You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 165


The game officially begins.

Old K knew that Xiaopang was not here today, so the problem of vision would be serious, so of course he took a blind monk who relies on his eyes to move and dash forward, and cooperated with nursery rhymes to make up for the lack of vision. After entering the game, Lu Sicheng simply told the nursery rhyme where to put his eyes on the bot lane in the early stage, and then closed his mouth - in the ZGDX team's game, because the commander was the one who spoke the least, so in order to adjust the atmosphere, the team There must be a nonsense to take responsibility - the person who played this important position in the past was Xiaopang, and today he is gone, so Tong Yao and Lu Yue took over this important task... Two or three minutes before the start of the game, there were weak supplements on the upper and lower lines. Advantages, plus the wild area, the overall economy of the ZGDX team is more than 200 yuan, this advantage is of course negligible - only in the middle, the legendary mid laner who was not feeling well when he played against ZGDX on the first day of the game is really fierce. He also pressed Lu Yue a few knives in return. His style of play was very aggressive. Every time he escalated first, he would come up with a few more attacks... Lu Yue: "He is very fierce, he is so fierce when he hits me with a Karma, is he bullying me? Is the face so fierce?"

Nursery Rhyme: "Kalma doesn't play for what it takes to play... You dare to talk nonsense when you are pressed by a wild card, how about it, when the game has just started, why don't you come down and play as an assistant and I will play the mid lane?"

Lu Yue: "I'm a mid laner substitute."

At this time, Tong Yao accompanied Lu Sicheng to push away a wave of soldiers, turned his head and walked towards the middle: "We can forcefully tell the referee that this is called a reasonable line change."

Lu Yue began to bang on the floor to signal frantically: "I don't, I'll hit your support, keep the vision, get out of here, you're not welcome in the middle - you go quickly, if you don't go, I'll call the jungler on the opposite side!"

As he was talking, Karma, who was on the opposite side, had reached the fourth level, and Lu Yue had been cowardly and attacked him again - but this time he didn't expect that the nursery rhyme was still on the grass road, and the third level Lulu came up and gave a mute sheep to silence. , and then the EQ continued to slow down and pressurize the blood line, Lu Yue kept up with the control, a set of skills slapped his face, and Karma, who was almost full of blood, turned into residual blood in an instant. Run away!

The jungler from the opposite side came, and saw that although the mid laner had residual blood, all four summoner skills, along with the support, were present. Among them, Lulu also brought weakness (*attack speed, movement speed halved), and simply gave up the pursuit. , took a wave of lines for the mid laner and turned to leave.

The nursery rhyme went to the F4 birdhouse and a cat, and the B key went back to the city: "If I don't come, you will die."

Lu Yue: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "Call Dad."

Lu Yue continued to close the line: "Shit, don't hide in F4 and return to the city to dirty my experience, go away, you think I didn't see it?"

Tong Yao ignored him and went back to the city on her own. At this time, her body was over 800 yuan, which was just enough for an eye stone... Tong Yao hesitated for a while, thinking about whether to buy shoes first or go straight out of the field of vision, and was about to point the mouse to Buying a ruby for the shoes that can support the late-stage synthesis of vision items, Lu Sicheng warned: "Don't come back without the eye stone."

"..." Tong Yao said without thinking, "I don't have enough money."

From the beginning to the end, Lu Sicheng has been repairing his knife very seriously. Hearing that, he didn't stretch his head to look at the computer screen of the nursery rhyme or something, but said without raising his head: "When I am a three-year-old child? Now you should have eight on your body. About a hundred and fifty dollars."

The nursery rhyme glanced at the economy, 875 yuan, amazing my captain, the League of Legends is opened by your home - you can only honestly buy the vision item plus two red bottles, go back to the online, first The vision of the triangular grass on the bottom road is good, and then cross the river to the opposite side of the river to give a vision to the blue buff intersection on the opposite side... These are all regular eye positions, nursery rhymes still remember, but the more complicated ones can turn the tide of the battle The eye position nursery rhyme really can't be done - "Where else? Where else?"

"Let's do this first, the old K in the wild area will do it. Do you think that you have to arrange flowers everywhere?"

"… "

This is the difference between a professional support and a mid laner. Their biggest problem is not in the hero pool and operation, but in the vastly different vision and control of the entire game map.

Tong Yao returned to the line. At this time, Lu Sicheng guessed that Lu Sicheng wanted to do something before the sixth level. He controlled the line of troops on his own side. The cat watched Lu Sicheng make up the knife, and occasionally gave Lu Sicheng a shield based on the opponent's position to prevent him from being drained of blood—other than that, there was not much else to do, and she was so bored that she wanted to cut out and swipe on Weibo.

The game went on for six minutes and forty seconds, and nursery rhyme saw Old K slowly touch the bottom lane.

