You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 46: Go to bed early and get up early


Sunday was a player from the Korean region. The year Shen Yanming died, Sunday led the team to the World Championship for the first time. Shen Yanming didn't know how far the team went afterwards. After all, he was gone, so how could he know what happened next

But in any case, there are only a few teams that can enter the world championship every year. Regardless of whether Sunday made it to the top, his strength is considered quite strong. Moreover, the bw team that Sunday was in that year was also a favorite to win the championship. Judging from what He Changkong said, "He has no problem", maybe he is a real future champion.

No wonder He Changkong insisted on having this person. It turned out that he was not impressed by his performance in the random games, but he just wanted to bring a champion or quasi-champion to the team.

No wonder He Changkong said that he was not that kind of person and not a real troll.

Of course not!!!

Although Shen Yanming did not have much interaction with Sunday in his previous life, they had only fought against each other a few times and had a few training matches. But from those few contacts, he could feel that this person was quite shy and introverted. He would blush after just a few words, like a mimosa spirit.

Even though this person may have two faces, he is Korean! He just said "hello" haltingly, so how can he curse at the tenth level of Chinese? Even those who scored full marks in the Chinese language test in the college entrance examination may not curse so well.


Thinking of this, Shen Yanming was confused again. He only had a brief moment of enlightenment, and soon fell into confusion again.

The person in front of me is definitely Sunday. Although he looks like a half-grown child who has not fully grown up, his outline is almost the same as it will be in a few years.

But how did he end up here? And how did he become the best player in the national server

It’s bad enough that he’s the king of passers-by, but he’s also the famous troll king of passers-by

Shen Yanming was a little unsure again.

Because he had only heard that Liu Ritian was coming, after seeing Sunday, he also directly linked the name Ritian with sun and day. But if you think about it carefully, apart from him, there should be few people with normal brain circuits who would translate words like this.

Even if someone has the same train of thought as him, it shouldn't be sunday. How could his foreign friends know that Chinese characters are so profound and can be translated like this

Could it be that he made a mistake? In fact, Sunday is not necessarily Liu Ritian

Sunday's last name seems to be Liu. Shen Yanming thought about it and realized that his name was indeed... Liu Yunzhe

Shen Yanming's thoughts were a little confused, and as he gradually felt sleepy, he felt groggy and for a moment lost the ability to think.

He simply stopped thinking about it and decided to ask He Changkong after waking up in the afternoon.

I still have to exchange pleasantries before going back to bed.

Sunday was still looking at him in surprise, waiting for his response, "Do you know me?", so he quickly replied, "Huh? I'm memorizing words... Haha, Sunday, Monday..."

Of course Shen Yanming couldn't say that he knew him. If he knew him at this point in time, it would be a supernatural event. He was so shocked that he blurted out and called out the other person's name.

Sunday looked as if he had suddenly realized something: "My name is also Sunday, I thought..."

Shen Yanming clapped his hands: "That's just a coincidence!"

“You can’t even recite these idioms! You have to learn while playing game, game, game…” Sunday started to gesture with his hands, but it seemed that he couldn’t remember how to say the word “戏” (play) in game. He suddenly became anxious, with his whole face wrinkled. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that tears were starting to well up in his squinting eyes!

Shen Yanming was anxious for him: "Play games!"

Sunday nodded gratefully: "Yes, guys, work hard, go for it."

The staff lady next to him helped explain: "Sunday is here as an exchange student. He will go back after two years. So he refused to go to other teams when they approached him before. We drafted a short-term contract for him based on his actual situation. Kong seemed to have said something else to him, so he came here. He also has to balance his studies, so it will be more difficult. He heard you memorizing words just now, and thought you had to study and train like him..."

When Shen Yanming played a few games with Sunday before, he also saw him type a few simple phrases in the chat room, such as "Hello", "Thank you", and "Dear Chinese friend", but he thought that Sunday just learned it from somewhere, just like he could say "Aniyo". At that time, Shen Yanming had no idea that Sunday had actually been in China.

The main reason is that Sunday didn't mention it either! Maybe he did, but they weren't close, so he didn't know about it.

Shen Yanming pondered over what the staff lady said again. He seemed to be able to make some clear things up: "So Sunday is really the Liu Ritian?"

Sunday understood this and nodded.

The staff member smiled and said, "I didn't expect that his online appearance is so different from his real appearance."

Shen Yanming had originally planned to ask He Changkong about this after meeting him, but since the issue had already been raised, Shen Yanming simply asked the person involved directly: "Excuse me, why did you choose the name Ritian? Do you know what Ritian means?"

"What is Maomei?" This sentence was a bit long. It took Sunday a while to understand it and explained, "Ritian, it's Sun&Day. It was created by my Chinese friends."

Shen Yanming: “…” It turns out there really are people whose train of thought is as weird as his.

Shen Yanming scratched his hair, wanting to ask, "Then what happened to you arguing with someone online?" But they were not familiar with each other, and asking for his name just now was a bit offensive, and asking this again would be too abrupt.

Anyway, we will know what is going on sooner or later when we play together.

