You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 146


At the beginning of the game, due to the version problem, the routine of changing lanes has been out of fashion for a long time, and the two sides have entered the normal laning period in a regular manner. Although the nursery rhyme has not won LeBlanc in the official game and training game for a long time, she usually plays rank by herself. Generally, you can get it, so there is no unfamiliar statement about this hero for a long time. At this time, take a look at the opponent's equipment, and then look at the number of his complements. For his current economy, flat damage and skills Injuries are readily apparent.

Coupled with the fact that LeBlanc's usage and positioning are well understood, Xiaohua simply doesn't take much advantage of her by exchanging blood and replenishing troops in the early stage. Xiaohua just raised her hand to reveal her murderous intention, and the nursery rhyme ran away like a loach, and Xiaohua was completely helpless with her.

Three minutes into the game, almost a large group of monsters had finished brushing, and the nursery rhyme looked at the time and was about to speak, when Lu Sicheng asked Lao K: "Is it enough? coming."

According to the ck video of the replay, Jian Yang's first wave of ganks generally likes to go to the bottom lane - this is not a random guess, but each player has the habits and preferences of each player, just like the Pope as long as he is not overwhelmed. In the past, it was comfortable to have to jump over the tower to live and die, and sometimes even the players themselves did not realize that they had this habit...

At this time, after listening to Lu Sicheng's command, Lao K said "oh" and finished brushing the group of f4 in his hand. Although he had punishment in hand, he didn't miss other monsters. Four minutes later, he dived into the grass on the bottom road. —

Four minutes and twenty seconds.

Yangshen Qianjue really jumped into the range of the bot lane, forming a three-on-two advantage with the opponent's bot lane. However, Lu Sicheng and Xiaopang, who had long expected that the Yangshen would come, fought back in a hurry and retreated. On the side of the Sun God in front, step back towards your own defense tower...

When the entire busy line was pulled back to his side, Lao K suddenly appeared!

Directly drill the hole and lift Kindred!

Fatty: "Ah!"

Lao K: "Ah! Look at my jack!"

Xiaopang: "The Yang God at this time is already a corpse in my eyes."

Between the two of them, Lu Sicheng, who was still backing away, was mad with his backhand. The first second Yangshen landed, he was hooked by Little Fat Thresh Q, and when he was dragged for the second time, Little Fat triggered the second stage Q and then turned his back. Even the e skill backhand hook! Yang Shen didn't have time to make any resistance, and he was controlled to death by seamless control!

A blood!

The fans of the zgdx team at the scene are boiling—

Before they finished cheering for Xiaopang and Lao K's Ye Fu, at this time, a line of prompts suddenly popped up at the top of the screen. Syndra in the middle killed LeBlanc alone!

Confused all over the place.

Commentary a: [Hahahahaha wait what did we miss?]

Commentary b: [Why did you only kill in the middle? What about the director? Come and help the director up for a playback! ! !]

Commentary a: [Let's see the replay of the mid lane just now... To be honest, I was really watching the bot lane just now and didn't really pay attention to what was going on in the mid lane.]

Not only the commentary, but everyone was stunned. The surprise was so sudden that they didn't even realize what happened. The beautiful director kindly gave a replay in the middle. Only then did people know that it turned out to be the perfect palace in the bottom lane. Timing, the middle side also leveled at the same time—

The incident started when Xiaohua LeBlanc was pretending to replenish soldiers, a w stepped on the smiling Syndra's face and played a set of skills, and immediately after the fight, w teleported back, and the smiling blood line was not healthy at this time. back -

Right now!

Almost the same thing happened in the scene just now on the bottom of the road. Xiaohua saw Smiling retreat and wanted Chen Sheng to chase after him. Back off, qwqeqr added ignite, a set of burst damage came, Xiao Hua didn't even have time to react, and was instantly countered, and the smiling Syndra completed a single kill!

After the replay of the video, the audience was in an uproar.

Commentary a: [Wow smiling, this speed! Single for twenty years!]

Commentary b: [Pfft, it's over, you say this and ask if Brother Cheng agrees or not... ]

Commentary a: [See this scene! See this scene! I guess now whether they are watching the live broadcast or the fans of the operator team at the scene, they can rest assured that the absence of the game some time ago did not affect smiling's state at all. Her ferocity and decisiveness are still as people are familiar with!]

It was only seven minutes into the game, and the bottom, road, and road were opened in a row. The crucial position of double C took a head each, stabilizing his advantage in this road—

China Telecom is a very good snowball team.

Once they gain an advantage in a certain road, unless the jungler is willing to give up the jungle area and give up the development and death grab from that moment, such an advantage will be infinitely expanded by them in most cases until the road is strong enough to the end Can take over the game and draw up a victory!

- At the beginning of the game, Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng took the head at the same time to form an advantageous situation. The ck team absolutely did not want to see it, and Lao K was a jungler with a very aggressive awareness. Once the resources in the wild area were not guarded, they would be blocked He looted!