In seven minutes, Lu Sicheng finally took the lead at level 6, and the policewoman took the initiative to attack before clearing the line of troops - the bear team's bottom lane combination was still far behind the strong team, and it was too late when they realized the danger and retreated, and the nursery rhyme put the weakness in time. Then the assistant was transformed into a sheep and combined. Old K kicked the opposite assistant and kicked him away. The opposite AD was instantly isolated, but it was too late to be besieged by three people to bleed!

At this time, a wave of troops on the opposite side is pushed!

The bear team AD hurriedly hides in the line with residual blood - but Lu Sicheng is a big policewoman. Lu Sicheng turned on R to aim, and the death aiming line was already dangling on the AD on the opposite side... It will be born in seconds!

But at this moment, Lu Sicheng saw a two-eyed vision prompt appearing on the enemy's soldier. No matter what, Lulu's E skill was placed on the soldier. The long-term line will use the soldier as a springboard, knocking off the last trace of blood on the opponent's AD!


The system's icy prompt sounded, and in the center of the screen, the avatar of the first drop of blood appeared after Lulu's avatar. The audience cheered and whistled. In such a warm atmosphere, Lu Lu, who had just received 400 yuan, appeared. Lu returned to the city smoothly, skipping the ragged sandals extravagantly and buying a pair of French shoes for herself.

In desperation, Lu Sicheng hid in the grass after clearing this wave of troops, and said lightly while returning to the city: "This will let us have Ye Fu Shuangyou."

Nursery Rhymes bought shoes and was walking out, and suddenly did not understand why a new tactic suddenly appeared: "What?"

Lu Sicheng: "You go, don't put your eyes on it."

Nursery Rhyme: "... You also stole my four hundred yuan, and I paid for it. I didn't unplug your network cable at that time. Now you are going to drive me away."

Lu Sicheng: "I think I'm fat."

Nursery Rhyme: "I also miss my mid lane troops."

Lu Yue: "Don't, don't, don't think about my troops."

While talking, Nursery Rhythm saw Lu Sicheng push the line steadily, and turned around to go to the middle. Originally, he helped Lu Yue catch a wave to reduce his pressure - but what he didn't expect was that the eyes in the grass on the opposite side were so wide. Yes, I caught her movement. When the two were chasing the opposing mid laner, the opposing wild poodle suddenly jumped out and grabbed the nursery rhyme. In a hurry, the nursery rhyme first turned the sheep into silence, and then gave himself a big blow, and the cross flashed. , run away!

A false alarm!

However, at this time, the shortcomings of the visual field problem have been exposed.

I have to say that this year's wild card teams are really different from the previous wild card teams. They have a keen sense of smell and are very good at discovering and seizing their own advantages. With the gradual progress of the game, the first blood advantage and online advantage captured by ZGDX are both The initiative brought by the opponent's vision was gradually suppressed, and the opponent's jungler came and went freely in the wild area of ZGDX.

Twenty-one minutes, the ZGDX team was 1500 behind in economy, and a wild encounter with the fire element dragon - the bear team took the lead in opening the dragon. After some discussion, ZGDX decided to engage in the battle, and the old cat in the top lane was forced to fight. Out of the teleportation, but the bear team saw the teleportation beam at this time and decided to give up the dragon and withdraw directly!

Commentary D: [Why! why! This dragon is given to ZGDX! Hairy Bear Country team, your bloody! What about the fighting race!]

Commentary F: [This is undoubtedly a blessing from the sky for ZGDX... They successfully received this fire element dragon-the only problem they face now is the field of vision in the wild.]

Commentary D: [At this time, the importance of a professional assistant is reflected - there is absolutely no problem with smiling in operation, and ZGDX also played an absolute advantage in online in the early stage, but with the passage of time, The online laning period is shortened, the operation time is longer, and the advantages brought by the vision make the balance gradually tilt towards the bear team...]

Commentary D: [But I was ordered in danger, smiling has played well... ]

Commentary F: [ZGDX took the fire dragon and returned to the city in the next step. At this time, the bear team had already had a time difference.

Commentary D: [My God, this tower on the road is going to fall!]

Commentary F: [? ? ? I'm talking about the middle-]

There was an uproar.

At this time, it was discovered that the bear team directly gave up the fire dragon's retreat after cheating the old cat to teleport, and used the time of ZGDX to play this one dragon to return to the city, quickly pushed the line, and pushed out the top two bottom lanes in ZGDX by four points. tower!

The economic gap between the two sides was suddenly pulled to 2,500 to nearly 3,000 yuan!

A seemingly wrong decision by the bear team changed in an instant!

And in the next time, they couldn't keep up with the speed of ZGDX's support, even with the absolute advantage in vision, the four of them gathered together to make trouble, and the remaining top laner frantically took the line to push the tower, and it took 30 minutes. Take away five ZGDX outer towers in a row!

The economic gap has come to 6,500 yuan!

Commentary D: [Now ZGDX can only rely on personal skills to support it, but it is hard to get a fight - they are very uncomfortable to be contained by the bear team!]

