You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 123


The game officially begins.

Lao K still turned on the blue buff in the upper half of the wild area as he was used to... But what made people relieved was that this time he did not ask the nursery rhyme to help, but went directly to the blue buff in the wild area, and saw the early morning there. The old cat that just waited obediently.

The two began to play the blue buff in silence.

Tong Yao took back her attention and played Ai Jia seriously - I said before that this guy is as stable as Taishan in the lane and has the alternative name of "Middle Road Defense Tower"... This kind of player is usually either the team's weak point and can only wait for other lanes to carry. Playing in groups in the later stage; or it is really stable, and it is suitable for this style of play if I like it.

Ai Jia belongs to the latter, with good operation, a calm style that is completely opposite to his irritable personality, accustomed to playing defensive counterattacks and has been effective many times - a radical player like Nursery Rhymes, countless people have fallen into trouble with him countless times.

In the past, yqcb was the whole team who coaxed and released resources together until they died of chronic death. Ai Jia's style of play was not very obvious - until now, the yqcb team's style of play has taken on a new look. A whole team of radicals, only Ai Jia has a solid foundation and a solid foundation. Instead, he supported his true role and sense of existence: so facing Ai Jia, she didn't dare to take it lightly, and because she needed to pay more attention, she was a little bit hard to let go...

Commentary a: [Three minutes into the game, everyone is in a stable laning period, we can see the middle lane, she seems to be a little bit tied up when smiling gets the vampire... ]

Commentary b: [Then it's me. When I'm facing defensive players like Ai Jia and Lu Yue, if I'm a player who is aggressive, I'll choose my attack more carefully. time-]

Commentary a: [Then I still miss the appearance of new-born calves not afraid of tigers when smiling first came to lpl!]

Commentary b: [...that's you, the operator team doesn't miss it at all - I heard that there was a time when Brother Cheng stood behind her with a feather duster when smiling was playing in the rankings, and he rushed to the top to send it off once. The back of the hand, the top of the hand will beat the back of the hand once blindly…]

The audience burst into laughter.

Commentary a: [Hahahahahahaha where did you hear this rumor?]

Commentary b: [It's definitely not now, now we can only see Brother Cheng gecko lying on the smiling chair with affection... ]

Commentary a: [Every day's live broadcasts are dog food flavored.]

In this game, the players naturally couldn't hear what the outside commentators were saying. The nursery rhymes just grabbed the neutral position of the reinforcements from time to time and exchanged blood with Ai Jia, but because the three-handed attack range was larger than that of the vampires, they took the initiative to exchange blood with Ai Jia from time to time. After the passive exchange of blood, the red medicine in Tong Yao's hand was the first to finish, and there was no chance to find any chance to kill Ai Jia—

At this time, the bot lane combination that had just reached the third level began to fight.

The reason was that when Little Fatty was doing the river view, when he came back, his position was slightly out of touch with Lu Sicheng.

At the same time, the Pope was about two seconds ahead of level 3, and he was ahead of the experience of one or two soldiers. After the wheel mother had the shield of e, it was easy to beat the ice, so she was the first to grab level 3 and use all the small skills. After the opening, the Pope went up without hesitation. Lu Sicheng seemed to have expected this. The experience of working with Xiaopang for many years made them not need to communicate too much. Lu Sicheng just said "you can call" and clicked. When they got off the floor, the two fought back decisively—

Lu Sicheng cleared the soldiers immediately and rose to level 3. Xiaopang's skills also kept up with the Pope's first hand to control it. At the same time, Lu Sicheng began to retreat, taking advantage of the cold hands to level and stack buffs, and then retreated again. Waiting for the opportunity to counterattack—this is the time to fight for hand speed, which is about two seconds. The Pope has already lost most of the blood of the little fat who occupies a slightly forward position. At the same time, he is finally covered with four layers of buffs. , Lu Sicheng immediately triggered the q skill that lighted up, preventing him from advancing vigorously!

At this time, the Pope's HP is not so healthy, and the shield e skill has also been activated, and once Lu Sicheng's damage w skill has been used!

