You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 21


Nursery Yao climbed into the car with her chubby stomach and hiccups. As soon as she sat down, she saw Lu Sicheng raising his head with low hair on WeChat, and announced to everyone helplessly, "I'll go home on the weekend."

It was already an off-season, and the team members were actually on vacation, and they were free to come and go, so Lu Sicheng's decision was not opposed.

"My dad said that my mother ran away from home again," Lu Sicheng said "um", his voice was terribly calm, "this is the third time this year, and the first time I tried it, I found that my dad jumped up in a hurry and it had a miraculous effect, so I used it. Excited... A woman still can't get used to it, give her an escalator and she can go to the sky."

Everyone seemed to have already known about the dicks and dicks in Lu Sicheng's house. Everyone looked relaxed. What should they do? Xiao Rui leaned on the back and said, "Before leaving, I have to compete with the group of vegetables next door. Are you done?"


"An appointment the day after tomorrow."

"Then I'll book a ticket for the day after tomorrow."

As Lu Sicheng said, he pressed his finger on the phone, probably accidentally pressed the voice, and a middle-aged man's voice came from inside—

[I tell you, I will definitely not coax her this time, and then I will coax her to be my grandson, okay? The last time, after coaxing her back, I went to blow up Lao Tzu's card the next day. It was really sad and ruined...]Everyone: "..."

Lu Sicheng dropped his voice.

There was silence in the car.

"Fear." Lu Sicheng said expressionlessly, "I laughed."

"No, no, no, Chinese traditional virtues, Chinese traditional virtues!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"How can the fear of the upper class be called fear, it is called loving wife and children!"

Xiao Rui waved his head, everyone agreed, and the nursery rhyme twitched the corners of his lips: "If you have a spouse in the future, you must remember what you said today - fear is a traditional Chinese virtue - if you don't remember, I can remind you Bo your spouse."

"Don't expect your future men to be afraid of you." Lu Sicheng glanced at her.

"Why, the same world, the same dream!"

"The ears are soft."

"… "

The nursery rhyme thought for a while, and then the old face turned red and covered his ears with his hands. He turned his head and stared at the natural-looking man in the dark, but the latter lowered his head and swiped his fingers on the phone screen , quickly bought a plane ticket... Tong Yao saw that the landing place of the plane was located in a southern city not far from Shanghai. I heard that in that place, a single stone falling from the sky could kill three billionaires.

Two days later, it was finally time for Xiao Rui to schedule a training match with a group of Caibi teams.

This time, it was specially chosen in the afternoon when the VPN was not so crowded on weekdays. Everyone sat down and entered a group of rooms that had been opened earlier than the team. It was still the same people, and the ids were still the same, and the other side didn’t know. Are they discussing their opponents? Anyway, the five members of the zgdx team have not stopped since they sat down in front of the computer—

Old cat: "Little Fatty, why did the Pope want to go to this relegation team?"

Xiaopang: "Don't call a relegation team, where are you drinking milk when they enter the World Championships?"

Old cat: "Okay, okay, why do you think the Pope is going to this... The fallen noble team?"

Xiaopang: "I heard that it is to find the best support and teammates to help me defeat Brother Cheng together."

"That's too bad," Lu Sicheng said with a blank face, "I only have an acrobatic support with a bottomless hero pool on my side, and a 0/7/0 Yasuo mid laner."

Nursery Rhymes: " talk well, what's up with me - that time Yasuo was an accident, watch me explode and carry you today."

Lu Sicheng: "Don't do half of things, just explode, not carry."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lao K: "You guys have a lot of trash talk, do you want to go to the game every day when preparing for the summer split?"

"Quotes during the game" is an indispensable entertainment link in the professional league. The production team holding the professional league records what the players say during the game, selects interesting mitigations and edits them into a small video for publication, which is convenient for the audience to also To be able to understand what the professional players say or communicate when they are playing—

Under normal circumstances, it is often heard that players will only "ahhh" and "hate him, slap him, slap on the opposite ad", or make fun of each other...

Nursery Rhymes: "I love to watch the quotes during the game."