Commentary F: [The fire dragon that was avoided is obviously a feast of Hongmen.]

Commentary D: [Whether we can witness a miracle - whether the shooter from the wild card division can shoot the red dragon that is high above!]

At this time, the audience on the field was moved by the atmosphere. The audience stood up and raised their hands to applaud and shouted [bear!][bear!][bear! ]—The thunderous cheers will overturn the stadium! E-sports, no matter whether it has zero fans before the game, but a wonderful match can get cheers and applause from the audience!

Thirty-five minutes into the game, due to the vision of the bear team, zgdx has fallen behind in an all-round way - just when everyone thinks that this game will be won by the wild card division so logically, domestic Weibo, Tieba, live broadcast The platform barrage has been blocked by various [? ? ? ?]When it was occupied, the bear team started a big dragon!

At this time, the five members of ZGDX are still there. Even if they have 10,000 yuan of economy in another team, they generally don't dare to be so arrogant in front of them - this gives ZGDX a chance, and there are only one-thirds of the dragon left. When the blood was low, Lao K and Tong Yao rushed to the top of the dragon pit... Commentary F: [Now ZGDX is in a last stand, if this dragon is lost, they will face the threat of being won the game... ]

As the blood of the big dragon became less and less, the blind monk inserted his eyes into the dragon pit and touched the dragon pit under his eyes. At the same time, Lulu smashed the five people around the dragon to the blind monk, and the blind monk paid punishment!

The audience cheered.

Commentator D suddenly stood up from his position, roaring red and red: [I got it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !]

The big dragon was robbed, and the bear team was instantly stunned. At the same time, Annie opened up, and the bear lived in the dragon pit for five all at once. With the help of the old cat Rambo's big move, the five people were roasted in the dragon pit!

Lulu stood on top of the dragon pit, turned the opponent's AD into the sheep, and weakened the opponent's mid laner. The hands were so fast that people couldn't look down on the priority of the two skills!

In cooperation with Lu Sicheng's harvest, this wave of bear teams was replaced by zero for four, and a four-kill prompt was displayed on the screen. Just as everyone held their breaths and waited for the first five-kill in this World Championship, the opponent's wild leopard girl directly Jumped over the wall and jumped into the dragon pit, and jumped next to Lulu!

Commentary D: [What is this for!]

Commentary F: [Death assistant doesn't give you five kills, five kills? No.]

Commentary D: [Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!]

Tong Yao looked at the leopard girl beside her, dumbfounded for a second, raised her hand to EQ Erlian and took away, took away the team destroyer of the opposite team, and also took away Lu Sicheng's five kills - at this time, there was silence in the ZGDX team channel.

Nursery Rhyme: "... This leopard girl came to me and begged for death, but you don't have any big moves. I don't blame me for that."

Lu Sicheng was silent for three seconds, then raised his hand and pulled the headset: "Go to the high land."

The resurrection time lasted about thirty-five seconds. All five members of the opponent were there. With the big dragon buff, the speed of pushing the tower flew up. Three-one-one-point push and the outer tower that took away three roads one after another, ranked first in the bear team. When the members were resurrected and walked out of the spring, Annie had already knocked down their middle highland tower!

ZGDX recovered 6,000 to nearly 7,000 in an instant, and saw that it was only 2,000 short of economy - ZGDX returned blood and made great progress!

In the next highland defense battle, the bear that was robbed of the dragon lost the big advantage mentality and there was also a problem. In addition, the team members themselves were not as good as the opponent, and they quickly lost the high ground and an incisor tower—and in the next team battle, The opponent's mid laner, as the only point of development and health, shouldered the heavy responsibility, but He Lulu was there, and he had a big move to prevent his own AD from leaking... In the end, in more than 40 minutes, he was rushed to the high ground by ZGDX for the fourth time. Played another wave of group destruction, and achieved a shocking turnaround in the case of 10,000 economic backwardness! ! !

ZGDX finally won the game without a hitch!

At the end of the game, when the players stood up, Tong Yao took off her earphones and found that the sweat on her body had soaked the team uniforms on her back... Although the shouts of [ZGDX] from the field were loud, she still stretched out her hand to wipe it. After sweating, all I thought was: tomorrow's game, if the chubby corpse is not cold enough, can you lift him up

The team members packed up their peripherals and left one after another.

The MVP of this game, Lu Sicheng, was interviewed. He still didn't need translation, and he was still so humorous. When the host asked: "In this near-miss matchup with the wild card, your team used temporary changes, and the mid laner Smiling changed to play support, do you have anything to say about this? How do you feel?"

Lu Sicheng thought about it.

Then he said sincerely: "I have nothing to say. As for the feeling... When I was robbed of blood and killed five times, I always felt that my sexual orientation was subtly shaken."

The author has something to say: Come, come, under the leadership of the mentally handicapped management and coaching staff, our team ended two games strongly in 54 minutes!