You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 38: Macho cat ears


"Waiting for your love..."

Shen Yanming still finished the whole sentence, but his voice became softer and softer in the second half, and in the end it sounded almost like a strange hum.

He Changkong said helplessly: "Where did you learn so many weird words?"

"Just talking casually," Shen Yanming scratched the back of his head and began to gesture again, "Brother, you are like Tang Monk, and I am like a spider spirit in the Pansi Cave. You are devoted to chanting Buddha's name and are not affected by external things. I am making noises beside you, but you are so annoying that you want the eldest brother to beat me up."

Shen Yanming just casually brought up an inappropriate example. The speaker had no intention, but the listener took it to heart. He Changkong was stunned for a moment, thinking that the child thought he was annoying.

He Changkong was certainly not Tang Monk, at most he was a traveling scholar in a legend. The scholar did not encounter a fox spirit that took human essence, but he did encounter a dog that was eloquent. The scholar was originally devoted to reading books of sages, and whenever he saw the dog circling around him and saying sweet words, he also found it interesting and his mind was drawn away, so the words in the book turned into ink-colored insects, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

But he had to pretend that he was still studying hard, so he always put on a stern face and ordered the puppy to be quiet.

All in all, every time I heard Shen Yanming say something embarrassing, I interrupted him not out of dislike.

He Changkong thought again, maybe it was because he was a little too old-fashioned that he kept a distance from these friends. Maybe in the eyes of others, he was still too reserved...

Of course, the most important thing is that He Changkong didn't want Shen Yanming to misunderstand him, so he added: "You are not Tang Monk, you don't have the eldest brother, and you are not the spider spirit."

Shen Yanming didn't expect He Changkong to refute a random analogy he made so seriously. After staring at He Changkong for two seconds, he laughed: "Hahaha what are you doing."

He Changkong added: "I don't find you annoying. You are very interesting when you talk. Just say whatever you like."

Shen Yanming: "Of course I know you don't find me annoying..."

Suddenly he realized something.

Originally, he thought that every time He Changkong said "stop", "stop" or sent an ellipsis, there would be more silent words.

Now that I think about it, there was definitely some speechlessness, but most of the time... Could it be that He Changkong felt embarrassed after hearing what he said

After realizing this, Shen Yanming's evil taste suddenly swelled up. Just then, He Changkong turned the doorknob and asked him if he wanted to go in and take a look. He then said, "The innocent student will provide door-to-door service. I guarantee you will be satisfied. If you are not satisfied, I will exchange it..."

If what I said just now was a momentary slip of the tongue, now I am saying it deliberately with a mischievous mentality.

After saying this, Shen Yanming did not forget to observe He Changkong's reaction.

He Changkong: "... Yeah."

Shen Yanming: “Hahahahaha.”

It's really funny to see her trying to keep a straight face even though she's obviously feeling a little embarrassed and doesn't like what he's saying.

Shen Yanming did not enter He Changkong's room. He stood at the door, his feet outside, but half of his body inside, and his eyes patrolled the room. He Changkong's room was decorated very simply, without any unnecessary decorations. It even made people feel that after taking away the few daily necessities inside, the room could be rented out directly as a hotel.

After turning his gaze, Shen Yanming retracted his previous thought.

There is also a small bookcase next to He Changkong's wardrobe! It is filled with books, but the arrangement of the books does not look very neat, indicating that the owner of the bookcase often comes to flip through them.

There was even a half-read book lying upside down on the bedside table.

Shen Yanming felt a headache when he saw the book: "Brother, you read books when you have nothing to do..."

He Changkong: "I have the habit of reading a book before going to bed."

Shen Yanming asked casually: "What book are you reading?"

He Changkong replied: "I watch anything. I'm currently watching The Silent Majority."

"Oh~" Shen Yanming looked like he understood something and was about to make a comment, but then he said confidently, "I haven't seen it."

