You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 84


The second day was a training match with the OP team.

Although it is a training match, after watching the explosive rhythm of the Daqing team last night, the mentality of the players was somewhat affected - the Korean operator team was hit in the chest. At this time, everyone in the entire team of China Telecom They are all gearing up, everyone gets up early in the morning and starts to play qualifying hot hands...

Only one third of the domestic league has been played, and the S series global finals are still early. If you want to meet Koreans, you still need to wait patiently. Before that, you can only try to find a place in the training match—

Think so.

After waking up in the morning, Fatty even posted a touching and quite educational Weibo -

[Have you seen Shanghai at seven in the morning?]

In response to this inspirational Weibo, some Shanghai fans of the China Telecom team responded very consistently: … … Who the hell hasn’t seen it except you

Nursery Rhyme: "I haven't seen a fat man at seven in the morning, it's true."

"Don't talk, you wake up the latest today and don't go downstairs until nine o'clock. Your fat brother has already played two qualifying rounds. Do you think you don't want to win?" Little Fatty tapped the keyboard fiercely, shaking his head while beating. He scolded without raising him, "Go on, go on, this cowardly AD, ah, ah, don't you dare to play what kind of AD to fight snakes, okay? I recommend you to buy a copy of "On the Self-cultivation of AD" by Lu Sicheng."

The nursery rhyme detoured behind Xiaopang, bent down and reached out and pressed the switch button to look at Xiaopang's AD record, 0 kills, 4 deaths and 1 assist. The game went on for twelve minutes. go crazy-

And when the nursery rhymes were watching, the AD with this kind of data was still trying his best to suppress the line, and then he was caught to death by the opposite jungler... The teammates in other lines couldn't bear it anymore, and they all said that this AD was an actor, and Xiao Chuan couldn't bear it. Typing: AD, your mother boom.

Nursery Rhyme: "...why are you so angry?"

Little Fatty: "This one will be lost again."

Nursery Rhyme: "Oh."

Xiaopang: "This month's salary has gone far again."

Hearing the words, Tong Yao stopped talking, closed her mouth and took a step away from Xiao Pang's position. Xiao Pang felt her silence, and glanced back at her sadly: "Tong Yao, you have changed, it was not like this when you first came, You were willing to fly with me in a double row at that time."

"Yeah," Tong Yao twitched her lips, "until I saw your Clockwork Yasuo Czar and LeBlanc support... To be fair, your support and my mid lane hero pool are really scary, right? "

At this time, Lu Sicheng came out of the kitchen, just heard the conversation between the two, took a sip of coffee and put down the cup: "Little Fatty, you still have the face to mention the dark history of bullying Mengxin."

The little fat pursed his mouth and went back to continue playing his game.

Lu Sicheng walked back to his place and put down the cup: "I got up."

Nursery Rhyme: "Uh."

Lu Sicheng turned his head: "Double row?"

Nursery rhyme: "I can't double-row as a king."

Lu Sicheng said "Oh", his voice sounded very calm: "Yesterday Lu Yue helped you fall back to Master."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "No?"

Xiaopang: "What's wrong with you two C-positions in double row every day?"

Lu Sicheng: "A high score."

Xiaopang: "Can't you take me, this poor little assistant? I haven't seen you so enthusiastic before. Do you think you look down on assistants?"

Lu Sicheng: "One day I want to lose points and find you again."

Fatty: "…"

Xiaopang: "I know why the nursery rhymes changed. It's all your fault, Brother Cheng. You made her less friendly to me."

"Oh," Lu Sicheng glanced at the side subconsciously after listening to Xiaopang's words, and saw that his family was squinting to find an ID in the friend list, and after finding it, click the little tick next to it - looking at the lower right corner of the game side of his computer screen When the game invitation jumped out, Lu Sicheng clicked to agree, nodded with satisfaction, "I've carried the blame."

Nursery Rhyme: "What?"

