You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 15: It's fate


Shen Yanming arrived in Haicheng on Saturday evening. He was familiar with this place in his previous life, so there was no need to go around. After arriving at the hotel and reporting to his family that he was safe, he had nothing to do. He glanced at the building facing the window of the hotel room, and a sign of an Internet cafe caught his eye.

He felt for his ID card in his pocket.

I'm so angry. I'm still two days away from turning 18.

After lying on the bed and playing mobile games for a while, Shen Yanming became more and more annoyed. He didn't have many acquaintances here, and staying here all night was almost boring to the point of growing hair. If he had understood what Nai Budong said to him in the game a few days ago, he might have added the person earlier, and now he might be happily meeting the other person in the hot pot restaurant.

When he got the phone, he was actually trying to make amends. He found Fish's Weibo account and sent a private message to the other party.

But I didn't get a reply.

After staying in the hotel with nothing to do until the next day, Shen Yanming braved the scorching sun and came to a gymnasium in the suburbs of Haicheng. Today's opening exhibition match and the first round of the regular season will be held here.

In the past, Shen Yanming always followed the club's car into the stadium through a special passage, and had never carefully watched the grand scene outside the stadium before the game.

The scene was crowded with people. There were many players wearing team uniforms or cheering clothes. There were also some cosplayers dressed as game characters walking among the crowd, making it very lively.

Shen Yanming suddenly felt his right arm being patted. The two girls were looking at him, each holding a large bag of something that looked like jewelry.

Shen Yanming asked in confusion: "What's wrong?" Could it be that he was trying to sell him trinkets? He didn't look like someone who would collect these things...

Both girls' faces turned red. One of them covered her mouth and laughed, then gently pushed the other girl, as if to signal her to speak.

The one who was pushed was much more generous. He took out a cat ear headband from the bag and handed it to Shen Yanming: "Hello, little brother, we saw that you were also wearing the TMM team uniform, so we came to give you some support items~"

Shen Yanming took the cat ears and pinched the tip of the ears. They were finely made, fluffy, and felt good. But he was still a little hesitant: "Are there any other support items? Why are they cat ears?"

Girl: "Because our team name is Sweet Honey, so we decided to make something sweet this time."

Looking closely, I found that there was indeed a small sign embroidered with the TMM logo between the two ears.

Some people call tmm his mother and his sister, why not make something in the mother and sister style

However, Shen Yanming looked at the two girls' eager eyes and asked slowly: "... Do you want me to wear it?"

The girls nodded their heads in agreement and said, "Real tough guys all wear cat ears."

Shen Yanming: “…”

The tough guy was provoked, and finally put on the cat ears. However, he felt that wearing cat ears was still a bit inappropriate, and brainwashed himself again, he was the first little white wolf, wolf ears were also pointy, and there was no difference between them and this ear, so he was wearing wolf ears.

Shen Yanming adjusted the headband on his head and said to the two girls, "These are my wolf ears, not cat ears."

The girl who was a little shy was already squatting on the ground with her face covered.

Shen Yanming: "What's wrong with her? Does she have a stomachache?"

Another girl: "It's okay, she's just... a little excited?"

"What are you excited about?" Shen Yanming tilted his head in confusion, and the tip of his ears twitched. "Oh, that's right. I'm about to go in and watch the game. It's hard not to be excited."

Girls: “…” Are game enthusiasts so handsome even if they are handsome guys

Shen Yanming seemed to suddenly think of something, and took out two small bags of candy from the small compartment of his backpack, and gave one bag to each of the two girls: "It's only right to return gifts, you guys have worked hard to distribute the support items~"

After saying that, he waved and was about to leave, but the two girls pulled him aside and insisted on taking a photo with him.

Shen Yanming also cooperated, thinking that he was now wearing wolf ears, he had to do something more ferocious, so he raised his two paws and made what he thought was a predatory action, and also stuck out his tongue.


Shen Yanming finally said goodbye to the two girls, and the girls stopped where they were and looked at the photos they had just taken.

The two couldn't help but murmur.

"That handsome guy just now kept saying that he was a wolf?"

“… But this photo is really silly, handsome yet mixed with a hint of silly.”

"It's not a wolf, it's a dog."

"It's a Samoyed, right? But it's so cute!"

"I should have mustered up the courage to ask for a contact number just now!"

"It's not too late for you to ask for it now..."

After saying this, the girls turned around and looked, but they could no longer see the handsome Samoyed boy. He had already disappeared into the crowd.

Shen Yanming followed the crowd and walked around, symbolically looking at the places selling peripherals and the game trial area. There were people everywhere, and it was crowded and hot. He simply went to the waiting area in advance to line up. There was already a long line of people waiting in front of him.

With so many people coming to watch the game, how could he find a single person to stand still in such a huge crowd

Besides, since they are considered insiders, there must be a separate area for them to watch the game.

