You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 43: New name


It was rare for Shen Yanming to hesitate to speak. He almost blurted out a few questions but he pursed his lips in time to swallow them back.

There is nothing to ask. What's the point of asking this? If he were He Changkong, he would definitely put more thought into it when he knew there was a good seedling.

Let's talk about him. He was the first to win the favor of He Changkong simply because he had some strength, but he was definitely not the only one with strength, there were many people who were good at playing.

Just in the assassin position, Shen Yanming himself can list several people who will play well in the future but have not yet made a name for themselves.

Maybe He Changkong contacted other people while looking for him... This is normal. Everyone wants to have more people who play well in their team.

Obviously, this was a normal thing, but the more Shen Yanming thought about it, the more depressed he became. He thought about it and attributed it to his desire to win.

He wanted to be strong. He was not the only one who played well and impressed He Changkong.

But he hopes that one day he can be the only strong one.

Of course, it's not just about wanting his idol to look up to him, he also wants to become better and better for himself.

Shen Yanming was thinking a lot, but he didn't show it on his face: "That's great, let's see if he can pass the test then."

After all, there is still a gap between the King of Passersby and the players. Many players with high scores in the ladder may not be able to pass the individual test of the professional team. Shen Yanming's worries are not unreasonable.

He Changkong didn't think much about it: "He must be fine."

He Changkong answered so quickly and confidently that Shen Yanming was speechless again.

Well, putting aside the factors like being too competitive, to be honest, he is just a little sour.

Shen Yanming: “…” Ah, the others are not playing in the same position as you, why are you being so jealous

He Changkong looked down at Shen Yanming, who was hanging his head, and reached out to rub his hair. Because of dyeing, the hair seemed not as soft as before.


"What are you doing?" Shen Yanming said as he rubbed He Changkong's palm - the movement was extremely light, the kind that you wouldn't notice if you weren't paying attention.

Maybe the person doing this action doesn't even realize it.

He Changkong paused, took his hand back, and said after a while, "It's okay."

I saw that the puppy looked a little depressed, so I wanted to pat his head.

It's just... what is he depressed about

He Changkong asked again: "Are you still worried about Pudding?"

Shen Yanming was a little absent-minded: "...Yes."

He Changkong: "It's okay."

Unable to sit still any longer, Shen Yanming stood up and said, "Training will start tomorrow. I'll go back and take a shower and go to bed. Gege should also go early."

After returning to his room and cleaning up, Shen Yanming once again held hands with Insomnia. He first browsed Taobao and bought some things. After tossing and turning for a few times, he still couldn't fall asleep. Various thoughts rushed to his mind at this time. He thought that Pudding would probably know the severity of his injury only when he was in pain. People don't cry until they see the coffin; then he thought about how to get along with a troll teammate if he really came...

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and slipped into the training room.

It was two or three in the morning. Even the internet-addicted teenagers who worked day and night had all returned home. When Shen Yanming arrived, there was only one person left in the training room. He was still packing up and preparing to go back. When he saw Shen Yanming, he was surprised: "Why are you here at this time?"

Shen Yanming nodded: "My hands are itching to touch the keyboard."

After coming here, he also practiced with the second team several times. The coach arranged a position for him here and replaced the peripherals with the ones he usually used. However, because he just arrived and there were always other things to do, his practice time was relatively fragmented.

In fact, Shen Yanming was a little anxious. After his rebirth, most of the things he showed to others were from his previous accumulation. However, if he neglected to practice, this accumulation would gradually become nothing. After all, playing competitive sports is not entertainment, and you need to practice a lot of training for a long time to maintain your touch.

It’s a waste of time to lie around with your eyes open when you can’t sleep, so you might as well use it to play games.

When he sits in front of the computer, he won't have any random thoughts.

His account was not ready yet, so he still used He Changkong's random number. The more he played, the more excited he became. He queued all night, and around seven or eight in the morning, Shen Yanming dragged his slightly tired body and prepared to go back.

The base is much quieter in the morning than at night. Even walking in the empty corridor, the footsteps are particularly clear.

Shen Yanming was drowsy thinking whether he should find something to eat before going back to sleep, but he did not put this idea into action. He floated back to the door of the villa as if in a trance, and when he was about to open the door, it opened by itself.

Shen Yanming was frightened and the sleepiness he had felt disappeared instantly.

He Changkong was seen coming out of the house in a sports suit.

Shen Yanming reacted: "Brother, are you going for a run?" It must be said that He Changkong has very strong self-control. There shouldn't be many e-sports players who can persist in exercising. Many bases also have supporting facilities such as gyms for players, but very few people really go for exercise.

Shen Yanming thought of He Changkong's abdominal muscles and mermaid line... No wonder he has a good figure.

"Yeah," He Changkong nodded, looking at Shen Yanming's appearance, "Stay up all night?"

In fact, it is not uncommon for teenagers addicted to the Internet to stay up all night, but Shen Yanming inexplicably felt as if he had been caught by the class teacher for violating school rules and regulations. He scratched his hair: "...Yes."

He Changkong said helplessly: "You are messing around again."

Shen Yanming defended himself: "I just couldn't sleep and wanted to practice."

He Changkong glanced at him and didn't say anything more about staying up all night. He just said, "Go back to sleep. The coach needs us for something this afternoon."

Shen Yanming nodded and watched He Changkong trot out. He walked back to his room slowly after he could no longer see him.

I slept until I was woken by something pressing on me.

Shen Yanming dreamed that he was breaking a stone on his chest. After a few pieces were broken, he could not bear it anymore, so he opened his eyes and found Meng Yan and Pudding were playing Jenga with pillows in his room - using his upper body as a platform for the game.

When he came back, he was probably too sleepy and didn't close the door tightly. He changed his clothes and fell asleep, which gave the two criminals an opportunity to take advantage of him.

Seeing Shen Yanming open his eyes, Meng Yan shouted: "Wake up, wake up, the young master is awake, go and call the master-"

Shen Yanming: “…”

He was still a little confused after waking up, but even so, Shen Yanming did not forget to cooperate: "Where is this place? Who am I?"

Meng Yan pinched his throat and said, "Oh, is the young master stupid?"

Shen Yanming: "You are stupid."

Pudding was speechless at the two drama queens, and took out the pillow and pressed it on Shen Yanming, "Get up, get up, it's time for the meeting."

Shen Yanming: “Meeting?” After asking, he remembered what He Changkong said in the morning that the coach was looking for them, and then he suddenly realized.

He sat up and the covers slid away from him, revealing the big-eared cinnamon dog pattern on his pajamas.

pudding: "Ah, is this how Da Meng 1 dresses?"

Shen Yanming: “…My mom bought it!! = =+” Since he didn’t wear pajamas outside, Shen Yanming didn’t care.

Meng Yan and Pudding said, "You are still wearing a skirt, why do you care what Da Meng1 wears?"

Shen Yanming: “…” Wait, has Da Meng 1 become his new nickname so casually

Shen Yanming was watched as he quickly washed up, then was dragged to eat something, and finally entered the team's training room on time.

Coach Afeng and He Changkong were waiting there. They greeted each other and found their seats.

Ah Feng clapped his hands and got straight to the point: "Today we are mainly talking about the lineup. We have finished the first round of the regular season, and there is nothing for us to do for the time being. We can adjust the lineup before the second round of the points game starts, and then resubmit the list. After discussing with the top management, we decided to let you, Yanming, start as the assassin, and Meng Yan will replace Song Lan's previous position."

In fact, Shen Yanming had guessed that he was most likely called here to discuss this matter.

Meng Yan raised his hand: "I have no problem."

