You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 124


At the beginning of the second game, Tong Yao felt that there was a bgm behind him who walked out of the player channel—the kind of Fengxiaoxiaoxi and Yi Shuihan...

Going up to the seat, she put her hands on the armrests of the seat and began to think about what kind of hero she was going to take. Vampires don't think about it, and the shadow of the mistake of the previous one is still there... LeBlanc is impossible to get. This hero has not been released for a long time if there is a China Telecom game, what else is there? fox? Male knife? Bright moon? There are also some versions of Assassin Heroes, but nursery rhymes have seen the game video, and the average mid lane assassin has no way to take the old oily Ai Jia...

What about the cards? She still has a hand of cards, should she use the cards now

She knows that the other four major regions, including lck, will also look for the video of China Telecom's game to study - all major teams are like this, everyone is hiding, but any team that has the confidence to enter the world finals of the s series, It is impossible to reveal their true strength in the league group stage.

Cards cannot be taken, and Myojin, who is a data analyst and in charge of ban&pick, will not agree.

Sitting behind the computer, nursery rhyme's face sinks like water.

Commentary a: [The scene picture is cut to the zgdx side, this one still maintains the starting lineup of the previous one - you can see that Xiaopang is eating candy, the old cat and the old k are whispering, the expressions of the players are still relaxed...]

Commentary b: [Did you just ignore the one sitting in the middle? Although people are petite and blocked by the computer, you don't have to do this.]

There was a burst of laughter from the audience below, and the nursery rhyme felt as if she was talking about herself. She raised her head blankly, and only had time to see the audience below laughing together - Lu Sicheng reluctantly took the earphone and put it on for her. Up, she turned to look at Lu Sicheng with a bewildered expression.

Lu Sicheng adjusted her earphones, and her long fingertips seemed to pass her earlobe unintentionally.

The sound insulation of the earphones is very good, so at this time, I was staring at the nursery rhyme of my own man who bent over to play with the earphones.

Commentary a: [Brother Cheng put on headphones for smiling, which means: You can speak ill of my girlfriend, but don't let her hear it. When she turned back, she was angry and said that I would take the blame for not protecting her.]

Commentary b: [… … … You are really dirty.]

In the roar of laughter from the audience, the commentator a also laughed very happily. The director's elder brother pointed the camera at the nursery rhyme and Lu Sicheng very humanely. In the harmonious atmosphere at the scene, people saw Lu Sicheng who had set up the earphones for the nursery rhyme and stood up straight. Come, glanced deeply at the direction of the camera, raised his lips to reveal a playful smile, raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

The laughter at the scene subsided a little, and some girls staring at the big screen began to cover their faces and screamed "Oops" and "Oops".

In the sight of people, Tong Yao raised her hand and grabbed Lu Sicheng's hand on her lips, frowned and asked him something in a low voice, Lu Sicheng shook his head calmly, and patted her head calmly.

Hundreds of people were present, and only the nursery rhyme was kept in the dark.

Lu Sicheng also put on his headphones.

Commentary a: [I know that when the double C positions of the operator team are together, there are actually many objections no matter on the post bar or anywhere. At that time, I also seriously considered whether the normal interaction between professional players is The right choice…]

Commentator b: [It seems pretty good now, I have been commenting on lpl for three years, and I have never eaten dog food on the field.]

Commentator a: [Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Leaving this aside, now I think it's pretty good too, right

Commentary b: [It seems that I want to fall in love, this kind of traditional positive energy, we should give blessings instead of saying something... um, some don't.]

Commentary a: [Unfortunately, no one wants you.]

Commentary b: [… ]

While the commentator was chatting, three minutes later, the second game officially started.

The opposite side did not hesitate to ban Kindred, Han Bing, and LeBlanc. Except for LeBlanc, who was a traditional ban, the rest were all top heroes - Kindred naturally took the loss from that wave of teamfights. Willing to let China Telecom take the combination of Qianjue and Fengnv again, and Bing, although there was a pope's bright e-shield to block the big move to prevent the group from opening, but during the game, it was still annoying to be harassed. when…

- China Telecom's bottom lane, Han Bing, flies an arrow and cooperates with the middle lane in disguised form to kill the opponent's mid laner and grab the blue buff. I don't know how many times in the entire league.

On the other hand, on China Telecom's side, this opponent has the first choice, so China Telecom knows that Tong Yao doesn't want to take vampires anymore and bans the strong version of vampires, then ban Jhin, and then ban the wheel mother.

The opposite side really grabbed Ezreal. This ad is like a version of the game maker's own son. No matter which ad is strong in the current version, which ad is not easy to use, in short, it is definitely not wrong to take Ezreal. yqcb In one hand, it is quite satisfactory, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When they got to zgdx, they also locked the big mouth of the bot lane ad first, and then Xiaopang thought about it and didn't know what to take, so he took a gem.

