You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 25


And this moment.

In the yard, the man who was originally squatting under the eaves heard the team manager's questioning, and after a moment of pause, he showed a smile that was not a smile. I'm not going to answer you, you can think for yourself whether what you said just now is ridiculous or not."

Xiao Rui showed an embarrassed expression, and seemed to think that he was really absurd. He scratched his head, thinking that Lu Sicheng might indeed have other concerns - so the anger he had been in during the day subsided a lot, which was enough to calm him to ask a question. The truth: "So why are you protecting her so much? Because she's a little girl? Sympathy? Pity? Think it's not easy for her to get to where she is today?"

"Xiao Rui, it's not fair for you to say that to her."

"… "

"If the dwarf heard it, he might jump up and hit you on the head."

"???? What did I say about me?"

"I didn't see her as a little girl, so I didn't have any sympathy, no pity, and I didn't think it was difficult for her to get to where she is today." Lu Sicheng stood up, threw the extinguished tobacco into the trash can, and paused. "I regard her as a newcomer that the team can use in the future. She has good operation, good awareness, and integrates well with the team. Now the professional circle is mixed, and everyone has it, so she is a good seedling who wants to play games and achieve results. Lanterns are hard to find... so I don't want to die because of something that could have been avoided before she's been tempered and polished into a gem..."

"I'm a little confused."

"Tat team's mid laner A Tai."


"When I was still in the tat team, he was a famous mid-laner demon king. You should not know that the entire team, all of us, including the Pope, have me as a substitute, but the only mid-laner is him. There is no substitute." Speaking of this person named Atai, Lu Sicheng rarely showed a trace of disgust, "When he is called the devil, it is not because of how strong or senior he is, but because he is like a It's a mid-laner tumor, and he never tires of destroying people... The tat team used to have several mid-lane bench spots, but before they came up, he either lost confidence and gave up the professional game, or moved to another team. "

Xiao Rui showed a surprised expression: "How come?"

“So far, there are still many Korean teams who refuse to play scrims with tat. This is also the reason – he looks at the mid laners of each team with the eyes of the enemy. In his eyes, the so-called scrims or games are not technical exchanges. He was only involved in order to beat the other side…”

Lu Sicheng thought about it and added:

"Sometimes I feel that if this guy doesn't play professionally, he might be a wicked person in other industries - did you know that the champion of s3 (the second global finals) was the Korean operator team? The mid laner is really strong, after winning the championship, Riot Games (*League of Legends production company) specially customized a Tsar Champion skin for him to commemorate his invincible Tsar in the finals."

"... I know, Bull God, isn't he retired?"

"In the spring finals of s4, Atai used the Czar, and specially put on the skin belonging to the Bull God champion, and used this hero to clear the middle road and send the Korean operator team to the sky." Lu Sicheng said, "After that, the Bull God announced Retired, the blow was too big, and Atai's behavior was an insult that he had to accept..."

"… "

At this time, Xiao Rui's mouth has grown super big - he can't imagine that there are such hateful people in the world...

"That's what Auntie would do."

"how come-"

"This time the opposite party is very obvious. Tong Yao is a newcomer. She has just entered the team and has achieved good results in the training game. She has a lot of eye-catching maneuvers, and she is confident and aggressive in her play. Frustration, lack of ability to withstand pressure, probably will collapse soon, right?"

"You mean, if he scrims with us, he will definitely do something about nursery rhymes?"

"Yes, he may use LeBlanc to defeat the nursery rhymes," Lu Sicheng curled his lips coldly, "This is one of his best plays: defeating the opponent with the opponent's hero."

"What if you directly ban LeBlanc?"

"LeBlanc is not a strong version of the hero," Lu Sicheng glanced at Xiao Rui lightly, "How are you going to tell the nursery rhyme the reason why there are a lot of strong heroes in the version and do not have to ban her signature hero?"

"… "

right? "What about Rob LeBlanc?"

"It's not a strong hero in the version, or a mid-laner position. What's the reason for the first grab?"

"… "

Xiao Rui was speechless by Lu Sicheng, and finally scratched his head frantically as if he was about to be driven crazy. After a while, he raised his head like a chicken coop with a face full of confusion: "Brother Cheng, I was wrong, I Shouldn't have taken the tat's scrims, they got caught..."