Lao K: "Trust me once, you won't like to read it when you become the protagonist of the quotations during the competition."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

At this time, Mingshen clapped his palms and signaled everyone to be quiet: "Okay, everyone, be serious, you are so inflated with so much bullshit? It's not good to be inflated, I heard from the team next door that they finished training with us last time. After the game, I found that I exposed a lot of problems and improved it-"

Xiaopang: "It's only been ten minutes since the last training match, did they see the problem?"

Lu Sicheng: "It means they have many problems."

Mingshen: "Brother Cheng, don't talk, you are really inflated - why can't you? Ten minutes has obviously taken up most of the early-stage laning period..."

In the broken thoughts of Mingshen, the training match has already started. First of all, it is still the ban&pick part. What is surprising is that this time the opposite party came to ban the card of the nursery rhythm first. In the sigh of everyone, the nursery rhyme happily found that she was probably You can get the LeBlanc you want.

Finally she got it.

At the beginning of the game, everyone was calm and quiet, and they both re-opened the safe distance when there was an occasional collision, until everyone's level gradually approached level 4, and the atmosphere in the bottom lane began to be solemn—

"Li Junhe is about to start sending people over the tower." Lu Sicheng said in a low voice.

"The opposite mid laner is gone, be careful when you go down."

While talking, Nursery Rhythm clicked a signal. At the same time as the system prompt sounded, the disappearing enemy mid laner really appeared like a ghost in the grass behind Lu Sicheng and Xiaopang, and at the same time, there was also the opposite jungler—

"Fuck, four people caught it! When did you make a vision behind us?! The opposite mid laner paid a teleportation (*Summoner skill, you can teleport from the current position to any position on the map that has your own vision) and came down. !"

With Xiaopang's scream, a group of four members of the Caibi team swarmed up. Lu Sicheng immediately surrendered his running skills and ran away, leaving Xiaopang alone and beaten under his own defense tower. The system reminded the sound of "d". It sounded, and the Pope got the first drop of blood.

- This swears that the balance scale of the bottom road begins to tilt towards a group of vegetables.

Tong Yao's summoner skill does not have the skill of "teleportation", and it is not as maneuverable as Ai Jia. She knows that even if she walks over to support her, she will not be able to come in time, so she chooses to stay in the middle lane and finish her wave of soldiers with peace of mind. experience, and then bring your own soldiers to the opponent's tower, and let the opponent's defense tower kill these soldiers - this way, when Ai Jia comes back, she will find that she has no soldiers to eat, and the experience and economy will be frozen. This is a mid-laner choice game. The inevitable pitfalls that come with going the other way.

However, when the game was about seven minutes into the game, Ai Jia went to the bottom of the road again.

This time, a group of Caibi's mid laners, the bot lane adc and the support three caught Lu Sicheng to death, and took advantage of the situation to push down the first defensive tower in the bot lane.

Lost two heads and one defense tower in a row. At this time, the zgdx team entered a small disadvantage in the early stage. The worst thing is that the main output point of the opponent, the Pope, has two heads in hand, so fat and oily. At this time, it is already a small boss in the early stage. !

Myojin is right, a group of Caibi teams really learned a lesson in the last training match and corrected it quickly: Is it dangerous for the Pope to take two assistants to jump over the tower? It doesn't matter, then we will bring the mid laner and jungler together! Four people, it's not dangerous, right

"Damn it, the group of Caibi is a wretched growth team under the leadership of the promised group? Today, they are playing so aggressively that they are eating rat medicine! Ah Cheng, you are going to be steady," nursery rhymes muttered, "Wait a minute. Come on, I want to- huh?"

Halfway through the fairy tale, she was suddenly surprised to find that the opponent's mid laner, Ai Jia, who had performed a wave of roaming in the bottom lane, did not go home to update her equipment after getting an assist. Instead, she saw that there were a lot of minions in the mid lane, and she turned her head and wanted to come back. A wave of soldier experience to make up for the economy and level that you have lost too much!

At this time, most of Ai Jia's skills are on cooldown, and her mana is running out!

The nursery rhyme didn't hesitate. She gave up her bunch of soldiers on the spot, and stepped on Ai Jia, who thought she was sneaking up on it with a set of skills, and the enemy who was chained by LeBlanc's skills had no chance to escape at all. After being beaten for most of her blood, she was unable to turn back and cut her twice, so she obediently contributed!


