You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 132


The nursery rhyme was held in the captain's arms, saying that she was not sleepy, but she fell asleep in a daze - she didn't know how long she slept when she was woken up by the sound of water coming from the bathroom. When the sound of water stopped, she opened her eyes and found He was alone on the bed, and Lu Sicheng opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

The man's hair was wet, the corners of his eyes were slightly red due to the hot water, and his eyes were full of undistributed water vapor. He was wearing only a pair of shorts, and the water droplets dripped down his flat lower abdomen and disappeared behind the waistband...

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

I don’t know how a person who sits in front of the computer every day and eats a lot of food can maintain such a figure. If someone is born without eating fat, that’s fine. Even having abs is too out of touch with reality. Dreamy? … If there is such a good thing, can I hope that I will have a mermaid line when I fall asleep one day? ?

In the midst of the slander, the tall figure had already walked up to her, lowered his head and kissed her lips: "Why are you looking at me like you are bitter?"

"You are in such a good shape that you secretly went out to exercise and cheated at night?"

"Am I in good shape?"

The man took her hand and touched his lower abdomen. It was originally a joke, but who knew that he was rubbing his own fire out of such a random swipe—the atmosphere around him suddenly changed and the taste even smelled out nursery rhymes , She saw that the laziness smile on the corners of Lu Sicheng's lips subsided a little, she took her hand and put it down, when the nursery rhyme touched something, her face turned red with a bang, and she "ahh" twice. With a sound, he suddenly pulled back his hand, and slapped the thing very cruelly...

Lu Sicheng's expression changed at that time, "hiss", covering his crotch and bending over - Nursery rhyme was startled, and thought it was broken for him, for fear of being thrown out of the window in anger, he hurriedly bent over to see: "Does it hurt? It really hurts? I can't do anything..."

"I'll give you something good and you'll just reflect, this thing is used for filming?" Lu Sicheng pushed her head away, "It hurts, just kiss it and it won't hurt."

"..." Seeing that Lu Sicheng straightened up, his face didn't seem to be seriously injured, Tong Yao was relieved, and didn't bother to complain about what the hell he called "good things", just rolled his eyes, " Can you be civilized in the early morning?"

"No," Lu Sicheng sneered and squinted at her, seeing that her ears were still divided into red and red, the light from the corners of her eyes softened, "...Are you awake?"

The nursery rhyme tugged at the messy hair that was covered in the quilt: "I woke up."

"The last time you said you woke up was three hours ago, and it turned out that you fell asleep like a dead pig in my arms in less than five minutes.

Nursery Rhyme: " talk well, who sleeps like a dead pig?"

Lu Sicheng reached out and lifted the dissatisfied girl from the bed: "Go downstairs and practice."

The nursery rhyme was carried by him and stepped on his instep when he landed - the man took her to find her slippers, and she jumped off his instep and put on the slippers, without raising her head, she said casually: "Double row? I help."

"Our relationship is not good enough for me to endure your assistance, but you can rest assured that this day will come. It is conservatively estimated that at least we will have to wait for our children to go to kindergarten."

"… "

Lu Sicheng took the initiative to ask for nursery rhymes practice because there was a training match against the Korean team ritpwer (*rp for short) at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The character team itself is not a particularly famous team, but after 5, it ended the foreign aid contract in China and resumed the training. Several famous Korean players who returned to South Korea were newly formed, so the popularity of the team is very high even in China. Many of their players were forced to chase after the lk league and foreign live broadcast platforms when they had five points in the domestic circle...

Nursery Rhymes can often be seen on Weibo where someone is carrying the news over there, as well as interesting jokes that happened during the live broadcast of the team members.

And Lu Sicheng believes that in addition to the Korean operator team and the emoji team in the Korean competition area this year, this team should be the third 6-place team, so I contacted them for a training match.

When the two of them went downstairs, the other team members had already started qualifying for their positions to warm up. Xiao Pang looked listless, and when the nursery rhyme sat down in his seat, he happened to hear the old cat asking him, "Little Pang, you? What's the matter? Didn't you sleep well?"

Xiao Pang said "Oh" and narrowed his eyes slightly: "... If one day early in the morning, you are dreaming that you are one meter tall, seven legs long, one hundred and one bust, and a young lady who weighs forty-seven and confesses to you, Before I could promise, I was woken up by the rustling sound, and when I opened my eyes, I heard your ad in the next bed threatening to cry to your family single, are you in a good mood?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

The old cat heard the words and looked up at the nursery rhyme.

Four eyes met, the scene was very embarrassing for a while, and it was almost impossible to control it.

Nursery Yao's face was paralyzed as if he were dying: "He said it would be."

At this time, Lu Sicheng took the food and walked back. He could hear Xiaopang's loud voice in the kitchen. Facing the questioning glances of his teammates and the team manager, he also acted very calmly and calmly. That kind of person?"

As soon as the words fell, countless "likes", "this is your character design," "like", "don't it look like" sounded from all corners of the base—

Among them are the voices of some little ghosts from the second team on the second floor.

Lu Sicheng: "..."

[This phenomenon symbolizes that the era of Yiyantang when the team leader of China Telecom is the team leader has become a thing of the past, and since then it has entered a beautiful era in which a group of sages are admonishing and capable and different people are flourishing. —Xiao Rui, manager of China Telecom team]

Half past one in the afternoon, training game.

From the beginning of ban&pik, Tong Yao felt that this training match was not ordinary. She could feel something different. For example, in a normal training match, if there is no special accident, Lu Sicheng would talk to Mingshen. Lu Sicheng said that we will try it today. Try the routine, Myojin said so we take the hero, the hero.

The two of them sang and reconciled, obviously it was negotiated before the training game, so the ban&pik part was quick, except for the positions that were not strictly stipulated, everyone would discuss it a little—

But today is different.

