You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 152


At the beginning of the game, under the watchful eyes of the public, they saw Xiao Pang manipulating his figure and his fat catfish swaying to the line - walking through his wild area - passing the river - shaking and shaking and then heading for someone else's yqcb As soon as he squatted in the grass in the wild area, Fatty began to laugh strangely.

Lu Sicheng: "Let's talk, you don't have to come back after you lose your blood."

Xiaopang ignored him. When the game system prompted "all troops to attack", and the springs of both sides began to send troops out, the yqcb bot lane combination began to fight wild monsters, big and small stone monsters, and prepared to eat this group of wild monsters before going online. Xiaopang relied on himself. Very fleshy, when the little stone man was bloodied, he jumped out of the grass and licked the little stone monster—

Grab it, of course you didn't get it.

The Pope steadily accepted the experience of the big and small stone monsters, and turned around and started to frantically point Chubby. Chubby turned around and hugged his head and ran away to give a flash - in a panic, he flashed forward a few millimeters and hit the wall, and suddenly there was a sound in the zgdx team channel -

Nursery Rhyme: "Ouch!"

Lao K: "Ouch!"

Old cat: "Ouch!"

Lu Sicheng: "Silver operation."

At this time, Fatty's health was only one-third left. After drinking the potion on his body, he hurriedly turned around and gave the Pope a second summoner skill "Weak" to slow down his movement speed and attack, so that he could protect himself. A dog's life!

The typical stealing chicken is not enough to eat rice!

Nursery Rhyme: "Forcibly turn on hard mode on the bottom road."

Lao K: "Fuck it."

Old cat: "The moment Xiaopang crossed the river, the road is over, Lao K is level 3 to catch the road, this will carry me."

"What are you carrying, people are laughing at the fact that our team is on the road for two people, and now you are eagerly calling God K to help you, how come you don't know how to be ashamed?" Shaking his round body, he rolled back to Lu Sicheng's side.

At this time, Lu Sicheng was steadily replenishing his troops. Seeing the blood-skinned assistant from his house scolding behind him, his eyes twitched and he tapped the floor: "Why are you coming back? Why don't you die on the opposite side and hang up with the spring water."

Little Fatty laughed: "I'll come back to pit you."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

The communication channel was silent for three seconds, and then everyone understood why Xiao Chuan had played support for Lu Sicheng for four seasons and could not get his love. Hanging up a phone or beating this fat man for a while has probably cost him all his tolerance and all the love he can give in his life.

The game has been going on for more than three minutes, and the bottom lane and the mid laner have successively reached the third level. According to the Pope's personal habits, he must kill once before the fourth level. Even if he is persuaded, he will call the jungler to help gank together Yueta - I know his habit well, and I have witnessed it many times in training games, so once the character reaches the third level, Lu Sicheng starts to signal to Lao K to counter squat: At this time, their jungler will definitely come, because this At that time, Xiaopang was neither weak nor flashed, like a big fat sheep exposed to the eyes of hungry wolves, and he couldn't be justified without catching him...

Little Fatty: "I feel the greedy gaze on the other side, swiping around and smugly at people."

Lu Sicheng: "It's normal. After all, you just tried to show off on other people's territory."

Xiaopang: "I want to tempt the Pope to hand over Flash to hunt me down, do you know? Who knew he wouldn't hold back if he didn't get there."

Tong Yao smiled while supplementing the soldiers: "He is not stupid, and besides, only Lu Sicheng can deceive Li Junhe in this world."

Fatty hummed: "The dog's eyes look at Renji!"

Between the words, the Pope's q skill buff was fully stacked, and the "Archer's Concentration" buff was instantly triggered to increase his attack speed. I saw that he stepped forward three or two steps, and it was a frantic level a and then the w skill "All arrows fired at once." ”, the root arrow shot out, and the summoner’s skills were almost improved. Seeing the situation, Little Fatty started to retreat and wanted to go back to the tower. At this time, the opposite wine barrel finally appeared, and he wanted to blast Little Fatty out of Ashe and stood on the defense. Within range outside the tower—

It's just that there was a slight problem with the opponent's cooperation at this time. After the assistant handed the weakness to Lu Sicheng, the speed of entering the defense tower was a little slower. The Pope chased him deeply and carried the tower twice, and was swallowed by the bloody little fat. In the stomach, at the same time, Lu Sicheng handed over his treatment to Xiaopang's blood line. When the Pope was spit out from his stomach by Xiaopang, the blood volume was extremely unhealthy!

Lao K shouted: "I can't get through! Ai Jia stopped me in the middle! Where's the nursery rhyme! Come and beat him!"

