You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 147


The second game is ready to start. When the players sit back in their chairs and put on their headphones to start a new round of ban&pick, it seems that there is no need to worry about whether to go to the next issue of "competition quotes", go, it must be It's decided - the only difficulty facing the China Telecom team now is: do you want to make the next "competition quotations" a special event for their team

Nursery Rhymes feel that it is necessary.

Like now.

The ck team came up and directly banned Lu Sicheng's very annoying wheel mother. Mingshen asked: "this wheel mother has been banned, what should brother Cheng get?"

Lu Sicheng moved his lips, just as he was about to say that he can take anything, suddenly the person sitting next to him interjected, "Take Draven."

Lu Sicheng turned his head and glanced at her, thinking about what Draven to use, looking at the Summoner Canyon, there are thousands of ad heroes, you have to mention the only one that I don't know, who are you trying to ridicule

... However, before he could ask if the nursery rhyme was looking for trouble, nursery rhyme had already adjusted her sitting position, her face was calm, and she said coolly, "What else would you take? Ez? Calista? Lucian? Mouse? Big Mouth? Varus ?… Liars don't deserve these heroes."

Lu Sicheng said "um": "Why did I lie?"

Nursery Rhyme: "You said you quit smoking."

Lu Sicheng sighed: "I didn't smoke just now."

The nursery rhyme rolled her eyes: "Lu Sicheng, your men's perfume smells like an air freshener? Why don't you say that when you were squatting in the toilet, the smoke in the room next door caught the smell. Where did you come to force so many dramas?"

Lu Sicheng: "..."

While Lu Sicheng was speechless and bowing his head, the other teammates, including Mingshen, were already laughing together. The old cat was smiling and shaking his hands to lock the ez for his captain kindly. This ad position was decided—Lu Sicheng shared the whole process. There is no time to speak and make requests and suggestions, only time for training... If Xiao Rui was present at this time, he would probably write down this key historical moment [again consolidating and emphasizing that the team leader has become the past].

The ban&pick session was still going on. When everyone was discussing which position would be better next, Lu Sicheng thought about it and suddenly said, "Don't put this part of the backstage sound picker in the competition quotes."

The nursery rhyme was taken aback: "Why?"

Maintain your own image? Lu Sicheng also smoked before, and this little fault does not prevent him from becoming a male god in people's hearts.

Tong Yao was thinking about it, but Lu Sicheng glanced at her: "I'm afraid you, the new team leader, will take back the blade again."

The man's words are three-pointed and three-pointedly false. When the nursery rhyme heard it, she felt that she should get angry. After thinking about it carefully, she felt a little thoughtful - she didn't even understand where the thoughtfulness was, but the warmth in her heart came so violently. , She was inexplicable and couldn't stop her, so she could only cough dryly and smirk: "It's so considerate."

Lu Sicheng nodded, earnestly: "That's it."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

When the double C-positions were busy gossiping, Mingshen had already instructed Lao K to help Lao Mao get the Rambo, and was kicking Lu Sicheng to remind him to stop flirting with girls and do business. A knife girl!

There was an uproar in the audience - if Yasuo is considered a Sima hero, then Blade's Will should at least be a dead father hero. Like Yasuo, this hero has a lot of people playing rank on weekdays, and there are a lot of cheats. In the regular professional arena, there are basically no professional players who will take it, so it is really surprising to take it with good luck—

"Isn't ck's good luck good at tank-type heroes? How can I take out a knife girl to scare the baby?" Little Fatty looked bewildered.

"Lu Yue can also take out a hand of cards." Lu Sicheng reminded him calmly and kindly.

The whole team was silent, and then everyone showed a unified face of relief.

Mingshen held a folder and supported Lu Sicheng's chair back with laughter—although Lu Yue was probably out of some kind of guilty conscience on weekdays. The only thing is that Mingshen doesn't seem to buy his account very much. At least every time Lu Yue is buried, the gentle and jade-like Mingshen always smiles very happily...

Thinking of this nursery rhyme, I can't help but begin to sympathize with Lu Yue.

At this time, in the midst of laughing and laughing, the ban&pick session finally ended. China Telecom was shocked by the knife girl of the ck team. When everyone officially entered the game, Tong Yao vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the knife girl.

- It turns out that a woman's sixth sense is always accurate.

— especially when it comes to bad things.

Because the probability of the hero's appearance is too low, there is really not much homework for this hero whether it is training games or data analysis on weekdays. When it is really taken out, everyone thinks about its skills and hero mechanism. , Randomly reacted: this hero is really a surprise attack of the r version hero Rambo.

The ck team came well prepared, and now they are making a real move when they lost a small point first.

Thinking of this, when I entered the game, Nursery Yao thought about it and couldn't help but say: "You still have to look at this old K and hit the road, I always feel that luckily, this knife girl really didn't take it randomly, and I feel like an accident is going to happen on the road. "

Old K also agreed.

I really went to the road for the first gank in the first seven or eight minutes of the game. The result was that the good luck of the legendary tank-type hero came to show a flower show. The old cat watched two fights and one, and crushed you to death. Knife girl was not even a minute, she was confidently holding Rambo's big move, and crashed into the tower all the way, but she didn't have time to leave and was replaced by knife girl!

The ck team successfully won a blood!

