You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 153


Nursery Yao returned to the lounge and sat there, looking a little dull.

But her teammates are attentive, so her little emotions were quickly discovered by Xiaopang, who is commonly known as the "nanny", who was the team's all-round support. Xiaopang put the biscuits in Lu Sicheng, and then turned to ask the nursery rhyme: "What's wrong with this? Yes?"

Lu Sicheng lifted the chin of the nursery rhyme, stuffed the biscuits into her mouth, and said lukewarmly, "If you lose less, you will shiver when you go against the wind. I don't dare to go up because I'm afraid of taking the blame."

Xiaopang was stunned for a moment, then put on the indifferent expression of "what a big deal, you scared me": "Oh."

"I'm not afraid of taking the blame..." With the biscuits in his mouth, it was inconvenient to speak, Tong Yao glared at the man, took the biscuit "Gazigazi" as Lu Sicheng's head and gnawed it into his mouth, swallowed it and took another sip of the staff The matcha latte I bought for her was sweet, but it didn't save her from her bad mood. Instead, her mind was more like a mess, "I'm nervous, I've never played in such an important game as the finals—but I ran into Ai again. Jia is like this, I can't do anything to make him a real yin... I thought about it during the game just now, but I couldn't think of a particularly good strategy, so I thought it would be better to replace Lu Yue."

As she spoke, she plucked the edge of the paper cup in her hand, and her small movements indicated her irritability.

Lu Sicheng nodded: "After talking so much, it's not that we lost less."

Nursery Rhyme rolled her eyes and paralyzed back to the chair.

Lu Yue smiled and stretched out his long legs with his brother: "What are you doing, take the initiative to ask me to be replaced? It's good for me, I can cowardly and Ai Jia face to face until the end of the game without confrontation. ."

Tong Yao grabbed the other empty cup at hand and smashed him, Lu Yue dodged it and asked with a smile, "It's not like you haven't lost to yqcb - you've lost to them in the summer game, plus you've been beaten by facial expressions before. When Team Bao's mid laner, A Tai, was bullied to the death, he shivered when he saw him, but what happened after that? You did this to build it up in your heart?"

"Yqcb was originally a group stage, and after the game, more things came to my face, and I didn't have time to savor the taste of losing the game; As for A Tai, thinking that everyone is human, I'm not so afraid - ah, but now and the expression I've never won a training match for Team Bao, ah, I'm not afraid that there is a fart that I can't beat him. I'm also very desperate!" Tong Yao raised her head and glanced at Lu Sicheng, who was dragging a chair across from her, and then The audience leaned on the chair and looked at her silently, she hesitated, "And now this is the finals, my performance just now was not good, I'm afraid I can't adjust well and drag you back."

As soon as the nursery rhyme words came out, everyone in the lounge looked at each other.

"Friends, e-sports, thousands of opponents, do you think you are a legendary mid laner faker famous in the League of Legends professional circle, you are invincible all over the world - I won't say that fakers have been single-killed, you play professionally In your life, you will always meet opponents who have no solution and are beaten to death. At this time, in addition to escaping, you should also learn to persuade and give the opportunity to carry to other teammates." Lu Yue pointed to Lu Sicheng's coffin face, "The game When there is such a person sitting next to you, have you never had the urge to lie down and win?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

She is not, what she has been thinking is, I am the mid laner, I want to carry, this one can't be mixed, this one can't lie down, hold back or something, never allow—

However, before she could speak, Lu Sicheng patted Lu Yue's hand with a cold face, and Lu Yue retracted his hand and said, "Don't always think that you can win the game by carrying, you can't carry the team for a lifetime - my brother is right. Ah, you just don't lose enough. If you've ever seen a game losing by tricks, you'll realize that when everyone has the blame, it's your turn... The old cat in the team is called every day that the team is short. Ban, you are a newcomer, what are you afraid of?"

The old cat hummed and smiled: "Yes, lying and winning makes me happy."

Mingshen gave Lu Yue a thumbs up: "Go home and issue you a kindergarten graduation certificate."

Lu Yue rolled his eyes and turned his head again: "If you always think that if you can't carry, you will lose the game, you just don't trust your teammates, shorty, it's really chilling, after playing together for a season, you don't trust them. ."

Lu Yue's words made the nursery rhyme "swoosh" and stood up from the chair.

Lu Sicheng: "Sit down."

The nursery rhyme sat back again.

Lu Sicheng: "He's mentally retarded, but only this time is fine."

Tong Yao lifted her eyelids and glanced at Lu Sicheng, then lowered her head.

Lu Sicheng's voice sounded flat and unwavering above Tong Yao's head: "The team has two mid laners, one mid laner is too shameless - what about you, Lu Yue, you also come over and sit down, and you always think about lying down and winning during the game. You don't need to be a jerk when you go home to farm and go to your team in any profession; the other mid laner is too shameful, afraid of carrying, afraid of losing, afraid of dragging down his teammates..."

With a "pop", the man picked up the coffee cup on the table.

After a long time, he sighed, and his tone suddenly softened: "When will you two grow up? It's normal to win or lose in professional games, and no one blames you. Don't force yourself to play all day."

The nursery rhyme moved and raised her head.

