You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 148


In the third game, China Telecom banned Daomei. At this time, the ck team did not seem to have any special routines to take, and lost the game under the hard power of zgdx.

At this time, the score was 2 to 1. In addition, it took about three hours before and after the break. It was the first time for Tong Yao to play the five-set three-win system in person. a little tired...

Commentary a: [The fourth game is about to start, this will be a life and death game for the ck team, if you win, you can continue to struggle; if you lose, you miss the finals, and you have to burn incense and pray to the Buddha to get the third place in the summer, and zgdx will take it. To the champion of the summer season, we will be guaranteed an s6 spot with the highest points of the year... and we can see that the members of the China Telecom team are not very excited.]

Commentary b: [Even though the ck team has already been pushed to the edge of the cliff by them at this time... This is very annoying, you won the game and you still have such a paralyzed face, what should you do if you make me face life and death?]

Commentary a: [The five-set three-win system really tests the physical strength of the players, so here I suggest that everyone should not just be an Internet addict teenager, and have time to go out to exercise, combine work and rest, and strengthen physical fitness... I remember every Clubs basically have gyms, so the treadmills are probably all dusty, right?]

Commentary b: [Hahahahaha!]

In the commentary's ridicule, at the beginning of the fourth game, when the nursery rhyme sat down in the seat, he found that the support cards of the audience and fans below were not raised as high as they had just started. It is estimated that their hands are sore and their voices are hoarse... I can't help but feel a long sentence. The time battle is really torturous, so I slowly put on my headphones again... The first ban position that came up was still rewarded to the lucky girl from the ck team's top order. The above is - I know that your knife girl is very powerful, you have practiced it well, but I don't want to see it again, thank you.

When the nursery rhymes were looking for Daomei's avatar all over the world to be banned, Lu Sicheng wrestled his arms next to her. When the nursery rhymes banned Daomei and the other party banned Syndra of Nursery Rhymes, Lu Sicheng thought about it and suddenly said in an understatement: "The hand is a little bit small. pain."

Tong Yao immediately released the mouse and looked at him.

Xiaopang explained from the side: "Brother Cheng means that it is enough to play four games in this game. Everyone cheers up and makes a quick decision. You don't need to play all five games."

Mingshen: "Rambo has been banned from the opposite side. Gnar may have to release it. Do you want to grab it? The old cat's Gnar also played well, right? See you in the training game and take four shots with the palm of your hand..."

Nursery Rhyme: "Why are you talking so much?"

Mingshen: "What are you going to do with the nursery rhymes? What about the ice girl, wouldn't you be tempted when you see a bunch of ice girls who beat you up? You can also beat him up with this one, or you want to Take LeBlanc? Ah, LeBlanc is out."

Lu Sicheng: "I'm afraid that the backstage will put it into the competition quotation and release it, and it will be said to be inflated... So design some code words that others can't hear!"

Lao K: "The next issue of the competition quotation is our album is correct."

Tong Yao smiled and was about to say something, but at this time, the god standing behind them broke out - the folder in his hand started from the old cat all the way to the little fat: "… … … … … So much gossip! Can you ban & pick properly! Shut up!"

Everyone: "… "

Only the old cat was chanting: "I will be beaten for not saying a word, and I will be beaten for not saying a word!"

After being outbursted by Mingshen's set to get the five kills, everyone no longer dared to gossip and keep their mouths shut and return to ban&pick. They talked about the lineup and got it. At the end, the selection is as follows:

zgdx team selection: Gnar, Centaur, Ice Maiden, ez, Thresh.

ck team selection: big tree, excavator, card, wheel mother, Bud.

The nursery rhyme sniffed and exclaimed, "I agreed that I would choose the ice girl to beat the opponent with a blue nose and a bruised face? They took out a card with their backhand and ripped me again!"

Mingshen: "Hey, he doesn't use his cards well, don't be afraid, really."

Nursery Rhyme: "What a ghost, they are all liars!"

The game officially begins.

In the early stage, the laning was still normal, and even the commentary couldn't find anything to say. I simply added the sentence "Ice Girl came forward to change a set of blood, and the cards retreated, ah, it was a very intense fight." But nothing happened"...

Just when the two commentators were eager to discuss what to eat tonight, Yang Shen finally stopped brushing the wild and began to move, and went to the road to catch a wave of old cats. Gone - at this time, even if Lao K, the grass guard, arrived, his hoof smashed the hole of the excavator and went straight to Yangshen's face!

At the same time, Gnar, who was retreating, did not retreat, and followed up again, and the nursery rhyme in the middle just happened to clear the line of troops. The top road has already passed the river crab. If the nursery rhyme arrives, Ueno will die, and the sun god and good luck will come. Forced to be helpless, I can only show both of them to flash!