At this time, the Yang God of the ck team was distracted for a while, so he could only walk around with his assistant, Lao Wang, and filled his own wild areas and rivers with protection eyes, just trying to protect his own middle and lower roads as much as possible. , don't let the old k run to gank to continue to widen the gap of the current road until the end of the laning period...

"The equipment money on the opposite side has been used to buy eyes, why don't you have the spirit of selfless dedication?" Tong Yao muttered, "My middle road grass is about to be put into a sieve by their eyes, but you also put it in for me, chubby. two!"

Xiaopang: "Don't be arrogant, let your fat master make your shoes first... Why are you panicking? People are protecting their eyes. The big deal is that Lao K is dead on the road and won't go to the middle. After all, the Yangshen is reluctant to catch you. "

Hearing this, Lu Sicheng glanced at Xiao Pang with a half-smile but didn't speak. But Lao K joked: "You dare to say it, you don't want Brother Cheng's treatment, do you?"

Xiaopang: "You talk so much, but you go out and get two eye stones for her."

Lao K: "I don't."

The nursery rhyme couldn't help laughing while listening to the conversation between Ye Fu's stingy duo: "I'm only a few cents per eye, how can you be so stingy in an advantageous game, if this is a disadvantage, can you still fight down?" Will come to the middle, I don't think he looks like- ah ah ah!"

Before the words were finished, the nursery rhyme was directly chained by LeBlanc on the opposite side. At this time, everyone had a big move. If they were on the chain, they had to cross the line. Of course, the nursery rhyme didn't want to die. Before she had time to move, the so-called "reluctant to catch you" Qian Jue in Xiaopang's mouth jumped out of the river grass. In the screams of nursery rhymes, Jian Yang did not show any "reluctance" to step on the face of nursery rhymes. Go, jump and jump with a set of skills, and directly take away the head of the nursery rhyme!

Nursery rhyme: "..."

Nursery smashed the mouse, and was frightened by the sudden appearance of the sun god, and her heart was still pounding, until Lu Sicheng's happy laughter came from the earphone—

The nursery rhyme was furious: "What are you laughing at!"

Lu Sicheng said slowly, "I guess the audience sitting in the last row could hear your scream just now."

The nursery rhyme paused and blushed at random: "Impossible!"

While the nursery rhymes retorted loudly, they didn't know that outside the sound-isolating earphones, the audience at the scene, including the narrator, were already laughing. A few seconds ago, that sincere scream interrupted the narrator's commentary. The sound was transmitted to the ears of everyone at the scene - and at this moment, the fans sitting in the front row could hear the follow-up talk back from the nursery rhyme and Lu Sicheng, and they were laughing so hard that they couldn't help themselves.

At this point, the game went on for about fifteen minutes.

With such a humorous opening, it is destined that this game will be spent in a cheerful atmosphere of shouting and shouting—

Although the nursery rhyme single-handedly killed the opposing mid laner Xiaohua in the early stage, because the Yangshen gank successfully narrowed the gap a few minutes later, so until the end of the laning period, I never asked for anything from Xiaohua...

Fortunately, Lu Sicheng's bot lane advantage is still there. In addition, in the teamfight, the old cat on the road, Rambo r Gnar, who came from good luck. Finally, at the thirty-ninth point of the game, Dalong is in the race. China Telecom took the lead in opening the dragon and was intercepted by the ck team that arrived later. Lu Sicheng decisively ordered to give up the dragon. The team did not hesitate to give up the dragon with half blood, and directly pulled back with the ck team...

The two sides entered the narrow terrain of the wild area in the tug of war, and the ck team shouted in surprise, but at this time it was too late to retreat!

I saw that the old cat's Rambo, who was always in his hand, fell steadily down the fire to roast the four people in the CK team squeezed in the wild area, and directly burned the opponent's back row ad! The nursery rhyme followed up and pushed him back. Lu Sicheng stepped forward with two critical strikes to scrape the unhealthy people who had been burned by the old cat to the residual blood. Finally, the nursery rhyme and the old cat used other skills to harvest the mess!

Forty-one minutes and twenty seconds.

China Telecom pushed to the high ground and ended the first game in one wave!

When the team members took off their earphones and stood up, cheers broke out from the scene, and the applause almost drowned out their conversation!

at this time.

After losing the first round, the mood of the ck team was still stable.

First of all, they knew in advance that zgdx is a hard bone and difficult to chew; plus the League of Legends professional league playoffs have always been bo5 (*bestof5, the best of five sets system), so it’s no big deal to lose a small point first. .

After Jian Yang got off the stage, instead of going to the players' lounge, he went directly to the player's toilet to wash his face. The phone rang while washing his hands, so he habitually answered it and just pressed the speakerphone and threw it on the stage. He washed his hands while talking on the phone, and then threw off the water at will. After washing his hands and talking on the phone concisely, Jian Yang grabbed the phone.

At the same time, the door of the last compartment was opened from the inside, and there was no sound of water pumping. The person inside just walked out lazily with a tobacco that was about to burn out and met Jian Yang.

Lu Sicheng bit the butt of the cigarette and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Jian Yang: "..."

This scene is really a bit familiar.

