You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 4


The next day was the League of Legends 2016 Spring Finals.

The nursery rhyme got up early, and when I passed two empty mineral water bottles, I was particularly resentful of which bastard stole her water yesterday—she put it so high! Did that person grow Sun Wukong's fire-eyed Jingjing or what! With such good eyesight, why don't you come to a career? !

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he grabbed his phone and saw the team manager's WeChat account, saying that they were going to go to the competition venue, and asked if the nursery rhymes were going with the team's car or by themselves...

Tong Yao looked at herself in the glasses, her hair was messy, her face was pale, and she had dark circles under her eyes. This ghostly appearance frightened her future teammates and caused them to play abnormally in the game - so she smiled awkwardly, and returned to the manager, "Anyway, it's okay. It's not far, just two steps away, I'll go over by myself", and then the nursery rhyme did not dare to continue to be lazy, and jumped into the bathroom to take a shower and wash my hair...

An hour later, nursery rhyme came to the gate of the stadium where the spring game finals were held, and joined the long queue to enter the stadium.

In front of her are boys in their twenties, dressed as ordinary college students; in front of these two college students are a group of girls, who are carrying bags in their hands, which contain hundreds of folded support banners. The banners are blue and white, and because the team logo of the CK team is red and black, the nursery rhyme guessed that this is probably a fan of her future owner, and several of the girls are still holding cartoons of Lu Sicheng, Mingshen and other players in their hands. The image of the glowing hand cards and the cheering cards, at this moment, they are discussing the upcoming game with excitement, that battle—

"Are these girls here to watch the game or the Oppa concert?" The college student standing in front of the nursery rhyme complained to his friend in a low voice, "I'm really annoying these female fans, and copying the way of chasing Korean stars Bringing it to the e-sports circle, I don’t know if there is a level 30 in the game to watch the game, and those players can scream for a long time if they play any skill on the opposite side…”

"Yeah, yeah, I was watching the live broadcast at that time too, and I was shouting something 'don't kill him', shit, I got me—"

"It was originally a game for men, I don't know what the hell these women are doing... I guess they don't recognize all the heroes, right? They think the gold segment is also a big hand. I was watching the game that day and a woman asked the mid laner behind me. What is it, I almost fainted!"

The man was talking, as if he suddenly felt a little guilty and looked back, but he accidentally met a pair of black eyes, he was stunned for a while, and then he noticed that he was standing behind him. Also wearing a girl-

Short hair, wearing a peaked cap, pants and T-shirt flip-flops, this will stare at himself like an alien with empty eyes.

The two were embarrassed.

"They're all fans, no one is more noble than the other when you watch a game, right?" Tong Yao cleared her voice and raised her hands to clarify, "First of all, I know what a mid laner is, and it's the one who takes the middle lane."

Boy A: "… "

Boy B: "Oh, we don't actually say that all girls are like this, just a few of them... Now, which district are you from?"

Nursery rhyme: "The national uniform is in the first district of Ionia."

Boy B: "Dianyi's one! I'm Dianwu's... National uniform or something, do you still play hanbok?"

Nursery Rhyme: "Yeah."

Because the national uniform has reached the top.

Oh first.

Boy A rolled his eyes in a circle: "What is the rank of Hanbok?"

The nursery rhyme smiled: "The king, I just got up recently."

Then she saw with her own eyes that the two boys in front of her were stunned. They were silent at first, then exchanged glances, and finally laughed in unison. At the same time, the contempt in Boy A's eyes became more obvious... Then they stopped. To talk to the nursery rhyme, but choose to turn around and "whisper" in a voice that the nursery rhyme can just hear—

"Hahahaha she said she is the king of Hanbok!"

"I can't keep up with this bragging. I guess the game client hasn't been downloaded yet. The hanbok king is here. I don't know what the concept of hanbok king is before bragging..."

"Hey, I think I've convinced these young ladies."

