You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 173


Three minutes after the game started, because Tong Yao wanted to kill Jin Yuguang written on his face, he started to change blood frequently along the way - it was effective at first, Jin Yuguang was really harassed by her and missed a few soldiers, even the commentator was shocked again and again. Calling "crazy"... However, in the ZGDX team communication channel, Lu Sicheng's commanding voice was very calm: "Little Fatty pulls back the line, don't push, really don't push, if you push the line over, they will be jungler. Come-"

Old cat: "The jungler is catting in the grass on my way. This time it's the sixth sense of cats. And old K, you come, I'm afraid."

Lu Sicheng calmly changed his words: "Stop, Fatty... You push the troops over and they place the order and pay the TP down."

Hearing the words, the old cat immediately said, "Quick push, they'll get out of the way, and I can play happily and freely by myself."

Unbearable to be harassed, Fatty hid in the grass: "I'm back in the city, you two are slowly forcing it."

Lao Mao, Lu Sicheng: "..."

Lu Sicheng didn't have to force Xiaopang, so he had to change the target, and take advantage of the return journey from the tower to turn the camera to the middle: "Who will go to the middle to drag back the mad dog who can't pull it back, the line of troops is so deep, do you want to die? It's impossible for the OP team to let Jin Yuguang be bullied by you like this... You're almost empty and still like this—"

Before the word "上" was uttered, I saw that the opponent's jungler suddenly jumped out of the river channel on the road, which was guaranteed by the "sixth sense of felines". The first second she came out of the grass, she immediately surrendered the flash and retreated - but at this time Jin Yuguang's reaction was also very fast, and immediately followed a flash bomb to immobilize the nursery rhyme. After the immobilization time passed, the nurse's blood volume bottomed out!

The nursery rhyme hid under the tower. At this time, the soldiers of the OP team moved forward. Jin Yuguang directly followed the soldiers and entered the tower. At first, he kept his soldiers still until they came within the range, and then directly used a set to harvest the residual blood of the head of the nursery rhyme—first blood!

As the nursery rhymes slammed down the mouse and cursed "Wori", she saw the shadow of Ai Jia on the player Jin Yuguang, a player who is very good at defensive counterattack.

For this kind of person, before the summer finals, nursery rhymes have nothing to do, but on the day of the summer finals, it can be said that she learned how to play the game with blood and tears on the field, and she learned how to fight against such players. Press... After the first blood was handed over, the advantage of Tong Yao's supplementary knife was also equalized, and the small advantage played by the aggressive play in the middle was gone... No, maybe the advantage never existed, this is just Jin Yuguang's tactics!

"As I said, it's impossible for the other party to let Jin Yuguang carry such a strong carry and let you bully it." Lu Sicheng's voice came lazily, "Don't listen to me, look, right?"

- That tone was like educating her daughter: I said that the road is not fair, you have to jump, look, fell

This unhurried tone instead calmed the nursery rhyme and stabilized her mentality. She touched her chin: "Don't go up, don't go up, be a good person, and send it-"

Before the flowers fell, the jungler on the opposite side actually rode her face again!

It was another operation and blood consumption. Nursery Yao relied on the subconscious and quick operation to push him away with the ball to stop him and pull him back, forcibly escaped the catastrophe - he missed a few soldiers, but he was still alive, but fortunately, the old man and the Qian Jue's ultimate move is not an explosive damage skill, otherwise she would be dead by now!

"This dog is wild! Why do you keep messing with me!"

"You just handed in the flash, don't mess with you, the tactics of the OP team are changeable, and the core tactics are only four words: Nakano linkage." Lu Sicheng said calmly, "Be careful, don't be convinced."

At this time, because the OP team's bot lane caught Lu Sicheng's double moves at the first level, but when his double moves improved, the OP team's bot lane gradually fell into a disadvantage, and the opponent took the initiative to change lanes successfully, and the two teams' top and bottom lanes Both pairs change lanes... The old cat had no choice but to go back to the bottom road, but was tied up by a big tree at the moment when he just emerged, and cooperated with Qian Jue who had just harassed the nursery rhyme and then went to the bottom road triangle grass to try to jump over the tower—"Our What about the jungler! Is our jungler dead!"

The old cat madly uses his mouth to signal - the signal function that comes with the game? nonexistent.

Fortunately, the old cat is a Rambo at this time, and the damage of one hit and two is high enough. Pull it under the tower, and kill the big tree a second before Qian Jue can launch an undead formation at level 6! Qian Jue made a big move and escaped the damage of the defense tower and left to a safe distance, but in the end, he couldn't escape. In the end, Silk Blood collided with the dead jungler Lao K who finally arrived at the bottom, and was directly relieved by Lao K. Take the head off!


"We also have junglers."

"A wretched jungler who grew up by stepping on his teammates' bodies to pick up heads."

"Okay, the heads are 2:2 on the field, the danger signal is lifted, the old cat is the hero, and the nursery rhyme bears the blame. After today's game, go back and give him a foot wash."

Because the opponent Ueno underestimated the damage of the old cat, and a wave of reckless jumps over the tower, ZGDX recovered two heads, and the atmosphere in the team channel suddenly became quite optimistic - "You two will be divided within eight minutes of the start of the game." Don't lift it up, "Don't talk to me, I'm now in a fear of being killed by Jin Yuguang at any time - it's all Lu Sicheng's fault, and you praise Jin Yuguang and your sister in front of me every day, you know Raise the enemy's prestige!"

Lu Sicheng sneered: "Blame me again."

Nursery Rhyme: "Don't blame you?"

Lu Sicheng: "Okay, blame me."

In the words, ZGDX launched the first wave of attacks - the fat Niutou and Lu Sicheng's wheel mother turned to the bottom road, and together with the jungler old K, were preparing to catch a wave of big trees, but it seemed that they had guessed their thoughts. Qian Jue actually squatted in the grass behind the tower!

At this time, with Lu Sicheng's simple "Tuan Yi wave" order - Tong Yao took the lead in giving up the line and turned to the bottom road. Jin Yuguang and Lao Mao were TP at the same time, and the OP team's bottom road combination had also arrived near Xiaolongkeng. The OP team retreated and pulled the entire battle situation to the bot lane - ten people from both sides gathered in the bot lane!

Commentary D: [Team battle! ! ! It took no more than four seconds from ZGDX's idea of launching an attack to the OP team's response to both gatherings!]

Commentary F: [The OP team is pulling the front line, trying to gather with their own double C, but it is too late, the old man has been disabled by the chessman in the front row, and he can only hand over his big move to himself! Rambo also made a big move, this terrain! Fire roast five people! Perfect big move! The OP team made a mistake!]

Commentary D: [But Qian Jue also handed over the ultimate move, keeping the five members of the team from being tortured by Rambo's ultimate move! The Lord of the River swallowed AD and opened the shield to withdraw, and the lineup of Qian Jue and the old man time allowed them to escape with blood! This lineup! Full of survivability!]

Commentary F: [At this time, the two sides exchanged 10,000 skills, but there were no casualties! However, under the perfect opening of ZGDX, the OP team did not damage a single soldier and retreated smoothly!]

Commentary D: [This match! This supports speed! Enough to let other teams spurn! Brothers, take a good look and study hard!]

Experts fight, gods fight, winning or losing is in one thought—

The tug-of-war lasted until the mid-to-late stage. The ZGDX battle was in the lead with three heads, and the economy was also a little ahead of 2,000. At this time, the OP team, which had a soil dragon and a wind dragon in hand, knew how to maximize its own advantages and had an idea. , In the case of ZGDX unexpected situation, quickly switch to steal the dragon!

When Lu Sicheng smelled something was wrong, it was too late for Xiaopang to go to Dalong to take a look. The OP team seized the gap for a moment, sounded the horn of counterattack, and pushed ZGDX with the Dalong buff. No. 1 defense tower, tied the economic disadvantage or even surpassed... At this time, the game came to forty minutes—

Another wave of OP teams took the initiative to start a group after updating their equipment. ZGDX had its back against the high ground to defend the high ground. However, at this time, Qian Jue, who concentrated most of the team's heads, did extremely high damage, and cooperated with the Lord of the River to kill the old cat, nursery rhyme. Residual blood flashed, but the old man put a bomb on it, killing himself and scraping a layer of meat next to Lu Sicheng!

ZGDX was broken into the high ground in the middle.

The high and low towers of the bottom road were pulled, and the OP team retreated immediately after seeing it.

ZGDX didn't even have a chance to play a defensive counterattack—

Forty-three minutes, the OP team, which gathered all the members, pushed forward again, taking away a little something every time—forty-seven points, ZGDX only had a bare highland left. In the final team battle, the OP team relied on the heroic relationship Perfect skill bo, protected the C position without leakage, and finally won the first game!

The red light representing failure hit her body, nursery rhyme stood up, took off her earphones, her mind was full of messes, and the sound of "tick-tock" was about to drive her crazy... She rubbed her brows and was about to tell her teammates to take the first step. BAN Shizuo, I don't want to see the undead lineup of 10,000 life-saving skills such as Lord of the River + Shimo + Kindred... At this time, Mingshen announced that he would replace the mid laner with Lu Yueshang.

The nursery rhyme was stunned, and it became clear at random: ZGDX mid-single rotation was prepared for the S-Series World Championships, as long as the team could take a step forward, what would happen to who would play!

"It happened that I had a rest, and Jin Yuguang might find a breakthrough by watching a game."

Tong Yao smiled and reassured his teammates, saying that he did not have the same resistance to rotation as before. He walked over and gave Lu Yue a high five as an alternate signal, and gave a blessing: "Don't be killed alone."

Lu Yue raised his eyebrows and smiled so high-spiritly, "You think I'm you."

Tong Yao stood on tiptoe and patted him on the shoulder, took a deep breath and sat down on the chair, rubbed between his somewhat stiff fingers, and turned his head to find Lu Sicheng sitting not far away with his head tilted to look at himself - as if he was restless in the end. I really don't care about the rotation or pretending to act.

Knowing what the man thinks, he is not prepared to let him bring such worries to the next battle, Nursery Rhymes stood up and strode over to him, held his face and dropped a loud slap on his forehead, smiling: "I will take you down. Carry, don't give your brother the chance to shine and keep me on the bench forever."

The man was stunned for a moment, then said "um" randomly as if relaxed.

The big hand took her wrist and pulled the person who was leaving back on his lap: "There will be no more hidden strengths in the quarter-finals, and carefully observe Jin Yuguang's style of play, you may only have one game time to break through this. Difficulty."

Tong Yao smiled, narrowed her eyes and nodded, her eyes curved like a crescent moon.

She said, Captain, don't worry, how could I leave you alone on the battlefield.

The author has something to say: come, come, come

Alas, the competition is really difficult to write, I have to find the competition materials + self-adaptation... It's hard to say "Moonlight Variations"

Come on, Tianwen Tianwen, tell the story of a great author and a little editor who turned a little sheep into a big tail wolf!