At this time, Ash couldn't get over the tower, so he could only hang on to the bloodskin limit to hand over the healing and flash to escape - the duck that reached his mouth flew away, and the chubby slapped the keyboard furiously: "I am weak and he will die in two seconds! !!!!"

"He won't be so anxious when you're weak." Lu Sicheng was calm, "He's very good at jumping towers. This kind of thing is well calculated. If you don't die, you won't die, unless the opposite Nosuke just followed. ... The success of this wave of yqcb tower jumping depends on the order of the jungler and the auxiliary tower carrying.”

Lu Sicheng's words just finished, Nursery Rhymes and Lao K have already beaten the opposing mid laner back, blocked the retreating jungler and happily took his head—

A blood burst!

After a tense tower jumping activity in the bottom road, the middle road blossoms!

In the warm applause and laughter of the audience, the commentator a talked eloquently: [This tells us all the deeds at the beginning of the game, and today's almanac reads: Don't take the initiative to do things, and you usually have to pay a painful price to do things.]

Commentary b: [At that moment, if whoever drives the dragon first—]

Explanation a: [... Stop talking, I'm afraid.]

The first wave of the tower was not successful, and the opponent's bot lane combination was sent home, and the enemy jungler was killed in the middle lane. Tong Yao and Lao K came to the bot lane with Xiaopang and Lu Sicheng to push down the opponent's bot. The first outer tower on the road - At the same time, Ai Jia turned to the road and pushed down the first tower of zgdx together with the top order Rongrong, but this wave of zgdx was faster. Under the first element dragon.

At this point, nine minutes into the game, the economic difference between the two sides was about 1,500 yuan. The bot lane duo switched lanes to the top lane. After a little confusion, the game re-entered the laning phase.

Commentary a: [Now there is a head in hand, and the repair knife is also ahead of a dozen knives. The smiling life should be very comfortable.]

Commentary b: [That's not necessarily, you have to see who you are laning with - A player like Ai Jia is very good at finding opportunities to fight against pressure and laning with him, but if you feel that you have an advantage and want to kill, then It's about to happen.]

Facts have proved that commentator B really has the potential to have poisonous milk. At this time, I saw that his words had just fallen, and the nursery rhyme side pressed up, cleared the soldiers, threw the ball, and was screwed out by Ai Jia with a small move. At this time, Ai Jia Pulling it back a little—Tong Yao didn’t think much of it and felt that she could kill herself and went up—entering the range of the defense tower and being held by Ike, the opponent came up and played a set of backhands and then pulled back with a big move to leave the range of Nursery Rhyme’s attack. The nursery rhyme's health blood line is in a hurry and wants to retreat. At this time, the resurrected wild wine barrel will keep up with the nursery rhyme that has just left the attack range of the defense tower and then blow it back to complete the kill!

Commentary a: [Oops, this wave is urgent, really urgent!]

Commentary b: [What am I talking about! This player, Ai Jia, is really top-notch in resistance to pressure, and you can be beaten back by him as much as you have! Now that the army line is pushed over, this wave of smiling will lose a whole wave of army lines, and then the previous advantage will be gone! Really on top.]

The so-called three major illusions in life-

I am an advantage.

I can carry.

This wave can kill.

After Tong Yao died, a wave of soldiers came over, and Tong Yao had no choice but to signal to Lao K to eat the soldiers and not waste them.

At this point, the game has progressed to 12 minutes, and the economy of both sides has been recovered to about 700, which can be ignored. The difficult opponent is that he will keep looking for opportunities to make up for the economic gap. , Unconsciously, the advantages they lost before were gradually regained by them.

After the first death, the nursery rhymes became more careful, but the one-time death seemed to be a gap. In the next five minutes, the yqcb Ye Fu duo came three times in a row, and one of them killed again. The nursery rhyme, another time forcing her to hand over the flash, the bloody return journey...

On the way back, Tong Yao looked at the wave of soldiers that he couldn't eat, and felt that his heart was bleeding, and he stepped on the edge of the cliff with one foot. ", Lu Sicheng's calm voice sounded at the right time: "Don't worry, it's fine."

The nursery rhyme bit her lower lip: "No, there is something, I have something serious."

Everyone: "… "

At this time, nursery rhymes were having a hard time. They were targeted so that they couldn't even eat the soldiers. The basic growth rate for five minutes was half that of the opponent's mid laner... And although Lu Sicheng made up for a small advantage, he was kept under the watchful eye of the Pope. Kai, the chubby Tam came to help and could only help the nursery rhyme escape, and his ability to find opportunities to start small-scale team battles was not as good as the opposite Bard...

The game was forcibly dragged into the midterms.

At this time, the small advantage of zgdx before the scene changed, but yqcb mastered the rhythm, and the economy began to overtake.