"Call him greedy!"

"Shooting Merlin is so beautiful!"

In the unanimous voice of his teammates, Lu Sicheng, who was waiting for the resurrection time, glanced at the small map in the lower right corner and reminded: "They are coming to the jungle."

Under normal circumstances, it is definitely the best way to take a head and retreat immediately when you see someone supporting the other party to retain the fruits of victory. However, the nursery rhyme did not follow the routine. She turned her head and handed in a summoner skill first. Blink opened the distance between the two sides, and then turned back, while running towards the direction of his own defense tower, he backhanded a group of Caibi's melee jungler and slapped a few times. Seeing her killing someone, he still pretended to want to run, I guess I was in a hurry, too, and handed over a flash to catch up—

However, what I didn't expect was that at this moment, the nursery rhyme rose to the sixth level!

LeBlanc, a hero at level 6, will get a "Replay" ult, which can repeat the skill it used last time, so in a short period of time, the opposite jungler is chained by her again, with The shadow of death that was the same as that of Ai Jia's death shrouded him—

The situation changes in an instant!

In the last second, the zgdx team was still struggling with the economic gap between two heads and one defense tower; the next second, the two solo kills of the enemy midlaner and the jungler in the middle lane brought back some situation for them. !

At the same time, because his own jungler was killed, the upper half of yqcb's jungle resources encountered a wave of crazy invasions by Lao K. Whether it was blue buff or other wild monsters, they were all captured by the zgdx team, and even the middle lane The first tower also lost half of its blood by the nursery rhyme!

This wave of Caibi teams has made a blood loss from blood!

Just because of Ai Jia's wrong decision, the nursery rhyme suddenly changed from a silently growing little transparent to a little dad who could compete with the Pope. Slap the little crispy skin down, and then there are only those undeveloped rabble trees that fall down and scatter, run away and die, and they successfully took down the first elemental fire dragon and pushed the enemy away. The first defensive tower in the middle...

The China Telecom team has completed the trend of turning the disadvantage into the advantage!

Then there are the crazy tower pushes, killing people, economic snowballs to distance themselves from the opponent, and finally winning the training game with one go!

After this training match, everyone sighed and slumped into their chairs instantly: if they won the game, they won, but the sudden change of style of a group of Caibi teams still made them a little scared...

This team, I am afraid this summer game is definitely more than just leaving the ranks of the relegation team!

At this time, Xiao Rui used the magazines to roll the paper tube on the heads of Lao K, Xiao Pang, Lao Mao, Lu Sicheng, and Tong Yao in turn: "I told you to expand! I was almost trampled by the declining noble team! Don't dare to expand!"

"Hey," nursery rhyme hugged her head, "my carry game, why are you hitting me!"

"Are you more proud?"

"… I was wrong."


The strong carry team turned defeat into victory and won the training game. Tong Yao took a bath in a good mood, and was holding a bowl of soaked instant noodles to suck it up. When they came out of the kitchen, they found that Lu Sicheng was squatting on the chair with his knees again. I don't know who is harming the live broadcast room again...

When the nursery rhyme approached, he turned around as if he had eyes on the back of his head, and pointed to his computer screen: "The mid laner of the next team is killing you."

"… "

The nursery rhyme spit it back into the bowl.

Lu Sicheng showed a look of disgust—

Nursery hurriedly walked over and stretched out his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that Lu Sicheng was really opening Ai Jia's live broadcast room. At this moment, this guy was playing a qualifying match while bragging with the audience...

"Yes, yes, we played a training match with the next-door operator again today... We didn't drop the line this time, how could it be dropped every day, do you think the annual Internet fee package of fifty cents wallet?... We lost, oh, but we have an advantage in the early stage. , don't believe it, we are really an advantage!"

"The Pope, who is coquettish in his position, looks like a professional in the tower... But there is a person in the next team who is more coquettish than the Pope, and that is a hot lady—yes, she is shooting Merlin, oh shit, we originally took it. The two heads are so beautiful, her old man came out of nowhere and killed me! Then turned around and laughed and killed us as a jungler!"

