You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 69


The nursery rhyme sat cross-legged on the sofa and watched Lu Sicheng.

After Lu Sicheng slightly distanced himself from her, he still held onto the armrest of her seat with one hand, and he looked at her blankly.

"...To be honest," Tong Yao said honestly, staring at Lu Sicheng, "You look at me like this, I can't remember anything, if you look at me more, I can't even recite my ID number. "

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Lu Sicheng lowered his eyes, let go of the armrests on the nursery rhyme chair and took two big steps back: "six minutes and forty seconds."

Nursery Rhymes: "A question: In what capacity and position do you ask such a question?"

Lu Sicheng: "Your captain, your boss, your teammates, or any cat or dog on the street, I want an answer that can convince everyone in six minutes and thirty seconds, not a perfunctory rhetoric— Please be as honest as you were when you were ranting on your notepad yesterday."

Nursery rhyme: "… … … … … …"

He sure did see it.

Lu Sicheng: "Six minutes and twenty seconds."

Nursery Rhyme: "Don't count down! Give me some time! Give me a hint, you are not mentally prepared to ask me like this, how can I convince you?"

Lu Sicheng paused: "Since your behavior that day."

Nursery Rhyme: "I hit someone."

Lu Sicheng nodded, thought about it, and said, "EDG team promises to be a jungler, because before playing pro, they said 'Your mother is dead, I'm your father' in the rank, and in the early stage of the pro career, they said to other players 'What are you doing? It's better to go home and raise pigs than a career'—so from S2 being called a 'troll' to today, being ridiculed as a pig factory manager... Now five years have passed, and now he says no even if he broadcasts ten hours a day. The swear words of more than 20 characters are never typed, and they can't be whitewashed. The LGD team's mid laner Gao Dewei, who won the championship in a certain lpl summer competition, did not train well before preparing for the S series global finals, and his rank was messed up. Play, cut out to play Tianya Mingyue Knife, and finally lost in the S series. How much a reverse Q skill was released has been ridiculed to this day. Everyone thinks that it deserves its expansion. In fact, even the discerning person knows his temper after a year. The big change, the whole person is low-key, restrained and serious, still, can't be white-"

Lu Sicheng: "What do you think?"

Nursery rhyme: "... ... Be careful what you say and do."

Lu Sicheng nodded: "So what did I remind you on the plane before the accident?"

Nursery rhymes: "… … … … … … Be cautious in words and deeds, and all behaviors of professional players are easily amplified by others and even affect their careers, don’t bring your own rhythm.”

Lu Sicheng: "Where did you forget?"

The nursery rhyme lowered his head: "The back of the head."

Lu Sicheng stepped back, leaned against the edge of the table and crossed his arms: "Continue."

Nursery Rhyme: "Hmm."

"Yesterday's training game was three minutes and fifty-seven seconds. Lu Yue was single-killed. After that, he was suppressed until the late team battle and failed to gain a good advantage. Among them, five minutes and thirty-seven seconds, seven minutes and forty-nine seconds, ten At two minutes and eleven seconds, Lao K tried to gank the mid lane three times, all because Lu Yue habitually pressed his troops to his own tower, and the opponent's mid laner was extremely vigilant and ended in failure," Lu Sicheng lowered his head to look at his watch and paused. He continued, "Today's game, just now, 27 minutes and 11 seconds, the small dragon team battle, after the old K grabbed the dragon, the four of us on this side and the five on the other side were crushed into Muggles in the early stage of the ad. The original equipment was not a problem to suppress four-five-five. When the opponent retreated actively, we pursued. At this time, Lu Yue did not keep up with the rhythm and turned his head and flew to the second tower. Turning around and fighting back, one wave of three kills, the crippled AD on the opposite side almost took off and made a comeback, this is a red arrow, if this is a CK or a group of dishes, we will lose."

Lu Sicheng: "Thinking."

"It doesn't work."

"Why not cooperate?"

"… "

"Because you like to press the opposing mid laner under his tower in the scrims, Old K practiced a habit of counter-squatting for you, so he couldn't adapt to Lu Yue's situation; If you say it, you will immediately judge that you want to chase the head, so everyone went straight on without hesitation—"

"… "


"Habitual cooperation."

"Where did the habit come from?"

"Normal training match and rank double row."

The nursery rhymes responded fluently, and at the same time understood something in a trance - at this moment, I immediately heard Lu Sicheng ask back, "Why don't you take responsibility for the team and teammates to adapt to your changes?"

"… "

"Do you still think that the suspension is just your business? Because you did something wrong and you were punished, so this matter should be turned over, right? You are sitting backstage watching your teammates play, have you thought about it? In fact, your teammates who are playing on stage are also being punished with you? They have to regard all the training they have experienced with you on weekdays as useless and start to adapt again." Lu Sicheng said, took out a cigarette and wanted to light it, But at this time, he glanced at the nursery rhyme, paused and threw the unlit tobacco off, "One time suspension, I don't know how to repent; the second time I don't care about repeating offenses, I'm suspended again - how can the team use you? You should be allowed to participate in the training game. Should rank invite you? Should the team let you integrate as soon as possible and adjust your style in order to adapt to you? After all, there are a lot of great people in this game, and the operation is good, and there are more people waiting for the top... "

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "Should we continue to use you, or switch to Lu Yue, or recruit a new mid laner?"