Jian Yang stuffed the cell phone he just hung up in his pocket, and was silent for a while, with a neither embarrassed nor embarrassed smile on his lips: "Brother Cheng."

"Well," Lu Sicheng replied, threw the butt of his cigarette, walked to the sink, carefully washed his hands with hand sanitizer, raised his head and glanced at his Jian Yang in the mirror, "Today is too late. It's early, take a cigarette to refresh yourself."

The tone is quite mild.

Jian Yang nodded and said, "Yeah, there is only one game a day and it's so early, I don't know what the organizers think."

After he finished speaking, he was relatively speechless.


The horse was embarrassed.

Jian Yang watched Lu Sicheng act like a thief. After carefully washing his hands, he raised his hands to sniff if there was any residual smell. He turned around and went under the dryer to dry his hands. Then he bent down and simply handed his head over to blow it. —Then, under Jian Yang's speechless gaze, he leaned over slightly and said, "Is it interesting?"

Jian Yang: "..."

Lu Sicheng straightened up and began to look for the air sober spray that the toilet would put on the floor. Looking around, he said, "I remember the last time I met you in the toilet was in the spring finals, when you were also on the phone..."

He finally found what he was looking for in the marble groove behind the toilet door, walked over, picked it up and sprayed it twice as if spraying perfume - after a pause, he thought for a moment and showed a slightly nostalgic face, and said, "With my family Is that the phone call? Well, I was thinking at the time, which girl is so rude."

Jian Yang: "..."

Lu Sicheng smiled: "I didn't expect to become teammates later."

Also became a daughter-in-law.

The last half of Lu Sicheng thoughtfully didn't say it, he just missed it.

Jian Yang: "Well, at that time... I also just found out that she was going to start a career. I was so surprised. In fact, I haven't contacted for a long time after we broke up. I didn't expect that she would come to start a career, so I called her to ask what was going on. "

Lu Sicheng lowered his eyes, said "Yeah", thought for a while and said with a smile, "By the way, your first wave of ganks frightened her so badly that she screamed so much that we almost threw our mouse away."

Jian Yang looked at Lu Sicheng and smiled. He didn't feel proud of the success of the gank just now or something. Instead, it became more and more uncomfortable. I didn't want to break up with her at the time."

"..." Lu Sicheng raised his eyes and glanced at him, as if it wasn't a surprise that he would say that - he didn't react much, he just smiled, "Then thank you for raising your hand, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take advantage of it."

Jian Yang's face froze, as if he wanted to grab the spray can from Lu Sicheng's hand, and slapped his handsome face full of calm and calm - of course, he didn't do that, but smiled dryly. : "Yeah, it's been so long... What are you doing? It's both hand washing and air freshener. I remember someone said you quit smoking before."

"Half abstain, anyway, I smoke less at the base," Lu Sicheng put back the air freshener jar, "mainly because of strict tutoring."

Jian Yang: "..."

Lu Sicheng swayed again.

After confirming that he had no taste, he opened the bathroom door and waved his hand at Yang Shen: "Come on next game, although I lost to you in this spring game, I am not ready to lose again this year... Ah yes, don't give it to her. Sue me for smoking, I know you still have her WeChat."

After saying that, the door of the bathroom was opened and closed, and the person standing beside the door walked away. Of course, the back of the man's dashing departure was very familiar, and it reminded Jian Yang of the ominous premonition that floated in his heart under the same situation. … … … … …

Perfectly fulfilled now.


Leaving Jian Yang alone, he stared at the air freshener that had just been put down behind the door and was silent for about 30 seconds, then he stepped forward and slapped it into the trash can, just to vent his anger and pulled the air freshener on his body. Team uniform, and followed him out of the bathroom with a blank face.

When Jian Yang walked to the ck team's player lounge, he passed by the China Telecom team's lounge, and vaguely heard a conversation inside—

A female voice asked, "Lu Sicheng, are you secretly smoking a cigarette while riding a horse?" After a few seconds of silence, a male voice said, "No, you are not wronging people"...

Jian Yang paused at his feet.

But only for a while.

After a while, as if it was too late and unwilling to listen to what they said next, he raised his foot and quickened his pace to leave—

Time is such a wonderful thing, and the encounter in the bathroom is like an arranged farce. In just half a year, the people who should have been closer have gone in opposite directions, but the stranger and the stranger have become intimate instead.

... Even Jian Yang couldn't understand why.

Jian Yang pushed open the door of the ck team's lounge. The team members raised their heads and greeted him. He glanced at the data from the previous game and discussed the next jungler route. Jian Yang paused, adjusted his expression and joined the discussion naturally. I don't know what just happened.

As if nothing really happened just now.

No chance encounter.

Not a moment's disappointment.

… nothing happened.

Xiaohua: "Just now, the first gank in this wave, I fuck Lu Sicheng's acting skills are really good, obviously I called the old bastard to squat, and it's still like that... Heh, I always feel that The opponent has figured out your jungle routine, Yang Shen, why don't you gank the middle first?"

Jian Yang: "I knew earlier that I wouldn't go to the toilet if I choked to death just now."

Xiaohua: "Huh?"

Jian Yang: "..."