After a few simple words, Shen Yanming stopped talking nonsense. He wanted to go back to sleep for a while. In addition to the intention of racing against time to get some sleep, he was also afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would run into the head teacher... No, he would run into the early-rising flight attendant. They also had some formalities to complete on Sunday, so they didn't talk much either. They said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways.

Shen Yanming twisted his neck and walked through the corridor humming the game BGM. He had a safe journey. But before he could relax, he turned a corner and saw He Changkong leaning against the wall looking at him.

It looked as if he was deliberately being squatted here.

It's love at the corner.

"..." Shen Yanming laughed dryly twice, "Brother, why are you silent?"

He Changkong stared at him, his face seemed emotionless, and his tone was indifferent: "If there was a sound, would you have taken a detour?"

Shen Yanming smiled apologetically, "No way, how could it be possible? I miss you all the time every day. You are the person I want to see the most. I have no intention of hiding from you at all."

He Changkong ignored his glib words: "All night till now?"

Shen Yanming immediately shook his head: "I got up early."

He Changkong: "Let's go, let's go train."

Shen Yanming: “…” I’m going to die.

He seriously thought about the possibility of holding on a little longer, but if he didn't go to bed now, he would have to wait until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening...

It's not impossible. Shen Yanming hesitated for a moment, then said, "Let's go."

"Why are you leaving?" He Changkong said, "Xiao Luan, I noticed that you are a little..."

Shen Yanming: "...A little bit?"

He Changkong's face, which rarely insulted others, uttered three unpleasant words: "You're stupid."

Shen Yanming: “???”

He Changkong ruffled Shen Yanming's hair and said, "You think I don't know that you do this every day? There are records of you logging in and out, and you can find out everything by checking the game information."

Shen Yanming: “…” I was careless.

He Changkong added: "I want to see how long you want to continue acting."

Shen Yanming's acting was really deliberate. When the others evacuated from the training room at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, he followed them. By the way, he sent a message to He Changkong, saying some pretentious remarks such as "That's all for today. I've gained a lot. Good night."

It looked as if he had really fallen asleep at that moment.

It turns out that He Changkong knew everything!

Shen Yanming lowered his head and stared at the pattern on the floor, and said guiltily: "Brother, I was wrong."

As he spoke he held out his hand, palm facing upward.

He Changkong didn't understand what was going on. He only heard Shen Yanming ask in a tentative tone: "How about you hit my palm?"

"..." He Changkong sighed softly, always feeling that in Shen Yanming's mind, he was like an elder who was difficult to get along with. He was three years older than Shen Yanming, but not thirty years old. Staying up all night was not a big deal in his eyes. It was just that he felt that doing so for a long time was really bad for the body, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

He Changkong said: "It's not a bad thing to want to practice more. I don't mean to criticize you."

Shen Yanming quietly withdrew his hand.

He Changkong thought for a moment and said, "Actually, if you go to bed early at night and get up at the same time as me in the morning, the practice time should be about the same."

Shen Yanming realized it later: "... It seems to make some sense, why didn't I think of it before?"

He Changkong: “…” It’s true that he’s a bit naive.

Shen Yanming looked enlightened, and then he thought of something else: "And this way I can have you all to myself in the morning!"

He Changkong: "…Okay."

"Brother, I love you so much~" Shen Yanming rushed over and hugged He Changkong, "Hahaha, then I will not only solo with you for two hours at night, but also in the morning. Even if we don't solo, we can still play passionately in a duo. It's so exciting just thinking about it. How can it be so exciting?"

This hug was so sudden that He Changkong's body stiffened for a moment, but Shen Yanming soon let go of his hand with a smile, and stood back to where he was just now, shaking his head, looking like he had encountered some great joy.

He Changkong looked unnatural: "Then from now on... go to bed early and get up early."

"Of course, of course," Shen Yanming smiled brightly, looking up, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, "By the way, that Liu Ritian just came, why didn't you tell me that he was Sunday?"

He Changkong was a little absent-minded: "Yes, I plan to go look for him... You go back to sleep, I'll go over first."

He was quite normal just now. He was thinking about whether he should persuade Shen Yanming to have a regular schedule, but he was thrown into a trance by an unexpected hug. When he was with other teammates and friends, physical contact was inevitable, but it was limited to patting each other on the shoulder. Hugs were only forced to hug each other after winning the championship. He has always been cold and kept a distance from others. Even if he wanted to try to communicate with everyone now, he had never been hugged like this.

In addition to that hug, those few sweet words that were still full of Shen Yanming's characteristics were also buzzing in his mind.

Like a rushing tide, it beat against the rocks in his heart.

He felt something strange that he couldn't explain. It wasn't a feeling of dislike, but he just seemed to be unable to get along with Shen Yanming freely all of a sudden.

So he sent Shen Yanming back to sleep, wanting to wait until it was quiet and then find a place where no one was around to sort it out.

However, Shen Yanming did not think this was the case.

Shen Yanming watched He Changkong leave in a hurry and said "tsk". He thought that He Changkong really valued Liu Ritian. Before they could finish their conversation, He Changkong sent him away.

Well, what else can I do? I can only forgive him.