Lu Sicheng stared at the team manager for a while, then chuckled, "I said you would apologize."

"... Now isn't the time to talk about this, right?" Xiao Rui said frantically, "Then what should I do now? I'm going to refuse the training match? Going to give nursery rhymes a shot?"

Lu Sicheng shrugged, expressing his helplessness: if I knew what to do, I wouldn't stop you in the morning.

Xiao Rui showed an expression on the verge of collapse!

Xiao Rui seemed to want to say something, but at this time Lu Sicheng gestured to him to stop talking, and turned around and walked to the window as if he had noticed it at random. There's a mass in a big shadow, apparently because of something squeezing the window together with the curtains...

Lu Sicheng opened the window blankly.

The group of things inside that was originally tightly attached to the glass let out an "Oops" and fell from behind the curtains. Seeing that he was about to turn out the window, the man quickly supported him, including the cat in her arms. , preventing her from falling directly to the ground.

The head of the nursery rhythm remained in the position where it was stuck to the window when she was eavesdropping, and hit the man's strong chest. She was stunned for a while, and after a few seconds, she realized that she threw the cat in her hand and got up in a hurry—

"Is it fun?"

Lu Sicheng stared blankly at the girl who was standing on her hands and feet and turned off the sofa.

"What?" Nursery tucked her hair behind her ears calmly, "I was tired from playing games and came to lean against the window to play with my phone. What did you do to suddenly open the window, and I almost fell!"

"Is there a sofa that doesn't lean against you by the window?" Lu Sicheng was obviously too lazy to talk nonsense with her, "How much have you overheard?"

"I didn't eavesdrop... I only heard a little bit," Tong Yao raised her hand and squinted the gap with two fingers, "You say I'm good at handling, aware of my position, optimistic and upbeat, even with a lantern in my hand..."

As the nursery rhyme spoke, her mouth couldn't help but split: "They also said that I was a gem."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

The nursery rhyme cleared her throat and restrained her smirk: "So is it true?"


Lu Sicheng thought she was asking about the tat mid laner she heard... Unexpectedly, the girl raised her finger and pointed to the tip of her nose, her eyes flickering with bgm little stars: "Tell me, gem, or something."

"… "

The voice of the nursery rhyme was a bit loud, so everyone in the base heard it, including Myojin sitting on the sofa, and pressed the pause on the video of the game he was watching—everyone turned their heads at the same time, and looked at the station in confusion. The girl at the window and the young man standing outside the window.

Xiaopang: "Why did you reply to 4? Why did you just refute the rumor that you two didn't have anything, and then you praised it with gems and stars on the back?"

Myojin: "...Why are you two standing one mile and one on each side? Romeo and Juliet?"

Lao Mao: "I've been your teammate for so many years, and you haven't praised me so much, Brother Cheng."

Lao K: "You are the stepping stone in the pit, wake up... and Brother Cheng, it's too sour, really."

Lu Sicheng was silent for a while, and then tried to explain: "It's not like that."

However, everyone in the base did not change the fresh eyes looking at him at the moment, so three seconds later, the man gave up: "Whatever, a group of mentally retarded."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, and just took two steps away when he heard his assistant, comrade Xiao Chuan, make another cut behind him: "Yo, are you still shy? The glacier is melting? The iron tree is blooming? !"

Tong Yao really didn't hear what Lu Sicheng and Xiao Rui said that day, but later Xiao Rui and Lu Sicheng talked to her one after another, telling her that tat's mid laner would probably do something very extreme to break her confidence.

Xiao Rui's version of the story includes the story of the bull god, and the team manager also reminded her that in the next training match, the opponent may repeat the same trick and use her famous hero to defeat her—

And Lu Sicheng is very direct: "If you want to refuse, it's still too late. No one will laugh at you. It's useful to avoid shame."

Facing Lu Sicheng's proposal, Tong Yao shook her head and refused the option of escape.

At this time, she also felt that she could be a beautiful girl who acts for the sky, and her thoughts were extremely optimistic: if one day she would have to face such a number one person, it would be useless to escape now. It is better to be defeated now than later It's good to be knocked down in a more important game.


