You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 54: My nanny


Just do it.

In fact, after Shen Yanming shouted that, the nanny on the other side was no longer alone, because his teammates quickly rushed over. The nanny, who was still able to survive, took the opportunity to slip behind her teammates, intending to use the cover to pull up the assassin who had just died.

The damage bonus buff of the Wind Archer will last for a few seconds. With a tank and a mage blocking the nurse, Shen Yanming rushed forward directly.

It was equivalent to rushing into the enemy's encirclement.

The opponent's attack skill hit Fengshe directly without any buffer. This fragile character couldn't withstand the damage, and the green health bar quickly turned red.

The commentator who was originally full of praise for Shen Yanming's operation just now was also a little confused: "I can understand Chaos's desire to take away glx's nurse Bored in one go, but his behavior is still a bit radical..."

After all, if he used a character with more health, everyone might have bet that he could take the nurse away as well.

But looking at the current situation, Fengshe’s health has reached the bottom before he even reaches the nurse.

And in order to retain the skill, this wind shot has almost no counterattack during the movement.

The other viewers and netizens who were watching the live broadcast, whose impression of Shen Yanming had just improved a little, were also worried.

- I feel like I'm on a roller coaster right now

-I'm broken, stop messing around, bro

-Do you remember the exhibition match? At that time, Luanzi was called up by Yu to fight. It was a good start, but he insisted on rushing in and giving up... Although he turned the tables in the end, I wonder if this guy is used to getting carried away when the wind is going his way.

-Steady, steady, ball ball

-King Kong should be able to handle it!!

Just when everyone thought Feng She was going to die gloriously, He Changkong's Moon Envoy quickly put a shield on Feng She and controlled the mage almost without any pause.

The opposite nanny is still chanting the resurrection skill - the resurrection skill takes a long time to chant. During the chanting process, the nanny dare not move, and the tank stands in front of her.

Shen Yanming moved around and Meng Yan behind him lured the tank over.

Shen Yanming interrupted the nurse's casting with a normal attack, and the nurse failed to revive, so she decided to fight to the death with Shen Yanming.

Although the amount of milk from the Moon Envoy is not large, it is almost non-stop, one mouthful after another, and Fengshe's health has been kept in a precarious but not dead state.

Commentary: "This is not a fluke. Kong's calculation of health is so accurate that it is terrifying... Chaos used up the remaining half of his combo, and Nightmare rushed over. Kong was able to give Nightmare an instant cast buff in such a tight time. Without the casting limit, Nightmare and Chaos beat Bored without any chance of fighting back."

The screen shows that tmm_chaos has gotten another kill.

The audience was excited.


-Who said that Brother Luanzi is brave but not wise? ! Come out and get beaten!

-Isn’t it just being brave but not wise? If Kong hadn’t healed him, wouldn’t he have been doomed in this game

-Did some people get the premise wrong? It's obvious that Luanluanzi knew that Kong could heal him, so he dared to let him go like this. This wave seems to be a mess, but if you think about it carefully, Meng Yan and the two of them also cooperated very well. None of the team members felt that they were in a hurry. Obviously, they decided to play like this after discussing it? ?

- Damn!! This is what a team game should be like!!! Every team member can play a stronger role than when they play alone, this is the real one plus one is greater than two!!

-What if there is a mistake

-But there were no mistakes? ? They just mastered every step, they are so awesome

-Never mind! Tmm awesome!

-What the hell, what are you looking at pudding doing

The team battle here was in full swing, and Pudding had already traveled across the entire map by himself. Without anyone noticing, he had already picked up the crown and was walking leisurely towards the finish line.

It turned out that there were other people chasing and intercepting pudding just now. Pudding, a weak, helpless and pitiful tank except for his strength, relied on the buff given by random events to resist for a long time. When the war started at the bottom of the map, several enemies ran to the team battle. Normally, pudding should also join in, but he didn't. He turned around and started his own free journey.

