You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 34: So awesome


Shen Yanming was stunned for a moment. He had never expected that He Changkong, who looked serious, was actually a fan of fluffy cat ears.

But who wouldn’t like this thing? As long as you don’t wear it on yourself, it’s cute.

Shen Yanming also likes it and likes to see others wearing it.

But forget about wearing them yourself. Shen Yanming naturally couldn't agree to He Changkong's request. He wore those ears outside the stadium that day purely because he didn't want to see the disappointed eyes of the girls. Moreover, when he wore them, he had to brainwash himself that they were wolf ears and prepared himself mentally before putting them on.

He Changkong is not a cute girl, so Shen Yanming will definitely not listen to him.

But if He Changkong really likes cat ears, there are other ways to appreciate them.

Shen Yanming suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "I have a few cat-eared girl picture books at home that I bought at a comic convention. If you like them, I can bring them to you."

He Changkong: “…”

He Changkong asked himself if he had any strange hobbies, nor did he like to look at any collections of pictures of beautiful girls with cat ears. He just mentioned it as a nonsensical idea that popped up in his mind in an instant.

That day, when he saw Shen Yanming walking onto the stage wearing that thing, his ears twitching with his steps, he had the urge to reach out and poke those fake ears.

But he was just talking about it. When he heard Shen Yanming say that he would bring him a collection of paintings, he said helplessly, "I don't want to read this."

Shen Yanming smiled and said, "Don't be embarrassed, bro. All tough guys love to watch it."

"..." Not sure where this accent came from. He Changkong ignored the "Ge Ge" and wanted to clarify that he was not interested in this legendary art book. But he didn't know how to explain the suggestion of wearing cat ears. Finally, he said, "I just think it's too troublesome to hold a banner when watching a game. If you really want to cheer, it's more convenient to wear that."

Seeing that He Changkong remained calm and gave such a flawless reason, Shen Yanming felt that it was a sin for him to tease a serious person here, so he dropped the topic of cat ears.

He looked at the still open game interface and began to feel itchy in his heart.

He had been here for several days, but he had not touched a computer or a game. In fact, when Shen Yanming saw He Changkong playing, he was a little eager to try it, but he had something important to talk about at the time, so he suppressed the thought.

There was nothing to do now, and the topic they were originally talking about came to an abrupt end. When he looked at the game interface, it was like looking at a long-distance lover he hadn't seen for a long time.

... Of course, he didn't know what it felt like to meet long-distance lovers again.

But it is absolutely true that Youxi is his first wife.

Perhaps Shen Yanming's gaze was a little too hot, even He Changkong could sense his eagerness, so he asked, "Want to play?"

Shen Yanming nodded repeatedly.

He Changkong asked again: "Didn't you say you were going to take a flight this afternoon? What time did you book the ticket?"

Shen Yanming counted on his fingers and said, "We still have time. Let's play a game."

He Changkong raised his chin and pointed to the computer next to him: "Turn it on."

Shen Yanming sat over and asked as he turned on the computer, "Is this computer Brother Yan's? Will he beat me up when he comes over later?"

"You're asking this now that the game is open?" He Changkong said, "It's okay. He didn't go to bed until three or four last night. He didn't get up that early. Even if he got up, he wouldn't beat you."

Shen Yanming was just talking casually. He turned on the computer and entered the game login hall, then he stopped again.

He Changkong asked: "What's wrong?"

Shen Yanming said worriedly: "I don't have an account anymore. I only have the account 'I'm messing around again'."

He didn't want to play anymore, so he sold his main account. Later, he only had this account to play around with. His rank was low, and he couldn't match up with stronger opponents.

When he officially becomes a player, the club will apply to the Throne League Organizing Committee for a player-only account so that he can compete with opponents of equal strength in the professional server, but he doesn't have one yet.

He Changkong didn't think this was a problem. He came over to Shen Yanming, bent down and entered a string of account numbers and passwords.

Login is successful, the user name displayed on the interface is: sajfhkasi2

It's just a bunch of gibberish.

This string of garbled characters successfully shocked Shen Yanming: "Fuck, this is you too?"

This Luanma brother is also a strange man in the throne circle. Except for the healer, he is specialized in the other three professions. For a period of time, he often appeared in high-level games. Many high-ranking players and even professional players were abused by him when they met him.

However, netizens once thought that this person was a foreigner, because he never spoke in the channel and did not answer questions. Everyone thought that he must not speak Chinese. They were just confused as to why this person did not stay in a foreign server.

He Changkong nodded: "Well, I wanted to try other professions before."

Although he would play other professions when he used his own account, he had to use his own ID after all. Every time he went to rank, many people would watch him. Sometimes he felt it was not very convenient, so he simply made a small account.

In fact, he has more than one small account. He usually avoids trouble and changes it after playing for a while.

Shen Yanming said blankly: "In fact, I was beaten by your random number when I was ranking with my previous account. You probably don't remember it... You really lost out by playing the nurse. You can play four roles by yourself."

He Changkong said: "I like playing treatment."