What if you win

With such optimism, the nursery rhyme waited for the day of the training match with the Korean Bao Intelligence team—

this day.

When everyone came to the custom room opened by the opposing team, nursery rhyme looked at the opposite id "tat, tei". Some nervously swallowed...

It was almost exactly what Lu Sicheng expected, and LeBlanc was directly locked by the opposite choice.

When it was the turn of the nursery rhyme to choose the hero, she hesitated, and finally put the mouse on the hero, the Czar, who was always mentioned in the story of Niu Shen and Atai. Before the sixth level had the ultimate move, the Czar and LeBlanc had one In the power of battle, after level 6, the Czar will be beaten on the floor because of the hero mechanism. Since then, it has spent a long period of downturn. In the late game, LeBlanc's damage gradually weakened, but the Czar can take over the game at this time.

Just because she played well, Tong Yao knew the strengths and weaknesses of the hero LeBlanc very well. The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other, at this time, she didn't feel that anyone could use the hero she was familiar with to destroy her—

until the game starts.

She finds that reality is not quite what she imagined.

He is also a good player who plays with LeBlanc, and nursery rhymes can know LeBlanc's offensive routines, but the opponent's hand speed and reaction ability are too fast. At this time, it is no longer a problem that can be solved by theoretical understanding... In addition, he is good at offensive heroes. The nursery rhyme is not so handy when using the tsar. Every time he rushes to exchange skills with the opponent, he will miss the replenishment...

After several blood changes, the nursery rhyme gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Cut out the panel and looked at the number of troops on the opposite side, thinking that the opposite side will soon have a big move at level 6, and it is very likely that one set will take her directly. She wanted to be at ease and wait for the team to play in the later stage - but the opponent did not give her this opportunity, as if she knew what she was thinking. When she began to try to control the line of troops in her own direction, the opponent's jungler came!

Tong Yao panicked in her heart, and saw that although her health was still more than half, she was afraid of contributing a bloody head, so she decisively handed over the flash, but after pulling a distance, Yu Guang saw the opposite mid laner using his w skill to follow. Coming up, the anticipation chain firmly chained her, mixed with a few flat cuts and skill combos, her blood volume that was still on the safety line immediately fell backwards—

Nursery rhymes retreat.

The enemy kept up, as if they were calmly chasing after her buttocks and tapped a few times, the nursery rhyme screen went black, and finally contributed the first head of the game.

"If you can't beat it, you will grow." Lu Sicheng said lightly.

Tong Yao nodded, opened the panel and glanced at it again. It was only seven minutes after the game started, and she had already been beaten by the opponent's mid laner by almost twenty-five reinforcements. In addition, she was single-killed by him just now, giving him the first place. With a special bounty of 400 yuan for her head, and the fact that the opponent's hero is strong in the early stage, she understands that now she has only one way to cope with pressure, wretchedness, and development...

But sometimes you have to say that playing games is such a wicked thing - after the first death, no matter how you decide to "don't waver", "fail yourself to the southeast branch", "wretched development and wait for the group", "I It can also withstand pressure" - when it comes to online, you still have to be madly single-killed by the opponent.

As soon as the game ended, Nursery Rhythm was single-killed five times by the opponent.

When it came to the team, she was like a thin piece of paper and someone could crush her to death - she became the team's breakthrough point, the point where the team could not come back - the next game suddenly became for her. A torture, she kept looking at the game time in the upper right corner, praying that the scrims would end soon...

Of course the scrims were lost.

Because the middle lane was beaten 85 times in 20 minutes, and the number of counters for the opposite mid laner was almost double that of the nursery rhyme, and the level was directly ahead of her by two to three levels—

Seeing that the big crystal in the base was lit a little bit, Tong Yao picked up the water cup in front of her and took a sip. The cold water flowed down her throat, and her head was still a little dazed...

Looking down at the water glass, there are subtle ripples on the water surface.

Her hands were shaking.

Putting down the cup, the nursery rhyme was silent for a while. When her teammates turned to look at her worriedly, she tucked one of her hair behind her ear with her hand, smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the mid laner was raised by me. Dad, obviously your other lines are fairly even."