Between the ice shooter's w skill cooldown is only 15 seconds and the wheel mother's shield is 22 seconds, so while they continue to press in, the opposing assistant Braum blocked in front of the wheel mother and opened the shield—

"Count to five seconds to be weak, wait for the shield to disappear and switch to support, five, four—"

The man watched as his blood volume was also rushing down, and at the same time, a calm voice sounded in the headset-accompanied by the countdown, Braum's shield disappeared at the same time, and the ice archer's flat A flew down quickly on its body, At this time, he was only level 3, and he was not as strong as he thought. After a few hits, his blood volume almost bottomed out. After giving Lu Sicheng a weakness, he retreated. However, at this time, Lu Sicheng His w damage skill was on again. He didn't give the opponent a chance to retreat. Nine lightsabers shot out and took down the head of Bron who had retreated a distance!


zgdx fans exploded and boiled—

Commentary a: [Very beautiful transfer target and counterattack! chessman's skill time calculation is very accurate! This is calculated, this is absolutely every shot - including basic attack damage is calculated!]

Commentary b: [None of us would have imagined that Lun Zimama was fighting against the Ice Archer, and when Lunzimama took the lead in level 3 to take the initiative to open Bingbing, she would be counter-killed by an assistant... ]


"It's okay to fight back!"

On the field, zgdx's headset sounded a piece of praise from his teammates.

Commentary a: [To be reasonable, if Chessman gets the first kill first, then the Pope will be at a loss for this wave. Four hundred dollars, and the army line is finished again. This brother Cheng will take a small lead when he goes back, and he is a hero. The resulting online disadvantage will be instantly...]

Haven't waited for the commentary to fall.

At this time, the wheel mother on the opposite side made an astonishing move-I saw it flashed up with a "bang" and used the Q skill to force Lu Sicheng and Xiao Chuan, who were already standing under the tower with only blood skin left, and started their return journey. take away!

Then he was killed by the tower damage!

Victory over the tower! The two lanes instantly changed from 1:0 to 2:2, returning to balance!

Both ADCs took two heads each, and the yqcb fan seat, which was a little silent just now, was boiling!

Explanation a, b: [… … … … ]

Commentary a: [To be reasonable, this flash change made me dumbfounded.]

Commentary b: [Don't you dare to speak without looking at me?]

Commentary a: [To tell the truth, the adc will accept it at this time. This can flash hard swaps. It is definitely a case of extremely understanding of the damage of the hero wheel mother, and also extremely confident in his own operation speed. This is the case. Do!]

Commentator a: [Audience friends, have you noticed? For commentators who may be slapped in the face all the time, this game is a bit difficult to explain ahahahahahahaha… ]

The commentator outside the arena joked that the atmosphere on the arena was not so relaxed. The original advantage of zgdx is now only that Lu Sicheng is ahead of the 100 yuan with more rewards for the first kill and Xiaopang is ahead of an assist...

"I didn't have time to press the treatment, this Li Junhe." Lu Sicheng was calm. "The ad on the opposite side didn't dodge, but you can't use it if you see it, old k. Next, their jungler will probably live in the bottom lane."

Lu Sicheng was right. The opposite jungler harassed him twice in the bot lane within two minutes, forcing Lu Sicheng to retreat because of his health. The ad was pressed and had to step back, just to watch the opposite point fall off a tower—

"There's a single round on the opposite side, old K is here to change the tower."

The old cat's tone was a little anxious, as if he wanted to join the jungler to push the tower on the opposite side of the road - but after he entered the tower, the old k still managed to collect the group of wild monsters before walking on the road. In fact, it was only a few seconds before and after. When the old cat was about to arrive, the opposite side sent the order online, forcing the old cat to retreat. When the old cat saw that his health was not very healthy, he hurriedly stepped forward to help—

However, at this moment, the opposing jungler arrived in time and performed a wave of counter-squatting, which was another wave of easy 0-for-2!

Eleven minutes after the start of the game, the economic gap between the two sides was 1,300 yuan, and yqcb temporarily took the lead.

At this time, zgdx's top and bottom lanes are actually very difficult. The Pope is not like other ad's who will give Lu Sicheng a chance to go to another way to develop. He firmly drags him to the bottom lane, and he can't walk. Open it, you can't throw it away!

-The only ones with normal development in the whole team are the nursery rhymes that have been lining up with Ai Jia.

But they can't do anything about the mid lane. They put the first fire dragon and wanted to change the tower in the mid lane, but the support from the opposite side came very quickly. Halfway through the fight, they left the jungler alone to single out the dragon, and the others rushed back. To the middle, forcing zgdx to retreat...

Since that wave of old k arrived a few seconds late, zgdx seemed to be hit by a curse. The first tower in the middle road and the first tower in the top road on the opposite side had bloodskins hanging on them, but they couldn't push them away - the opponent was like pretending It's like a motor, the support is fast, and the execution is extremely strong. Every time, they get to where they want to go and occupy the base!

