursery rhyme: "Have you ever seen a gank base dressed like this? fan?"

Lu Sicheng stared at the computer screen and said confidently without turning his head, "No, so I closed the door."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

I'm sorry for not dressing up.

Xiao Rui: "Tong Yao, your room is ready, go upstairs and have a look? Put your luggage away by the way, those toothpaste, toothbrushes, bath towels and other things haven't been bought yet. After you put away your luggage, I'll have someone drive you to a nearby shopping mall. One-time purchase."

The nursery rhyme nodded, seeing how satisfied Dabing Lai was in the arms of the new minion, she simply handed it over to Xiao Rui to play, and dragged the suitcase to the upstairs room - at this time, the old cat on the order kicked A handful of assistant chubby: "Go and help."

Xiao Pang glanced at the game that the old cat had already started, and then looked at the interface that he had just finished playing and had not started queuing, so he had no choice but to stand up and go to take the box of nursery rhymes. The latter quickly thanked him, but Xiao Pang was honest He smiled: "We will be teammates in the future. We need to help each other. Don't look at Brother Cheng, who seems to be very unfriendly..."

Nursery Rhyme: "?"

Fatty: "Actually, he's really not very friendly."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Xiaopang: "But it doesn't matter, after all, everyone in the base is very good at talking except him - so when you settle down, come and bring me a score, the assessment will be at the end of the month in two days, and I will have my salary deducted if I don't have the next wave of masters. "

Tong Yao looked at Xiao Pang, whose topic changed quickly, with a bewildered look on his face. The latter giggled and said, "It's really hard to help yourself in the rankings."

"Okay," nursery rhyme nodded, "line after line."

Xiao Pang showed a contented expression. At this time, the old cat seemed to have long ears and said below: "Nursery rhymes, don't listen to him fooling you, this is a force to get high points every day, and taking him high points is because he thinks he has too many points. It's not enough to buckle, it's a beast with a human face and a beast heart!"

At this time, Xiaopang had already sent the nursery rhyme and her luggage to the door of the room, and when she threw the sentence "come to the double row at night", she shook her stomach and flashed quickly, and did not give the nursery rhyme a chance to regret... The nursery rhyme had to turn around and walked into the room, Only then did I realize that the base was really preparing a room for her. The room was clean, the bed and quilt were brand new, there were white wardrobes and dressers, and there was a fluffy carpet under the bed. The whole thing looked like a girl. no!

Nursery Rhyme was very moved, and took out his rough clothes that were not worthy of the girl's heart in this room and hung them in the wardrobe; also took out skin care products and the like and threw them on the dressing table; the rest of the small boxes were full of large Canned cakes and snacks, there is a small refrigerator in the room, put these things in the refrigerator, and the small boxes she brought will be emptied.

The nursery rhyme fell on the soft bed and rolled over to rest, and after looking at the phone for a while, she stood up and went downstairs to ask Rui to take her to buy daily necessities...

It was only when she walked downstairs that she found that she had only been in the room for less than an hour, but the downstairs had become another world - at this time, the first floor of the base was quite quiet, except for the old cat and the fat man. Occasionally discuss hero talents and builds, and everyone else sits in front of the computer and plays the game seriously.

Rigo is missing.

Her family's flatbread... was formed into a fluffy ball, lying at Lu Sicheng's feet like a sea cucumber, with four short legs hugging Lu Sicheng's feet, sleeping very sweetly.

Lu Sicheng was playing the game with all his attention, as if he didn't realize there was something very warm around his feet hugging him.

"Big cake..."

What a scumbag, you are a jerk, and you have so many people in a base, you know which one you need to hug your thighs to survive!

But it didn't work! ! ! !

In the eyes of others, you are just a furry little beast who will eat his son! ! ! !

Tong Yao walked over to Lu Sicheng with a messy face and bent down to pick up the dog-legged cat. The cat was still struggling to keep her from hugging. Tong Yao forcibly picked it up and called it by its name to soothe it while being very natural. He bowed his head and kissed the furry cat's head—

As a result, just after the action was completed, the man who was playing the game beside him suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at her.

The nursery rhyme was taken aback by him: "... what's wrong?"

Lu Sicheng: "This cat just rubbed my foot with its head."

Nursery Rhyme: "???"

Lu Sicheng: "If it can make you feel better, I got up in the morning and took a shower."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Tong Yao thought for a while, then threw away the cat in her arms without hesitation, raised her hand to wipe her mouth with her sleeve, Dabing obviously didn't know why he was suddenly disliked, and ran out a few steps with his tail on his feet, He turned his head to the nursery rhyme and called out "Ow Ow" in dissatisfaction—

Lu Sicheng: "Is it better?"

Nursery Rhyme: "No."

Lu Sicheng gave a brief smile in satisfaction.

At this time, the nursery rhyme finally reacted: "That Weibo will never be deleted."

Lu Sicheng didn't lift his head: "Whatever you want."

"I'm going to put it on top."

"Really? I'm so scared."

"… "

"… "

During the silent confrontation between the two, Xiao Rui opened the door and walked in from the door. He glanced at the nursery rhyme and Lu Sicheng and asked, "Have you put your things in the nursery rhyme?"

The nursery rhyme nodded, Xiao Rui said "oh", and then said very naturally: "My car just happened to be lent to a photographer to go out to the field. Brother Cheng, why don't you take her to buy daily necessities?"

Lu Sicheng was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the team manager and frowned: "I'm busy."

Xiao Rui leaned over and glanced at Lu Sicheng's computer screen: "Busy to hang up? You're going to lose the second drill, friend."

Lu Sicheng: "That's why I'm busy, and I'll have an assessment at the end of the month in two days."

Xiao Rui: "Do you think you are an immortal if you want to go from drill two to master in two days?"

Lu Sicheng thought about it for a while, and probably also felt that it was really impossible. After showing a helpless expression, he slowly stood up from his position, lowered his eyes and looked at the girl who was looking up at him with his chin up at the moment. After a pause, he threw the word "go" lightly, grabbed the car keys that were casually thrown next to the computer, and walked out the door on his own.

The nursery rhyme stood there for a while, and it took a while for her to react. She quickly spread her legs and followed closely behind the tall figure who took one step away from her to trot two steps—

"Wait, Brother Cheng... Sigh, can I call you Brother Cheng?"

Lu Sicheng lowered his head and looked at the little girl in front of him who only reached his waist when bending over to put on shoes. The latter kicked and stepped on the flip-flops. He raised his head and looked curiously at the man after hearing no response—

"..." The corners of Lu Sicheng's lips curled into a slightly mean arc, "It's suitable to be called Dad."

"… "


"What dwarf, you talk well, it's fate for everyone to meet by chance, why are you so hostile?"

"Weibo has been deleted."

"I don't, who told you to close the door first."

"Because I didn't expect my future teammate to be a minor."

"I'm nineteen!"

"Your height tells me you're lying."

"...Weibo is on top."


The nursery rhyme walked in front with her head held high, so the gate of the base was slammed shut with a bang by the man walking behind.