Is it possible that I will just regret missing this opportunity to meet in person

Shen Yanming was just thinking about it when he saw a fat man dodging nimbly between people out of the corner of his eye.

Shen Yanming: “!”

The little fat boy wasn’t wearing a team uniform, but the pair of natural smiling eyes on his face definitely showed that he was full of love!

Shen Yanming quickly stepped forward, stood in front of the little fat boy, and greeted him with a smile: "Fish!"

After all, it was not appropriate for Shen Yanming to call her "wife" in public...

Fish stopped and waved to Shen Yanming.

He is a member of TMM's second team. Although his reputation is not as loud as that of the first team and he is not yet a star player, there are still many players who recognize the members of their second team.

Therefore, he did not find it strange when someone suddenly called his name and greeted him.

He was just about to leave after waving, but unexpectedly the person in front of him started chatting with him.

Shen Yanming almost had the word "happy" printed on his face: "Hey, you don't know, I was so annoyed that I didn't add you as a friend a few days ago. I didn't expect to meet you here again."

Fish is also a talkative person: "This is fate!"

A few days ago, fish was looking for friends on Weibo to play ranked games together. The first person to arrive got the friend position first. When fish heard Shen Yanming say this, he thought it was a fan who failed to get his friend position.

Shen Yanming added: "You seem different in person than you do online."

Fish also got interested and asked curiously: "How is it different?"

Shen Yanming: "I feel like you're pretty cool online."

What Shen Yanming said is actually understandable. Many people have one image online and another in real life. This is normal.

Fish was a little surprised: "Ah? Really?"

Fish thought about it and felt that it might be because he did not interact with fans as often as some other players or anchors, so he gave people the illusion of being aloof.

So he explained: "There's always a difference between the Internet and the real person... By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

Fish doesn’t have many fans, but he recognizes most of the IDs that frequently appear on his Weibo and in his live broadcast room.

Shen Yanming: “…”

Shen Yanming was speechless and said, "You don't know who I am, but you've been chatting with me for so long? I didn't expect that you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be such a fish!"

Fish scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and then he heard Shen Yanming come over and whisper, "I am that person, that person who is messing around again..."

I feel a little embarrassed to report my ID like this in the three-dimensional world.

Fish's eyes suddenly widened: "Fuck, it's you!"

Shen Yanming vaguely felt that Fish’s reaction was a bit too big. Was it necessary to be so surprised when he knew it was him

He didn't know that Fish was very excited at the moment.

This is the famous Luanzi brother! He is a man with terrifying hand speed, the ability to beat professional players, and can even let the god Kong speak for him!

No way, this guy is his fan? Can he still be upset because he is not a friend

Fish felt his legs were a little weak.

Fish held Shen Yanming's hands with both hands: "Brother Luanzi, nice to meet you."

Shen Yanming: "Nice to meet you... No, why are you being so strange? What's our relationship?"

Fish also felt that what Luanzi said was a little strange, but when he thought about Luanzi's style in the live broadcast room, he understood. Luanzi's words were exaggerated.

Fish then complimented him again: "I didn't expect you to be so handsome in person. I thought people who played games were all otakus."

"That's not true. Who can be more handsome than the hunk on your team?" However, Shen Yanming accepted the compliment without any modesty. "Of course, it's true that I'm handsome... You're not bad either, you're handsome and strong."

The two of them got along well and exchanged some random words.

Fish actually ran out because he had something to do, and he didn't plan to stay too long, so after chatting for a few words he prepared to say goodbye.

This time, Shen Yanming did not forget the important matter. Before Fish left, he pulled him over and added him as a WeChat friend.

The two said goodbye reluctantly, and Shen Yanming made an agreement with Fish: "If you don't have training tonight, let's go to the Internet cafe together." After twelve o'clock tonight, he can enter the Internet cafe openly!

Fish quickly agreed: "I will definitely go, I have always wanted to play games with Brother Luanzi!"

Shen Yanming thought, don't we usually play together? Maybe Fish wanted to say that he had always wanted to play together offline

Shen Yanming and Fish were happily recognizing each other as relatives, but the real plastic wife herself was a little worried in the backstage lounge.

He Changkong knew that Shen Yanming was coming, but Shen Yanming didn't add him as a friend. He didn't know what was going on, and he was embarrassed to ask people on Weibo, for fear that the other person just didn't want to add WeChat... After all, WeChat is a more private way of communication.

But he still wanted to meet Shen Yanming.

But there are so many spectators coming to watch the game, and he has to play in the game, how can he find it

He was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed, resting and thinking about these random things, when suddenly the door was pushed open. He looked towards the door and saw the little fat boy from their second team with an excited look on his face: "Brothers, guess who I saw just now? - I saw Brother Luanzi!"