Nursery Rhyme didn't chase after them when they ran away, just found a cat in the grass and returned.

At this time, a wave of soldiers on the road just pushed into the tower. If you are lucky enough to eat this wave, you must hand in another summoner skill "Teleport"; if you don't eat it, then this wave of his experience If you lose blood, you will be beaten by the old cat! … In other words, this is a good start. China Telecom has not spent a single soldier or a single player in the ck two summoner skills. If there is no flash, you don’t have to worry about Yangshen’s short-term gank and good luck’s short-term teleportation. support.

Lu Sicheng: "Yes, so I can be very comfortable."

Nursery Rhyme: "What kind of yellow accent is played in the game?"

Lu Sicheng: "I'm just talking normally."

Nursery Rhymes: "That can only blame you for having a hooligan face, you say anything like a hooligan; when you don't speak, you seem to be deliberately playing a hooligan."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

When nursery rhymes and Lu Sicheng were talking nonsense, she always opened the lineup panel for both sides to watch, counting the numbers and experience of Xiaohua's cards one by one. After level five and three-quarters more, she signaled to the upper and lower roads respectively: "The card is almost level six, be careful yourself."

Once the card reaches level 6, the ultimate move comes with teleportation skills. Generally speaking, the rhythm of the first wave of cards flying in the game is very important - 8 minutes and 11 seconds, when the card reaches level 6, it will fly directly down the road, and the yellow card will flash on the ground. Cooperating with the assistant Bud and the long-planned Jianyang excavator, he left the assistant chubby with a chain control, and broke out the first blood of the game!

After eight minutes, there was finally the first head, and the audience cheered!

At this time, Tong Yao rushed to the top road at the same time. When the card was harvested in the bottom road, he also cooperated with the old cat to take away the luck that was not so fleshy at present—

It was relatively reluctant to receive, and was almost replaced by luck to be tied under the tower.

No loss or gain.

It's just that the opposite side also paid a lot of skills to catch Xiaopang, and the auxiliary was replaced by the order. This wave of good luck to teleport did not turn well and the cooldown time would be lost. Thinking about it, it seems that the ck team is losing some

Nursery Rhymes reconciled in her heart, sinking her mind and continuing to face the game calmly.

About seventeen minutes later, the ck team joined the team again, and five people caught the old cat who killed the top laner. Originally, they wanted to kill him and quickly get the tower, but because it was a tower jumper, the old cat had enough energy and just got bigger. They slapped three of them and placed them on the wall under the tower. Butterfly suffered a few tower injuries and carried the tower to death. At the same time, Nursery Rhyme, Lu Sicheng, and Xiaopang arrived, escaped Bud's big move, and killed Zhong again. Shan Xiaohua and Pharaoh's assistant, leaving only the Yangshen to run away through the tunnel.

At this time, the head-to-head ratio on the field was 4:2, and China Telecom was ahead by two heads, and because the ck team frequently reported to the group to make troubles, the troops lost some money, and the economic gap on the field was 2,500 yuan worse.

Commentary a: [It seems that although the ck team has been looking for opportunities to take the initiative to attack, the pace of the game is not as good as the zgdx team... To be honest, you are holding a wheel mother and a big tree, and the opposite lineup is not too big in the early stage. In this case, I feel like I'm in too much of a hurry.]

Commentary b: [It's urgent, just now that Bonar's energy is about to become big enough, you should withdraw - you can't say "come here, let's kill it" and force it up... ]

In the thoughts of the commentary, the ck team also seems to realize that they are so blind and unscientific, and no longer take the initiative to attack and want to make up for their development - but at this time, China Telecom, which already has a good economic advantage in hand, will of course not be as good as them. As I wish, the counterattack horn was blown directly!

Twenty-five minutes and 30 seconds, China Telecom went to get the second element soil dragon. When the ck team saw this, the two pushed China Telecom's tower in the middle, and the three reported the group to fight the dragon. After the cards were pushed, the tower in the middle was first. Time flies Dalong, and at this time, the Ueno ad trio of China Telecom left Xiaolong and moved towards Dalong as soon as they saw their actions.

When the old cat arrived in Dalongkeng, it immediately became bigger and bigger, and Lu Sicheng stepped forward to teach him all the skills to take him away. At this time, Dalong only had one-third of his health remaining! Seeing that the jungler was dead, the ck team hesitated for a moment, but at this moment of hesitation, the nursery rhyme ice girl who could be rushed by China Telecom entered the field, and continued to resist the opponent's card that wanted to slip, another set of explosive generals. Its kill!

The only remaining output wheel mother escaped under the cover of the big tree, and China Telecom successfully took over the dragon!

At this moment.