Tong Yao touched her face, thinking to herself, doesn't she have a face like "I'm a master"? Why is it being questioned everywhere

Fortunately, at this time, the team had already begun to move forward, and the audience had begun to enter the arena, so the nursery rhyme finally no longer had to endure the doubts of the two little brothers in front of her, and walked in the direction written on her ticket when she entered the arena. go-

Because the tickets were issued by the team, she got the infield tickets that were very close to the competition table. When she got to the place to sit down, she found that the group of girls with the support banners and light signs were sitting not far from her. ... When she sat in, one of them was carrying the bag and looked ready to send a banner. The girl smiled at her when she passed the nursery rhyme, and whispered, "Thank you for speaking for us just now."

Uh, so they heard it

"No," Tong Yao waved her hand, "I'm just unhappy when I heard that this is a man's game. Can the extra third leg be used to press the keyboard or click the mouse... And you have prepared so much When it comes to watching the game, there is no way that the big men who know how to pick and choose are more distracted, even if the team members know it, they should be very happy."

"Well, I hope." The girl rolled up her hair and smiled helplessly, "I saw someone in the post bar stating that God is about to retire, and I chased him all over the world to watch the game, and I myself went from being dissatisfied with level 30 to diamond points. Duan, maybe today will be the last match, and when Myojin retires, I will also retire."

"… "

"I'm going to send a support banner." The girl said, and took one out of the bag and stuffed it into the nursery rhyme, "Sitting in this half of the area, you are also a fan of China Telecom, right? Here's it for you."

"Oh," nursery rhyme looked at the well-made hand banner, "how much is it?"

Said to go to the wallet.

Who knew that the girls in front of them laughed giggly as soon as the words fell. One of them turned around and grabbed the front of the girl who gave the banner to the nursery rhyme and said: "These are all sent to fans, how can they ask for money! Cheers shouted loudly for a while. Just some!"

Tong Yao suddenly felt that she was so vulgar, she put her wallet back with embarrassment on her face, and when she turned her head, she found that the girl just turned around and ran to the back to send out the support banners and other small surrounding of the team—

The long-haired, slender back carried a large bag that looked heavy and walked up step by step. The nursery rhymes were almost crazy, and she was full of one thought: These girls are so cute! It's such a blessing to be able to play professionally and be loved by these girls! What is wrong with the brains of those rough people who despise them!

It wasn't until half an hour later that the players from the two teams in the final entered the field, and the nursery rhyme's attention returned to the theme.

I saw that the lights at the scene were dimmed, so Deguang gathered on the stage in the center of the gymnasium. At first, the host summed up the results of the two teams this season, and then the players of the two teams summed up in his summary. In the sound, they walked in from both sides of the stage - in the middle of the stage is the trophy of the spring finals. Ten members of the CK team and the ZGDX team each stood firm in front of the trophy, and then bowed and waved to the fans under the stage...

The atmosphere at the scene immediately warmed up!

"Ahhh, Brother Cheng!"

"Brother Cheng marry me!"

"Mingshen, let's win another championship!"

"Yangshen is invincible! I raise fish in your wild area!"

The fans sitting next to the nursery rhymes were desperately screaming and shouting the names of their favorite team members. Whether they were male or female, everyone jumped up and down with excitement, roaring with red faces and thick necks—

Tong Yao narrowed her eyes slightly. She first saw Jian Yang who was standing a little further away. He had permed his hair, grew taller, and lost weight. Team CK's red and black uniform suits him very well. There is a sense of self-confidence that I don't know where to get it, and I smile so brightly...

Tong Yao felt her eyes hurt by the "bright eyes", so she turned to look at her future teammate—

The top laner cat, red-haired, young, smiled like a silly roe deer, and blew kisses with fans in the audience;

The jungler, old K, is not old at all, tall, with fair skin and a medium build. He looks very good-looking like a girl. He looks like he is going to high school at most. say;

The one talking to old K is the current ZGDX mid laner Ming, who is also the oldest member of the ZGDX team. At this moment, he is frowning slightly and looks absent-minded;

Next to Mingshen are ADC players Lu Sicheng, chessman, the captain of the ZGDX team. People say "Brother Cheng" who needs to marry a lot of people and also needs to marry a lot of people. When the light hit him, he was posing as a dead man with an expressionless face. The face - the most irritating thing is that even so, the scene is still overwhelmed - even the fans sitting in the half of the CK team are roaring his name.