If the players' voice messages are made public, everyone will hear that their team's statements were very fragmented.

Shen Yanming on this side: "Brother, hold my milk, hold my milk, can you squeeze more? Can you give me another blowjob? Ah, I'm almost dead... Ah, I'm alive again."

Pudding was humming a song: "I'm alone~ eating, traveling~ walking around~"

Shen Yanming was still yelling: "My buff is almost gone!!! Ahhh!"

He Changkong said calmly: "It's okay, just go ahead, don't be afraid."

Pudding changed the song: "You have seen many beautiful scenes~ and many beautiful women~ You are lost in every short moment on the map~"

Meng Yan interrupted this man's self-indulgent concert: "Ding Jiang, don't get lost. Did you steal the crown?"

Pudding: "Speak properly, what do you mean by stealing? Victory is just around the corner, I will show you the scenery on the throne."

Keep your word and win the first game smoothly.

When the word "Victory" floated up in the center of the screen, Shen Yanming hurriedly took off his headphones, went straight to He Changkong, stretched out his hands to hug his upper body, and nudged his head on He Changkong's right shoulder.

"Brother, I really love you so much." Shen Yanming's tone was filled with unconcealed excitement.

Even if he acted confident before going on stage, there was always the possibility of accidents in the competition, and he would not be confident if he did not win. Now he not only won the first game, but also won beautifully. Shen Yanming's heart was finally able to settle down.

I felt calm but also couldn't help but feel excited.

Pudding tucked her hair behind her ears and said, "What? I stole the crown and the fruits of victory. Why don't you love me?"

Shen Yanming turned around and said perfunctorily: "Please step back for a moment, and we'll make love later."

Then Shen Yanming said to He Changkong: "Really... I have always wanted to try some dangerous operations on the court, but no one can cooperate with me."

He Changkong was hugged suddenly. He was startled at first, not knowing where to look, so he could only stare at Shen Yanming's hair. The hair that was dyed a while ago had grown some new black parts.

"You always like to mess around." He Changkong said.

He Changkong blurted out these words after such a long time. Shen Yanming was holding him back, but now he loosened his hands. He still squatted in front of him, propped up one side of his face to look at him, and smiled so hard that his teeth were almost exposed: "Yes, I like to mess around... I'm really so happy! Although the fight is not over yet, I can't be too happy too early, but I am... really happy."

Looking at Shen Yanming like this, a void in He Changkong's heart seemed to be strangely filled.

He Changkong thought so.

Perhaps since a long time ago, before he realized it, he wanted to see such a pure and bright smile on Shen Yanming's face. It was not an instinctive smile because of seeing something funny, nor was it a social smile to deal with others, but a smile that came from the heart after being truly comfortable and getting what he wanted.

He wanted to see such a smile, so he did things he had never thought of.

After finally seeing it... He still wanted to protect that smile.

So he wanted to fight side by side with Shen Yanming countless times again, not just on the field.

There were some things he couldn't figure out, but at least one thing was certain -

"I also... like to mess around." He Changkong said softly.

The other two teammates opened the door and went out. The noise from outside poured into the originally closed player room. It wasn't particularly noisy, but it was definitely not quiet either.

However, after saying those words to confirm his feelings, He Changkong felt that the whole world became silent and he could only clearly hear his own heartbeat.

It beats at the same frequency as when I secretly hugged the person in front of me at night.

He Changkong's words were double entendres, but unfortunately Shen Yanming didn't understand anything - of course, He Changkong's intention was not to let him understand anything.

But Shen Yanming actually acted as a chicken soup master. As soon as he opened his mouth, He Changkong was pulled back into the bustling world.

Shen Yanming said clearly: "Yes, there are no so many rules and regulations. Break the boundaries and surpass imagination. I can do whatever I want. It's so cool... But I didn't have this condition before. If someone else milked me today, I would definitely die quickly..."

He Changkong laughed: "Okay, get up, stop squatting, and go back to the lounge. And..."