Opposite the second or third choice excavator, Bloom.

They are all heroes who are extremely good at jungler x stick and support Liang Sheng.

The sound of everyone's discussion sounded in the earphones. At present, it seems that the opposite side is a little bit lacking in damage, but the flesh that comes out is flying, and Ezreal runs as fast as a loach... It's clear: you are online Strong ability, right? We won't fight against you, and we will take all the money to make you mad.

"Why don't nursery rhymes take an assassin."

"What do I get, trolls? They can't cut the back row with the usual assassins in this lineup... You are like a choice that can interrupt their lineup."

"I think they're going to take Ike, ahhh, it's all meat and an Ike."

The messy discussion sounded, and the nursery rhyme sat in the chair without speaking, staring at the lineup on his side, and then looking at the opposite, after thinking about it, he suddenly said: "I want to say that Ai Jia is so stable, the Tsar is the most suitable. Now - if he takes the Tsar later, do you think this ban&pick looks familiar?"

As soon as the words of the nursery rhyme came out, the conversation in the headset became quiet. Lu Sicheng, who had been wearing headphones and stretched his legs lazily and played with his fingers, was also stunned when he heard the words. He turned his head and glanced at his girl, then looked at the computer screen, and then His eyes lit up and he sat up straight.

At this time, the pick link comes to the nursery rhyme.

The nursery rhyme directly lit up Yasuo.

When one of the five famous heroes in the national service, "teammates use super ghosts to face super gods", appeared on the field of competition, the scene was naturally uproar and boiling, and even the commentators were confused about "what's the situation" and "wanted" Is it impossible for Nayasuo?" The discussion went on and on—

From the corner of the nursery rhyme, he saw the people next to yqcb also bent down and stretched their necks to look at them, as if to know what the hell they were doing...

On the contrary, Lu Sicheng, who is sitting next to the nursery rhyme here, stared at the screen and laughed, and then said lightly under the inexplicable glances of Xiaopang, Lao Mao and Lao K: "Take it."

Nursery Rhymes locked Yasuo.

Opposite a backhand with a troll and a tsar.

As an assistant, Xiaopang glanced at his gems and the lineup on the other side, and finally became the third person in the audience to react and said in shock, "Ah, this isn't—"

"It's the lineup we won when we played against the Korean operator op team that day. After seeing Yasuo locked on the other side, we took a czar and a troll with confidence, and then? We were hung up and beaten." Mingshen's voice Came from the earphone, with a gratifying smile, "You people are like this, after playing the training game and replaying the game, you forgot, what is a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, only our nursery rhymes can take notes with a pen, so Just remembered this…”

Nursery rhymes hehehe.

At this time, Lu Sicheng had already relaxed and leaned back on the back chair, turned his head to see her smiling, so he stretched out his long hand and touched the corner of her raised lips.

Then he sat up again and locked the rock sparrow for her.

In addition to the headphones, after locking Yasuo, Yasuo, who was originally confirmed as the mid laner, instantly became the top laner, and the scene was once again plunged into a buzzing discussion and confusion - the commentary was also extremely shocked. At least judging from the current two ban & picks, yqcb has definitely been tricked by zgdx again and again, and both are being held by the nose!

It was an absolutely fantastic bo3!

Only about five minutes into the game, the Pope habitually jumped the tower at three levels, but was educated by zgdx's unconventional lineup. The barrel exploded in time and he interrupted his attack. At the same time, the fast-moving rock sparrow supported him. The Tsar kills the bot duo in one step!

Ai Jia, who arrived later, saw that the situation was bad and decided to turn around to leave, but was blocked by the road-blocking skills of the rock sparrow. Seeing that the rock sparrow stepped on her face—

Opening 3:0!

The first blood tower in the next road was successfully won!

The first little dragon is also in the bag!

They have never played such a strange lineup before, and yqcb seems to be caught off guard. This time they felt the pressure they brought to their opponents in the previous round. The opponents supported fast and communicated more. No water leaks, let the old Yasuo, who has been marginalized, get out of the apprenticeship without any risk...

Twenty-five minutes into the game, the two sides engaged in the first wave of team battles.

Ivy's barrier and Yasuo's wind wall are like an airtight wall, self-contained, firmly blocking all the possibility of the opponent cutting into the back row, when yqcb found that he lost his old nose. But the Pope couldn't touch Lu Sicheng, who was firmly protected by everyone, and Yasuo, who could only see the old cat on his side.

The situation of the game changes rapidly.

But sometimes, once the game is in the ban&pick link, it is already over!

In the thirty-seventh minute, zgdx successfully pushed the opponent's high ground to win the game, successfully extending today's stalemate to the third tiebreaker!