"My wave should be obedient and go home. My skills are on cooldown when I don't have blue, and she took a chance. I really terrify this woman... This is the turning point of that training game, my blue buff is gone, xbang's wild area The resources are gone, our captain almost scolded me to death—"

"I don't dare to be greedy soldiers. After killing people, I will go home and not go anywhere. Really, greedy soldiers will not end well. I am a bloody lesson."

"The little sister next door operates? The operation must be good. After killing me, Xbang, who is full of blood, is so fast that we can't see her skills. It's really the first domestic LeBlanc!"

"Who will tell me that my sister can't play the game of League of Legends again in the future, I will put the video of today's training game into his nostrils!"

A bunch of gossip.

Quickly blow the nursery rhymes into the sky.

I couldn't listen to the nursery rhyme after I blew it, I bent down and turned on my computer, entered Ai Jia's live broadcast room, and typed quickly—

[zgdx, smiling: Friends, no matter how much you say, I won't help you to speak nicely in front of your daughter-in-law.]Enter.


Half a second later, the barrage was filled with "I saw something strange entering", "Fuck say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here", "smiling, ah, I'm your millet cents", "Miss, teach me to play with Fran". —

A barrage in particular will focus on the question: ... Ai Jia, what is the relationship between Shi Meilin and your daughter-in-law

"Hu Peng Gouyou," Ai Jia said, "My daughter-in-law has been arguing with me recently. I think she is deliberately breaking up and going to lily with her. I am very angry! I lost to her in the game today, and I suddenly felt that my life There is no light!"

Nursery Rhymes stood in front of the computer and was amused.

And Ai Jia, the child, continues to tirelessly tout how strong she is—

She was listening to the nursery rhymes, but suddenly the live broadcast room was shut down. She froze and looked at Lu Sicheng, who withdrew his hand in a hurry: "Listen to the excitement, then listen to the truth. swell."

"No one has praised me since I graduated from elementary school." The nursery rhyme said, "Let me listen to two more sentences..."

As he spoke, he wanted to throw himself back in front of the computer.

However, the back of her neck was pinched by the man from behind. She turned her head with difficulty, and could only see Lu Sicheng's perfectly curved chin. The other party said casually, "Don't listen to his nonsense, want to hear compliments? I compliment you."

"… "

The struggling nursery rhyme suddenly quieted down.

"Praise." The nursery rhyme blinked, looking expectantly.

Lu Sicheng: "..."

"Praise." Nursery Rhymes urged.

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Fifteen seconds after staring at those shining black pupils full of anticipation, Lu Sicheng let go of the nursery rhyme, bent down, and reopened Ai Jia's live broadcast room for the nursery rhyme - the latter's clattering voice re-entered In his ears, Tong Yao was stunned for a while, looking at the man who sat back in his seat with the words "Nothing happened just now" written on his face.

"What do you mean?"

The nursery rhyme grabbed his sleeve and shook it.

Lu Sicheng ignored her.

"I did a great job today, Captain, what about the compliments?"

Shake again.

Lu Sicheng still ignored her.

"Isn't there a point of merit in Lao Tzu that is worth letting you—"

Before the fairy tales were finished, he suddenly saw Lu Sicheng stretch out his long hand and grab the oily marker he used to analyze the training game in the afternoon, open the lid and grab her hand and quickly draw a huge ugly flower on the back of her hand—

Nursery Rhyme: ""

"The little red flower from the captain," Lu Sicheng threw the hand of the nursery rhyme and the pen in his hand, stared at the computer screen and opened a new game and said lightly, "Next time, keep working hard and draw your forehead. "

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Staring at Lu Sicheng for five seconds, after confirming that he was not joking, Tong Yao silently turned around and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Then I found that the little red flower from the captain... can't be washed off at all.

Hand sanitizer, body wash, makeup remover, oil and soap were used in all kinds of ways. Finally, facing the little red flower that was still bright red, Nursery Rhyme held up her wet hands in front of the sink, and finally collapsed to the point of yelling: "Go to Nimad, Lu Sicheng. , this ugly flower can't be washed off!!!"

"You want to ask for it, and then you want to wash it, why are you so difficult to serve?" The man who was addicted to the game said without turning his head, "Also, the little girl is not allowed to speak swear words at home."

"… "

"... No little red flower, I'll draw you a bastard next time?"


"Paint your forehead."

"… "