Shen Yanming stood up, looked at the coach waiting on the side, and before walking out, he tilted his head and asked, "Anything else?"

Thinking that He Changkong was going to say something serious, Shen Yanming pricked up his ears to listen, but he ended up hearing him say, "It's time to recolor your hair."

Shen Yanming: “…”

The game was played in a bo3 format. After a short break and tactical adjustments, the players returned to the court.

I don’t know what glx’s mentality was, but they still banned White Wolf in this game. However, in terms of their own character selection, they picked more characters that could be used to target the combination of Wind Shooter + Moon Messenger.

However, Shen Yanming didn't use the wind shot at all in the next round.

TMM has changed to a lineup that we rarely see them use.

In fact, this is also intentional. The first time the new assassin comes on the field, he wants to show off. It is best to let everyone know that their new assassin Chaos can play more than just one role, he can play any role well.

In fact, they did it. All the people who had looked down on him, including ordinary players and all the teams that were going to compete against them, had their ideas more or less shaken.

When the first game ended, many people silently deleted the words that had cursed Shen Yanming, but some people were still waiting and watching.

When Shen Yanming controlled another rarely seen character in the second game and got the most kills in the whole game, more and more people switched from the wait-and-see zone to the support zone.

… It doesn’t matter if my face hurts, whoever is stronger is the boss.

The second game was much slower than the first. The opponent had suffered a loss before, and this time no one from TMM had any chance to sneakily take away/smuggle the crown. They also behaved more cautiously in the specific laning phase, and their operations were much sharper than before.

However, after a stalemate of dozens of minutes, TMM still won the victory.

tmm 2:0 glx wins.

After winning the second game, Shen Yanming was not as excited as before. After high-fiving his teammates, he was pulled to the interview area by the staff.

The hostess first asked a lot of questions related to the competition, which were basically clichés, and Shen Yanming answered them fluently.

The last question was nothing special. The host asked: "You have achieved such a good result in your first performance. Have you thought about how to reward yourself?"

Shen Yanming thought for a moment and said, "Go dye your hair."

The host was confused: "Huh?"

Shen Yanming bent down and pointed to the top of his head to the host: "My flowing white hair needs a color touch-up."

Host: “… Indeed.”

Shen Yanming sighed and said, "It's like a white Samoyed that accidentally fell into a mud pit, and a little black got stuck on its white fur, so the owner disliked it."

The host naturally knew the joke about Shen Yanming being the best Samoyed in the country, so she could tell that the first half of the sentence was Shen Yanming making fun of himself. But the last word "owner" made her gossip radar go wild: "Who is the owner of the Samoyed?"

Shen Yanming laughed: "My wet nurse, whoever gives me milk is my mother, you know what I mean."

host:"… "

The manager who was watching the live broadcast on the big screen off the court said: "Quickly pull this kid down who can only talk nonsense!"

The interview did not last too long. Shen Yanming chatted with the host for a few more words and then left.

On the way back to the lounge, I bumped into someone.

It was Zhuo Minxing, the gay guy who had caused his career to end in 886.

I don’t know how this guy got backstage... But seeing how he’s usually so keen on being a socialite among the contestants, it doesn’t seem surprising that he could get backstage.

Enemies often meet on a narrow road, Shen Yanming thought.

Shen Yanming took out his cell phone and swiped it casually. He was really afraid that the other party would come up and say hello to him. He didn't want to pay any attention to him at all. However, there were many people here and they didn't know that he had a prejudice against Zhuo Minxing. Even Zhuo Minxing himself didn't know. If he had a bad attitude, he would probably be talked about.

But it was difficult for him to have a good face towards this person.

What you fear will come true. Zhuo Minxing held a few cups of milk tea and stood in front of Shen Yanming: "Luanluanzi! I just watched the game, and I really like your operation and you! ... Here, let me buy you a drink?"

Shen Yanming: “…”