You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 125


Xiao Rui has been sitting in the lounge and writing posts since the first game.

Watching the front page of Tieba get hit by [zgdx, the number one player in the world] [what is China Telecom's Ueno doing] [smiling really can't beat the headwind, only the icing on the cake] [this game makes my eyes hot] [talking It's a joke, the first echelon of lpl was beaten by the relegation team] and similar posts were washed, and posts like [China Telecom should be the last fig leaf of lpl] were dug up, and they were desperately replied "?" mocking...

He clicked through the posts one by one.

And then exit one post at a time.

He doesn't even need to look up at the big-screen TV in the lounge. It seems that he can know what the game is now based on what is said in these posts: China Telecom was beaten by a group of vegetables, like a fight between beasts. , struggling hard...

Putting down the phone, Xiao Rui sighed and said to the staff next to him, "You can order them to delete the Tieba app again."

The staff smiled bitterly. At this time, the second ban&pick started. Xiaorui watched it for a while and saw a clue, so she took out her small book from the jacket of the nursery rhyme and flipped through to the training with the op team. Game Record - Look up at the recorded ban&pick in the book, and then look at the ban&pick broadcast on the TV in front of him, Xiao Rui opened his mouth, there is always an illusion that he has passed through.

Xiao Rui put down the small book of nursery rhymes, then picked up the mobile phone and looked at Tieba, and found that the homepage of Tieba had become like this—

[Did China Telecom give up on this lineup?]

[What kind of rude is this.]

[This ban&pick, is China Telecom going to help the next-door brother team today?]

The game starts, and during the game, the home page is—

[The support speed of this nursery rhyme]

[Zgdx's hero pool is really invincible, there is nothing they can't use]

[China Telecom is still strong, no hair department

[The ability of the rock sparrow to interrupt the rhythm is really powerful. I have never found this hero to be so useful before - to be reasonable, does lpl have to wait for smiling or lck to take all heroes before taking it?]

The most irritating thing is [China Telecom should be the last fig leaf of lpl] This post has been upvoted again, and the people who fought "?" with the building below because zgdx lost the game are now being replied with "?" anti-sarcasm —

The whole post bar was so lively that it blew up, and it was completely different from the home page of the post bar that scolded China Telecom and Gaoge lpl pills thirty minutes ago. Xiao Rui was so impressed that he almost suspected that he had entered a fake post bar... When zgdx pushed down yqcb's base for the second time, he finally couldn't help but post a message—

[Subject] [Win and lose, black, thirty minutes in one game, thirty faces, honestly, do you feel like you are mentally retarded?]

Main building content:

yqcb is completely different from the spring split. It's completely reborn. Can't you see that the two teams are now five-to-five

This is a good thing. What kind of achievements can a dominant family achieve? To win the championship, the entire division must be strong.

To tell the truth, you listen to the wind like rain, you win and lose the black, you really seem to be mentally retarded.

The post went out for five minutes, until the players who finished the second game pushed the door and returned to the lounge. During this period, no one replied, and the post went down quickly.

Xiao Rui: "… "

It seems that no one feels like a retard.

The third game begins.

The two teams fought together with operational acumen.

In the first twenty minutes, not even a single head broke out!

The most thrilling wave is the exchange of skills in the bottom lane. Lu Sicheng was forcibly jumped over the tower by the four people on the opposite side and beat him to residual blood. At the critical moment, the chubby catfish swallowed Lu Sicheng and opened the shield at the same time. At the same time, the old cat placed the order on the opposite side. Rongrong one step after the transmission!

But the Pope's sense of smell is better than a cat's!

Almost as soon as the old cat opened the skill to clear the line and pressed the teleport skill button, the yqcb team began to retreat with a signal - even if it only took half a second longer for the fat skill to take Lu Sicheng out of his mouth. Spit it out, they can take Lu Sicheng's head even if they are flat, and they don't show any nostalgia and greed.

- yqcb will go up when you say it, and withdraw if you say it. The execution power is as high as that of the regular army, and it is almost a battle with the famous "Lan" team for its high mobility;

- The zgdx players reacted quickly, walked well, and had a strong sense of support - The first game was like a mess of sand, but losing the game seemed to teach them a lesson, this time their eyes seemed to stick to the lower right It's the same on the minimap, as long as there is a little disturbance - for example, the Pope accidentally glances at Lu Sicheng, and he really does. At that time, the nursery rhyme, who was still exchanging skills with him in the last second, had already gone halfway on the way from the middle lane to the bottom lane...

Like a eunuch chief shouting "there are assassins, escort", various species such as imperial guards, Jinyiwei, Yulinjun, etc. all rushed straight from all directions - no more wild monsters, no troops, and they are swapping. Skilled opponents are also left behind.

without hesitation.

Very decisive.

So in the first 20 minutes, the bottom team battled three times, and the most lively one was all ten members of the second team expired—but because both sides were extremely accurate in calculating skill damage, and because it was a tiebreaker, they were very cautious, so After several rounds of fighting, no one was injured on either side.

Commentary a: [I know, the hearts of the audience must have almost stopped. In fact, I was too. I was screaming desperately on it. The chessman has been treated, the Pope has left blood, Liang Sheng has triggered thunder, and smiling. It's about to be harvested - I was so excited that I almost jumped on the commentary stage - Ai, I'm so mad at you, people said that they won't fight, and no one's head broke out, so they each stood in the grass and went back to the city.]

Commentary B: [Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that I saw me dazzling, not my level is not enough. I really know that you have to spray me again, but this time it is really not. It's too late to see - their speed is too fast, it's like a master move, you think they just flew up and banged in the sky, but it's wrong, they have already removed hundreds of moves.]

Commentator a took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat: [This is the feeling.]

Commentator B sighed: [In this game, I hope that no matter which side wins or loses, everyone will not say anything - we know that the two teams must have higher tactics yet to come out, but they must have at least come up with a hundred in operation and spirit. With 100% combat effectiveness, we should be content to see such a match in the group stage.]

Commentary a: [If I say something that might be a troll, after such a game, why do some trolls say that the Korean division dumped us a lot? Why? !]


The commentary held for a full sixty-five minutes with such an excited and high voice and excited emotions at any time—

In the normal League of Legends professional league, battles lasting fifty-five minutes are very rare. At the end, it’s no longer a problem with people, economy, and equipment. Everyone is full of six gods and full of grid equipment. The initial starting line, and the players will start to feel tired and numb after a long period of high mental concentration...

From the corner of the nursery rhyme, he saw that Lu Sicheng had a habit of flicking the mouse after receiving a red buff.

She frowned and glanced at Lu Sicheng's wrist - there was also the plaster she put on him on the way to the arena today. Originally, it was said that he would wear a wrist guard, but the man refused to do anything, saying that the thing was wearing a wrist guard. If you are not used to it, it will affect your performance.

"Brother Cheng, can you do it?" nursery rhyme asked.

"No, my hand hurts a lot," the man's deep voice sounded, and before the nursery rhyme could feel distressed, he heard him ask, "I'll hang up for a while, can you win four-five-five?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

"Is it okay for me to put you on the team logo at the entrance of the base?" Xiao Pang asked, "I worked so hard to pull you into a six-god costume ad. When you carry the game, tell me that you are going to hang up."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng chuckled lightly, let go of the mouse and keyboard, broke his wrists and held it again: "It won't take long to play, and the game will be over within the last ten minutes with a wave of groups, everyone concentrate, how many tp are left? Cool down in seconds?"

The old cat: "Five seconds, the big move is fine, you can start first in a while."

Lao K: "They went to Dalong."

- Sixty-five minutes and thirty seconds, yqcb took the lead in opening the dragon, because the game entered the late stage, everyone's damage was high, and the dragon lost blood quickly.

—Sixty-five minutes and thirty-three seconds, zgdx rushed to the arena, and the little fat was stuck in the dragon pit, the nursery rhyme rock sparrow raised the wall to stop everyone in the big dragon pit, and the old cat tp was in the eye of the little fat man, Rambo Enlarge the fire to roast yqcb.

- Sixty-five minutes and thirty-eight seconds, the old K who entered the dragon pit first and wanted to snatch the dragon was killed by the fire. Before he died, he took the opposite adc Pope and beat the assistant to the blood. The yqcb jungler x rod took the opportunity to pay the punishment big dragon.

- Sixty-six minutes and one second, the two sides exchanged a wave of skills. In the end, only the old cat and the nursery rhyme and the big tree on the opposite side were left in the dragon pit. The cats also both flashed and caught up, chasing and slamming all the way from Dalongkeng to the high ground of yqcb, only to kill the big tree.

At this time, zgdx advanced a lot of troops, everyone thought that yqcb was going to be a wave, but no one found that the Pope who died first in the team battle was about to be resurrected.

The nursery rhythm stared at the Pope's resurrection time, anxious, and frantically demolished the second incisor tower in front of the base, wishing that he would grow eight hands.

"You can go, but you can't take it apart." Lu Sicheng's voice sounded in his ears.

The nursery rhyme wanted to withdraw after clicking the first defense tower, but the old cat wanted to try again, so they hesitated for a second. At the same time as the incisor tower was exploded, the Pope was also resurrected—

At this time, nursery rhyme frantically signaled to his teammates to run away.

But it was too late at this time, the Pope chased out, full of status, first collect the old cat, chase all the way to the middle of the river, and then flash to collect the nursery rhyme that has no skills and no status!

The players were resurrected one after another, and the zgdx team members all died a little later than yqcb, and they were delayed by their big tree in the middle. When the yqcb players pushed back the high ground under the leadership of the Pope, there were only three people left on the zgdx side. In the sound of shouting and cheering, the zgdx base was pushed away in one wave!

With a "bang", the sound of zgdx's big crystal popping came from the headphones, and the background bgm sounded to end the game.

On the yqcb side, they took off the earphones and threw themselves into their ad's arms to embrace them warmly.

In the audience, regardless of the fan base, cheers and applause were endless, and people were delighted to see such a wonderful competitive event—

When the yqcb players walked from their positions to the zgdx side to shake hands, the players stood up and shook hands, hugged, and patted their shoulders. The subtle feelings of heroes cherish each other...

Li Junhe said in awkward Chinese: "Next time, shake your hand again."

Lu Sicheng raised the corners of his lips: "Summer finals? Then you have to move your mouse quickly. I'll hold the trophy and take a picture with you. Don't miss it."

Li Junhe laughed and hugged him.

When he came to the next person, in front of the short mid laner of zgdx, when he stretched out his hand, he felt the opponent's palm was slightly wet, he subconsciously looked back at Lu Sicheng and kicked him, then turned back and politely praised her: "It's a good fight. It's amazing that girls do that."

She pursed her lips. She didn't notice the Pope's small movements because of her lack of concentration, and she didn't have the slightest joy in being praised by the league's top professional players. She just nodded and responded in a low voice: "Thank you."

After shaking hands, nursery rhyme sat back in her seat with no expression on her face.

From her direction, the five of yqcb can be seen walking to the spotlight in front of the competition stage, bowing their backs to the audience and thanking the audience—

The lights formed a halo behind them.

so dazzling.

So dazzling.

Tong Yao narrowed her eyes slightly, and she sounded in a trance. This was the first time she looked at her opponent in this direction - just like today, the China Telecom team finally ushered in their first defeat since the start of the competition.