He Changkong knew that Shen Yanming was not a book lover, so he did not continue the topic: "Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Shen Yanming then remembered what he was here for and suddenly felt embarrassed. In the end, he didn't say it directly, but asked He Changkong to stretch out his hand.

He Changkong stretched out his hand as he was told and opened it in front of Shen Yanming with his palm facing up.

Shen Yanming quickly placed the folded piece of paper in He Changkong's hand, then turned around and ran back at full speed, saying as he ran: "Good luck tomorrow!"

He Changkong opened the paper and saw Shen Yanming's handwriting. Each stroke was written with great effort. It couldn't be said to be beautiful but it was written neatly with great effort, just like an elementary school student copying a copybook. Even the spacing between words was very regular.

There were quotation marks around the two sentences, and they didn't look like they were written by Shen Yanming himself. He Changkong searched and found out that they were lyrics.

It’s a very old song, which is quite unexpected.

The next day, Shen Yanming went to the scene with other members of TMM. They said they could watch the game from the backstage, but he insisted on sneaking into the audience, saying that this would make him feel more like a little fan. Backstage, he looked like a staff member, which was boring.

Of course the tickets were sold out long ago, and he had to go through a lot to get one.

He was wearing a black mask, but despite this, when he arrived at the seat designated on the ticket, he saw two girls next to him waving at him enthusiastically, and he knew he was still recognized.


Shen Yanming found this girl somewhat familiar. He was trying hard to recall where he had seen her before when the girl took out something that made him shudder - cat ears!

Shen Yanming was shocked: "It's you again!" It was the girl who set up a fan club and distributed support items everywhere.

The girl handed the cat ears to Shen Yanming with an expectant look in her eyes: "Try them on. Strong men like to wear them."

Shen Yanming said vigilantly: "You said the same thing last time."

Do you think I will be provoked by you

Girl: "You were a hunk last time, but not this time."

Shen Yanming: “…”

Okay, I was excited. Shen Yanming took the earphones and put them on with resentment, and even shook his head to make his ears tremble: "Is it fierce enough?"

The two girls answered him with their hands covering their mouths and laughing.

Before the competition, they still needed to prepare for a while, so Shen Yanming simply started chatting with them. But basically, they asked questions and Shen Yanming answered most of them.

For example, girl A said: "I didn't know you were a mess last time. I regretted it so much after I went back. I should have asked for an autograph earlier!"

Shen Yanming: "Why? You didn't pass the exam and you don't dare to give it to your father for his autograph, so you want me to sign it?"

Girl A: "… I'm working, okay? Wait, who are you taking advantage of?"

Shen Yanming: "Hahaha, no no, you are the father, really really."

As he spoke, Shen Yanming signed his elementary school student handwriting on the notebook the girl gave him.

Girl B asked hesitantly: "Did you really enter TMM?"

Shen Yanming replied: "Yes, go to the base to clean the toilet."

Girls: “???”

As the commentator finished his opening remarks, several people's attention shifted from random chats back to the game.

This round is between tmm and glx. glx is a mid-ranked team in this division. Not too strong but not bad either. This year the team members have undergone a major change. They originally planned to make it to the quarterfinals, but they didn't expect to face tmm in the first round of screening.

As a player, he certainly can't say anything discouraging, but fans have discussed privately, saying that glx is just unlucky to have drawn TMM in the first draw, and there is a high probability that he will have to see him again in the resurrection match.

The resurrection match can give the teams that lost in the first round another chance, but there are only two teams that can advance, so the competition is extremely fierce.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong with TMM before the game, and the lineup was changed. I don’t know whether the members’ mentality is stable.

This gave glx some hope. After all, there are strong players in this circle, but there is no such thing as a strong player forever, and there is no such thing as a team that will always be on top of the altar. The decline of many teams begins with personnel changes.

Shen Yanming and other young fans who support TMM were also a little nervous. TMM's starting lineup had not changed for a long time and it has always been a championship team playing like this. They didn't expect an accident to happen at the beginning of the new season.

It was a good thing for the team to have new blood. They had practiced with substitute players before. The substitute player was called Kuma, and his performance in the youth training team was also outstanding. Logically, there was no need to worry too much.

