You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 154


The ban&pick was in progress, and the opposite was the card and LeBlanc of the ban nursery rhyme. The nursery rhyme wanted to drop the mouse. At this time, she heard Mingshen ask behind them, "Would you like to take a plane or the bright moon? The bright moon can, although not. What version, but very assassin."

When Lu Sicheng heard the words, a strange light flashed across his dark brown pupils.

He looked back at Mingshen, thought about it, and then nodded: "Diana can, but in the early stage, no one can beat only growth, which makes someone die with a heart that wants to kill alone... In the later stage, he returned to the identity of an assassin, and then he became an assassin. It can be killed, it is very suitable."

The nursery rhyme shook her legs and did not speak.

Lu Sicheng turned his head and glanced at her again to confirm with her: "Can Jiaoyue do it? I remember you taught Lu Yue how to play."

The nursery rhyme continued to shake her legs without speaking.

Xiaopang smiled: "She is very angry now, thinking about how to kill Ai Jia alone for a while - unfortunately, it is stipulated that typing is not allowed during the game, otherwise you can type and scold him after entering the game."

Old cat: "I should have used a fruit-cutting knife for you during the break just now. You go to the next lounge to kill Ai Jia."

Lu Sicheng glanced at the nursery rhymes: "Just her little chick figure, if she can't beat her, she will be rejected."

Tong Yao finally stopped shaking her legs, raised her head and glanced at Lu Sicheng who was still in the mood to tease her: "Can't you help me if I can't beat you?"

Lu Sicheng said "oh" with a calm expression: "... I have to leave someone to go to the police station to find you. Your parents will go and I'm afraid your legs will be broken. I can rescue you as your fiancé."

The nursery rhyme moved her lips and wanted to say something. At this time, Mingshen's helpless voice interrupted her and sounded on the voice channel: "I beg you, can you be normal? I won this game with a slap and pushed the next team to the edge of the cliff to hang. If you lose, you will hang on your own - anyway, there is only one cliff, and there will always be five people hanging there, should you go to the next team or yourself?"

Everyone: "… "

Fatty: "They go."

Myojin: "It's good to know, so shut up now, go back to the ban&pick session, and stop talking about the dirty routines of the gangsters - Diana and the others didn't expect us to take it, can't grab it, you can take it later, take a Kalista first With Thresh, don't let the Pope take this Kalista without a ban."

On the first floor and the second floor, take the hero's old cat and old k both "oh" and help lock the bot lane combination of Kalista and Thresh, when the opposite takes out ez and Bud, old cat and old K is muttering and discussing changing the two selected heroes into the "Crimson Moon" series skins...

The skins in this series of Calista and Thresh... How should I describe them? That is, no matter in terms of hero function, skin appearance or hero phase, it is a natural self-contained system that can be sent to the bridal chamber—

Xiaopang: "Why are you two so gay, can you play the bot lane for you?"

Old cat: "You and Brother Cheng should at least do one of the next, right?"

Lao K: "It's impossible to have a heart-to-heart."

The old cat: "You can only take out the skin and send it to the bridal chamber to combine appearance and intimidate the other side."

Lu Sicheng: "boring."

Nursery Yao holds the mouse in one hand, bends and taps the desktop with the other hand, muttering like broken thoughts: "Hey, the bright moon also seems to have the Scarlet Moon series? Wait for me to see - ah really, take me with me, take me with me , three horses, three horses!"

While talking, he quickly changed into the Blood Moon series skin.

Myojin: "Aren't you nervous enough to discuss hero skins for me in the finals? Whoever talks nonsense I will pull out his tongue."

Everyone: "… "

Mingshen's words are always a warning. When everyone is not serious, he is always the most serious one... In addition to his seniority and being the big brother, there is also the reason that Mingshen is always very reliable at critical moments— For example, just now he was able to propose that nursery rhymes take Diana, the goddess of the moon, which is very awe-inspiring: before this, no one had thought about how to gain an advantage against a mid-laner player who restrained nursery rhymes in his style. , Everyone just thinks temporarily, if you can't beat it, you can just stand up. Don't think about anything, just be cowardly and wait for the other core points of the team to carry.

Although I know that nursery rhymes are definitely not used to playing like this, but there is no way, I started to think about this problem privately with the coaching staff very early, but even Lu Sicheng can't think of how to solve it for the time being. Anyway, he is sure that at least after the first game today When they saw the setbacks of the nursery rhymes, they hadn't thought of the correct solution.

At this time, Mingshen was calm in the face of danger, and suddenly thought of a solution.

With such a short rest, adding up to dozens of minutes, he thought of the hero who could temporarily save the situation: Diana, the goddess of the moon.

The hero Diana, the goddess of the moon, must be coaxed to develop in the early stage. Once developed, you can play the first set of explosions before reaching level 6. Now thinking about it, it seems to be very suitable for players like Nursery Rhymes: It’s not that you are not allowed to play, it’s just that this hero is in the early stage. It limits your performance, so you must be honest and develop with peace of mind; after level 6, the laning phase will also enter the late stage, and if you let yourself go, not only will you not fall into a disadvantage online, but you can also carry and even take over the game in the middle and late stages.