Nursery Rhymes twisted her fingers and pondered for a while.

Lu Sicheng said, and glanced at the nursery rhyme: "Lu Yue was suspended for a season because of impulsiveness, hurt Mingshen, and caused the entire team to not be able to participate in the S series summary game - he came back with his head down and his teammates chose to forgive him. But you can ask him, has he forgiven himself now?"

Lu Sicheng paused: "Thinking."

Tong Yao's head was so low that her chin almost touched her chest: "League of Legends is a team game, e-sports, and there are no individual heroes."

Lu Sicheng said "um", raised his hand again and looked at the timetable: "You still have three minutes."

The nursery rhyme raised her head sharply.

"Three minutes later, I want to hear your statement - I said, I don't care what people outside say, I only care about how you think about yourself: continue, or give up? Professional competition is not a place to have fun, players' Careers are short, and golden peaks are fleeting—"

Lu Sicheng's eyes became cold: "You can't afford to waste yourself, nor can you delay others."

"And I'm responsible for my team, little girl," Lu Sicheng said indifferently, "I don't know what you think, but I'm sure, ZGDX team, as a top professional team, is looking for you to play games - in this circle Some people may treat you differently because you are a girl, despise you, discriminate against you, adore you or love and pity you, but I won't, put on a team uniform, you have only a gender-neutral identity to me: teammate."

"… "

The nursery rhyme bit her lower lip sharply.

The heart that had been submerged in the deep sea suddenly "thumped" when it was so cold that it almost stopped beating, and it began to beat unexpectedly—

She raised her head to look at Lu Sicheng.

Lu Sicheng leaned against the table and looked back at her silently.

For a time, the whole lounge fell into a long period of silence - until the silence for an unknown length of time passed, there was the sound of people walking outside, and someone twisted the door handle but did not turn it open, and nursery rhyme did not realize that Lu Sicheng had come in. It's time to lock the door... Xiao Rui knocked on the door outside and called out "Brother Cheng", Lu Sicheng ignored him, just tilted his head and looked at the nursery rhyme.

Thirty seconds later.

He succinctly said "it's time", stood up straight from the table, and glanced at the nursery rhyme lightly: "It seems that you have nothing to say to me."

After all, he turned to go out.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard a "boom" sound from behind him, like some heavy object suddenly rolled down from the chair. On his back, and in a panic, he grabbed his right hand with both hands—

The hands that were holding his were cold.

Lu Sicheng's pupils narrowed slightly, but he didn't say a word, not even his expression changed much. He lowered his head slightly, and from his angle, he could just see the small nose tip of the person pulling him behind him, and the hands that held his big hands slightly moved. force-

"I can't say nice things, and I don't want to say inexplicably sorry..."

The man who pulled him lowered his head and his voice was hoarse.

"I just know that I want to win, I want to win every game with you, I want to play every game, I don't want to let you down again, I don't want to be a stumbling block for anyone, I want to be your teammate until one day. On the pinnacle of the world you and I both want to be on..."

Nursery Rhyme's eyes were red, and her throat was blocked.

But she didn't cry.

Her eyes were bright, but only the words Lu Sicheng said in her mind—

[Put on the team uniform, you have only one gender-neutral identity for me: teammate.]

Want to be his teammate.

want to be their teammates.

Even if one day she has to learn to smooth out her edges and corners, that would be—

"You must also feel aggrieved. You are obviously protecting your teammates, so why should you be treated like this?"

The voice from the top of her head interrupted Nursery Yao's thoughts. She was slightly startled, raised her head, and looked at those dark brown pupils - after the indifference faded, the dark brown turned into a chocolate-like softness.

"Everyone is very grateful to you for your maintenance, that's why they have Xiaopang and they finally made that game without hesitation, just to provide you with some useful evidence to reduce the rhythm." Lu Sicheng paused, in the nursery rhyme In his eyes, he said slowly, "And me, I am also very grateful for your maintenance."

"… "

"No one wants you to polish your edges, little girl, just understand that before you start protecting others, you have to learn to protect yourself."

"When does it mean that I can protect myself?"

"When you're strong enough that no one can beat you."

The nursery rhyme was silent, frowning slightly as if confused.

At this time, Xiao Rui was banging on the door outside to urge. The man raised his hand and patted her on the head as if to comfort him, but he didn't take his hand out of her. He didn't whisper until the nursery rhyme let him go. Muttering "Going to the game", took two steps forward—

Then he was dragged by the nursery rhyme again.

He turned his head.

"Brother Cheng, are you that kind of person?"


"So powerful that no one can defeat you?"

Lu Sicheng was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head: "I'm not, there are times when I hesitate and don't know what to do."

Nursery Rhyme: "?"

Tong Yao let go of him, Lu Sicheng grabbed the doorknob lock with his hand and unlocked the door. There was a soft click, and when the man was about to open the door, Tong Yao stood with his hands behind his back: "Brother Cheng."


"last question."


"Why are you ignoring me these two days? Is it just because of anger? Is there any other reason?"

"… "

Lu Sicheng opened the door. In the midst of Xiao Rui's grumbling and urging, he thought about it, dropped the five words that made Xiao Rui's face bewildered, went out, and closed the door.

Leaving the nursery rhyme alone in the lounge for a long time in a trance.

His answer was because he would be soft-hearted.