You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 87


Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng: "..."

The air seemed to freeze, and there was an indescribable embarrassment wafting around... Nursery rhythm stared at Lu Sicheng with a tight face. The whole figure was like a frozen statue that was frightened and crystal clear.

She even forgot to blink.

There is no heartbeat.

Just looking at the person in front of her, for a long time, she laughed strangely, and her voice suddenly became sharp: "Brother Cheng, please play your cards according to the routine, Brother Cheng, I really can't stand it like this, the same You will get tired of playing it a few times, tell you I'm not afraid this time, I'm really not afraid-"

While saying "not afraid", she was so frightened that she used honorifics, and she stepped back while saying so... Until she retreated to the door, was pushed against the back of the door, and quietly touched the door handle—cold The metal touched the hot palm, and she calmed down a little... Then she saw the man's helpless face, raised his hand and messed up his hair, sighed deeply and fell back to the chair behind him.

-It seems that he doesn't know what to do next.

But who cares about him, now the nursery rhymes really can't control him anymore, she just wants to get out the door, run away, find a place to hit her head against the wall to wake herself up a bit, and quickly tell whether it's a nightmare or a paranoia. She woke up from a dreamy dream - so Tong Yao quietly opened the door behind her, and when she leaned out halfway, she heard a majestic voice from the room: "Where are you going? Come back for me."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."


three minutes later.

Tong Yao sat face to face on the chair opposite Lu Sicheng, tilted her head and looked at her captain with a puzzled and frightened face, until the other party rubbed her ears impatiently and raised her head to give her a stern look. Shrinking back, the whole person is about to be small in the corner of the sofa, like a frightened meerkat.

Lu Sicheng: "What are you doing?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng showed a mean expression: "What did I say and you are like this? Would you please enter the bridal chamber with me on the spot—"

"Ah ah ah!" Tong Yao's face flushed with a "swoosh", and she screamed and raised her hands to cover her ears, "Don't say it, don't say it, Lu Sicheng, I'll remind you, it's not the way to confess to someone and ask for a relationship. With such an expression in his tone, peacock courtship knows how to open the screen! How can you do this—"



"I will be gentle and you will agree?"

"… "

"Look, you're silent." Lu Sicheng frowned and said "tsk" unhappily, "I really want to grab Jian Yang or Xu Tailun and beat him."

"...what's their business."

"Look in a mirror and you'll see how terrifying the expression on your face just now was. Originally, I wanted to wait a little longer to at least win a summer championship or something, but when I saw that expression, I knew it wouldn't work. If you wait any longer, there will be another person like Xu Tailun at random. You can convert to my Buddha without waiting for the summer championship. After all, there are quite a lot of scumbags in this circle," Lu Sicheng quickly finished and paused, as if he felt that he was wrong. Then, he added as if to make amends, "I'm not like me, I'm fine."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

… this person.


"..." Nursery Rhymes shrunk in the corner of the sofa expressionlessly, "Then the champion of the summer season should come up again. The time is right and the place is right. I also think this is a good idea."

"..." Lu Sicheng looked at her with "you should take medicine" eyes.

"Do you have any principles?"

"So as early as the last time you asked me if I was the perfect person without fear, I said no," Lu Sicheng raised the corners of his lips, still the same mean expression, just because this sneer became more mean, "If The end of sticking to the principle is that the woman you like runs to the nunnery and knocks the wooden fish, so what do you want to do with this thing? Are you pitting yourself?"

... a woman I like.

Tong Yao's eyes widened, then she raised her hands to cover her ears again, and then she covered her eyes when she thought about it, and finally put down her hands suddenly, staring at Lu Sicheng in great fright.

Lu Sicheng glanced at her amid the silent stares from the nursery rhyme.

The expression on his face suddenly changed subtly.

The nursery rhyme felt that it was like a sour plum being thrown into the Qixi drink.

"—So I'm self-indulgent, and you haven't liked me?"


Of course not.

Tong Yao moved her lips, subconsciously wanting to deny it, but before she could speak, she heard Lu Sicheng quickly continue: "Then why do you stand behind my chair and use the tone of an abandoned puppy not to let me see you? A blind date?"

"I didn't—what the hell, did you hear it?!" Tong Yao covered her chest and stared at it for a while, as if she understood, "Damn, your headphones are not plugged in?!"

"I was just in the middle of cutting songs, and I accidentally heard it." Lu Sicheng leaned back, "Isn't it great?"

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Lu Sicheng paused: "Then are you going to reject me?"

"… dare not."

"..." Lu Sicheng's eyelids jumped, and he sat up a little, "Then you agreed?"

"...and neither."

"I see," Lu Sicheng nodded, "you just need to be beaten."

"Look!" Tong Yao immediately stretched out a finger and pointed at the tip of Lu Sicheng's nose across the sofa, "That's the tone, the captain's tone, the team leader's tone, the father's tone—anything is fine, just It's not like your boyfriend's tone, ah, I said the boyfriend's tone without saying you are, what are the corners of your lips, put it down!"

Before the words could be said, the person sitting on the opposite sofa suddenly sat up, stretched out his long arms and grabbed the fingers of the nursery rhyme—the cold fingertips were surrounded by big hands with a little warmth, and the nursery rhyme sounded "Ai" and didn't respond. Come here, after regaining my senses, my face is as red as a boiled shrimp!

"Can you do well like a boyfriend, at least you have to give it a chance to try it out, eh?" Lu Sicheng pulled her finger.

"… "

The nursery rhyme stared at his fingertips, thinking to himself, what are you shaking, don't shake my finger, and don't "um", what kind of coquettish is the old man? This is a foul.

After letting go of Tong Yao's hand, the man stood up and rubbed her head: "You think about it."

"… "

"Two hours to think about it, before nine o'clock in the evening."

This man is so rude to express himself.

"…Why is it nine o'clock in the evening."

"Because it is related to whether I can have a good dinner."

After Lu Sicheng finished speaking, she turned around and walked out... Leaving the nursery rhyme alone at the door for a while, then she suddenly bent down and slammed over her face, threw herself on the sofa and rubbed back and forth. She rubbed away until the sofa moved "zizily", and she stopped, took a deep breath, and told herself: calm down.

… … … … … … Even in the face of such a landslide, she couldn’t calm down at all.

Nursery Rhymes messed with herself in the lounge for a while.

Soon it was time for the interview. At the beginning of the interview, Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng entered the interview room with their front and back feet, and the two of them occupied one side of the long sofa—not to mention physical contact, not even eye contact.

Lu Sicheng sat lazily on the sofa the whole time, resting his chin with one hand and looking to the left.

The nursery rhymes sat upright the whole time, as if they were kindergarten pupils waiting for the little red flowers to look ahead.

The reporters looked at each other in dismay, and those who didn’t know thought that there was discord within the China Telecom team—if that was the case, then today’s interview would not be necessary—they seemed to be able to write three pages angrily on this topic alone.

The reporter asked: [What is your opinion on LPL's recent question about Korean aid?]

Nursery Rhymes: "It can't be generalized. There are also good Korean aids, such as the HUAWEI team's play... Cough, such as the AD and jungler of the YQCB team, and some Korean aids from other teams."

Lu Sicheng: "To cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and eager to achieve success, if you want the competition area to be strong, you must not rely too much on Korean aid."

The reporter asked: [What is the solution? Recently, there has been a small trend of boycotting Korean aid.]

Nursery Rhyme: "Strengthen management, let's look at the club."

Lu Sicheng: "It all depends on conscious awareness. If you don't consciously, the club can't control it. Also, it must be said that it has nothing to do with foreign aid or not. The same situation happens to domestic players."

The reporter asked: [What is your opinion on the relationship between fans and players? We also know that the final exposure of Xu Tailun this time is also the exposure of female fans who maintain an improper relationship with him—]

Lu Sicheng: "Subtle coexistence, keep a moderate distance."

Nursery Rhymes: "Recognize your position, as a person who interferes with other people's feelings, both men and women are unforgivable; and as a fan, you should also keep your eyes open to see if you wear irrational beautification filters when watching your favorite players. , from pure adoration to distorted possessiveness, that is a very dangerous thing to not be admired.”

The reporter asked: [Hahahaha, it seems that smiling, as a girl, has a different perspective on this matter, so the implication of the two is that there are still more or less problems with the life style of the players in the circle.]

Nursery Rhymes: "Because they are all young people, their personalities and three views have not yet been determined. If they come into contact with the society too early, they are easily led by mistakes. Just like when we are studying, we often make the teacher angry. There is no way. I hope everyone can be a little bit more restrained, right?"

Lu Sicheng: "I don't know, anyway, I have a good life style and a good man worthy of trust."

The man's unhurried voice sounded, and the nursery rhyme looked firmly to the side and suddenly drifted to the side—

At this time, the reporters who didn't find anything wrong were laughing for unknown reasons, each with an optimistic and carefree look, which made Nursery Rhymes who felt tormented at this time feel very envious.

Next, I don't know if Lu Sicheng's answer inspired the reporters. They actually asked a very scary question—

[Then may I ask if the two of you have considered finding someone in the circle to fall in love when you know the bright and dark sides of the professional circle today?]

The people who were sitting on both ends of the sofa suddenly exchanged glances.

Lu Sicheng: "Why not?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Lu Sicheng turned to look at the nursery rhymes and asked directly, "Don't you?"

Nursery Rhyme grabbed a corner of the sofa cover: "I don't know."

I don't know how the nursery rhyme ended in the interview. At the end, my mind was full of "Don't want it? Don't want it? Don't want it?"... In the end, she was driven mad by such earworms, and she talked nonsense in the interview. Can't remember, I just know that as soon as the interview was over, I stood up and seemed to rush out more urgently than urinating—

I went to the bathroom and washed my face to calm down.

After she carefully adjusted her expression in the mirror, walked out of the bathroom, and climbed into the bus parked in the parking lot, she was ready to clear her voice and looked in the car, and found that... Hey, her captain is not there.

The nursery rhyme blinked: "...Where's the captain?"

Staff: "Let's go."

The nursery rhyme was dumbfounded: "Go... Where did you go?"

Staff: "Who knows, he left in a hurry after the interview. I guess he made an appointment? And he originally drove by himself."

The nursery rhyme said "oh" and looked down at the time. It was eight o'clock in the evening, and there was still an hour left until nine o'clock. It would take about forty-five minutes to return to the base from the competition venue by car - if there is no traffic jam - that is to say , Although someone had promised to wait for her answer before nine o'clock in the evening, he had already run away before she had a chance to say something.

… … … … … … Ran.

Lu Sicheng, do you know what a single dog in a lifetime looks like

Look in the mirror tomorrow morning and you'll know.

Tong Yao threw her bag on the chair, and sat down with a sigh of relief. After more than 40 minutes of waiting for the car to drive back to the base, she had already been angry for one round, and was about to start the second round of anger—

The car was parked at the gate of the base at 8:40.

Tong Yao jumped out of the car, waved goodbye to the staff, went into the base with slippers, turned on the computer and held a big cake, glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, at 8:45, the seat next to her was empty—Lu Sicheng hadn't come back.

Tong Yao took out her phone and looked at it. There were no text messages or missed calls.

Nursery Rhymes sat down with the cat in her arms, silent.

Restless like a small volcano about to erupt.

"Nursery Rhyme, have you eaten yet?"

"Not hungry."

"smiling, duo?"

"No row."

"Has your cat been fed?"

"Go hungry and lose weight."

At 8:50, the engine sound of the car sounded outside the base.

If the nursery rhyme could stand up her ears, she would probably be standing high on her forehead by now. She quietly took her chin off Dabing's head and looked out the door—five minutes later, there was a knock on the door, At 8:55, Xiao Pang said, "The captain is back, Miss Tong Yao will open the door."

Everyone is busy, except for the nursery rhymes in a daze.

She said "Oh", threw the pie on Lu Sicheng's chair, stood up and opened the door.

At this time, it was still pouring rain that could not be stopped. When the nursery rhyme opened the door, the person standing outside was covered in water vapor. He may have run back from the parking lot, his coat was soaked, and a With his hands in his pockets, his sweater was half-zipped... When the door was opened, he looked at the person who appeared behind the crack of the door, he fell silent, and asked, "Why didn't you change clothes when you came back? "

It's none of your business, cats cry mice.

Nursery Rhymes thought angrily.

He opened the door more silently and stepped aside - but unexpectedly, the person standing by the door did not come in, he just raised his hand, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said the time: "It's eight o'clock in Beijing time now. Fifty-eight minutes and thirty seconds."

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

He actually told the time.

Lu Sicheng: "What's your answer?"

Nursery Rhyme: "I—"

Before the nursery rhyme could speak, Lu Sicheng interrupted her. The man said in a low voice that was about to be drowned in the rain outside, "I think about it before answering." The nursery rhyme was inexplicable. There seems to be an unnatural bulge in the chest of the guy's coat...

When her gaze swept over, the bulge moved and moved again, and then a short-haired little kitten groaned and arched out a furry head from the half-opened zipper, pointing at the nursery rhyme" Meow" sounded.

Tong Yao stared at the little milk cat, her whole body froze in front of the base door, her eyes widened slightly: "... This is-"

"Well," Lu Sicheng said, "although the Qing team is a little far away, I still managed to bring the cat quality back."


"8:59:30 Beijing time, if I'm still single in thirty seconds, you won't have a new cat to-"

Lu Sicheng's words have not yet come to an end.

The man who was standing firmly on the spot has already opened his arms and rushed forward, struggling and struggling to hug the man in front of him who was more than half a head taller than him. And the warm tip of the nose.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his lips.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

The nursery rhyme raised her face and looked up at the man's chin: "Why don't you hold me back?"

Lu Sicheng said "oh", and before he had time to move, he felt that his arms were empty. The little milk cat was snatched away by the man who had shrunk in his arms. At the same time, the man pushed him away mercilessly - Nursery Yao stepped back three times. He took a step back and looked at the others in the base like a thief: everyone was focused on playing games, and no one was looking at the corridor.

Under the warm light, she hugged the cat, her face flushed.

Lu Sicheng leaned against the door and looked at her.

She frowned: "Look at the fart."

He raised his eyebrows: "My cat and my people, how they like to see it."

"... Who are your people, shut up, what a hero to threaten people with cats."

"Bing never tire of deceit, look at the murderous look on your face when you opened the door, can I still enter the door tonight without this cat?"

"… "

Since ancient times, people's hearts have not been retained, and the most common way is to win people's hearts.