Lu Sicheng just reached out and pinched her nose—the nursery rhyme opened his mouth subconsciously, Lu Sicheng handed over the coffee cup in his hand, and poured a sip of iced coffee into her mouth with his own hand—the cold and bitter feeling of the iced American style came from The tip of her tongue flowed past, and the bitterness was really bitter. The bitterness was such that her heavenly spirit was covered with a shudder, and the confusion in her head seemed to dissipate a little.

Lu Sicheng: "Are you more awake?"


Lu Sicheng: "Are you still arguing about changing Lu Yue?"

Shaking his head.

Lu Sicheng: "It was a pitfall in the game just now. Did anyone scold you?"

Shaking his head.

Lu Sicheng: "does anyone blame you?"

Shaking his head.

Lu Sicheng: "Now I understand why I can never beat the emoji team in the training match, as long as you win, you will lose to them?"


Lu Sicheng: "Meet you in the s6 world finals, do you still want to lose to them?"

Shaking his head.

Lu Sicheng: "Can you trust your teammates to carry the next game? Do you accept the way of winning the game that doesn't take you as the core carry point?"


Lu Sicheng: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Nod nod.

Lu Sicheng stopped talking, muttering, "I know what's the use of drinking sweets." He snatched the latte in Tong Yao's hand, shoved his iced Americano into her hand, and frowned to send her to finish the coffee and wake up - Nursery Rhymes Holding the coffee, he swiped his feet and took the chair to the corner. After thinking about it, the rest of the players gathered together to discuss how to play in the next game... During this period, Xiaopang raised his head and glanced at the nursery rhyme in the corner, and then again. Lu Sicheng: "Captain, you deserve to be a bachelor if you are so fierce."

Lu Sicheng: "What qualifications does a mother-born single dog have to say about me?"

Xiaopang: "I'm worried that you'll fall out of love after falling out of love. Even if you don't move the mid laner to carry, even if you wait for the ad to carry around and don't move, will you still play Nima?"

Lu Sicheng sneered: "I worry too much, why don't you worry about your own hero pool when you have time? Have you seen Bard, who was supported by the team next door, to start a team? Look at your Bard again, are you ashamed? "

Fatty: "…"

In the second game, it was obvious to the naked eye that zgdx had made some changes in the core of tactics. In the early stage, the mid laner was swayed, and the jungler grabbed the top and bottom. However, to be honest, when the nursery rhyme was on the field, zgdx rarely used this kind of dual-core play. Fa, the nursery rhymes themselves are not very accustomed to them. In the confrontation with Ai Jia, they also try to find opportunities to counterattack. They have both succeeded and failed, but the chance of failure in the face of Ai Jia's old fried dough sticks is still higher... In addition, yqcb is inherently Not a fuel-efficient lamp, so the second game was unfortunately lost at 45 minutes.

After the game, the commentators talked eloquently on the commentary stand.

Commentator b: [Actually, I think it's a bit strange. After this game, I obviously feel that smiling is a little bit constrained. If you want this style of play, why not use a more suitable Lil player?]

Commentator a thought for a while and said: [zgdx has always had more than two sets of tactics, and this set of tactics can only be said to be usually used on Ryu players... I think zgdx insisted on not changing players today, probably because they wanted to smile Also learn how to deal with players who restrain their own style of play - you can learn from the beginning to the end how to fight against the wind and how to deal with being suppressed, but you have to experience this yourself, and when you meet again, you will not be directly confused Position, if you can't beat you, you have to be cowardly, it's that simple.

When it comes to the global finals, you will face more types of professional players. As far as I know, there are more than two high-powered players who can play both smiling and Ai Jia in Korea and Europe: when you zgdx how to do? The upper-law player or the upper-smiling player? You can't rely on rotation to always find an advantage in the mid lane to carry games.

I think today it can be seen that the management and captain of zgdx are sober, which is a good thing.]

Commentator b said "Oh": [In the end, it's still preparing for the World Championships.]

Commentator a: [Yeah, in the end, it’s still preparing for the World Championships—you’re smiling and losing too few games! There are some big truths, just relying on your mouth to say, it is useless to build in your heart, you have to experience it yourself to know what is going on.]

Commentator B laughed: [Taking the summer finals to train the mental quality of the players is too much.]

Commentator A patted his shoulder and laughed: [For the global finals in a month, everything is worth it.]

-Sometimes, the on-field commentary can also bring a good rhythm.

-Sometimes their words can cause public opinion to scold a certain player or a certain team; sometimes they can also use another word to appease the emotions of the audience and fans.

At least at the moment, after the two commentators finished talking, many fans who went to zgdx's official Weibo after watching the game and asked, "Why don't you change the law if you don't play with smiling as the core?" quietly deleted the question and kept quiet. Come down.

The game came to the third inning.

Compared with the anxiety in the first game, after losing the second game, the nursery rhyme felt a lot calmer - she used the ten-minute break to calmly summarize the problems of the next game, and did not take all the faults on her own. Instead, I learned to use the big picture to recall, and found that the game was lost on some small details and mistakes.

Just avoid it.

Nursery Rhymes took a deep breath, put on her headphones, and the game finally entered the third round of ban&pick—

As promised to her teammates before, in the game, she will look for opportunities to carry hard, if not, she will try to ensure that she will not jump in the middle and will not be cleared... Of course she is not used to the latter, but she will try her best to do it. The necessary way to survive when a strong team is: can stretch and sing.