The field was full of blood and cheers jumping up and down! On the live broadcast platform of the game, a series of barrage "gg" floated by, and various posts appeared instantly in the post bar—

[The ck team can do this wave of line changes, but the road is one foot high and the devil is one foot high]

[zgdx is still strong, this cooperates]

[After watching today's ck and zgdx, the yqcb next door is also taking off and beating the red arrows. In this state, I suddenly feel that this year's s6 seems to be able to fight with Koreans.]

[zgdx is invincible]

[This cooperation makes Lao Tzu stunned]

At this time, in the lively atmosphere of the game, the excited voice of commentator A also covered most of the people: [This is first-class teamwork! Whether it's ck's mid-lane transfer to Dalong, or zgdx's diversion to grab resources! very exciting! Really wonderful! Who said that lpl can't be done this year, I think it's really possible! ! ! !]

In the next game, ck struggled to resist, and at 40 minutes Yangshen took back the dragon he had lost in the hands of Lao K, pushed the three outer towers of zgdx in a row, moved back to the 4500 economic gap, and forced his life to continue. ;

Forty-five minutes and 30 seconds, the ancient dragon was in the competition, and the gap in teamfighting strength between the two sides was reduced. When Shen Yi was competing, this time, Lao K took down the ancient dragon with a steady punishment!

Fifty-one seconds, zgdx finally pushed off the high ground in the middle of the ck team.

Fifty-two minutes and eighteen seconds, after the big tree of the ck team sent the broken line around, the teammates seized the opportunity to come out of the spring and caught the zgdx double c and the auxiliary Thresh who were in poor condition, leaving the top Danal and the wildman. The horse fled, and the ck team pushed back all the way to the high ground in the middle.

Fifty-five minutes and thirty seconds, the ck team finally caught a mistake because they couldn't retreat in time, and zgdx never gave them a chance to breathe - at this time, Gnar's energy was almost increased, and the ck team was obviously calculating this. Prepare to retreat from the dead line!

Can't let them run!

While everyone was stunned, I saw that Dan Bingnu in the nursery rhyme took the lead in flashing the e-reception skill to start a group, and cut directly into the enemy's rear row to cut the wheel mother of the crippled butterfly. After sacrificing the mid laner ice girl, play more ck stations out of the group!


The army line was launched, a wave of highs, and the base was pushed down. The zgdx team lived up to expectations and entered the summer finals!

One foot has entered the threshold of the s6 world championship!

The moment she took off her earphones and stood up, listening to the voice of "Come on, China Telecom" in her ears, the nursery rhyme became more and more emotional. She threw the earphones and looked around, and at a glance she saw the captain of her family with the corners of her lips raised. Posing to drink from a glass of water to hide the smile on his lips—

Her brain circuit had a split short circuit, and when she reacted, she had already grabbed the paper cup in his hand, picked up the handsome face that was a little surprised that the cup had been robbed, and gave him a kiss!

… The computer was blocked, and no one except the fans sitting on the side of the front row could see what the nursery rhymes were doing. They only saw her suddenly bend over to Lu Sicheng, but the fan girl who was standing on the side with the camera could see clearly, sharp and sharp. With a cry, the SLR with tens of thousands of hands shaking almost hit the ground!

Here, Lu Sicheng raised his hand and wiped his face with the back of his hand. He looked at the pair of smiling eyes in front of him that were brighter than the laser lights on the competition stage. Her head complimented: "The last one flashed and played well."

Nursery rhyme's eyes all laugh like a crescent moon.

When shaking hands, the faces of the ck team were inevitably resentful, and the assistant Lao Wang was also an optimist. Lao Wang grabbed the hand of the zgdx optimistic chubby and said with a smile: "You guys have to work hard, do you want to win a championship? Yes? The champion walks s6, we will also walk the s6 for a third place, it's perfect."

The fat man laughed.

Lu Sicheng walked in front of the nursery rhyme, and after shaking hands with Jian Yang lightly, he turned slightly to look at the nursery rhyme behind him - then he saw that the shorty didn't even look at him, he lowered his head and claws, and was sticking with his ex-boyfriend generously.

Lu Sicheng raised his eyebrows.

At the same time, I heard the nursery rhyme smile and say to Jian Yang, "I said that I want to shake hands again, do you really come? ... Come on for the third place competition, see you at s6."

The tone was calm, completely different from the tone that seemed to tickle at the opening ceremony of the summer split when he said something like "there will be more opportunities to shake hands after letting go". In that sentence "Come on", there was actually a sincere blessing.

Jian Yang was stunned for a moment, raised his head, and saw a bright star in the eyes of the girl in front of him.

Knowing that the person in front of you may have really let go, and from now on, she will no longer have any scruples because of the past... I should be relieved, but I don't know why I suddenly feel a little sour in my heart.

Despite this, the young jungler smiled, nodded, and said softly in a hoarse voice, "Okay, see you at S6, it's a deal."