Lu Sicheng: "Nothing."

Nursery Rhyme: "?"

at last.

Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng still had a disagreement and started the car on the road to Shangfen, because both of them had relatively high scores, and the queue was slow to get in one - so by twelve o'clock at noon, they only had two fights. Just put it.

After playing the two hands, Lu Sicheng stood up and moved his wrists. Tong Yao sat in the seat and looked at the statistics chart of the data distribution of the one just now. While clicking the mouse, he asked without raising his head: "When should I go to the first wave of Hanbok? It's over... Ai, what time is the OP team coming?"

Lu Sicheng: "It's half past twelve."

As soon as the sound of Tong Yao clicking the mouse stopped, she raised her head blankly and looked at Lu Sicheng: "What time?"

Lu Sicheng was emotionless: "Now."

The man said and clapped his hands, and greeted everyone with a voice that everyone could hear on the first floor of the base. Everyone was ready for the training match. Mingshen walked downstairs with a small data book of nursery rhymes and a writing board; the coach Ahou also took his own The materials he made ran over; Xiao Rui got up from the sofa with the flatbread in his arms... He was just watching the fun.

Xiao Rui: "Relax, that's the operator team. It's normal to lose. Failure makes people improve."

By the way, let's talk nonsense.

Tong Yao rolled her eyes and entered the custom game room for training games, and soon saw that the players on the opposite side were also taking their places one after another. After politely greeting, the two sides seemed too lazy to talk nonsense, and went directly to the BAN&PICK session.

Because the hero pools of both teams are relatively deep, banning heroes seems to be more casual. Everyone seems to be afraid of the opponent's bottom lane. BAN dropped three AD heroes, Bingbing, Jhin, and Wheel Mom, and then banned the strong version. Heroes, start choosing heroes—

It's the most flamboyant to grab Yasuo on the first floor opposite.

The nursery rhyme was shocked, thinking about you, Jin Yuguang's hero, Chi Shen, right? Yasuo? Then I'll be steady, and I won't be aggressive with you. At least in the early stage, the mid lane is guaranteed not to jump, so after thinking about it, I took out a tsar who just overcame Korean fear and locked it.

It was probably that after the nursery rhyme locked the Tsar for five seconds, she was dumbfounded by a rock sparrow on the opposite side.

Nursery Rhyme: "Damn, Taki! Isn't it Yasuo, hello?! What's the matter with Yasuo? Top? Top! Besides, how many people can use the hero like Taki? He actually took it out and used it, damn it! "

Lu Sicheng locked Ezreal in a hurry, his eyes moved a little: "I seem to have heard this not long ago - where? Oh, when someone was emotional about Jin Yuguang's snake's embrace."

The nursery rhyme raised her eyebrows: "It's no use in the match between the rock sparrow and the devil snake!"

Lu Sicheng: "Before you used Syndra, it was rarely used in competitions, aren't you still proud of it? Taliyah has fast passive support, strong ability to consume lines, long hands, and high explosiveness, especially as the favorite czar of the game. Tianke hero exists, why do you say it is useless? Shut up."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Yue, who was lying on the nursery rhyme chair: "How does it feel to be despised by Hero Pool? Welcome to my world again."

Nursery Rhyme: "Shut up."

The ban is eased over, and the ZGDX team chooses the top single Troll, the jungler excavator, the mid-lane Czar, AD Ezreal, and the assistant Bron; AD big mouth, auxiliary gem.

After choosing the hero, looking at the fancy choice on the opposite side, the ZGDX team was silent—

Chubby: "Yasuo, rock sparrow, wine barrels, gems, these choices are really gay."

Lao Mao: "I am convinced of the top order Yasuo."

Old K: "It seems that the barrels are still being used, dreaming of returning to the Spring Split?"

Nursery Rhymes: "Look at the rock sparrows, look at the rock sparrows, what I didn't encounter in qualifying, I met in the training game."

The ZGDX team was silent for a few seconds, and then sighed collectively. Only their captain paused with a sullen face, and then said ruthlessly: "I really want to throw you guys to plant sweet potatoes."

Everyone: "… "

I have to say that the nursery rhymes were really shocked by the courage of the OP team to take heroes blindly, which caused them to feel a little confused after entering the game - that kind of feeling is very strange, that is, when you usually play ranked, you meet the other side. Taking the lineup that the OP team has now, I might almost think that this is a welfare bureau that the opponent will send at the beginning of the game, but now when I really fight with the OP team, I find that this is really not a benefit at all.

—The B&P part of the OP team didn’t finish talking about ZGDX, but it was a routine that used Yasuo’s middle lane to change to the top lane, which made the old cat and the nursery rhythm both very uncomfortable... The kind that can’t kill the opposite side, I don’t know how to live. The feeling of not being white is quite suffocating.

Nursery Rhyme and Iwaya made peace when they reached level 3, and found that the opposite was a more stable existence than Lu Yue. She glanced at the old K who was busy guarding her wild area. She sighed and gave up doing things and went back to the city... At the same time Cut to the bottom lane: This is the one that will most likely lead them to victory.

Then at a glance, I saw the big mouth tail wagging like a pug on the opposite side.

The nursery rhyme suddenly felt a burst of despair.

- Big Mouth is a special hero. When a player has a very fast hand speed and clicks on the floor to move and slash horizontally, the game term is "walking A". A top AD's walking A level must be basically capable. When the mouth is the hero, because of the fast hand speed and the perfect grasp of every gap, the flat A will not cancel the normal attack due to redundant actions. The animation effect of the mouth does not produce movement, but it is actually moving. The attack animation walks and the tail animation is not in the same position. , at this time, the animation effect of the big mouth wagging the tail will appear.

An AD's big mouth can wag its tail, indicating that he is at least a top AD in the league, and can fully control these heroes with frequent and complex operations and high opponent speed requirements.

- The AD of the OP team is not a big mouth.

In fact, the lineup they took in the nursery rhyme is relatively lacking in output. In the later teamfights, only Lu Sicheng has a hard output point - and the OP team seems to know this as well. He succeeded, but Lu Sicheng was in a hurry, so he failed in the sixth-level one-wave tower jumping kill, and was blasted into the sky by the opposite wine barrel, contributing two heads and a blood tower.

The disadvantage began to appear when the opponent deliberately targeted the bottom lane, and the game opened up when the first head and a blood tower broke out in the 20th minute.

Lu Sicheng frowned: "This is mine."

Everyone didn't say anything, and they were playing in a daze. At this moment, they couldn't think of where they were going to lose. They all muttered "fight and see", trying to delay the late stage with the opponent - and through several waves of steady and steady operations line, hit some economic gaps back, and drag the game time to around thirty-five minutes...

At this time, the head-to-head ratio was still the original 2:0.

Operation Operation Operation.

Pull the line of soldiers to snatch the resources of the wild area and continue to operate.

In the past five minutes, the two sides did not even cross the river line in their wild area...

After hitting the back, Nursery Rhymes was really drowsy and unconscious.

Finally, it was finally dragged to a wave of team battles. For the sake of whoever wins the team battle, who wins the game, Lu Sicheng's position was too far forward, and Tong Yao's big mouth on the opposite side pushed him directly in the face. Lost the battle, was pushed away by a wave of bases, lost the training match—

The sound of the big crystal bursting sounded.

He successfully took Lu Sicheng's impulsive and memorized pot into his own nursery rhyme and threw the mouse and bit his finger.

Lu Sicheng saw the crystal of his base burst, and glanced at the nursery rhyme: "You have a great opinion of me?"

Laughing at her last wave of teamfighting strength to send him to the sky.

It's just that the expression on the man's face looked very relaxed at this time, not as ugly as the usual loss to the South Korean team in the training match-Tong Yao scratched his head and glanced at him carefully, guessing that it was probably because he vaguely felt that he was confused in the early stage and successfully delayed the later stage. He was quite satisfied with the near-win situation...

Compared to the previous desperation that had no chance of winning and was operated to the point of chronic death, he might be able to win next time.

Even if the other party pulls out a fancy hero again, he has to be mentally prepared.

Also, train the mid lane heroes from left to right except Yasuo.

Nursery rhythm folded her fingers in her heart to summarize and review herself. At the same time, she smiled and exited the custom game room to let Lu Yue play the second game. She hugged her knees and watched them prepare to start the second training game.

A ten-minute intermission.

The second scrimmage was played by Lu Yue, and the nursery rhymes were barely relaxing, so when they discussed the BAN & PICK session for a while, she took out her phone and looked at Weibo.

Originally wanted to read the news.

As soon as the results were refreshed, she really refreshed a big news... After a night of shock, the official Weibo of the Qing Dynasty's 500-year-old team finally announced Xu Tailun's official-

["Announcement on the recent violations of dragon players"

In recent days, the club has successively received complaints about the behavior of dragon (*Xu Tailun) players. Our club has investigated the above complaints and found that some of the behaviors are true, and made the following explanation.

Xu Tailun joined our club during the transfer period in the winter of 2015 and became our club's starting jungler. However, since joining the club, Xu Tailun has not respected his teammates, respected the club, and accepted the management's discipline as the club originally hoped.

Regarding the club's repeated persuasion and teaching, Xu Tailun refused to accept the discipline and did not change after repeated teaching; and the chaos in his private life caused a storm of public opinion among the players and had a very bad impact on the e-sports environment. The above behaviors are serious violations of discipline.

At this point, our club, in line with the attitude of cleaning up the e-sports circle, will never tolerate foreign players who disrespect their teammates and have an attitude of contempt for China. Therefore, we finally decided to deduct Xu Tailun's bonus for the second half of the year and charge him to the bench. Suspended for the whole season, profound. Reflect.

Also remember that Xu Tailun made an indelible contribution to the club's third place in the spring in the 2016 spring split. The club specially allows Xu Tailun to participate in the group match with the HUAWEI team this Thursday as a final official farewell to him and his fans.

The feather of the mayfly can shake the tree.

For the long-term and healthy development of Chinese e-sports, the Qing team is willing to do it.

Thanks to everyone for their long-term support and love for Chinese e-sports and the Qing team. The club will do its best to contribute to the Chinese e-sports environment.]

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "It's amazing my brother, ah ah ah, hi Da Pu Ben, Xu Tailun has been suspended!!!"

The roar of the nursery rhyme made the whole base startled. Sicheng Lu Sicheng, who was closest to her, swiped his hand and slid the Calista that he wanted to choose. Go away and go to the next team to borrow Dolly's muzzle for you."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Dolly is an Alaskan raised by a group of Caibi team bosses next door, and A Mao, a puppet cat raised by Ai Jia and his wife, stands on his back every day, performing acrobatic acrobatics and showing off his power, and he is so envious of the big cake—

However that's not the point.

Nursery Rhyme: "You actually want to put a dog muzzle on me!"

Lu Sicheng: "Wrong, I want to put two dog muzzles on you, one to shut you up, and the other for reinforcement."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "It's none of your business that other teams' jungler bans have anything to do with you. You are still so optimistic after losing the scrims. Can you reflect on yourself? It's good to be good. You used to cry when you lost in the scrims. Now you're so happy because you want to be angry. Who died?"

Nursery Rhyme: "... oh."

Nursery Rhymes put down the phone.

The next training match turned out to be as quiet as a chicken throughout the whole process. He turned on the single-player mode and began to silently grope how the hero Takik played, and successfully played a guilt-ridden beautiful girl who would not be mad at the captain.