However, Shen Yanming is the one who holds the prophet's script.

In the previous life, after Lan left, TMM also replaced this player at the beginning. This player's strength is no problem, but his mentality is not very stable. He tends to collapse before the big game, and then he plays badly, and then he collapses even more, a vicious cycle. He Changkong should also know this, but from the current situation, there is no more suitable player than him to take over. Besides, the list has been decided, and if he wants to change people, he has to wait until the next round of the round-robin match.

There's no point in thinking so much.

The match started, and after choosing the character, we entered the game. In the first round, everyone played it safe, and TMM was no exception. They didn't come up with any new tactics, but used their most common tactics, splitting into two lanes, Kong followed Nightmare, and Pudding took Kuma to the other side to find the crown.

This time the game started very well, and pudding picked up the map from the beginning. The crown of this game was originally for players to find everywhere, but it would be much easier if you hold the map in your hand, as the map will directly mark the point where the crown is. However, there is a fake crown setting in the game, which will not appear in ordinary games. In games where players refresh the map, there is a 0.5% chance of encountering a fake crown. At that time, the two sides will fight for it, and after putting the crown on the throne, they will find that it is lonely.

Of course, because the probability is very low, in general, if you pick up a map, you will still follow the instructions.

The opponent didn't know that they already had the map. In order to confuse the opponent, they decided to continue to split into two groups. Pudding took the crown and quietly took a shortcut to the finish line, while Nightmare and his team were responsible for luring the enemy.

Everything was going fine, but when Kuma was taking a shortcut, he got into trouble for the first time.

As he was moving, he didn't know why his hands were shaking and he attacked the sleeping dragon nearby. This was a random boss, and it was set to spit fire at the player if disturbed, with extremely high damage. If used well, it could kill the opponent with fire, but if used poorly, it would become cannon fodder.

The problem is that there are only two of them, and there are no opponents nearby, so there is no need to provoke this dragon.

But it was no big deal, Kuma dodged well and the first fireball sprayed by the dragon missed.

However, as the fire started, the bushes were burned to the ground, and the view of this area became flat. In addition, the dragon's fire-breathing noise was quite loud, and soon the people on the glx side realized that there were two guys secretly engaging in smuggling here.

The dragon can spray as many fireballs as it wants. When the second fireball was about to be sprayed out, the dragon was still chasing Kuma. Seeing Kuma jumping left and right in an unobstructed environment where it was difficult to dodge, Pudding made a prompt decision to put down the crown, used a skill to attract hatred, pulled the dragon to his side, and then started to run away from the dragon.

Anyway, he has thick skin, so even if he fails to dodge, he can still be saved after being burned. Unlike a fragile mage, he can't withstand much damage and will die in an instant.

He is indeed very good at slipping. Even the commentator couldn't help but praise him several times: "Even though the surrounding shelters were burned, Pudiing's positioning was still excellent. The moment the fireball hit him, he chose to roll to the side and front, and got directly under the boss's feet."

The character chosen by pudding is called the Ancient Demon, who looks huge in size. However, under his operation, this huge demon turned into a flexible fat man, drilling under the belly of the dragon.

Just hold it there until the dragon's anger subsides, or wait for the opponent to come and direct the hatred towards them.

The other side sent two people over, an assassin and a nurse. The teamfight couldn't start because the other people were still having a great time fighting on the other side of the map.

It’s not a big problem. Pudding will start to attract hatred after dodging the fireball.

However, the opposing player also calculated the time well. While pudding was rolling, the opponent's nurse froze Kuma with a control, and the assassin threw several damaging skills at him, directly taking away half of Kuma's blood.

The opposing assassin then threw another knockback, pushing Kuma towards the dragon.

The timing was perfect, just when the dragon was about to spit out the last fireball, and also when Pudding had rolled to the other side and had no time to come back to help Kuma block the damage.

Kuma fell to the ground.

There was an uproar on the field.