You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 6: My wife hit me


Shen Yanming's heart is experiencing a major earthquake.

When seeing the reply, Shen Yanming's first reaction was that Kong's account had been hacked.

Why did God Kong speak for him? Do they know each other now? They are clearly two parallel lines, and these two parallel lines are a million miles apart. The two people have nothing to do with each other.

It's not like he just passed by this post and gave his opinion, right? Kong Shen is not the type who likes to come out and give advice whenever he has something to do.

Moreover, as a professional player, it is really dangerous to express opinions so rashly. If you are not careful, you will be chased and bitten by a mad dog forever.

Shen Yanming took his roommate's phone, refreshed the page, and followed the latest developments of the post.

At the beginning, it was okay. Some people in the reply still agreed with Kong's point of view. The purpose of playing games is to have fun. If you like to win, then study hard. There is nothing wrong with just playing casually to relax.

But just as Shen Yanming expected, it didn't take long before the irritable old man started to criticize Kong.

-Are you getting cocky? Do you really think you are invincible after winning the championship for two years? What are you talking about

-You are a professional player, and you can say something like "winning or losing is not important". It makes me laugh.

-I just don't like to see any noobs, all noobs should be killed by me

-The regular season is about to start. You should type less and practice more. Why are you being a life mentor? It would be a shame if you can't even make the playoffs.

The two groups quarreled even more fiercely, and the whole post was filled with chaos.

Shen Yanming felt like his heart was burning.

He didn't feel anything when he was scolded. There are always people like this in the world, and everyone has different ideas, especially those with extreme views. You can't convince them at all. Therefore, from the past to now, Shen Yanming has never paid much attention to these disputes on the Internet. You scold yours, and I live mine.

But God Kong felt a little uncomfortable because he was being criticized.

There were a few knocks on the door, and the voice of the dormitory teacher rang out: "Go back to your beds!"

Several students hurriedly dispersed, and the one holding the mobile phone quickly stuffed the prohibited item under the pillow.

Shen Yanming returned to his bed. The lights in the dormitory were off. He stared at the red light from the air conditioner indicator. He didn't know how long he had been staring at it. Then he gradually heard snoring. He was still not asleep.

His mind was full of thoughts: It’s okay to scold me, but it’s not okay to scold Kong.

In a sense, Kong is like his beacon.

It was difficult for Shen Yanming to explain why. Logically speaking, they didn't even play the same position, so it didn't make sense for him to admire a therapist so much.

It may be because he was beaten by Nasus when he was solo, but he also made rapid progress because of it, or it may be because he has always hoped to have a partner who he can trust with all his heart.

It could also be because they are somewhat alike.

In the previous life... TMM, which won two championships in a row, fell apart, went downhill, and never rose again.

But Kong still stood in the ruins of TMM. Even though he was ridiculed, looked down upon, and his age gradually lost his advantage... he refused to give up.

Obviously, he is a very strong player, and he might take off in a different environment.

But I don't know what I'm being stubborn about.

To put it nicely, I'm stubborn; to put it bluntly, I'm a bit silly.

Shen Yanming gave another silent self-deprecating laugh, but it didn't seem like that now.

Shen Yanming has given up now.

He was holding this matter in his heart, and he didn't pay attention to the class the next day - even though he didn't pay much attention in class. Fortunately, the weekend was coming soon, and the first thing Shen Yanming did when he got home was to rush to the computer again.

Sitting in front of the computer, he didn't know how to solve this problem. He couldn't log in to say anything when he saw the post, and now it's too late to say anything. It's been two days since the post was posted, and everything that should be discussed has been discussed. It would be strange to bring it up again.

As for what to say to Kong, that's even more ridiculous. Firstly, I don't have his contact information, and if I send a private message it will probably be drowned out by so many messages. Also, it would be a bit of an overreaction.

Maybe he just made the comment casually.

But this matter always seemed like a knot in Shen Yanming's heart. After thinking about it, he went to the game to find the milk but couldn't move.

[I'm messing around again]: Bro, didn't Kong God get criticized by his coach for what he said in the forum a few days ago

After leaving a message, he played by himself for a while.

