You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 38


In the midst of speculation and anxiety, Tong Yao finally ushered in her first battle day. The moment she got up in the morning to take a shower and put on her team uniform, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself for a long time.

Carrying the bag that holds the keyboard and mouse, before going out, Nursery Rhymes picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was filled with "blessings" from relatives and friends—

[I have already made an appointment with my classmates to sit in the back row of class and secretly watch your game with traffic. Don't embarrass me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah sister ah brother can brag about you and watch you for a year.]

This is the younger brother of the nursery rhyme, the "little brother" of the "sister" that Wannian never calls her once.

[Have you left? I'll sit in the front row in the afternoon, see you in the afternoon.]

This is my friend Jinyang.

[I asked your brother to teach me how to watch the live broadcast. I can see you in the afternoon, although I can't understand what you are doing. Your team uniforms are short-sleeved, right? It's cold in Shanghai today. It's going to rain later, so remember to wear a jacket. Perform well in the game in the afternoon, and you must be worthy of the 800,000 annual salary given to you.]

...this is her mother.

There are also a bunch of friends who play games and don't play games. Those who play games are nothing more than "I know you have today", and those who don't play games are "Although I can't understand the game, I will take a good look at you"... So far, The picture style on WeChat is still normal.

It's just that the style of painting on Weibo is a bit weird—

[To be honest, there is a feeling that my wife is going to get married.]

[Upstairs is wrong, obviously it is the mood of marrying a daughter.]

[… … Expecting her daughter to shine at her husband’s house, frantically slapping the faces of straight men with cancer who say "e-sports is a man's world"... At the same time, there is a sense of loss of "Why is my daughter so good for you to spoil"!]

[Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes). Let's come back and broadcast live. Those stinky men are not worthy of you!]

[Come on for the afternoon game!]

[Baby, your husband is waiting for you at the scene. If you win the game, will you propose to you?]

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Nursery Rhymes stuffed the phone into his pocket, put on his jacket, put on the peripheral bag on his back, and went downstairs.

At this time, everyone was almost assembled. Xiaopang stood at the entrance with his head down and put on his shoes, when he saw the nursery rhyme walking down: "...How many degrees are you wearing today, what's the matter with you wearing a coat?"

"My mother asked me to wear it," Tong Yao put down her peripheral bag and squatted down to put on her shoes. "When she watched the live broadcast, she saw me wearing short sleeves and was going to bombard me... Hey, what about Brother Cheng?"

"I went to bed in the car." Fatty's eyes rolled around in his sockets, "Just before getting into the car, he threw a creepy sentence: "Quick fight today."

Tong Yao pursed her lips and got into the car, and as expected, she saw a man with slightly red eyes and nose sitting in the last row of the car with his eyes closed and his eyes closed. slap him in the face...

"Can you still play a game when the mother is dying of illness?" The nursery rhyme turned around and asked Xiao Rui who followed him into the car.

"Even if it's a corpse, as long as it's not cold enough, I have to carry it up and put it in front of the computer." Xiao Rui said with a blank face, "Tell him not to take medicine."

Lu Sicheng seemed to have heard their chatter, raised his eyelids lazily, glanced at them with Wang Zhi contempt, and dropped two words: "Shut up."

Xiao Rui: "After the game in the evening, there is a media company's carnival to attend. It's consecutive."

Lu Sicheng frowned and turned over, his whole face hidden in the shadows: "Don't go."

This answer seemed to be expected, Xiao Rui rolled his eyes in the direction of Lu Sicheng: If you don't go, you won't go, whoever calls you one of the bosses, you have the final say.

Between the words, the players got in the car one after another and sat down, and the car started to drive to the competition venue.

After arriving at the competition venue, hand over the keyboard and mouse in the peripheral bag to the staff for inspection, and then the players go to the dressing room to rest and put on makeup—

"Don't change, cover up and feel uncomfortable."

This is the captain who still refuses to cooperate, but he has good skin and good looks.

The nursery rhyme sat obediently on the chair and put on makeup. After painting, there were still about ten minutes before the opening ceremony. She felt a little pain in her stomach and went to the toilet. As a result, nothing came out. She wondered if she was too nervous to be constipated. Share your doubts with your girlfriends, in exchange for a ruthless ridicule.

During the period, the nursery rhymes walked all the way from the bathroom to the lounge of zgdx while playing with the mobile phone—

Because today is the opening ceremony, all the members of the lpl team are here. Along the way, Tong Yao met a lot of professional players they didn't know. Everyone looked at her with curiosity and praise... Of course, there are also strange people who are superior and superior. Looking at her with a sense of feeling as if she was looking at a plate of snacks...

