You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 174


Tong Yao still remembered the last time he was sitting on the bench - looking at his teammates on the competition stage, he was unwilling, aggrieved, patient, blessed, worried that Lu Yue had performed too well instead, and worried that Lu Yue had not performed enough The bad team loses the game... There are many, many negative emotions, and there are also positive ones, but it is a state of completely withdrawing themselves.

She used to think that she would probably not be able to accept sitting on the bench watching the water cooler for the rest of her life, but now a miracle happened, she sat side by side with Myojin in the back lounge, looking up at the game screen with her head up and her lap on her knees. The whole person is very nervous when I use the notebook for recording - it feels very different from before.

It was as if there were actually six people sitting on the stage playing the game, and the nursery rhyme suddenly couldn't be pulled out like before, she stared at the BAN&PICK painting that had not yet started, and her mind was full of: Jin Yuguang, this one. What will you take? How will he fight? Will it still be as delicate and delicate as the top handle? He's in a really good state today... As for Lu Yue, she didn't think about it that much.

What's more, there is still Mingshen whispering in her ear at this time: "I was anxious to watch the game down below, you can't be so aggressive in playing Jin Yuguang, didn't you already prepare the information and tell you, he is such a person If you are so good at defense and counterattack, I will bully you as a dummy... Before the first wave was caught, I don't believe that the captain didn't let you return the troops."

Nursery Rhyme: "Let's let go."

Mingshen: "Then why don't you accept it?!"

Nursery Rhyme: "I can't help it."

The nursery rhyme thought for a while, then snorted: "That's Jin Yuguang - I can't remember anything when I see him, my brain is blank, I forgot what I said before the game to be stable or not excited, the radical blood in my body is boiling, Just thinking: fuck him! fuck him, I'll be the world's No. 1 mid laner! Mid king of the world!"

Myojin: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "Like Gulu Gulu thinking only of the Lord of the Rings, I fell into the daze of 'wanting to kill Jin Yuguang by myself' - but after calming down, I have now deeply realized my own mistakes and stupidity, I was wrong."

Myojin: "..."

Myojin: "Is this a fucking evil or a slap in the face? Forget it, I'll classify it as the unique meeting of the masters in the world arena. It's really not just you. I'm very sorry for the players to see Jin Yu. Light will go up, and when you meet like a madman, you want to fight, and then the OP team finds a chance... This is Jin Yuguang's own halo buff?"

Nursery Rhymes touched his chin: "It's not necessarily like this, there are still very calm ones."

Mingshen was stunned: "Who is it?"

Tong Yao raised her chin towards the live broadcast screen in front of her: "Player Lu Yue."

As soon as Mingshen looked up, he saw Lu Yue on the screen. He had just taken his seat and was looking like a mentally handicapped child playing with his nails with his head down... Mingshen sighed and patted the nursery rhyme on the shoulder. I got up, hurried out of the lounge, and went to the stage to take charge of BAN & PICK.

After a few minutes.

On the field of play, this OP team saw ZGDX substitutions, and it seems that they knew that Lu Yue's hero pool was unwatchable in comparison, so the banning link was more aimed at the middle lane, Lu Yue's czar, cards, and versions were strong. The vampire was banned for three times, so Lu Yue, whose hero pool was almost drained in desperation, turned his head and said something to his teammates, and then took the slightly supportive mid laner Karma.

The nursery rhyme guessed that what he said was probably: I knew that when I was playing in the domestic league, I would not take out the cards and make some random shows.

And Jin Yuguang took the plane unexpectedly.

Tong Yao lowered her head and vaguely felt that something was wrong. She began to flip through the information in her hand. Halfway through the page, she suddenly stopped to hold the book, frowned suddenly, and suddenly remembered that when the summer finals were replayed later, the commentator once said If you pass: [Wait until the global finals, you will face more types of professional players. As far as I know, there are more than two high-energy players who can have both smiling and Ai Jia in the Korean and European competitions. A: What do you do with ZGDX at this time? The upper-law player or the upper-smiling player…]

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Guessing vaguely where his unease came from, Tong Yao opened the mobile phone post bar, and sure enough, there were various posts expressing emotion—[666666666 Jin Yuguang took the plane]

[Isn't the last one playing defense and counterattack so much fun? Why did you get a plane this time?]

[Congratulations to ZGDX for summoning Jin Yuguang II with a single rotation in one hand: Radical Jin Yuguang]

[Jin Yuguang is intrigued and pulls the brakes.]

[This ZGDX is difficult again... If you want to win, you really can't make a fuss about the mid lane. With all due respect, it doesn't make much sense to change this hand. Jin Yuguang can play any type of player. The smiling continues to finish.]

"… "


Jin Yuguang is indeed-

All-round player, able to be aggressive and defensive, able to show and resist pressure.

Close the post bar for nursery rhymes.