Yes, even if he can play any position, he must have his own preferences. Moreover, although He Changkong is also good at other professions, if you carefully calculate the degree of "goodness", he is definitely not as good as the nurse.

Shen Yanming added: "You are Mr. Luanma, and I am Mr. Luanzi. We were one family eight hundred years ago."

He Changkong was somewhat chilled by this cold joke: "...Choose a role."

He Changkong logged into his account and teamed up with Shen Yanming to queue up together. Luanma hadn't been online for a long time, but people who played games still remembered this person. In addition, it was a teamed up with Kong's private account, and there was no permission set. As soon as he went online, many friends with these two accounts came in to watch the game.

There was also a host who broadcast this game.

The teammates who were matched with them were also surprised to see these two people. Someone took the opportunity to ask: Isn't Luanmajun a foreign friend? Why are you matched with Kong? So they know each other? Are they players from other regions

The game hasn't officially started yet, Shen Yanming is hanging out in the channel.

[sajfhkasi2]: I am a Chinese

It just so happened that he chose a character called Doom Guard, and the character's lines were about defending the king's territory to the death.

So he typed again.

[sajfhkasi2]: Defend Kong-chan's territory to the death!

When people saw the word "Kong Jiang", they immediately reacted.

Those who were watching the broadcast of this game in other anchors' live broadcast rooms felt that this person was most likely Nightmare. The disgusting thing about their team was that they liked to call each other "Jiang".

But this makes sense. After all, when Kong plays with others, he basically won't serve as someone else's healer. Of course, it's different with his own partner.

I just didn’t expect that this random guy is actually nightmare. There is absolutely no trace of him from his playing style.

He Changkong glanced at Shen Yanming out of the corner of his eye, and Shen Yanming turned around and explained: "Brother, I was just joking."

It feels a bit good to think that the flower that used to grow on the cliff in his heart and could not be touched is now allowed to be flirted with at will.

Of course, this feeling of satisfaction is mixed with a sense of guilt, just like a child who steals candy but is afraid of being punished by his parents.

Although Shen Yanming was outspoken with his friends, he was still not completely open with He Changkong. But with this kind of thing, the first time is strange, the second time is familiar, and after a few times of teasing, he will get the hang of it.

Anyway, He Changkong didn't seem to be resisting or angry.

He Changkong said "hmm" and then said, "It's open."

Before the game officially started, someone said: Nightmare was just imitating others and broadcasting their daily lives in order to increase the live broadcast time, and was not ranking at all. This is not Nightmare.

However, this sentence was quickly drowned out because most people focused their attention on the game.

In fact, it was an ordinary match, but Shen Yanming played even more recklessly than usual because he had a top-notch nurse to protect him. He used some operations that he would not dare to do in the past without any scruples. Even when he played with the vest of He Changkong's nurse, Shen Yanming did not play so exaggeratedly. After all, he underestimated the opponent's strength limit at that time.

It’s different now. I’m beating the opponent so hard that he’s seeing stars and doesn’t even know what’s happening.

But these bizarre operations are risky after all, and with risk comes a tense and exciting gaming experience. Shen Yanming was so excited that he started to howl without restraint: "Ah, catch me, catch me, it's too exciting, I almost died."

He Changkong: "No."

Shen Yanming: "Oh my god, you can control the opponent like this, so I am here, right?"

He Changkong: "Go ahead."

One more head count.

Shen Yanming was calm for only a few seconds before he started howling again: "Brother is so awesome, I really enjoyed it."

It just feels good to get a kill.

He Changkong: "Then try that again?"

Shen Yanming: "Come again, come again, give me the buff."

When Meng Yan pushed open the door, he heard this voice that contained a lot of information. He didn't even hear clearly that the person was talking about buff, so he immediately rushed out and closed the door again: "Shit, I'm not going to cause a live broadcast accident, am I?"

After he got up, he started to adjust the length of his live broadcast. Yesterday, a fan on Weibo asked him to broadcast some daily life, so he did it. After a while, someone asked him to see who was queued with Kong.

Of course Meng Yan also knew about He Changkong's small account with garbled characters. He thought that both accounts had holes under their skin. It was impossible for him to open two accounts and play with them at the same time.

Thinking of what He Changkong said that Shen Yanming would come over today, Meng Yan had the answer in his mind, but he still had to confirm it.

Of course, Shen Yanming's joining their team had not been officially announced, but it was okay to give the public a sneak peek first. Therefore, Meng Yan did not have too many concerns, packed up and headed for the training room.

Then he heard the fierce words that tore him apart.

He quickly calmed down. It was common for people to make some strange noises when they were having fun playing games together. He just had a preconceived impression of these two people as gay men.

He pushed the door open again.

Looking at the game screen, the scoreboard at the top showed that the two of them had worked together to get five kills.

Meng Yan was about to say something awesome, but before he could finish his words, Shen Yanming's voice burst into his eardrums and his live broadcast room without any obstruction or filtering: "I almost died just now, my heart almost stopped... Gege is too strong, he can still hold me together like this, although I didn't die, but I was really happy..."

Meng Yan and the audience in the live broadcast room: "..."