But nursery rhymes don't care.

After all, seeing the real chapters in the arena, now it's a bit of a fuss with them, don't talk nonsense, just blow it up.

The opening ceremony started not long after the nursery rhymes returned to the lounge. All the team members lined up to enter the arena one by one. The entrance hall was paved with stalls, flanked by huge mirrors, and there were photographers squatting in the hallway. Kacha took a photo, and when the nursery rhyme followed the jungler and walked out, I felt in a trance that I was not going to play a game, but to some Oscar ceremony—

She can only slightly close her chin, hold her head high... and pray that no one can hear the heartbeat that is almost jumping out of her chest at this moment!

The zgdx and ck teams are the last two teams to enter the arena. The two teams stand at opposite ends of the stage after entering the arena. Five computers are placed on the stage that is divided into two halves in the middle. They are standing on the right. Next to the computer... At this moment, no one knows that the mid laner of zgdx is holding his head down and his face is expressionless, in fact, he is crazy in his heart—

"The cheers are so loud";

"We have more fans or more ck";

"Is there anyone calling my name? I don't seem to have";

"Is there anyone holding up my cheering card? I don't seem to have any";

"I have no fans";

"The big brother who wants to propose to me, don't you call my name now and expect me to agree to your proposal later";

"Why am I standing here";

"Stomach, my belly hurts even more";

"Help, I want to pull shi";

The nursery rhyme lowered her head and played with her fingers earnestly. The host whispered in her ear and she didn't listen to a word. Just as she was busy and distracted in order to treat the nervousness and mania, at this time, the little fat next to her pushed her. One hand: "What's wrong, let's go!"

Tong Yao suddenly regained her senses, and when she looked up, she realized that all the other teams were gone. Only zgdx and ck were left on the stage, and they were going to start the opening match. At this time, Lao Mao and Lao K had already walked behind the computer. He sat down on the seat; on the opposite side, Jian Yang's buttocks were half-hanging and staring at this side...

The opening ceremony is over and the opening game is about to begin.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Nursery Rhyme: "Little Fatty, to be honest, I was so nervous that I almost vomited out of my lunch."

Xiaopang: "You are really nervous. We didn't have time to eat lunch today, so we vomited in the void?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Standing behind Xiao Pang, Lu Sicheng probably overheard the mentally retarded conversation between his mid-lane and his assistant. He lowered his head and glanced at the nursery rhyme, and then raised the corners of his lips mockingly - just because his nose and eyes were all red, he looked like this He doesn't look as mean as usual.

Tong Yao glared at him, turned around and sat down in his place - in the professional league, most players sit in a fixed position, from right to left in the order of top laner, jungler, mid laner, support, adc Nursery Rhymes do not know what the scientific rationale is for this arrangement, it may be for better communication between the positions that need to be linked together...

Nursery Rhyme sat down between Xiaopang and Lao K.

Players are in place.

The host leaves,

The explanation is in place.

Commentary a: [We are about to enter the first opening game of the 2016 League of Legends professional league lpl division! Speaking of Xiao B, do you think that everyone knows that not only the audience, but even us commentators are quite looking forward to this bloody opening game!]

Commentary b: [That is, mainly because these two teams have too much to watch in this summer's game - can the operator team complete the revenge of the spring finals in the first game? Can the ck team continue their victory? Ah, the most anticipated is the new mid-laner who just joined the operator's team this year. She is a girl. The girl is a professional, have you seen it?]

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Haven't seen it. Haven't seen it.

Don't mention me don't mention me.

Damn, when you mentioned it, I suddenly felt that there were many people looking at it. Who has a mirror? Did Lao Tzu make up? Is there anyone complaining about my face on the live broadcast platform barrage now? Hair is not greasy, right? Do you have powder on your face

Sitting behind the computer, the nursery rhyme, who had finally calmed down a little because the face of the audience sitting below was blocked by the computer, became nervous again. She simply took a deep breath and quickly put on the sound-isolating headphones, the voices of the two commentators disappeared. Now, she heard Lu Sicheng's hoarse voice in the earphone: "Say it again, a quick solution today."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

At this moment, this hoarse and somewhat indifferent voice sounded very cordial.

Tong Yao slightly bent down and glanced at the man who was sitting next to her next to a fat man. At this moment, the latter was leaning on the chair with a cup of coffee in his hand, staring at the computer screen with a calm look...

—Compared to the nursery rhyme that jumped up and down like a monkey in my heart...

The old driver is indeed the old driver.