At this time, the situation was not good, and Daomei dragged Lao K's excavator to prevent him from drilling the hole... During the period, nursery rhyme desperately clicked the floor to signal and reminded Xiaohua that Xiaohua was gone. Can't make the return trip? However, the knife girl was jumping up and down, holding back the anxious old K until Xiaohua appeared, copying the old K from the back, and Xiaohua took the second head of the game.

Originally, the ice girl of Xiaohua restrained the Kassadin from the nursery rhyme, and now the ice girl has also taken a wave of personal head development...

So this collapse, it collapsed directly to the middle and upper two roads.

The game version decided that if the current game is not so strong that the ad is invincible to the point that the pervert can press the opponent to fight, the early stage of the middle and upper two lanes basically collapses, and this game is equivalent to going far away. At this time, Lu Sicheng is still in the normal lane, and the advantage is there. Lu Sicheng can also be regarded as invincible, but the bot lane combination of Butterfly and Pharaoh has won the Spring Split championship.

… For a time, the whole game was dominated by the flying girl.

About twenty-five minutes later, the economic gap between the two sides was close to 8,000. Tong Yao felt that the game was almost over. After considering whether Lu Sicheng's hand could hold a complete Bo5, she felt a little bit about giving up. This one means the next one to continue.

It's nothing, and it's not a hot-blooded comic. Not every game is worth investing time and energy to try to turn it around. Fortunately, there are more than one like her. This game will end early in more than 30 minutes. The moment she pushed it off, Tong Yao took off her earphones and glanced at the screen behind her, which turned on a red light that symbolized failure...

At this point, the score returned to a one-to-one tie.

ck is indeed not a team of rookie chickens who let everyone round and flatten.

However, at this time, Tong Yao was unexpectedly calm, and was not as disturbed as the loss to yqcb at that time. In general, like this special and unexpected routine, it is difficult for a team to prepare too much. This ck's knife girl It's really good and unexpected, but if you ban the next one or don't take a Rambo, it's over, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

still win.

Nursery Yao took a deep breath, and was feeling that the setback had turned her into a big heart that is not bad, when she suddenly heard Lu Sicheng beside her and said something aggrieved: "I just said something to Yangshen. It is impossible to lose this bo5."


It seems that her heart may have accidentally formed an energy conservation with her family's ad, but hers is a big heart, but someone has become as small as the tip of a needle.

Tong Yao raised her head and glanced at the man beside him who was about to pout and stomp his feet: "Although I want to remind you that this is a one-to-one match, we haven't lost yet, but what the hell is this talk? When did you meet Jian Yang? "

Lu Sicheng thought for a while, and regardless of the thousands of fans behind him, he took the hand of the nursery rhyme and walked to the backstage.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

I just couldn't understand how a broken toilet could become a holy place for serious incidents to happen, Tong Yao raised her hand and pulled off the hem of Lu Sicheng's clothes: "In the future, you are not allowed to go to the toilet, make a report, and let it go only after approval. "

Lu Sicheng: "Oh."

Lu Sicheng: "Report."

Nursery Rhyme: "Why?"

Lu Sicheng: "urgency."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "My lucky girl is so angry that my bladder hurts."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

At this time, the two had already walked back to the zgdx team lounge, and Lu Sicheng turned to the old cat: "In the training game, you kept yelling that Lambo is fat, and there is no solution, no solution, isn't there a sword girl, look The knife girl who came with good luck, why don't you know the knife girl?"

The old cat put down the water glass that might have been smashed as a murder weapon, and looked at the nursery rhyme with a headache: "You should let him go to the toilet!"

In the midst of the innocence and resentment of the old cat, Tong Yao waved his hand and was about to drive away this guy with a stern face who claimed to have been so angry with a knife girl that his bladder hurts. Before leaving, he dragged him to the corner and searched his body and took out a few hidden Cigarette... Lu Sicheng leaned in the corner, looking at the person in front of him who searched him like a policeman. When nursery rhyme frowned and considered whether to let him take off his shoes for examination, he lowered his head and frowned while pinching a few cigarettes. The contemplative little girl suddenly curled her lips, and the face of the coffin disappeared. She leaned into her ear and asked, "Finished? There is still a relatively large cigarette in her pants, can you touch it?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Five seconds later.

Everyone looked at their captain who walked out with brisk steps, and their mid laner who stood there with a blushing face, staring at the man leaving, and their mid laner just broke out and roared at that moment, and they were probably resting next door. The three words "stinky hooligan" that can be heard in the room—

I don't understand why Lu Sicheng can play a hooligan without moving his hand even though it is clearly a nursery rhyme.

Silence for a few seconds.

Xiaopang stared in the direction Lu Sicheng left, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief: "I didn't dare to speak loudly just now, the captain always had a straight face when he lost the game, whoever dared to talk too much just didn't know how to reflect, and dragged him over to the front of the army on the spot. shoot."

"Then you don't have to worry now," Tong Yao pointed at the half-closed lounge door, "How good is he? It's like the one million fake match fee paid to him by the ck team has arrived."

Fatty: "…"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Xiaopang stared at the face of the nursery rhyme for a while, seeing that she had just finished scolding the hooligan and her blood had not faded, and suddenly seemed to understand seven or eight points, and couldn't help sighing: "You have worked hard."

Tong Yao was not polite to him at all, nodded and said, "I think so too."

Everyone: "… "