With the goddess of the moon, at least psychologically, the nursery rhyme will not worry about the early stage because her style of play is restrained, she can't beat it, and she is lying to win these messes, so I can relax a lot if I think about it.

- All in all, the Moon Goddess is really a very good and unexpected choice.

When the ban&pick came to the end, when the zgdx team finally selected the goddess of the moon, at least the entertainment effect was there - the players could not hear them with headphones, but the on-site commanders and the audience watching the live broadcast of the platform events could clearly hear them. When the audience watched that the goddess of the bright moon was locked, there was a slight commotion and roars everywhere!

Commentary a: [Diana! zgdx took out Diana and beat Victor!]

Commentary b: [I didn't expect this wave, this is really unexpected - your smiling hero pool is really not a fan blowing up. At the beginning, Syndra led the new trend, and naturally came with ban cards and LeBlanc. , and now come up with another Diana!]

The commentator a laughed: [This is a good thing, I believe fans and audiences also hope to see something different in the finals.]

Commentary b: [I just don't know if this Diana can amaze us like Syndra at the beginning - hey, think about it carefully, this hero is quite suitable for smiling in this situation, if you can't play Ai Jia in the early stage Anyway, the hero himself eats and grows. In the later stage, he can come out and fight after he has grown. Ah, thinking about it this way, Diana is really good at holding this hand!]

Commentary a: [… Or how to say that the game has already started or even ended from the ban&pick stage. Compared with the starting players, the meaning of the existence of coaches and data analysts is also very important.]

As soon as the commentary a's words fell, some people in the seats of zgdx fans began to shout "Mingshen" and "Mingshen" excitedly—

Commentator A said with a smile: [I know that your Mingshen is ban&pick, isn't that praising him? I know I know, Myo God, well done!]

There was a burst of laughter in the arena.

During the roar of laughter, the ban&pick session was over. The coaches from both sides stepped forward to shake hands. The two coaches had long been familiar with each other. They stepped forward and shook hands and clapped their shoulders.

At the same time, the loading game screen is entered on the big screen, and the game will officially start later.

Entering the game, the sound of teammates signalling to the grass came from the earphones, and Nursery Rhythm always felt that she had suddenly become terribly calm—now she was using Diana, and the feeling of being vaguely worried when she lost a small score before was gone. There is no longer even the slightest chance of thinking about stealing Ai Jia's head or catching his mistakes to gain an early online advantage.

When Diana took out the hero, she determined her mission: to live safely, to develop well, until the sixth level.

The distractions in the mind were discarded.

She was very stable during the laning phase, and she became cautious about changing blood, and she was easily unwilling to kill. She took the initiative to ask Lao K to cooperate with herself to make all the vision into the eye protection mode, and the watertight mode was turned on.

… … This kind of prudence made Ai Jia very unaccustomed to it. When the nursery rhyme was making up for the knife leisurely, Ai Jia on yqcb was muttering—

[yqcb voice channel]

Ai Jia: "Why didn't she get on, I changed blood and ran away, what's the matter, shit! It's not like her! Teammates, something happened, the e-sports Hua Mulan on the opposite side was killed by their team's mid lane defense tower Lu Yuegui is on his body!"

yqcb's assistant and captain Liang Sheng: "Don't yell, don't yell, ouch, I'm having a headache because of the quarrel, why do they stick to your face if they take a bright moon and don't beat their growth?"

Ai Jia continued to scream: "Don't, I can't beat her if she suddenly becomes smart like this!"

Liang Sheng wants to say that you can't beat her if you just rely on others to take advantage of others before, right? However, before he had time to speak, he heard his ad Li Junhe clicked the mouse on the floor and signaled that the jungler should retreat. He said in Chinese succinctly, "This one, don't overtake it."

Liang Sheng immediately exclaimed: "Did you hear? This troubled boy is forcibly obliterating his own nature and is not ready to jump over the tower with a blind chicken. In contrast, it is not surprising that smiling chooses a Diana to grow up honestly. Stop shouting, this is a fight operation, learn from other people's lck, Koreans generally don't fight, and when they fight, they are gods fighting, very calm and meaningful."

Lee Junhyuk: "I, Korean, have meaning."

Liang Sheng: "You don't, except you."

Li Junhe: "…"

The yqcb voice channel is very lively and there is a lot of nonsense, and on the other hand, the zgdx side is very lively and a lot of nonsense because the person who threatened to pull their tongues left—

[zgdx voice channel]

Nursery Rhyme: "Q, oh, I'll leave after I'm finished, he's very angry!"

Lu Sicheng took the time to cut the screen to the middle and glanced at it, then laughed: "I didn't take advantage of it, so what are you happy for?"

Nursery Rhyme: "I'm optimistic."

Xiaopang: "I admire the needles in your women's hearts. One after another, I was thinking about it in the lounge with coffee in my arms an hour ago. Poor, now I'm joining the optimistic family - ah, the hammer of the bloody moon. Shi is really pretty, if I win this one, go back to Brother Cheng and give me money to buy one."