Twenty-five minutes into the game.

The economic gap between the two sides came to 2,500 yuan.

Lu Sicheng said, "Hold on, it's not that hard to beat if you take the tower."

Usually, everyone would encourage each other and prepare to continue to cheer, but today no one spoke. Tong Yao frowned, cut the map and looked at the two bloodstained defenses. After pushing for ten minutes, they still couldn't find a chance to push the defense. Tower, an idea suddenly popped up in my heart: Can this game have a late stage

This unprecedented question made her heart shudder and her palms sweat.

On the twenty-seventh minute, the two sides finally started a group battle. The effect of Feng Nu and Qian Jue was good. Qian Jue used a big move in a small range and entered an invincible state regardless of the enemy or me. The female opened again and shouted, and blew the remaining blood out of the range and returned the blood by the way—

Then Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng frantically harvested the residual blood while they were still being blown away.

Fatty: "Yes, yes."

Lao Mao: "This bronze routine is very easy to use... No one has used it before in the competition."

Xiaopang: "However, I guess it can only be used once. Next time, who the hell will stick with you and fight with blood?"

What Xiao Pang said was right. This won a wave of team battles and finally won the two remaining blood towers on the opposite side. However, after this, unless one of Feng Nu and Qian Jue was used up or died, otherwise And no one wants to start a group with them again...

The game returned to the depression at the beginning. Wherever China Telecom went, the other party supported them, and then relying on their own equipment, they fought with their heads and ran away. Nursery rhymes looked at the darkness on the map and could not do anything. For the first time, I had Getting your own blue buff in your wild area is like being a thief plus buying a lottery ticket...

Then everything developed so in line with the normal script.

- Forty-second minute of the game.

Lao K was caught doing vision, and the opponent directly opened the dragon.

Knowing that losing the dragon at this time means that the other party will go to the high ground, and the four zgdx have to bite the bullet, and the ice will open a big move to freeze a disadvantage of reducing the number of people - Lu Sicheng's ice big move is still accurate Yes, but there was a Pope on the opposite side. I saw that Mother Wheel went directly out of the dragon pit to open the shield and the e-skill canceled Lu Sicheng's big move. Tong Yao heard the man next to him swearing swear words in the game for the first time ever.

Of course the dragon was lost.

And then there was the all-or-nothing, not-or-miss opening—

Xiaopang blew up three times, and the nursery rhyme w cut in and wanted to cut the ad on the opposite side first, but a small mistake made her unable to touch even a single hair of the Pope, and the effect of the opposite Bloom in her blood pool disappeared. Then directly zoomed in and lifted her up, the wheel mother opened the Q twice to crit, and then cooperated with Ike's immobilization, she was killed in mid-air!

- The forty-third minute of the game.

The old k came back from the resurrection, and without a c-position zgdx, he couldn't beat the yqcb with the big dragon buff, and was soon destroyed by the opponent, and the remaining old k who had just arrived had to be chased and run back...

Outside the arena, the commentator was regretful, saying that if the vampire waited for Qian Jue for three seconds at night, the result might be different;

The audience is sighing, how to let the mid laner go up to start a group, but the big tree does not keep up;

The barrage is scolding, scolding nursery rhymes for being a hot chicken, scolding the old cat for sleepwalking throughout the game, scolding Lao K for being mentally retarded by the mother whose vision was caught...

- Forty-four minutes and twenty seconds of the game.

Lu Sicheng remained calm, he said, "Next."

Then yqcb went high.

With the wheel mother, the clearing speed should be as fast as possible. With countless small soldiers, they pushed down the highland defense tower in the middle, pushed down the crystal, and went straight up to demolish the front tooth defense tower next to the big crystal at the base.

- Forty-four minutes and forty-five seconds of the game.

The big blue square crystal was exploded.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "


Seeing that the base was taken down by Pope ad and top rank Rongrong on the opposite side, it was difficult for the nursery rhyme to tell what kind of feeling it was—

It's not that Lu Sicheng's words are just a joke, so I'm not mentally prepared for the possibility of losing the game; it's not that I didn't lose a small point first in the league and then let one chase two; The opponent's crazy targeting becomes a breakthrough to lose the game;


- none of this works.

I have experienced all these things, I should have been calm, but when I watched the base exploded, Nursery Rhyme's brain was emptied for a moment... Then the 45-minute game was suddenly compressed into a short movie and then from The first second started to replay in her mind, and she sat there, trying to remember when they were doomed to lose...