It wasted some time to read the post. At this time, BAN & PICK was basically over. Ten people from both teams entered the loading screen of the game - the phrase "Jin Yuguang has killed his heart" from the Tieba audience made Tong Yao guess uneasy, watching the camera cut to Lu Yue I drew countless crosses for him in my heart to pray for peace... At the beginning of the game, when the line of troops reached the line, Mingshen pushed the door and came in. At this time, the game screen just happened to show that Lu Yue was beaten a few times by the first-level Jin Yuguang in the face. The scene of hanging on the blood bottle and retreating - Mingshen: "Damn it, what happened, at the beginning of the game, this mentally handicapped only had half a tube of blood left!"

Nursery Rhyme: "... Jin Yuguang Type II is really fierce."

Mingshen sat down beside the nursery rhyme, and the nursery rhyme swiped a few data on the book, listening to the compulsion of the commentary in his ear, when he looked up again, the game was four minutes into the game, and Lu Yue barely stabilized, but only in He was constantly harassed by the aircraft AQA during the replenishment process. When Lu Yue wanted to counterattack, he reacted very quickly and immediately turned his head and ran. Not much behind.

Nursery Rhyme: "If I were here, there would be seven or eight people on the field at this time, and all of them were concentrated in the middle. Either he died or I died."

Mingshen: "If he wants to fight with you, he will definitely not fight like this - to play a completely defensive player, you have to play aggressively and harass him to fill up... Now Jin Yuguang has no intention of killing, and if he really wants to kill, he is called a jungler. ."

The jungler of this OP team has been making a fuss about the top road.

The first blood also broke out on the top road. Lao Mao and Lao K took the initiative to squat at the OP station to play more jungle. They wanted to jump over the tower, but they were counter-squatted. ... At this time, Mingshen sighed and patted the shoulder of the nursery rhyme: "Think about how to fight the next round, this middle road has resisted the pressure, you should study Lu Yue's anti-stress spirit, and then summarize how to resist the pressure. At the same time, find opportunities - don't be like Lu Yue who is a fucking pool of stagnant water as if ZGDX has no such person... We can't always be led by the OP team."

Nursery Rhyme nodded.

Staring at the middle, staring at all the little operational details of Lu Yue and Jin Yuguang, for fear of missing a point - she was very nervous.

Watching a game is more difficult than playing on the top. Playing by herself, she only sees Jin Yuguang, but watching the game off the stage, she can see more things - Lu Yue resisted the pressure and didn't let the middle lane explode, but However, he was completely tied to the middle lane. As an auxiliary mid laner, after level 6, all his ultimate moves were used to run, and he had no chance to use Karma's high mobility to support his teammates. In contrast, Jin Yuguang was You can always find opportunities to take advantage of the opportunity when the plane has explosive packs to go to the top or bottom of the road, take kills or assists to help your teammates develop their advantages... Because they are watching from the side, so the impact of the vision brought by the active and passive of the mid-laner will affect the The whole big picture has also become very intuitive...

The second game was played for nearly 50 minutes. When the ZGDX base was pushed down, there was a momentary silence in the entire lounge—the score on the field was now 2-0, and ZGDX was pushed to the edge of the cliff all of a sudden.

In his ears, Mingshen sighed: "Entering the quarter-finals of the S department will never be the same as playing in the training game or even in the group stage. I don't know if it is useful to teach you on-site in this way..."

Tong Yao lowered her head and pulled the dangling hair behind her ear. She thought about it and said "um". At this time, she put it on the live broadcast platform of her mobile phone, "3:0", "GGGGGGGG", "Congratulations to ZGDX" The barrage such as "Win the quarterfinals" has covered the faces of the team members on the live broadcast screen... Nursery Yao can't even see the expressions of her teammates at the moment.

After waiting for a while, there were footsteps outside the lounge—

The first person who pushed the door in was Lu Yue, who was frowning. He entered the door and looked up at Tong Yao's face.

Before Lu Yue entered the door, Tong Yao actually struggled with "how to deal with teammates who must be very depressed for a while", and thought that it might be embarrassing or accompany them in depression or try to encourage everyone not to give up... But in the end However, Tong Yao suddenly found out that the moment she looked at Lu Yue, her high-hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground - looking at the other teammates who walked in behind the boy, Xiao Chuan beat his waist and muttered, " The grass-mud-horse OP team didn't play CK like this"; Lao Mao and Lao K were discussing the failure of the first wave of tower jumps and they were squatted because their eye position was not so good; Lu Sicheng walked at the end, walked into the room, and watched Tong Yao glanced at her and walked straight to her... She lowered her head, considering her poor psychological quality, who would jump up against the wind, she subconsciously wanted to speak to comfort her, but before she could say anything to comfort her, she suddenly saw The man who was sitting in the chair looking up at him suddenly smiled.

Lu Sicheng was taken aback.

The nursery rhyme took his hand while he was stunned, and rubbed his somewhat cold fingertips.

"It's okay, the next one can win."

It's not mere comfort—

Stepping on the bodies of herself and Lu Yue, and being pressed on the floor and rubbing against them for two consecutive times, she always felt that she probably knew how to play the OP team.

The author has something to say: The next chapter is the end of the OP team!