Later, Nai Budong came online and replied to his message.

[My milk can’t be pumped anymore]: It’s nothing.

He Changkong was actually criticized a few times, but it was not a big deal, so he answered truthfully.

But he felt that Shen Yanming's words were a little strange. This "Kong God" didn't seem to be calling him, but seemed to be referring to a third person.

Shen Yanming came out of the game.

[I'm messing around again]: I'm fine qoq

[I'm messing around again]: I couldn't use my cell phone or go online at school before. What kind of people are these? They think they are experts after watching a few games. I am really speechless when they point fingers at God Kong. When Kong won the championship, these people were still watching Peppa Pig at home.

[My breasts can’t move anymore]: There’s no need to be angry with these people.

[I'm messing around again]: Oh, I don't know. I don't care what they say about me. I'm just thick-skinned. But I feel really bad for getting involved with Kong. Although I don't know why he said that, if you run into him, please thank him and apologize for me.

He Changkong came out, and the situation seemed to be like this. Shen Yanming believed that he was from TMM, but did not believe that he was Kong himself. He might have thought that he was someone else in TMM.

I don’t know what’s going on in this kid’s head.

He Changkong was about to explain again that he was Kong, when he heard Shen Yanming say -

[I'm messing around again]: How come Kong is so good

[I'm messing around again]: I will always love him

[I'm messing around again]: If I wasn't a man, I would ask him if he fucked a fan

He Changkong deleted the few words he had typed.

[My milk can’t move]:…

[I'm messing around again]: Hahahaha, I'm just talking nonsense

[I'm messing around again]: But I'm telling you seriously, if there really were a bunch of fans lining up to be fucked by him, I would definitely be the most eye-catching one among them. He would definitely see me first. I'm a little handsome, you know

[I'm messing around again]: I just don't know if I'd look good as a girl.

He Changkong was shocked by the fierce words.

In this situation, it would be difficult for He Changkong to admit his identity, as it might turn into a huge embarrassing scene.

He was silent for a long time before he spoke to Shen Yanming again.

[My milk can’t move]:…

[I can’t hold my milk anymore]: Kong will not have any improper relationship with his fans

[I'm messing around again]: Honey, you're so serious =. =

[I'm messing around again]: I know for sure that God Kong won't do that!

[I'm messing around again]: This is a rhetorical device, a little exaggerated, to express my love for him =. =

[My milk doesn't work anymore]: Stop talking nonsense

[My milk can’t move anymore]: So what is it that you like about him

Of course, Shen Yanming couldn't say anything pretentious and prophetic. He wondered why this girl was so curious. So he made up a few words.

[I'm messing around again]: Didn't I say it before! He's good at playing games, handsome, and can study! Who can not like him!

He Changkong directly sent a link over.

[I can’t nurse anymore]: Registration address for tmm youth training camp. Participate and you will have a chance to meet your favorite kong player.

[I'm messing around again]:... You are actually the one in charge of recruiting people for the team, right?!

This has become a daily occurrence. Whenever Shen Yanming and Nai Budong play games together, after chatting for a while, the other party will try to persuade him to sign up for this youth training camp.

Shen Yanming decisively refused.

[I'm messing around again]: No.

[I'm messing around again]: Ranked

[My milk can't move]:

Shen Yanming and his cheap wife chatted for a while, and although they seemed to be laughing and joking, he actually hadn't completely vented the frustration he had been holding back for so many days. He really wanted to play a hearty game, but unfortunately he didn't have a high-ranking account, so he could only use [I'm messing around again] to bully the noobs.

His winning rate is supposed to be pretty high, but in order to maintain the illusion that he is a bad player, he would fake a few more games after winning a few games, winning and losing, and his rank remained at level one.

The account that couldn't be healed was promoted to a higher level.

However, when they queued together, the level of other players they matched with was not much higher.

Normally it didn’t matter, it was all just for fun... Now Shen Yanming felt it was a bit boring.

So Shen Yanming changed his mind.

[I'm messing around again]: Solo, wife

[My milk doesn’t work anymore]:

[I'm messing around again]: I want to be beaten by you [/shy]