You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 9



outside the venue.

After Tong Yao hung up the phone, she turned around and walked into the stadium, just in time to hear the two commentators sitting high above discussing today's game—

Commentary A: [The score of the game is now 2 to 1, and the ZGDX team is temporarily ahead by one point. If the CK team does not regain its state in the next game, they are likely to lose the spring championship and go to the MSI season this year. A chance to play in the middle of the game!]

Commentary B: [And this game is also very important for ZGDX, not just the mid-season spot, this is the curtain call of Mingshen's career, I believe that he will hope he can deliver a satisfactory performance no matter what. Answer sheet…]

"… "

Tong Yao lowered her head and looked at the time, and found that three hours had passed since the first game, not to mention the mental state of the other players, at least it would be very detrimental to the situation of the single god in ZGDX—

Because according to the nursery rhyme later learned from the club manager Rui Ge, Myojin retired in such a hurry because his wrist injury suddenly deteriorated in the middle of the spring split - it was almost an emergency without any warning, and woke up one morning. Come on, Myojin can no longer accept high-intensity training. As long as you play games with frequent high-intensity concentration, it is very likely that you will not be able to hold the water glass steadily...

Fortunately, the regular season is a best-of-three-set format, so this impact is not obvious. The ZGDX team successfully advanced to the quarter-finals with the first points in the group. However, because of their strength, they quickly defeated their opponents 3-0 in the quarter-finals, and it took less than an hour to finish the whole game—

But the CK team is a hard bone.

Now three hours have passed, and I don't know if Mingshen's hand injury can survive.

Tong Yao sat back to her seat anxiously. At this time, the fourth game was about to start. All the team members had already come out of the lounge and sat back to their seats. Tong Yao first cared about Mingshen. At this time, the man really looked a little tired, and he also wore a wrist guard on his wrist.

He also used his left hand to hold the water glass.

Nursery rhythm stunned, and suddenly had a bad premonition...

Turning his head to look at the CK team, Jian Yang sat in his seat with his head lowered and said nothing, but just stared at the computer screen in front of him with his eyes straight - he had seen this kind of nursery rhyme two years ago, at that time Jian Yang has just started playing professionally. Although he has secured his starting position, his performance is still relatively unstable. He once lost a game, and there was a lot of doubts on the Internet. He also looked like this when he came back to the base and started a video with nursery rhymes...

At that time, the nursery rhyme went to sleep while talking to him.

When I woke up the next day, I found that he was still the same as before she went to bed, just playing games. Nursery rhyme checked his record, and the record was green all night. Carry teammates, and directly marked the Hanbok number from the Diamond 1st LP to the Master, and more than 100 points.

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

So now this person is about to explode

The nursery rhyme thought for a while, then showed a collapsed expression, biting his fist—

Could it be because she talked on the phone just now that he played ugly and insulted Mingshen, so she activated his inner fighting mode

… … … … it's not good

Ah, ah, why did I talk so much just now! How good would it be to honestly say, "Thank you for the Spring Split champion, then I'll leave it to you"? !

Under the messy gaze in the nursery rhyme style, the fourth game began.

Just as she expected, in the fourth game, because Jian Yang regained his state, the CK team and ZGDX team played very close. You chased me in the first 35 minutes, and the economic gap could not be opened at all... until the third. Eighteen minutes later, relying on the good luck of the top order and the mid lane of ADC Butterfly, Jian Yang quickly pushed down the ancient dragon with his own support and mid laner. After getting the buff, he pushed forward frantically, and the ZGDX team was slightly at a disadvantage.

At this time, the face of the ZGDX team's mid laner Myojin has already shown a difficult look, and even the operation in the game has become less sensitive—

The nursery rhymes and the others sat close, so they could clearly see that there were times when Myojin looked down at his wrist after a wave of manipulations. It was a subconscious action, but it was enough to show that he might not really be able to hold on now...

The nursery rhythm looked distressed below. Sister Alu, who was sitting next to her, was holding the cheering card and burst into tears. She didn't speak, she was just crying secretly... The nursery rhyme had to take out the second pack of tissues in her bag and bring it to her. , and then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the team manager: [Ming Shen can't hold it anymore, have you brought a substitute?]

After a while, the phone rang—

[Bring it, I have long expected this, the next substitution (T_T) champion can't let Mingshen make a big deal.]

Tong Yao breathed a sigh of relief—because the domestic league has a rule that the list of starting members and substitutes must be submitted before the season. With the official mid-lane substitutes, now even if Tong Yao has signed a contract with the ZGDX team, she can't suddenly Jump to the stage to represent the ZGDX team... So the game still needs the current official substitute of the ZGDX team for the time being—

Although now she can't wait to jump straight up and use her butt to squeeze the god of light and play the rest of the game for him.

The fourth game was finally won by the CK team in the 50th minute.

This game is undoubtedly a kind of torture for both the players and the audience. Tong Yao clearly saw that Mingshen's hair was soaked wet the moment he took off his headphones, and the team's uniform was sticking to his back with sweat - he When he stood up, he held his right wrist with his left hand, and the team doctor behind him stepped directly onto the stage and came to him.

At this time, the audience below knows what happened, no matter how stupid-

When Myojin turned to leave, thousands of people in the auditorium stood up spontaneously, shouted Myojin's name loudly and neatly, and bid farewell to this contestant in such a warm atmosphere...

Seeing Mingshen take a few steps, Tong Yao suddenly turned around when he was about to leave the stage, waved with his left hand to the audience under the stage, and then bowed deeply to say goodbye.

The fifth game was a substitute on the ZGDX team. This substitute was originally brought up from the youth training team. Usually, I didn't play many games at all. It was the tiebreaker of the spring finals. It was always a bit confusing—

This gives the opposing jungler a chance.

Ten minutes into the fifth game, Jian Yang, the bastard, seemed to live in the middle lane. He grabbed the middle lane four times in ten minutes, and three of them were successful. Soon the ZGDX team's bench mid laner data became 0 kills. 3 deaths 0 assists —

When the ZGDX team still has a small advantage in the upper and lower lanes, the middle lane is a slump, and it is directly cleared by others.

Thirteen minutes into the game, at the first small dragon pit, looking at the well-developed mid laners and junglers on the opposite side, teamfighting at this time is not a good choice for the ZGDX team, but the substitute mid laner flashes to start the team —

Teammates could only helplessly keep up.

In the end, although Lu Sicheng's big mouth and five sprays in one second were used to force the three opponents to death, the ZGDX team finally ushered in a wave of destruction...

The CK team successfully won the first fire dragon. The dragon of this attribute is to increase the team's attack power and gain buff, which is like a divine help for the dominant party, so at this time, let alone Lu Sicheng, even the gods can't save ZGDX...


In the absence of a fixed main force, the ZGDX team lost the last battle and lost the game in 33 minutes, thus losing the 2016 spring finals championship trophy!

When the music at the end of the game played, the nursery rhyme fell backward and slumped on the seat. She felt that watching the game was more tiring than letting her go up and play... Seeing the members of the CK team jumping up and cheering and hugging, she rubbed her eyes and looked towards On the ZGDX team's side, their eyes unconsciously fell on the man sitting at the farthest edge—

Lu Sicheng behaved very calmly.

He didn't look like he had lost an important game at all. He just clicked the mouse and looked at the data distribution of the last one. Then he stood up and shook hands with the CK team members who came over to shake hands with them. Shaking hands one by one, nodding.

Next, the loser packs up the mouse and keyboard and leaves;

The winner comes to the middle of the stage to bow to the audience and hold the trophy...

Jian Yang relied on his grasping and rhythm driving ability, and won the fourth and fifth MVPs. When his teammates rushed up to rub his head, hugged him and praised him for playing well, he smiled. Accepting the compliment, then suddenly looking down from the audience as if remembering something—

Unfortunately, at this time, the familiar figure he was looking for could not be found in the front row of the ZGDX team's fan seating area...

On the way back to the hotel from the gym, Tong Yao was still in a certain guilt mode—for her inexplicable act of inspiring the enemy jungler to start the killing mode, she felt that she had no face to face the elders of Jiang Dong, and she was like a little traitor.

When I walked downstairs to the hotel, I received a text message from the team manager Rui Ge. Rui Ge told her to let her stay in the hotel for two days and then report to the base next Monday, because the team has just finished the spring game and has time for her. Pack a single room with an ensuite bathroom and come out—

The nursery rhyme had no objection to this at all. After replying "OK", he turned around and went into the supermarket to buy the daily necessities that he needed to stay in the hotel for the past two days.

It was already an hour later when I staggered back to the hotel after shopping.

Nursery Yao approached the elevator with a lot of things that were about to bury her, and desperately stretched out a finger to press the door key—

At this time, a slender figure hurriedly approached from outside the elevator. The visitor was wearing a black coat with a half-zipped zipper, and the open interior was red and black. Nursery rhyme saw China Telecom's operator logo from the gap in the supermarket shopping bag...



Nursery Yao was holding the shopping bag and turned slightly sideways with difficulty. When she looked up, she saw the person's perfectly curved chin, and from her point of view, her eyelashes were astonishingly thick as if they were fine... The person has a high nose bridge, single eyelid, wearing a Headphones, very handsome but look a bit mean because of thin lips—

It was Lu Sicheng.

... Lu Sicheng? !

Nursery Rhymes held the shopping bag and tightened her forehead, and her mind burst into thousands of colorful barrages flying over: Lu Sicheng, Lu Sicheng, I fuck Lu Sicheng, ah, the living Lu Sicheng, ah, Lu Sicheng and I have an elevator and I breathe in the same elevator. Air!

But at this moment, in the quiet elevator, I didn't notice how rich the expression on the face hidden behind the shopping bag was. The man stood behind the nursery rhyme with a cold face and reached out from behind to press her down. the close button, the elevator door slowly closed, and he pressed the "21" floor number by the way—

This button is located on the neck of the nursery rhyme.

After pressing it, he stepped back, leaning against the elevator wall and looking down at his phone.

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Nursery Rhymes live on the 46th floor.

After the person behind her pressed her floor number, she realized that it was not the time to go crazy, she should also choose her own floor - but when she wanted to do so, the real problem came: "46" this The numbers were at the height of her eyebrows, and the shopping bag she was holding in her arms became a serious obstacle as she stretched out her index finger to press the floor button.

The nursery rhyme changed several positions, and finally her index finger jumped and her fingertips turned white, and her fingers were always spinning back and forth near the number "36"—

Nursery Rhyme: "… "

Looking at the number "21" lit up alone, Nursery Rhythm could only feel a burst of embarrassment in the elevator.

The people behind her were still playing with their mobile phones. Just when Tong Yao wanted to compromise and put down her shopping bags and pressed the floor button, the man standing behind her suddenly asked without looking up, "How many floors do you live on?"

The voice was even more majestic than the instructor during the high school military training, so the nursery rhyme conditioned reflex to stand at attention and stretched his neck to answer: "...forty-six."

Hearing the words, the man put down the phone and stood up straight, stretched out his long arms, and pressed the "46" button with his slender and neat fingers... When his hand moved away from the nursery rhyme, she smelled a faint mixture of hand sanitizer and tobacco. smell.

Nursery Rhyme: "…Thank you."

The person behind her didn't answer.

There was another embarrassment of honey in the elevator.

The elevator went up slowly.

At the same time, Tong Yao always felt that the person standing behind her seemed to have misunderstood something, and the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became. Finally, when the elevator reached the nineteenth floor, she suddenly popped out a sentence: "I can reach it. "

Lu Sicheng's hand that was pressing the phone suddenly froze.

Nursery Rhyme: "This button only reaches my eyebrows, you see, I really can reach it."

She struggled to stretch her index finger that could only spin around "36"—

Lu Sicheng: "..."

Lu Sicheng: "Oh."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

The elevator arrived with a ding, the door opened, and the man standing behind the nursery rhyme walked out.

The elevator doors closed.

Leaving behind the nursery rhyme that still stubbornly sticks her index finger up and has a messy face.