You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 40: My favorite cub


Shen Yanming wanted to quietly ask He Changkong what had happened, but he turned his head suddenly and happened to touch He Changkong's finger.

So he got poked in the face.

He Changkong quickly retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted, not knowing where to look, and finally he looked down at his fingertips. Shen Yanming looked thin, but he was still a young sapling in adolescence, between a boy and a man, and his face was still a little fleshy. When He Changkong touched it just now, it felt soft, and the touch seemed... okay.

Even more fun than cat ears.

But poking someone in the face is a bit too much.

Shen Yanming said casually: "Brother, what are you doing? Do you want to make a dimple for me?"

He Changkong: “…No.”

Shen Yanming didn't care much. He leaned half of his body against He Changkong, put his head close, and whispered in He Changkong's ear: "What happened between Ding Dingjiang and Meng Yan?"

He Changkong moved to the side unnaturally: "Stand up straight."

Shen Yanming stood up reluctantly: "Okay. You really look like my mother. When I was in junior high school, I walked with a hunched back and my mother would pat my back from behind. Every day I heard her say 'stand up straight' and my head was buzzing."

He Changkong looked at him. His body was now straight and it seemed that his hunchback was made by his mother.

"Also pay attention to your sitting posture during training... Let's talk outside," He Changkong said as he opened the door. Shen Yanming followed him out. The two walked to a small corridor outside where few people passed by. He Changkong spoke again, "After playing those few games just now, Pudding's shoulder must be sore. I rubbed his shoulder a few times and his face didn't look good... Meng Yan saw it and told him to take time to see a doctor."

Shen Yanming's heart tightened: "I should go and take a look."

He Changkong continued, "Pudding said it was okay and that he just needed to go for some physical therapy. Meng Yan argued with him, saying that he kept repeating this, and he didn't know whether physical therapy was useful or not... Didn't he know?"

Meng Yan's original words should have been "Don't you have any idea at all?", but He Changkong was not very good at saying these things, so he changed the content when he relayed it.

"They used to quarrel like this, and in the end... you know the result," said He Changkong.

Shen Yanming made a "tsk" sound.

Physical therapy is really useless, at most it can only provide some relief at the muscle level. In Shen Yanming's memory, Pudding was unable to play in the game because of severe wear and tear of the shoulder bones. No matter how many times of physical therapy he received, it was useless for bone problems.

Shen Yanming asked: "Aren't you going to follow Meng Yan and persuade him?"

He Changkong: "Meng Yan has a good relationship with him, and he won't listen to anything Meng Yan says... And I'm not very good at persuading people, so I want to wait and see if there is any other way."

Shen Yanming smiled: "How can you not persuade others? When you talk to me, don't you always use a lot of reason?"

He Changkong was stumped by his question.

Shen Yanming smiled and said frivolously, "Is it because I am the prince's favorite child?"

He Changkong: “…”

He Changkong ignored his obviously random question and said, "Or you can go talk to Pudding. He likes you very much."

Shen Yanming: "Indeed, who wouldn't like me?"

He Changkong: “…” What’s your focus

The two of them finished their whispering outside and returned to the lounge. Pudding and Meng Yan were no longer arguing in the lounge, but just sat far away from each other. It was not that they ignored each other. It seemed that Meng Yan didn't want to pay attention to anyone, while Pudding was miserable. When he saw Shen Yanming and the others come in, he even smiled bitterly.

Coach Afeng and Kuma were caught in the middle and were obviously in a dilemma.

Shen Yanming came in with a giggle and squeezed next to Pudding: "Brother Ding Ding, do you want to dye your hair?"

He Changkong thought Shen Yanming was going to persuade Pudding to see a doctor, but he didn't expect the topic to jump so quickly. Others were also quite shocked. After all, the atmosphere in the lounge was not good at the moment, but Shen Yanming invited people to dye their hair as if nothing had happened

Pudding was also taken aback by the question: "Is it so sudden?"

Shen Yanming shook his index finger and said seriously, "It's not sudden. I've wanted to say this for a long time. The skirts I usually wear are all gorgeous and beautiful. They are really ordinary with black hair. If you dye your hair pink or some gay purple, wouldn't that look good?"

In fact, Pudding usually wears wigs of different colors according to the clothes she wears. She has wanted to dye her hair for a long time, but she thought it was too troublesome and she didn't have the time. When Shen Yanming mentioned it, she was actually a little tempted.

Meng Yan said coldly: "What's that feeling? The feeling of being a killer?"

Pudding was scolded by Meng Yan all night. He was originally happy because he won the game, but who knew that he didn't get any praise at the end, but heard Meng Yan scolding him for not taking care of his body. Although he knew that the other party was doing it for his own good, no one could feel good after being scolded, so he was still a little emotional. He couldn't hold it in any longer: "Don't you even care about my hair dyeing?"

Meng Yan was choked: "Who cares about you, do whatever you want."

After saying that, he took his things and left the lounge.

Others: “…”

Pudding twisted the hem of his team uniform with his fingers, and said in a sullen tone: "Who the hell doesn't know to see a doctor... Why are you so fierce?"

Shen Yanming was also somewhat at a loss. He had originally asked Pudding to dye his hair just to find an opportunity to talk about this matter. Although his shoulder injury did not seem to affect his training and competition, all physical injuries are accumulated over time. If you don't take it seriously when it's still small, it will be ruined in the future. Putting aside factors such as the team and the competition, as a friend, Shen Yanming also hopes that Pudding can be healthy.

But he is really not good at dealing with two quarreling people!