Next to Brother Cheng is his little assistant, Xiaopang, a fat man with an optimistic face when he looks at him. Xiaopang once said in an interview that when playing games, sometimes he is the stand-up comedian in the bot lane. At that time, he himself didn't know whether Brother Cheng blocked his voice...

at this time.

The music at the scene became exciting, and when the nursery rhyme also became a little excited, the players standing beside the trophy turned around and walked to the ten computers behind the stage...

The background panel behind the computer lights up.

On the left is the red and black "CK" team logo, and the half-pulled audience on the left starts stomping, screaming, and cheering.

On the right is the blue and white "ZGDX" team logo. When the operator's logo is lit up, no matter how many times I look at it, I feel a little happy... But this does not prevent the people around Nursery Rhymes from getting excited, as if to follow the one on the left. It started roaring like a game, shouting—

The players sat down behind the computer, and after the auditorium, the two live commentators of today also began to chat freely. At this time, the players did not wear soundproof headphones, but they seemed to be a lot more relaxed than standing in front of people before. Start drinking and talking...

At this moment, the director cast the camera to the auditorium, so on the huge screen in the center of the venue that was about to broadcast the live game, the audience who were like monkeys in the back row first qualified, and then the camera slowly moved forward—

[Our League of Legends professional league has gradually received more and more attention in the past two years. Let me give an example. I explained the LPL finals for three years. From the first time when there were not a few people on the scene to the full house today, it is really special. Happy.]

[Yeah, especially seeing that there are still many female players participating in the interaction, you must know that a few years ago this game was only played by boys... Maybe, I mean, maybe in a year or two, we can still play this game in LPL Saw female professional players on stage.]

[Hahahaha I'm looking forward to it when you say that...]

When the two commentators were chatting, the camera turned around the nursery rhyme. Some girls saw their faces appear on the big screen, and they covered their faces shyly with the support sticks in their hands—

The camera turned to a couple. After they were stunned for a while, they remembered the inexplicable custom of "couples who are photographed must kiss" in the e-sports professional league auditorium, so the girl smiled and pulled her boyfriend over to warm it up. The kiss, the scene cheered, laughed and applauded, and the commentary followed—

In the end, the scene actually caught the nursery rhyme.

Seeing her big face appearing on the screen, Nursery Yao's heart was first "fuck off", and then her first reaction was: Fortunately, I washed my hair before going out this morning.

Then, under the premise that all the girls covered their faces before, the nursery rhyme did not cover their faces, but raised a big smile and waved in the direction of the director—

So her silly face with her white teeth laughing occupied the big screen for about fifteen seconds.

The commentary also teased: [This girl is very generous, hey, in fact, I have never understood why the girls present are so beautiful, why are they covering their faces when they are photographed by the director...]

Another commentator nodded and was about to answer, but at this moment, he suddenly paused, and then said: [I received an unexpected message just now, saying that there seems to be something wrong with the equipment of the Yangshen on the CK team... ']

[What's the problem?]

[I don't know, it seems that the equipment has entered the water... It is estimated that the water is spilled?]

Hearing the words at the scene, there was silence for three seconds, and then there was a collective laugh.

Fans of Team CK stood up one after another to see what happened. Nursery Rhymes heard a female fan compliment "Yangshen is so cute when splashing water", she rolled her eyes and looked in the direction of her ex boyfriend, only to see the latter now With his head down, he wiped the computer table with a tissue...

There was also a commotion on the CK team, and they exploded in a voice that can only be heard on stage—

"Damn it, Yang Shen, have you seen a ghost? The coffee is sprayed on Lao Tzu's screen."

Team CK's top orderer, Lucky Lai, was stunned - just now, he clearly saw that Jian Yang was drinking coffee well. During this period, he inadvertently turned to look at the big screen behind him, and then the coffee in his mouth flew out like a jet.

"I'm really fucked up." Jian Yang sullenly threw the tissue in his hand into the waste paper box handed over by the staff, "Isn't the school abroad starting? Why did she come to Shanghai?"


"My ancestors."

"… "