Did she start the group too early

No, go further.

Lost the dragon

No no no more.

In the middle team battle, she made a mistake in her position and was second

No, no, maybe a little further...

Perhaps at the beginning of the game, the first second the player left the spring and reached the line, when she manipulated the hero to use the first skill to exchange blood with Ai Jia

Throughout the game, the opponent's watertight defense and the anxiety caused by zero mistakes swept over. Compared with his own frequent positioning errors, deviations in coordination, and support efficiency, it was a beat slower...

- It's impossible to win like this.

—It’s not bad to last up to forty-five minutes.

- The strength of the three lines is all five to five. If you don't cooperate well, and there are many loopholes, you may lose the next game.

- Lose the game like a clown.

Such an idea entered his mind in an instant, and the feeling of suffocation suddenly filled his brain, it was an inexplicable panic... When Nursery Rhythm took off the earphones with numb fingers and stood up, she suddenly felt the light in front of her eyes, the cheers of the audience and The refueling became very far, she swayed, and then her arm was grabbed by a big hand beside her.

Lu Sicheng didn't speak, and almost half helped her back to the players' lounge without a trace. He probably felt that the failure this time was different from the previous ones and it wasn't just the nursery rhyme alone, so the whole lounge was relatively quiet...

The air conditioner in the lounge was a bit cold.

Tong Yao went back to the lounge and sat down and stopped talking. It was rare that Lu Sicheng didn't use his super memory to quickly replay out of thin air during the short break. He just picked up his jacket and put it on, and then Like a gangster prince, he glanced at the people in the lounge with indifferent eyes. Everyone was silent or whispered.

It's just that the old cat and the old K sat together again, their faces were calm, and they had the first normal conversation in the past two days—

"How did you think of changing towers in the first wave?"

"I thought I didn't see the bill on the other side."

"Let me run to save you again, and lose two lives."

"Ah yes, this wave of mine." The old cat lowered his eyes, the corners of his eyes were gentle, and there was an apologetic smile on his lips. He didn't ask the old cat why he had to take the stone monster and came to support him.

Lao K seemed a little surprised, raised his head and glanced at him without saying a word, but of course he didn't lose his temper or anything, just stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder - this action probably had other important meanings.

The lounge became relatively quiet, and there were sounds of staff walking and talking in the corridor outside, mixed with the commentary's discussion of the game just now...

"I know that no matter what I said before, you won't actually take it to heart, how is it now?" Lu Sicheng's cold voice sounded, "After verifying the comparison with both hands, do you feel like you're playing like a slut? "

His voice was calm.

Even without any sarcasm and the meaning of "I'll just say it", he just asked a question and a probably more appropriate metaphor.

"Inflation." He threw the two-word summary lightly, the man paused, and then said lightly, "If you go to the world finals in this state, it's better to abstain like last year. The ending is the same anyway."

Fatty raised his hand, frowned, and scratched his head irritably.

Lao K and Lao Mao exchanged glances, and at the same time saw the words "I was wrong" in each other's eyes.

Tong Yao lowered her head and sat on the chair with her fingers twisted—it seemed like she was back about a month ago, when Lu Sicheng locked her in a small dark room to give her a quality education about a month ago.

"Okay, don't be rude." Lu Yue stood up and patted Tong Yao's shoulder, "Didn't you see your family trembling as if you had Parkinson's?"

While Lu Sicheng looked at Tong Yao, Tong Yao raised his head and looked at Lu Yue blankly, the next second he felt a warm jacket falling on him, Tong Yao retracted his gaze, and then felt the tall figure standing in front of him crouching. Down... She raised her head and looked at the pair of dark brown pupils parallel to each other.

Lu Sicheng grabbed her hands with cold fingertips and sweaty palms, forcibly spread her stiff fingers, and squeezed: "Would you like to change Lu Yue?"

Lu Sicheng's eyes were always calm.

The nursery rhyme paused, and then subconsciously shook his head slowly under the man's gaze...

She saw that the man's gaze finally softened, and he raised his hand to touch her head, presumably to express a simple message: he got the answer he expected.

Nursery Rhymes understand this.

What she panicked was that for a moment she didn't know how to win the game with yqcb - although she didn't know it now, she knew that escaping would not solve the problem.

Either fight it yourself and win it back.

Or fail miserably and start over.

In the past, it was always said that it was useful to escape shame, but now she suddenly discovered that this "useful" was only temporary—

She always has to face it.