"This decision is actually very risky. Although there is still some time to practice before the points competition, no one knows how effective this lineup will be. I am not worried about Meng Yan. He used to play as a mage, and he played as an assassin to make room for Song Lan."

This is the first time I've heard of this. Shen Yanming only knew that Meng Yan played as a mage at first, and then he changed his profession and played very well, but no one remembered what he played before. It turned out that he changed his profession just to make room for others.

"But you," Afeng looked at Shen Yanming, "you had no experience in major competitions before you came here. The few times you showed us your on-the-spot reactions were indeed excellent. You are qualified to join our team, but you are only qualified. We discussed for a long time whether to let you start. Except for those who jumped directly from other teams, no other player can play in the game directly like this—Changkong... guaranteed us that you will have no problem. I want to tell you directly now that I trust him, not you. He has never recommended anyone to me like this. I hope you won't let everyone down in the future. Anyway, there are substitutes, and you can rotate them out at any time if one game doesn't work out."

Shen Yanming turned to look at He Changkong, and He Changkong also looked at him and gave him an encouraging look.

Shen Yanming's mind was full of Ah Feng's words "He has never recommended anyone to me like this"... He didn't know how He Changkong assured the coaches and others. It was definitely not a matter of just saying a few words to make them agree to him, a newcomer, starting. It was indeed too risky and easy to be criticized.

His previously restless competitive spirit seemed to have been appeased a little. No matter how good the other contestants were, none of them could make such a guarantee from He Changkong.

With that comes pressure and responsibility. It's just like what the coach said, he can't let people down.

However, the amount of pressure is just right and should be able to push him to go further.

After finishing the serious things, the smile returned to A Feng's face: "I'm not saying this to put pressure on you, anyway, just do your best."

Shen Yanming responded solemnly: "I will."

Pudding, who was sitting next to him, put his hand on his shoulder and patted him.

A Feng added: "We will discuss the specific training plan later. Now Yanming, tell me what ID you want to create. The account has been prepared. All that is left is to enter the specific information."

In order to facilitate players from all over the world to play together, the account IDs used by players to play the game are all in English. Shen Yanming thought of a few in advance, but he was not very satisfied with any of them, so he casually said: "Why not call it bird."

Others: “…” Isn’t that a bit too casual

He Changkong asked: "What about the one you thought of before?"

He Changkong should be talking about the ID that Shen Yanming used in his previous life. At that time, he was called wild.

But now that he was starting over, he didn't want to use this name anymore.

Shen Yanming scratched his head: "You said wild, that's not much different from bird."

Meng Yan: "What a mess. Although my grades are not good, I can still tell the difference between these two words. Don't just say it casually."

Shen Yanming explained: "Wild goose, wild goose, what's the difference between it and bird?"

Everyone: “…” So this is what it means.

Pudding was looking up words on his phone. He found one and held up his phone to show others, "This is it. Chaos means confusion, a mess."

Meng Yan commented: "It's OK, very noisy, the name fits the person."

Shen Yanming: "Am I that noisy?"

Pudding said, "It's called chaos. It's really noisy."

Meng Yan applauded: "Da Meng 1 has a new name."

He Changkong interrupted them: "This word is not pronounced 'noisy'..."

After saying that, he repeated the correct pronunciation.

Pudding coughed and said awkwardly: "I was misled by Yan-chan. When I was in high school, I could get over 100 points in English. It shouldn't be that bad."

Meng Yan: "It's my fault again? What's the point of having a score of over 100 in English? When I went abroad before, I could only say 'give this this and this'?"

"This name is pretty good, if Xiaoluan likes it, just use it." He Changkong didn't dwell on the pronunciation for too long, but there was a point in their conversation that really concerned him. After hesitating for a while, he still asked, "What's the meaning of Da Meng 1?"

Shen Yanming: “!!!”

Shen Yanming quickly winked at Pudding, fearing that he would bring up the joke he made last night in front of He Changkong.