Everyone was red-faced when they were fighting for the mid lane position.

Mingshen: "Take an Ike to play with? The nursery rhyme Ike still has to be practiced. Sometimes the big tricks are blind chickens and hot eyes."

Little Fatty: "LeBlanc put it away or not?"

Old cat: "The important thing in the training game is training, not winning. LeBlanc from Nursery Rhymes doesn't need to be trained, right?"

Old K: "Second, propose a hot man."

Lu Sicheng: "Take the clockwork."

Xiaopang: "What the hell is the clockwork, opposite Akali, don't make a fool of yourself."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

In the end, almost because there was no time to choose the end of the countdown, Nursery Rhythm quickly chose an Ike lock.

Then the same situation was staged again during the ad selection. In the end, even the children of the second team stretched their heads and lay on the railings to watch the fun. In the discussion of "crab", "Draven" and "Jinx is good" , Lu Sicheng locked Kalista blankly.

Everyone was silent for five seconds.

Old cat: "Apologies are all fake, team boss."

Fatty: "Team Bully."

Lao K: "Team Bully."

The nursery rhyme looked at Lu Sicheng sympathetically, and the latter was expressionless: "I'm going to play with this. Whoever said Delevingne just now came forward."

Fatty: "…"

Lu Sicheng can play any ad, and it's not bad, but Draven, the hero who has been personally learned by his teammates, can't have more levels of gold three-level - Xiaopang said it purely for the sake of making trouble, and said Crab is the same old cat - at least looking at the five major divisions, in this summer's regular season, Crab's appearance rate and ban rate: 0.

It's okay to listen to Lu Sicheng's opinions, but that doesn't mean his brain is broken.

After selecting the hero, the training game officially begins, and the early laning period is still normal, because the individual strengths of each position of the team are there - but the whole process, nursery rhymes always feel full of a strange feeling, just like playing a large-scale online game in the past. Just like the 15-player hero dungeon, it started to be messy in the mid-group stage. Everyone has their own ideas, some ideas are right, and some ideas are wrong...

After the last game with yqb, everyone is very strong in the execution of instructions. When everyone agrees, it is basically the same thing—

For example, one second the old cat was still fighting on the top lane, and the next second Lu Sicheng said TP down, even if the bottom lane didn't start, the old cat would immediately give up the TP and go down, and sure enough, Lu Sicheng took the initiative to open up at the same second he landed. Throwing Xiao Chuan forward to open the ad on the opposite side, and successfully completed the double kill in the bottom lane. Lu Sicheng gave the old cat a head, which also made up for or even exceeded the economic loss that he might have caused by giving up the line.

This is the good side.

What caused the chaos of the scrims was that some of the execution orders were objected to when other players were willing to express their opinions. Usually, such objections would make Lu Sicheng habitually think about it... And he still doesn't care about this kind of thing. Not very skilled, so after the training event, I found that even if the other players' thoughts are right sometimes, it is the most favorable choice for the team situation at that time, but when Lu Sicheng weighs and considers the few seconds, the team will fall into a leaderless group. status-

The League of Legends game, a few seconds, is enough to change rapidly and the situation changes.

Because of this relatively new situation, the training match against Team Renpin was naturally lost after 50 minutes of persistence.

Everyone feels very tired after the scrims-

And not just because of losing scrims.

But it was really tired. For 50 minutes, I was highly concentrated and my head was running. There were always teammates talking and discussing in my ears... They never felt this way before.

Because they are strong and have Lu Sicheng's command, most of them follow the command. While thinking about my own side, I also have to think about what to do next, so that when Lu Sicheng occasionally chooses not so good, he can correct it in time...

Four cobblers crushed one Zhuge Liang.

After the training game, everyone started an unprecedentedly long training game for today's training game.

When they came out after the meeting, they all looked sluggish, so hungry that they were so hungry that they put their chests on their backs.

Xiaopang: "Although I'm physically tired, I'm mentally full. I feel the change in our team. After the captain is officially kicked out of the high stage, we'll punch L and step lk!!!!!! !"

Lu Sicheng: "Who to chase? In the end, the command is still in my hands. If I want to rebel, I will pass over my body."

Fatty: "…"

Tong Yao shook her head, ignoring the naive bot lane pair, and sat back in her seat, flipping through the meeting minutes while waiting for her teammates to order takeout. Finally, she saw a lot of things waiting to be improved, and she put it down with a headache. Book, sitting in front of the computer and brushing Weibo.

It was originally to relax the mind.

Who knew that this Weibo was swiping and swiping, and I swiped a Weibo that called her a bad person—

[Minxuan, hehehe: We Minxuan (rp-jker) said on the live broadcast just now: We played a training game with the Chinese operator team this afternoon, and we won, and I feel that the other side is in a mess for some unknown reason. Sometimes support It quickly looks like a first-class team, but sometimes it is slow to react and makes a decision that it would be better to do it earlier. I don't know what happened, but I don't feel very good.

... ah, China Telecom has a lot of rhythm recently. Yesterday, he said that Brother Cheng apologized to his teammates. As a result, he lost the training game today and was criticized for playing in a mess. I don't know what happened. Could it be a wave of apology? After that, the command of China Telecom will still be replaced, isn't it Brother Cheng? Wouldn't it really be an incompatibility within the team? Worry.]

Weibo retweeted 3,000 and commented 5,000.

All the retweets were worrying, half of the comments were distressing for Lu Sicheng, and half were scolding the other members of China Telecom - usually Xiaopang rolls his eyes at the captain, all these things were brought up to say that there was indeed a disagreement within the team.

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

A new wave of storms is about to arrive.

Draw your sword and face the wind.