Nursery Rhymes puffed out her cheeks, forced herself to calm down, logged into the competition server with slightly cold fingertips, and entered her game id—

At the same time she logged in the link, the background bgm sounded, and the opening match entered the first ban&pick session of the game!

The person who came to the stage today to help them ban&pick is Mingshen, which can be regarded as a comfort and explanation for the fans who have him in their hearts... At this time, Mingshen took a shorthand board and walked behind the nursery rhyme, and his voice came from the earphone: "Tongruo, Ban the big tree that came from luck first, and it hurts me to see that thing in his hands."

The nursery rhythm realized that it was her first ban, and with a "Oh", she quickly found the hero "Twisted Dryad" and banned it.

After the nursery rhyme bans a hero to the opposite side, LeBlanc who directly bans the nursery rhyme first hand, the nursery rhyme vaguely hears an uproar in the audience outside from Yangshen's earphones, and the commentator is saying something quickly... But because of the soundproof earphones, what? Can't hear clearly.

Next is a series of discussions and research on the lineup. The China Telecom team will disable "Wandering Mage" and "Goddess of War"; the ck team will disable "Kalma the Apocalypse" and "Scarlet Reaper"—

There are a total of six bans, and the two sides were excited to directly ban the four mid lane heroes of "Wandering Mage", "Apocalypse", "Scarlet Reaper" and "Trick LeBlanc"!

The nursery rhyme twitched the corners of her lips: "What the hell, the hero pool is not deep, I really don't dare to come up and play."

Mingshen laughs behind her: "I'll pass on your words to the person watching the water dispenser in the background."

The teammates joked in the voice channel one after another, and the atmosphere was a little more relaxed than before. Lu Sicheng seldom spoke from the beginning to the end. He was embarrassed. Lost the source of the plague, this is an ad hero in the shape of a mouse, and the online line will be suppressed in the early stage, but once it develops to the late stage, it is a late stage hero with very terrifying team battles—

In the current game version, the ad position has little impact in the early stage, and the opponent is really smart in choosing this move!

At this time, the old cat muttered with a relaxed expression, "I'm welcome if you choose a mouse." He whistled and chose a top laner, Rambo. This hero can suppress the mouse's teamfighting ability to a certain extent, and it is enough. Asking the opponent to have a headache for the next choice for a while...

People say that the game actually starts from the ban&pick part.

In the end, when the ck team was formed, Tong Yao and the others could vaguely see that they wanted to play a lineup that was delayed in the early stage of development. At this time, Tong Yao had already brought out its own card master, and the whole team only had Lu Sicheng's last chance to choose a hero. …

What will he choose

Ashe? big mouth? Ezreal

Tong Yao turned her head slightly to look at the man in deep thought, and suddenly heard him say lazily in the earphone: "Get me a Jinx."

Everyone: "… "

Myojin: "Well, with this lineup on the other side, you might get a little tired with Jinx's late-game damage?"

Runaway Loli Jinx, this hero is theoretically a hero in the early and mid-term, with a high hand length in the early stage, and can make a big difference in the early team battles - but because the game version has been cut a few times, this hero is less likely to appear in the official game less.

Lu Sicheng: "What are you going to do in the late stage? It's a quick decision. There is no late stage in this game."

The teammates were silent for a while.

Nursery Rhymes evaluation: "Domineering President Lu, President Lu Wanfu Jinan."

With a face of "You are the boss, you can decide", Xiao Pang locked Jinx for Lu Sicheng. At this time, the banning part of the game finally ended, and the players entered the game loading interface—

"People choose late-game heroes, let's all choose early-game heroes. Oops, teammates and comrades, you are really inflated." The old cat sighed.

"I have a headache," Lu Sicheng said. "Hurry up and go home and go to bed."

Nursery Rhyme: "Second."

Old cat: "Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Nursery rhyme: "Stomach pain, I want to pull shi."

Everyone: "..."

Xiaopang: "I think you want to make a quote during the game."

The nursery rhyme was stunned for a moment, and then screamed, I forgot that this thing exists!

Old cat: "Did you hear the backstage staff, the big buddies, the material is here, I was caught off guard, less than 30 seconds before the start of the summer game."

Nursery rhyme: "Don't, don't, don't, the backstage staff eldest brother give me a face, this part is still cut and cut, I will kneel down and pay tribute to the early years for you!!!!"

Lu Sicheng raised his hand and adjusted his earphone voice: "Don't shout, be careful to pull up your pants when you get excited."

Xiaopang: "A sick cat, a shivering one, teammates, can you still play the opening game?"

Nursery Rhyme: "... I won't fight anymore, call Lu Yue to come, I want to go home."

Lu Sicheng: "It's too late, the pirate ship has already boarded."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "