You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 130


At this time, if you continue not to read the post bar, you will not be able to keep pace with the times. When the rhythm of Hu Kuang's storm is around, you don't know how he died... Taking this into account, Tong Yao opened the post bar when he returned to his room at night.

The homepage is scolding her and the old cat for not running enough in time and causing China Telecom to be countered. You don't have to read the posts. Everyone is very lively... Nursery Rhymes swiped down with a blank face, but didn't swipe twice. I saw the post she was looking for—

[Subject] [You are all scolding the mid laner and the top laner as a jungler. Is China Telecom's ad position really non-stick?]

Main Building:

Do you have no eyes or are you wasting electricity watching the game? Chessman is really laughing at his blows. When he loses a game, he throws the blame on other teammates, and then turns his head and blows again: Our brother Cheng has never been scolded because zero mistakes are strong.

To vomit all.

The ban&pick of the first game today was like shit. I got a ban and let the other side grab the wheel. I don’t know what happened, but they took the wheel and hit the wheel with ice. r hero, died laughing.



Then got blasted.

As long as there are wheels in the whole game, Mom will be like a mentally retarded person! Isn't Kalista really good? Isn't it possible to win the game by blowing the reverse version of China Telecom every day? The weird lineup that you dared to win in the second game has not seen you respect the version so much... Oh yes, speaking of this, the lineup that won the second game seems to be copied from the training game in Korea :)

Ah ha ha ha, that's all, people like Lu Sicheng wouldn't think that there is a problem with him, is it just a group match today, and it can't affect China Telecom's ranking—

But trust me, small sees big, today there are ban & picks, tomorrow there will be fake games, buy peripherals, what are the rules, are they useful? The people you protect will become the biggest cancer sooner or later.

You idiots, just protect China Telecom. If you continue to expand like this, there will be no progress at all. This year, it will still be the top eight. Just wait for the civil war between the three Korean teams in S6 to change into the autumn game of lck. Welcome to dig graves and slap your face. Slap in the face.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Posting time is 5pm today.

The landlord's tone was very urgent, and he didn't swear much from the beginning to the end - but the target was naturally directed at Lu Sicheng, what he said in the previous part is still in place, but the latter is a little too alarmist... Usually, nursery rhymes like this kind of post will be patient. Take a look at the temperament: at least it's much more interesting than the nonsense she thought she couldn't say any bullshit.

The replies downstairs are strange-

[Oh, even chessman is not spared now, it's amazing, you guys are crazy.]

[To tell the truth what the landlord said is what I want to say. I just mentioned in a building next door that this chessman is also a big problem. I was chased by the chessman and cut two streets.]

[There is reason and reason, and rationality bears the blame. This chessman has problems and can’t be broken. This is a five-player game. That's it.]

[Ah, ah, what the hell is the only one who won a game or did it follow the Korean team? qaq]

[The mid-laner garbage relies on gender and eyeballs, the top-laner garbage team battles are useless for stealth, the jungler only knows that the jungler can't bring the rhythm, and the ad team tyrants are inflated and banned to ease the mess - 666666666, this is the breakdown of the pot, the landlord you are that dead fat man help?]

In such a serious incident, Tong Yao laughed out loud when she saw the little fat man lying on the gun inexplicably... At this time, Tong Yao thought of the expression of the greedy wolf standing upstairs at the end, plus the landlord's kind of like a plus. The overly embellished stupid tone, plus the content of the scrims with South Korea, they generally keep secrets, outsiders shouldn't know that they won the second team according to a certain scrimmage - all of the above, she takes it for granted that posting a post The people are greedy wolves.

The impatient kid should really teach him a lesson.

The nursery rhyme restrained her joking heart, frowned slightly and swiped down the post again. At this time, she was attracted by an id whose id name was [Salted Egg Superman Dog]—

[Salted Egg Superman Dog: Except for the last time Lu Sicheng used the computer of the nursery rhyme live broadcast to flip through the data chart after the training match, the content of the training match between China Telecom and the Korean team has always been kept secret. I don’t know where lz knew about China Telecom. What's going on with the ban&pick strategy? Since you've brought out such a very core thing, you should be prepared to be tracked down to the end.

Also, let me remind you that there is nothing wrong with using what you learned in the scrims for the group stage, otherwise what do you think the scrims are used for, too much time? - Don't think that Koreans are so noble all the time, what an amazing routine, even if China Telecom learns it, it won't come out in the group stage.

In the end, Lu Sicheng's ban&pick is a problem, but the problem is not that the wheel mother Tian beats Hanbing, and it's not that you can't play the wheel mother in the later stage of the ice, because as long as there are other hard controllers in the team who can deceive the wheel mother's e, she is A Muggle, Lu Sicheng's problem is: there are not many other hard controls in the team, and he has to take them hard.

Expansion is correct.

But not what you said.

His problem is that he ignores his teammates' lineup and is overconfident. His teammates won't stop this kind of thing, and his teammates will also bear half the blame. You can say that I am whitewashing Lu Sicheng. Although this statement makes me want to vomit, don't Forget it's a team game.]


Tong Yao put one hand on her thigh and held her face, while the other hand was holding the phone. She narrowed her eyes slightly: This man, the superhuman dog comrade, seems to be really a bit predictable...

Tong Yao looked at the post again, and found that this superman dog also showed an understanding and rationality of the game when replying to other people. Unlike those blind and black people like lunatics, he thought that Lu Sicheng was wrong, but there was nothing wrong with it. In a gesture of overlooking all living beings: You don't even know where he is wrong, so don't force him.

Check it out.

Greedy wolf.

A passerby seems wiser than you.

The nursery rhyme changed his sitting position, took up the trumpet of the post bar, and frantically supported a wave of Superman Dog and said that he had become his little fan, and then decisively joined the fighting camp—

Just as she was having a good time playing at the post bar, she suddenly heard a violent sound from downstairs—

"Fuck you! You said that the post was sent by our team's own people, and I am so happy to explain to you how few of them are here to bring the rhythm! I told you that the first one was the problem between me and Lao K and others. It doesn't matter who you are, you are here to force your mother! What's wrong with taking the ice! What's wrong with taking it! - Even if he didn't hold the ice well, the captain will return after I have a meal. Apologize to us and say we shouldn’t take it willfully, fuck your mother, have you seen the President of the United States tweet and have you seen the captain of China Telecom apologize?!!!”

Nursery rhyme: "..."

Frightened, he shook his phone and dropped it.

The nursery rhyme directly put on slippers, opened the door, went out, lay on the railing, and looked at it, and sure enough, I saw the old cat sitting cross-legged in front of the computer. There is nothing wrong with the tone particles, but if you curse like an old cat, it's time to say goodbye to your salary.

Seems to be really pissed off.

Lao K came out of the kitchen with a carton of milk, and when passing by the old cat, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth - the old cat struggled frantically, and the two were fighting downstairs...

"Why are you talking so much to them?"

"They insisted on saying that the post knew the content of the scrims, so it was sent by someone inside us, saying that our team was not in harmony with each other, and said—"

"No problem, you were still rolling your eyes at me when you went out in the morning."

"Fuck you! Is this the time to say that?"

"What are you doing to them..."

"That training session was indeed kept secret, although I don't know what happened, but I know we didn't do it by ourselves. Wouldn't they make other teammates feel a gap when they said this... The rhythm of the atmosphere in the team is the most fucking shameless thing It's done!"

"You idiot. During the ban&pick, there was a crazy wave of discussions about the training game with the Korean operator team. The audience couldn't hear the background radio staff. Do you know how many there are?"

"… "

The nursery rhyme lay on the railing and listened to the quarrel between the Ueno and Ueno duo, until the sound of the quarrel became smaller and smaller... Lao K woke her up after talking about the backstage radio staff during the game, and then she remembered the Korean operator team training game It's not just their insiders who know about this...

So then-

Just as the nursery rhyme was trying to run her brain, she felt a bunch of silent eyes on her face, she raised her head slightly, and looked at the boy standing in the corridor on the third floor: he was holding a towel in his hand And the toothbrush cup, her hair was slightly wet, probably she had just taken a shower, and she stood there expressionlessly, looking at her.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Nursery Rhyme stood up slightly.

Greedy Wolf stared at her for a while, and suddenly said without end, "I'm not that boring."

Then turned and walked away.

The nursery rhyme scratched his head, went back to the room, picked up the phone, and opened the ob

.gg website — on this website, you can check everyone's hanbok rankings. She entered the id of the greedy wolf, and in a series of victories, she found the one that started at 4:45 in the afternoon and lasted for 50 minutes. In this ranking, Greedy Wolf took thirty-two kills, two deaths, ten assists, one five kills, and carried this ranking.

And the owner of the post kept jumping from 5 o'clock until he didn't stop just now. Anyone who refutes him will immediately go back - a person who is playing high-end rankings and has won a very gorgeous record, he must be I don't have time to run out of the post bar to follow the rhythm... Even if there are two death times in the middle, the death and resurrection time in the early stage is only a few seconds, and the late stage is about one minute.

In other words, the post was not really made by greedy wolves.

As he said, he's not that boring

[zgdx, smiling: It's over, I thought the post that scolded you was a qaq wrong weirdo made by greedy wolf]

[I want to tie a red string with Qing: What's the id, what is the id of that little brat on the post bar, what is the id of the salted egg, so naive that a group of people can easily recognize it.]

[zgdx, smiling: ... ... the Superman dog is him! ! ! Ah, that's great, not just wrong people but also good people.]

[I want to tie a red rope with Qing:? ? It's wrong to blame, you still want to atone for your sins? What time is it, put down your phone and go to sleep.]