Nursery Rhymes saw that Lu Sicheng was locked in the bottom lane by the Pope, so he couldn't take over the game soon, so he could only ask Lao K to help find opportunities - after several small-scale team battles, zgdx didn't get much advantage, but the economy was pulled by the opponent again. After opening a few, zgdx can only give up fighting with the other side, and start working together to develop and operate...

Twenty-seven minutes, yqcb won a water dragon.

Thirty-two minutes later, zgdx placed a single TP mid lane, and cooperated with Lu Sicheng's ultimate attack to cut off yqcb's double lane. However, the yqcb wine barrel blew up four perfectly, and cooperated with the captain's barrel to blow everyone in zgdx into blood. Nursery rhyme Syndra The ball was pushed back by an Ike. Fortunately, Ike cut into the crowd to harvest the residual blood, and pulled back with a big move. In this wave, yqcb counterattacked the Jedi and played two-for-four when losing the bot lane first.

Thirty-two minutes and eleven seconds, yqcb opened the big dragon, the old k spider went down to the dragon pit, failed to grab the dragon, and was killed again.

When all the audience at the scene thought that the game entered the rhythm of yqcb.

Thirty-three minutes and eight seconds, the old cat Ice Girl was resurrected, teleported to the eye position of the blue buff grass below the dragon, forced to enter the field with one claw, and cooperated with Lu Sicheng's Jhin to stop the opponent's bloody captain to kill, and at the same time, the little fat felt swallowed. The old cat with residual blood ran away, and the nursery rhyme arrived to harvest the remaining three groups of residual blood from yqcb!

Everyone exclaimed: Fuck, turn-based game!

Thirty-eight minutes and twenty-nine seconds, the three of zgdx grabbed the yqcb bot duo, and came to support the wild wine barrel to come one step later. At the same time, the zgdx spider hoisted to avoid the ice big move, and instantly killed the wine barrel when it landed. , after killing three enemies in an instant, zgdx took down the ancient dragon! !

zgdx took the ancient dragon buff, pushed the two outer towers of yqcb in a row, and then killed the opponent's top single captain, leveling or even overtaking the backward economy—

The crowd exclaimed again: "Fuck, the gods are fighting!

Forty-five minutes later, the two sides fought for the big dragon again. At this time, yqcb crippled Lu Sicheng to fight the big dragon first. Unexpectedly, Lu Sicheng stood far behind the little fat and opened a big move. Kill the jungler, and at the same time, the old k spider hangs down the dragon pit, a punishment, and directly grabs the dragon!

The audience stood up, applauded and cheered!

Commentary a: [This sentence is really written on today's almanac! ! ! ! - Whoever does it first will suffer!]

Forty-eight minutes and eleven seconds, zgdx pushed a large number of soldiers to the high ground in one wave, killing Captain Shan first, then killing ad Hanbing, leaving a meaty Ike mid-laner shivering, and finally ended the game in one wave !

Tong Yao took off her earphones, not only did not have the slightest smile on her face, but she was a little pale: she had a small advantage in the early stage and was unable to carry the rhythm of the team. Instead, she sent a wave inexplicably and almost sent the team together to the West Sky... fortunately Dalong's old cat took the risk and decisively teleported and harvested to open the group and reverse the situation. Otherwise, if she lost this game, she would have to bear the cauldron.

A player, his mentality, operation, and ability to grasp the overall situation can be trained, but the style of the player is difficult to change.

... She remembered that from the beginning of her career, Lu Sicheng said that a player like Ai Jia, who is stable and winning, would be her nemesis. Now it seems that it is true.

The fear of losing the game in the group stage that Tong Yao thought she had forgotten and overcame reappeared... When she got off the stage to go to the lounge, she was a little distracted. When she took off her headphones after the game, her attention was not taken away from her, so Lu Sicheng reached out and grabbed her.

Tong Yao raised her head, met those dark brown eyes, paused, and grabbed the man's sleeve with her backhand: "Change Lu Yue next."

"..." Lu Sicheng glanced at her, let go of her hand, and twisted the head, "No, rotation is for tactics."

"But this is the finals, you can't--"

"This is only a domestic league. You are now vulnerable and habitually evading. When it comes to international competitions, the handle is very important. You still expect Lu Yue to play the whole process for you? - Today's bo5, you put your head on your waistband. Finish it for me too."

"… "

Tong Yao wanted to jump up and beat him on the head, ignore him, and turn to look for Xiao Rui.

Before anyone could find her, she heard Lu Sicheng behind her, speaking in a terrifyingly indifferent tone: "I said I won't change it if I don't, it's no use asking anyone."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng is her boyfriend.

However, on the stage, only the ruthless Captain Lu was left.