Nursery Rhyme: "You won't buy it yourself?"

Xiaopang: "It's all the people around Brother Cheng. You already have a Maserati, and you don't even give me a skin! It's too much! Why is it not worth a skin after I slept with him for two years?"

Lu Sicheng: "Speak well and speak in a yellow accent."

Xiaopang: "Mingshen is gone. As soon as he leaves, I don't know why the desire to not be a human becomes particularly strong."

At this time, Lao K interjected: "This wave of Li Junhe is a bit stable, it doesn't look like he is going to cross the tower - ah, it's really annoying not to be able to type during the game, otherwise I'll type and ask him if this wave is not going to cross the tower. Tower, I went to the road to help the old cat catch."

At this time, the game was about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Lu Sicheng looked at his experience bar and the movement on the other side. The number of ad supplements on both sides was the same, and it was about to be level 4. However, Li Junhe was at this moment. I'm still happy with the line control, and I don't mean to push the line to push the line to cross the tower. It is well known that Li Junhe has a personal quirk that he must cross the tower once before level 4. It seems that this time for the lpl summer game, he killed his own life. Personal quirks…

The last time I saw him so restrained was in the final of the s5 world finals.

"K God, what are you going to do even though you're here? What are you going to hit the road? The old cat will take care of himself, even if the jungler opposite should be on the road now..." Lu Sicheng said lightly, "This wave of Li Junhe should not be able to climb the tower. , it seems that he really wants to win the LPL championship with his little assistant."

Lu Sicheng paused and continued to say ruthlessly, "It's a pity that I won't let him get it when I'm here."

Everyone: "… "

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Xiaopang sighing "ads from other people's houses" - at this moment, both sides reached the fourth level, Lu Sicheng cleared the troops immediately and pressed them up, and at the same time he was still feeling "ads from other people's houses". Fatty mercilessly hooked up on the so-called "ad from someone else's house", offended the second paragraph q, and stepped forward, backhanded again and again to get weak!

Li Junhe ez retreated flexibly, while Lu Sicheng was also slowed down by Liang Sheng's Bud and became weak, and Bud covered ez to retreat - but at this time, an old wine barrel jumped out of the grass, and directly blocked them with e and flash. On the way out, let Lu Sicheng draw his spear to take the normal attack, kill Li Junhe, and get a blood!

The audience cheered and applauded, and the voice channel of zgdx also sounded in admiration—

Lao K: "nice!"

Old cat: "nice!"

Xiaopang: "Did you see the hook! There is no wind in Summoner's Canyon today! The hook can't be blown crookedly!"

Nursery Rhyme: "Okay, okay, this lays me down, you carry."

Lu Sicheng won the opponent's ad first blood, and established the advantage of the bot lane is definitely a good news that is exciting enough.

The next game, zgdx, is going to be a success, and it will be smooth sailing—

Because yqcb was afraid of the development of Lu Sicheng in the bottom lane, Ai Jia had to start wandering, leaving the nursery rhyme alone to develop wildly in the middle... By the time yqcb reacted, that bright moon had become a carry point that could not be dealt with, every time a team battle Steadily cut into the back row and take away the C position, and then click the Thresh lantern to leave, enter and exit freely, and come and go like the wind;

The top-order old cat is also a lot of meat with Gnar. After controlling the energy and getting bigger, it is like a hill in front of it;

In contrast, Lu Sicheng, who successfully diverted the attention of the opponent, is quite normal. During teamfights, he throws Xiao Chuan out to start a group or waits for Xiao Chuan to throw the lantern to the nursery rhyme and throw him far away, so that the nursery rhythm can come back after killing everyone. Instead, it's like his main function in teamfights...

In the thirty-fifth minute of the game, zgdx successfully pushed off the big crystal of yqcb.

When zgdx pushed the next-door brother team to the edge of the match point with a 2:1 record, as they said before the game, Tong Yao also made it a well-deserved match with 7 kills, 0 deaths and 10 assists with one hand. mvp.

The nursery rhyme: "Tong Yingjun is still your Tong Yingjun."

Lu Sicheng took off his earphones and stood up, looked down at the little girl beside him whose face was slightly red and couldn't hide his high emotions, and smiled: "The next yqcb ban will be cards, LeBlanc, Jiaoyue. ."

"It's okay, it's okay, this type of assassin is not only the moon, but also the fox, I can do it anyway." Tong Yao waved her hand, "The ban is endless."

Under the lights of the competition stage, Lu Sicheng didn't speak, just raised his hand and patted the head of the person beside him who seemed to be dancing again.

His eyes flickered, as if he wanted to say something, but he was just silent, and the corners of his lips were quietly raised.

He watched as she pushed open the door of the soundproof glass room, pushed out a larger gap with his shoulders like a loach, and then held his big hand with his backhand naturally - just like he had been used to countless times, the two With the cheers and encouragement of the fans behind him, he walked side by side to the lounge under the stage.