"It's just a scrimmage, so I'm sorry, it's normal to win or lose—and the mid laner on the other side is really fierce, and it will be better in the future." Fatty comforted, and Lao Mao and Lao K also echoed.

Lu Sicheng frowned, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

At this time, the nursery rhyme turned her head and smiled at him: "I'm fine, look, I just said I'm fine - if you lose this time, you can come back next time. You think me too weak, really..."

Speaking of the latter, she seemed to feel that she was talking too much, so she closed her mouth.

After the training game, the meeting will be held as usual, the data will be analyzed, and then the meeting will be dismissed. The players will rest or rank training by themselves, start live broadcasts, etc... Nursery rhymes return to their seats, play a new game as usual, and everything is as usual.

until dinner time.

until supper time.

Until the early morning, the little fat yawned and stood up and shouted "sleep to sleep"...

Lu Sicheng used her computer to check the nursery rhyme's record. She played the ranking match from the afternoon until after 3:00 in the morning. She didn't eat anything except stand up to make coffee. She played the game all night and lost. One night, he fell directly from the king back to the master with more than 200 victory points.

"Hey, beautiful girl, aren't you going to sleep?" Lu Sicheng tapped on her desk, "It's almost four o'clock."

"Finish this," Tong Yao said without looking back, "Go to sleep immediately."

Lu Sicheng paused and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say when he looked at the person in front of him who seemed to be really calm, so he had to go back to the room to take a shower and sleep.

The next day, Lu Sicheng woke up at seven in the morning.

After a casual shower, the man opened the door and was about to go downstairs to find something to eat, but as soon as he opened the door, he heard the sound of the mouse "clicking" from downstairs - the man paused, his eyebrows raised high, and when he walked downstairs Not surprisingly, I found out that the person who said "I'll go to sleep after this one" is still sitting in front of the computer...

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Lu Sicheng walked behind the nursery rhymes. At this time, the custom game mode was on on her computer screen, and the hero used was the tsar who was defeated yesterday - that is, the game mode with no opponents. Generally, players will use this mode to practice killing small soldiers. Spend.

Lu Sicheng walked downstairs, the person sitting in the chair moved and said "morning", and then probably because of distraction to make up for a soldier, she "hiss", and quit the game decisively, then opened the custom mode, and continued Practice reinforcements -

Exit if you miss one.

Open again.

Leak again, and then retreat.

Like an obsessive compulsive patient.

"You haven't slept all night?"

"Go in a while."

"Practicing Tsar all night?"

"Huh? Ah."

Lu Sicheng stood behind her with a cup of coffee and watched for a while, lowered his eyes, and looked at the person sitting in the chair, whose eyes were red and bloodshot, even if he stared numbly at the computer screen...

He frowned, and when the other party missed another soldier and muttered, "Brother Fu Cheng, don't talk to me, I'm missing another soldier", he suddenly stretched out a big hand and covered her eyes from behind—

The cursor that was moving the mouse was about to click to exit the game.

Lu Sicheng didn't speak, and pressed her head back with a cold face. Her head was pressed hard against the seat back and made a "thump" sound. The person who was covering his eyes began to struggle, and then it quickly seemed like He collapsed as if he had given up... On the first floor of the huge base, only the two of them were silent, and they could even hear each other's breathing—

The man's hands were dry and warm, with the scent of freshly bathed soap and coffee beans.

A few seconds later, Lu Sicheng felt a slow, warm liquid wet the palm of his hand.

He was stunned for a while, but he didn't move his hand, and soon saw a silent water mark sliding down from the edge of his palm... The man paused, and the usually indifferent corners of his eyes softened and became low. A gentle sigh broke the brief silence—

"Didn't you say you're fine?"

He moved his hand away and looked at the girl with messy hair and red eyes full of tears, looking up at him with her head raised, the tears overflowing from her eyes as if she couldn't stop it. Lu Sicheng was surprised how someone could Can shed so many tears-

"I lied to you, I have something to do, something big has happened." She said hoarsely, "I will be a hammer czar, a hammer first LeBlanc."

Lu Sicheng: "..."

She sniffed: "The glass heart is broken."

Lu Sicheng: "Well, I see it."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "Little liar."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "