You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 14: Surface preparation


Once the live broadcast room is closed, the world becomes quiet.

[I can’t breastfeed anymore]: Do you have something to tell me

[I'm messing around again]: Yes, yes, yes.

Shen Yanming really wanted to talk about something serious. After he received the tickets from Lin Qingyue, he was very happy for a while. He took a photo and posted it on WeChat Moments because he wanted to contact Nai Budong.

Although Nai Budong is a member of TMM's second team and cannot play in the regular season for the time being, it stands to reason that if they have no other training tasks at the opening of this kind of game, they will go to observe and learn.

Shen Yanming thought that this would be a good opportunity to meet up with him.

He has been surfing the Internet for so long that he has made many friends online with whom he has a good relationship. Sometimes when he goes out of town to play, or when netizens come to his city, as long as the situation permits, he will go out to have dinner or meet them.

To him, netizens are not just a string of data; they are no different from friends in real life.

Although he had only known Nai Budong for a short time, Shen Yanming was impressed by his skills and felt that Nai Budong had a good personality and was comfortable to get along with. What's more, they were partners who had been through life and death together - dying and living in the game also counted as life and death.

Anyway, Nai Budong is already a friend of his brother Luan Zi who has stamped and certified him! They are to the extent that they can meet in person!

I just don't know if it will be inconvenient if the milk doesn't move.

[I'm messing around again]: I have tickets for the exhibition game next week. =0=

[My breasts can’t move anymore]: I know. I saw someone say that in the comments section of your live broadcast room just now.

[I'm messing around again]: You're going too, right

[My milk doesn’t work anymore]: Yeah.

[I'm messing around again]: Then we can meet in person!

[My milk can’t be pumped anymore]: Okay.

[I'm messing around again]: Thinking about meeting someone online in person, I still feel a little excited =. =

He Changkong thought about it and felt that the child seemed to have mistaken him for someone else. If he didn't explain it clearly, when he saw him on the field, who knows how frightened the child would be.

He still wanted to make this matter clear.

However, it is always inconvenient to always rely on the private chat function of the game to communicate.

We have been chatting for so long, but we haven’t even exchanged private contact information. He is really a plastic wife.

[I can't hold my milk anymore]: I have something to tell you, please add me on WeChat so that we can contact each other when you arrive. If the time is right, I will pick you up.

After typing this sentence, he also sent his WeChat ID.

After the WeChat ID was sent, He Changkong checked his phone every once in a while, but did not receive any new friend requests.

Just when I was about to ask what was going on, Shen Yanming’s message popped up in the game again.

[I'm messing around again]: Do you want to queue

He Changkong felt a little strange. Did the kid not want to add him? The topic change was too abrupt.

Although he couldn't figure it out, He Changkong still responded to Shen Yanming's words.

[My breasts can’t move anymore]: Sure, but you can only put one plate in line.

They said they would only play one game, and after finishing the game, they chatted briefly for a few minutes before logging off.

Shen Yanming left the computer desk, dragged out the suitcase, and began to pack the items he needed to take to Haicheng to watch the game.

The competition will be held next Sunday, and his parents booked a flight for him on Saturday afternoon. He planned to ask his father to take him to the airport as soon as he got out of school on Saturday at noon, so he had to pack in advance.

He turned on the music loudly, and old Cantonese songs from thirty years ago flowed slowly in the small room.

“How many times/Faced with cold eyes and ridicule/Never gave up the ideal in my heart/In a moment of trance/The feeling of loss/Unconsciously faded/The love in my heart/Who understands me…”

“Forgive me for being uninhibited and indulging myself in freedom all my life/I am also afraid that one day I will fall/betray my ideals/Anyone can do that/How can I be afraid that one day it will be just you and me…”

As Shen Yanming hummed along out of tune, he felt a little emotional.

He used to like listening to old songs, simply because he preferred the music style of the time. He didn't expect that he could still hear some vague resonance in them now.

When he received the tickets from Lin Qingyue, he could more or less guess what his parents' intentions were.

I just want him to see with his own eyes what it's like when professional players play the game.

In his previous life, he chose to become a professional player. In addition to the fact that he liked playing games and was good at them, a big reason was that he was influenced by other players.

Taking off their headphones, leaving behind their mouse and keyboard, and taking off their team uniforms, these boys in their teens and early twenties are no different from any other teenagers on the street.

They are even more disliked by adults than ordinary teenagers.

Poor academic performance, poor self-control, and various bad habits... These labels have long been attached to these internet-addicted teenagers.

They are ordinary, insignificant, and mediocre, and there seems to be nothing worthy of praise about them.

But they all shine on the field.

As long as they enter the game, everyone becomes a brave soldier who charges forward. No one will retreat even if there is a powerful enemy ahead.

Before Shen Yanming became a player, he had seen many games where the opponents were suppressed in the early stages and then managed to make a comeback in the end after being in a great disadvantage.

I've also seen some teams that were not favored in the first few seasons, but then they practiced and cooperated day and night, accumulated their strength, and finally achieved satisfactory results.

There are so many examples in the e-sports arena of turning the impossible into the possible, and every time he sees them, his blood boils.

In his mind, e-sports means never giving up.

But that was his thought in his previous life, when he was still a young and naive person.

Now he still can't give up this game, but he "is also afraid that one day he will fall."

Of course, the reason why Shen Yanming ended up like that in his previous life was not just because of Aji who stabbed him in the back.

As for the competition, of course he would still go to watch it, but now that he had finally gotten back on track, he really didn’t want to fall again.

It's easy to think about all sorts of things when listening to this kind of song. Shen Yanming turned on a song called "Sweet Honey" and continued humming as he threw the clothes he wanted to wear into the box.

Shen Yanming returned to school and attended classes for a few more days.

These few days are destined to be restless. His recent mood is very similar to the night before the spring outing organized by the school when he was in elementary school. There always seems to be something in his heart that wants to break out of the ground.

When you get excited, it’s easy to get distracted when studying.

During breaks, he became more proactive in joining the ranks of those who secretly played with their cell phones—his own cell phone was still with his dad, and he would return it to him when his dad came to school on Saturday.

There hasn't been much news recently, and all the Weibo posts are hype posts from the official accounts of various teams.

Shen Yanming was feeling bored when a classmate showed him an anonymous post from a gossip account.

Classmate: "This is a post from someone on ctg, but I don't know who wrote it. They said that after Brother Ji got his head pounded by Brother Luan Zi, he went crazy. He didn't train well, and he didn't play well in the games. He kept losing... They said that their top management was already very unhappy that he couldn't beat a streamer, and now seeing how he is, they plan to demote him to a substitute..."

Shen Yanming raised his eyelids and said, "He deserves it. In e-sports, being bad is the original sin."

Classmate: "Oh, but this contributor said that Brother Ji begged for a favor from their top management for a long time, and finally the top management decided to give him another chance and let him perform well in the regular season. I see that he usually plays like that, can he cure his years of hand disability on the spot when he goes to the court?"

Shen Yanming didn't want to continue talking about this topic: "Don't mention this loser, show me if my Kong God has posted any new Weibo this week."

"Why are you acting like a star-chasing girl... Does it matter what he posts on Weibo? And what can he post on Weibo? There's nothing on his Weibo except advertisements and reposts," the classmate clicked on Kong's homepage, "... WTF, he actually posted something new."

Shen Yanming came over: "Let me see, let me see!"

Although it was a new Weibo post, it was also to cooperate with the team's promotional content. The accompanying text was probably the club's unified copy, something like "ride the wind and waves and move forward courageously."

However, the accompanying picture used a newly taken solo promotional photo.

In the photo, He Changkong is wearing a black team uniform, with his arms folded across his chest, looking straight ahead. His eyes are indifferent, but it seems as if there are snowflakes hiding in them, making people feel as if they are in a freezing winter at a glance.

If you look closely, you can see that there are some fucking snowflakes in the pupils, and the jawline is over-sharpened, making it look abnormally sharp.

It seems that the person who made the map really wanted to create a feeling that the god Kong is very fierce and cold.

Shen Yanming looked at the picture, frowned, and said, "What kind of photo-editing technique is this? Fortunately, God Kong is handsome and can withstand such artificiality. He is really a Buddha."

Classmate: "You seem like one of those fans who scold celebrities' studios for photoshopping ugly photos of their artists. Can you please act like a normal e-sports fan and stop caring so much about the players' appearance?"

"Isn't it true that he is handsome? I don't easily say that someone is handsome. If I say someone is handsome, then he is really handsome," Shen Yanming countered, "You know so much about him, are you also a fan?"

The classmate smiled shyly: "Yes, I often help my girlfriend control the comments for his brother."

Okay, singles have no human rights.

Seeing Shen Yanming rolling his eyes, someone next to him started talking about the opening exhibition match: "Brother Yan will be going to Haicheng on Saturday, right? We are so envious."

Shen Yanming waved his hand: "Well, I'll broadcast it live for you then."

"How many days will you be gone in total? Did you ask for leave?"

Shen Yanming: "Maybe I'll be back on Tuesday. After watching the game, I might meet up with my online friend... ah!"

Speaking of this, Shen Yanming remembered something.

He doesn't have any contact information to get the milk, so he'll just have to take his head and look for someone when the time comes.

He recalled that day when he finished playing the game with Nai Budong. Before logging off, Nai Budong told him "Remember to add me". He didn't react at the time and replied to Nai Budong with a very standard question mark.

When Nai Budong saw him sending a question mark, he said, "Scroll up and check the chat history."

Shen Yanming totally didn't understand what Nai Budong was saying, and sent him a few more question marks.

After that, I didn't reply to him anymore, and the matter was left unresolved.

Now Shen Yanming felt as if his Ren and Du meridians were opened.

At that time, I must have sent him the WeChat account!!! However, this crappy game said that in order to prevent players from being scammed, it would automatically block all messages with the keyword "WeChat". Not only WeChat, but also the names of other communication applications are in the blocking library.

So Shen Yanming didn't receive any of the words sent by Nai Budong at all, and he even felt that the other person was being incomprehensible.

Shen Yanming sighed helplessly... Normally when he wanted to ask for someone's contact information, he would write abbreviations or homophones. How could he not understand such a simple principle

Forget it. Anyway, the feature of the breast not moving is quite obvious, so it shouldn’t be hard to find if it appears at the scene.

After all, there is only one little fat guy in TMM Team 2, and Shen Yanming has also seen his photo on the official website.