Fortunately, Pudding seemed to be back to normal the next second. He stood up and pointed at the others: "You guys, go have some supper, and remember to pack some for me. I'm going to make a Shamatte hairstyle with Luanjiang."

Coach Afeng also stood up: "Come on, let's go eat barbecue. You played well today. You all worked hard... Kong, give Meng Yan a call."

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Yan opened the door and came in again: "No need to fight, I want to eat roasted eggplant."

Everyone: “…” So this guy went out in a rage and ended up eavesdropping outside the door

Meng Yan bumped into Pudding again and said, "What should I pack for you?"

Pudding also smiled: "It's all right, just leave some leftovers for me."

Meng Yan: "You stupid idiot."

pudding: "You attacked me personally."

Meng Yan: "I tell the truth."

"Okay, okay, let's go dye our hair. It'll be too late if we wait until the barbershop is closed," Shen Yanming said as he pushed the pudding out. When he passed by He Changkong, he winked at him a few times, "I want to dye my hair too. Ding Ding, what color do you think I should dye it?"

Pudding raised an eyebrow: "You actually wanted to dye it yourself, right? You said it as if it was specifically for me to do it."

Shen Yanming said confidently: "Yes! I couldn't dye my hair at school before, but I really want to be a cool Shamatte..."

They came here with the team's minibus, but now they have to take a taxi if they want to go alone. Sitting in the car, Shen Yanming replied to He Changkong's message - He Changkong asked him what he wanted to eat, and he listed a bunch of dishes - while still bringing up the topic of Pudding's quarrel with Meng Yan.

Shen Yanming asked: "Ding Ding, why don't you want to see a doctor?"

I thought pudding was resisting because he was afraid of knowing the seriousness of the problem after reading it, but unexpectedly pudding said: "I have read it before."

Shen Yanming: "...Ah?"

"My shoulder is not like this because of too much training. I usually take good care of it, so it won't be strained to this extent. Besides, I play the tank position, so I don't have as much pressure as you guys," Pudding explained, "... I had some man-made injuries on my shoulder before I joined the team."

Meng Yan didn't know this either. Sometimes people are just very strange. They can't tell the truth to their better friends, and they find it difficult to say anything. However, they can speak freely to new friends they just met.

"I won't go into the details of what happened, and you shouldn't tell them anyway," Pudding continued after applying a patch. "The doctor said that I need surgery to be completely cured, but you know, I don't know how long the recovery period will be. If I don't practice for a day, my feel will be much worse when playing this game, not to mention that I've been away for such a long time... And I don't think it's a big problem. After all, situations like today are relatively rare. If I feel uncomfortable normally, physical therapy can relieve it. I don't want to leave the team at this time."

Shen Yanming could understand it. In fact, it was not just pudding. As far as he knew, there were many players who played with injuries. They just didn't want to leave the field. They said they could continue to play after they were cured, but everyone knew how many people couldn't keep up after they came back from treatment.

So many people procrastinate as much as possible.

But Shen Yanming knew that if Pudding didn't go to see the doctor, he would really not be able to play in a few months.

If you are willing to seek treatment, at least there is still a chance.

How can I convince him

They randomly searched online for nearby hair salons with good reviews. The ride was not far, and they didn't talk too much about this topic before they arrived. The two got out of the car and entered the store, where the enthusiastic Tony teacher quickly came to greet them.

Probably because it wasn't the weekend and it was quite late, there were surprisingly few people in the store.

Teacher Tony is also a gamer. He didn’t quite recognize Shen Yanming, but he recognized Pudding. He couldn’t hide his excitement at the moment: “Pudding! What kind of head do you want to make? I’ll give you a discount! I really like you guys tmm! Although my favorite is XXL, XXL! Forever the God!…”

Shen Yanming was speechless after hearing this. Although they were a team of brothers, they would have been happier if Teacher Tony hadn't said the second half of the sentence.

Pudding laughed twice and said, "I want to dye my hair."

So Teacher Tony handed each of them a notebook with various colorful letters on it.

Shen Yanming also recorded a short video while flipping through the pages, and sent it to He Changkong after finishing it.

[Shenbird]: Gege, which color do you think suits me

[kong_]: Do you really want to dye it

[Shenbird]: Dye it! How about this silver one? I can cosplay Little White Wolf directly.

[kong_]: Damage to hair

[Shenbird]: [The dog is unhappy.gif]

[kong_]: You have fair skin, so you should look good with light-colored hair

[Shenbird]: Good vision [thumbs up.gif]

Shen Yanming didn't spend much time choosing before he said he wanted to dye his hair white. Most people wouldn't dare to choose this hair color, as it could turn into a disaster if they weren't careful. But Shen Yanming wasn't narcissistic, he really thought he wouldn't look ugly no matter what color he dyed his hair.

I thought pudding would also choose an exaggerated hair color, but after choosing for a long time, he chose a conventional gray-purple.

The two were taken to wash their hair, and then came down to let teacher Tony start to work on them. It took a long time, and they sat there chatting idly.

During this time, some people came into the store one after another. One or two boys who were playing games recognized them and came over to say hello.

As we were chatting, a handsome boy came over. He looked like he was at most a college student and was also here to get his hair cut. He saw pudding first, so he asked in surprise, "Are you pudding?"

Pudding was not able to move, so he responded and said to Shen Yanming, "We bumped into several fans tonight. Our team is really popular."

After saying this, Pudding didn't get a response from Shen Yanming. He squinted his eyes and took a closer look. Shen Yanming's face in the mirror seemed a little ugly.