You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 142


Thursday is the game against Arashi.

Team Lan is the old All-China class team. Even the newest players in a team have played together for two and a half seasons. The execution ability is super high, and it is a highlight that is firmly rooted in lpl-Team Lan's execution ability is always praised. People talk about it with relish. Although the team's performance is not good because of the limited personal ability of the players, it is at most the middle and lower level of the professional league, but because of their cohesion and low error rate, it often happens that the upstream team rolls over in their hands. .

When it comes to this team, many event analysts give it a positive attitude: they are like lpl quality inspectors. What is the current state of any strong team, as long as you play with them, you can tell the truth - the past games are still unwatchable However, some teams are really just playing against Lan, exposing themselves to the essence of playing in a mess and forcibly winning the game by forcibly carrying their personal abilities in the early stage.

Commentator b: [Hahahaha, in the first round of the group stage, the operator team relied on the online advantage to force double-c to force the carry to blow up Lan, do you think they will still do this today?]

Commentator a: [This will not work, lpl's summer season is coming to an end, s6 is just around the corner, then the Korean emoji team, the Korean operator team, and the rp team, which are not the players whose personal abilities are beyond the sky - you're here At that time, it was unrealistic to want to use online to blow people up... Let me tell the truth, in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that the operator team will definitely go to S6 this time...]

Commentator b: [Chichichichi!]

Commentator a: [What are you laughing at!]

Commentator b: [Laughing, you are an old and remnant fan of the operator team.]

Commentator a: [No, is there something wrong with what I said - the following fan friends of the operator team told me that there must be a place for the operator team in the three s6 slots?]

The audience below laughed and shouted in unison: "No problem!"

Commentator a: [Yes, you see, there is nothing wrong. No problem, then I will continue. As one of the teams that will definitely compete in the World Championship this year, I think the operators can no longer focus on how to win the group stage. They can really need to go. Seriously thinking about the issue of the World Championship, this year is not only in the Korean division, I heard that the competition among the teams in the Taiwan division is also very fierce...]

Commentator b: [Didn’t you send a text message to discuss with me before that the operator team is making tactical changes... I looked at today’s starting lineup, okay, I don’t need to watch it, now the operators of the operator team have sat in the game Xi - We can see that in today's game, the law players are still attending the game instead of smiling, so can I understand that the new tactical system is also a very important component of the middle law players?]

Commentator A glanced at Commentator B: [China Telecom’s mid laner has always been a rotation system. Mingshen retired this season. As a rookie, smiling needs to be tempered before he can start stable for most of the season. You can bring the rhythm that is easy to make the media jump. I'm about to throw you off the commentary stand...]

The commentator b smirked with the audience below. The question that China Telecom's starting mid laner is still a Li player today has been taken lightly—

Sitting in the backstage nursery rhyme breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, because she didn't have to worry about personal safety, Tong Yao followed the team to the competition venue. From the time she arrived in the lounge to the start of the game, sitting in the lounge, she had been worrying about it—asked her on the official Weibo before the start of the game today. The number of people who didn't show up and held her support cards also increased significantly. According to the situation, everyone seemed to really believe the rumor that she offended the management and was hidden in the snow. For a while, the antipathy towards the management of China Telecom was high... Tong Yao is afraid of this kind of thing. The flames of negative emotions burned on Lu Yue. Although Lu Yue was very annoying, he was her brother-in-law. She didn't want him to repeat the same mistakes she had experienced.

So when I introduced today's starting lineup just now, the nursery rhyme was a little nervous, but luckily the two commentators with seniority would come, so I brought them along with laughter.

The game starts now, and it enters the ban&pick session. Since Lu Yue showed a hand of cards when he was banned from the previous nursery rhyme game, he will be banned whenever he has a game card. I don’t plan to use it in lpl for research by opponents. Only the first and second teams within the operator team will take it out in the training match: The commentator is right, China Telecom has indeed begun to prepare for the World Championship. .

At the end of the ban&pick session, it can be seen that the heroes taken by China Telecom have changed to a skill combo (combination) between heroes compared to the previous online heroes, such as Kenan and Dragon King. Large area group control aoe damage combination...

Three minutes after the start of the game, Tong Yao sat cross-legged on the sofa and watched seriously. Mingshen pushed open the door and walked in. Tong Yao stared at the TV and just turned sideways and waved with him: "I really let Lu Yue take the Dragon King."

Mingshen sat down next to her: "He pressed his head and let him choose. The boss is reluctant, er, like killing him... This hero spoon, I can wake up laughing if I have half of your hero pool."

Nursery Rhyme: "He called it less but more refined."

Mingshen: "Fuck, when s6 people have three bans in the mid-laner Czar, Card, and Ike, it is equivalent to directly banning our mid-laner, four-five-five, and that's okay."

At this time, the screen just cut to the face of Lu Yue, who had a dignified and unhappy face, and Tong Yao smirked with arms crossed...

In today's game, Lu Sicheng changed his appearance of not saying a word in the last fight against the Red Arrow. He talked a lot throughout the whole process and kept talking and commanding... After taking a wheel, he is no longer aggressive on the line. , madly replenishing troops, and it is as stable as Taishan. Occasionally, I go to brush two old k's wild monsters... The gank from the opposite side is also running as fast as a loach.

The commentator also exclaimed that it was amazing, and repeatedly sighed: Today's Brother Cheng is a commanding Brother Cheng!

The commentary is not wrong. Today, Lu Sicheng's command has made great progress compared to before. In the face of the super-high execution and support speed of the Lan team, he is not at all cowardly, and China Telecom has not shown any passive appearance at all. , deal with it calmly from start to finish…

League of Legends Summoner's Canyon is like a sand table overlooking the whole situation to him. The man stands by the sand table, watching and listening to all directions. The entire team of five people and all the resources in the wild area are just like Lu Sicheng's one-handed. Model, he dispatches troops, and he can do it with ease...

It was like Lu Sicheng was operating the number five of the entire team by himself.

In the 20th minute of the game, under the perfect ambush of the Yu Lan team three times in a row, the commentator a almost jumped up from the commentary platform and stood on the stool: [Unbelievable! ! ! ! I really feel like I'm dreaming! ! ! ! The mid-lane ambush team just now has done a good job, it's really perfect, but China Telecom has done even better! Three ambushes made a perfect clearance, I don't believe this is a coincidence! ! ! This can't be a coincidence! !]

The narrator B's tone was also excited: [Yes, yes, today's China Telecom... Oh, I really took out something! Okay, okay, anyway, I believe that this team was in a slump some time ago and really went to research new things... Why don't you all restrain yourself now and save it for the World Championships?]

The audience under the stage was explained with atmosphere, and it was also full of laughter. After the first game ended, the "666" barrage on the live broadcast platform was so white that it was almost impossible to see the broadcast, and all the fans of China Telecom started to have a kind of The feeling of being in a solid place...

At the beginning of the second game, China Telecom still maintained the stability, high decision-making power, and high execution power of the first game. Throughout the game, fans sitting in the first row could always hear Lu Sicheng's voice, and when he fell , ignoring the delay set by the game itself, you can almost immediately see on the screen that after his command is issued, the corresponding players make corresponding moves—

When the game entered the late stage, China Telecom started a suffocating crazy counterattack, which made people see the shadow of China Telecom in the past when it dominated lpl as a strong team!

When everyone won the game without reacting, the audience burst into warm applause, the fans sitting on China Telecom jumped up, and the shouts of "China Telecom" filled the entire field of the game!

The scene was harmonious. After the game stood up, all the members of China Telecom looked relieved—

"It's over, it's over, now there are probably more messages saying that Lu Yue played so well that I don't have to come back." Tong Yao teased with a smile while hugging her legs.

Mingshen took a sip of water and looked like he was letting out a long breath. He patted the nursery rhyme's head: "He's still tender."

The MVPs of both competitions were given to Lu Sicheng. It seems that the official's determination to interview him is still firm after he pigeons him once. But this time, Lu Sicheng is probably in a good mood.

Moderator: [Congratulations to China Telecom for winning this game again, we finally welcomed brother chessman Cheng after a long absence in the interview booth!]

Lu Sicheng took the microphone from the staff and greeted the audience.

Moderator: [Today's game can be said to be very exciting. We saw a lot of things in the game that we didn't expect to see in the China Telecom team. Many people have rumored that this is related to the downturn of China Telecom some time ago. Excuse me Brother Cheng, is this true?]

Lu Sicheng: "I don't know about the downturn. Some time ago, the tactical adjustment in the team did make some changes, and the players also need time to adjust their state."

Host: [That seems to be true.]

Lu Sicheng: "Maybe, I'm not very clear."

Moderator: [Okay, it seems that Brother Cheng's answer today can make most of our Chinese SMS fans feel relieved... Then let's ask another question that everyone is very concerned about, ahem, about the game during this period of time. Seeing that all the law players from China Telecom are making their debut, is this also part of the tactical adjustment?]

Lu Sicheng was silent.

The nursery rhyme stared at the host's delicately made-up face on the TV screen, and the audience's eyes widened instantly, and helplessly translated the question raised by the host. La? Is smiling hidden in the snow? smilinggg you

The nursery rhyme changed her sitting position and raised her chin slightly. When she was ready to listen to how Lu Sicheng was going to answer the question that would determine whether he would sleep in her bed or the cat's nest tonight, she heard the man say lightly, "Our team in the World Championships. I will take the mid-single rotation, and during this time, I will train Lu Yue to feel the hand, and it happened that I missed the smile in the first few games because of a hand injury."

The nursery rhyme sat in front of the TV for a moment.

Fan frying pans under the interview department can hear the worried voices of fans gasping for breath through the nursery rhymes of the sound collector.

The host also did not respond: [Injured?]

Lu Sicheng: "Yes, but it's not a big problem. I just cut my hand when I was cooking."

audience:"… "

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

When the host did not understand the amount of information in Lu Sicheng's words at all, Lu Sicheng continued to talk on his own: "Since this is said, I heard that there are some untrue rumors on the Internet recently. As the captain and some investors, I have no ability to decide whether to hide a player or not; secondly, if I want to hide it, I won't hide it. Smiling is obviously more suitable for a heroic player who resists the Dragon King and almost quarrels with our data analyst. was stuffed into the refrigerator; finally, I am very grateful to everyone for caring so much about my personal love life. I can only say that I am very satisfied with this part of the matter, and the smoothness is only a little smoother than the progress of the team - mainly Because she couldn't find a better lantern than me, and neither did I."

audience:"… "

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng returned the microphone to the stunned master, got up from the chair with long legs, patted his butt and left.

... It can be seen that he sat in this position today just to say this last paragraph - when he finds a chance to finish the interview, he can end it.

Not unexpected.

After all, this is what people think of as a chessman.

A man who is always willful no matter how old he is.