You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 60: The three auspicious treasures


The consequences of underestimating the enemy are very serious.

If we compare horizontally, there are examples of carelessness in every field. Just looking at the e-sports circle, there are many players and teams that have been quickly eliminated because of being too arrogant. Even the invincible strong team can lose because of underestimating the enemy, let alone TR. They are not bad, but they are not strong enough to stand out from the crowd.

It may be that the victory in the previous game has greatly inflated their self-confidence. In addition, the performance of substitute Sunday is indeed consistent with what a newcomer should look like when he first enters the game - panicked and messy.

The TR team had already discovered Meng Yan in ambush. From their perspective, Meng Yan didn't seem to know that he had been exposed. Meanwhile, Sunday was still on the run. He didn't know how to hide or fight back when others hit him. He just ran away without any plan. It was really embarrassing.

Moonlight and the other team members discussed it and decided to use a similar approach as before, with two output players staying behind to quickly take out Meng Yan, and the remaining two going after Sunday.

Moonlight threw a fireball behind Meng Yan. He thought the other party wouldn't notice it so quickly, but Meng Yan dodged it easily and started to fight the two people head-on.

TR's two magic assassins' sneak attack failed, but they were not too panicked, because two against one always gives them more confidence.

However, they soon found out that they were wrong. A Luan Meime fell from the sky, and Luan Meime picked up a Little White Wolf that had not been used in many games. In the previous games, in order to break other people's inherent impression that he "only knew how to play White Wolf", he basically chose characters at random, which resulted in the opponent not banning White Wolf anymore.

Shen Yanming used his ultimate skill directly at the beginning. The damage of the ultimate skill was not high as he didn't get a kill, but the psychological deterrent effect of piercing two people with one dart was greater.

It takes a long time for others to predict when using White Wolf's ultimate move, but Shen Yanming uses it very smoothly. It is no exaggeration to say that he can kill as many people as he wants. As long as he is happy, he can even string his opponents together and make barbecue.

Sure enough, because of Shen Yanming's sudden action, the two people from TR were caught off guard and their rhythm was disrupted.

On TR's side, Moonlight looked around and didn't see anyone else. He judged: "We have broken up their formation. Kong may chase them to protect their tank. We still have a chance. Whoever we can take away is a good one."

The two sides confronted each other for a while, and TR's mage said, "We've been fooled. Kong is nearby. Chaos and Nightmare have both recovered."

Moonlight: "Nurse is back, forget about that little tank for now."

Their nanny said with a bitter face: "We can't come back!"

It turned out that Sunday encountered all the random events on the road during his escape. He took the buffs himself, and there were also some events that were unfriendly to players. Sunday seemed to be running around in a panic. At first they laughed at him for being so bad at avoiding random events. Later they found out that he did it on purpose. He triggered the event, slipped away quickly, and secretly used the hatred transfer skill. When the two people chasing him reacted, they found that they had attracted a bunch of wild bosses who were eyeing them covetously.

Sunday said proudly: "This is the Borrowed Knife Shark Man!"

Just as TR jumped, so did he collapse. People are like this. When you make a decision that is not very reasonable, if it succeeds, others will praise you for your wisdom and courage, but if it fails, it is hard to say. In the last game, other players of TR were still praising Moonlight's tactics, but now they changed their tune and started to complain: "He said he would replace him with a newbie, but now he is fooling us around. He is worse than pudding."

At least pudding as a tank is just doing some safe work like taking damage and moving bricks, but this Sunday is as radical as a mad dog. Even though random events didn't mess with them later, he was still obsessed with output, causing them a lot of trouble.

Moonlight was also quite dissatisfied, but at this moment she could only suppress the anger in her heart: "Don't talk about it yet, it's not over yet."

Moonlight had already died once, and their nanny had a hard time running back from Sunday and hurriedly resurrected Moonlight.

After I gave it to him, I realized something was wrong. Why didn't anyone interrupt him when he was casting the bar

However, their mentality is already very unstable, and they don't have time to think about so much. If they can survive, they will have combat power again.

However, Moonlight, who had just climbed up from the ground, was pierced through the heart by a dart from the little white wolf, and even the nurse behind him was pierced through the heart.

The character played by He Changkong has a sacrifice skill, which allows him to sacrifice 70% of his own health to provide a large amount of damage bonus to the output character. After Shen Yanming linked the two together, He Changkong clicked on sacrifice, and Shen Yanming used a combo to kill Moonlight again.

Moonlight wanted to hide, but Kong controlled her and pushed her away.

So Moonlight, who had just been resurrected, was forced to stand in the corner. The opponent's nurse wanted to help him release the control, but was interrupted by Meng Yan again.

However, Meng Yan grabbed the wet nurse and didn't hit him, but just circled around with him.

After Shen Yanming's combo hit Moonlight, who had nowhere to escape, Meng Yan sent the nurse to the front of Moonlight's body.

Shen Yanming was typing on the public screen.

[tmm_chaos]: Revive your teammates quickly

The entire audience fell silent.

At this point, even a fool could see that they were deliberately leaving blood for the nurse, killing Moonlight once and letting the nurse come over to revive once - it was even possible that Sunday had deliberately let the nurse go at first.

Someone in the online live broadcast room said: This is really mean, you have heard the story of Prometheus, right? Tianmi's way of dealing with Moonlight is like Zeus's way of dealing with Prometheus, letting an eagle eat his liver, then letting him recover, the liver grows back, the eagle comes to peck again, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

However, if Shen Yanming knew that someone would compare Moonlight with Prometheus who faced suffering with determination, he would definitely say that they were not worthy.

Everyone stared at Tr's wet nurse.

So will the nurse resurrect him or not

Giving it would be humiliating, and not giving it would be seen as passive competition. After all, everyone in the game is pursuing to fight to the end as long as there is a glimmer of hope.

Shen Yanming also stared at the movement on the screen, thinking, messing with the mentality? I'll show you what it means to really mess with the mentality.

The nanny still chose to resurrect Moonlight.

Shen Yanming's little white wolf has already got several kills and has accumulated enough fighting spirit. When the cooling time is up, he will use his ultimate move, and Moonlight will have no power to resist at all.

Shen Yanming shook his head: "Well, go and move the crown, I'll play here for a while."

After saying that, Shen Yanming typed another sentence on the public screen.

[tmm_chaos]:Can you still revive

Moonlight hammered hard on the keyboard.

There is no doubt that TMM won this game. There was no suspense in the last round of the Bo3.

After coming back from a 1-0 deficit, TMM got another point in the points race.

However, their performance in the second game was so terrible that many people even questioned whether TMM's actions were considered to mess with the opponent's mentality.

Especially the fans of TR, some of them immediately questioned the organizing committee, saying that TMM used bad tactics and Chaos also mocked them on the public screen, and they should be punished.

Shen Yanming was not afraid of them getting angry, as it was impossible to judge them as wrong in this situation.

First, the nurse resurrected moonlight, but moonlight still failed to seize the opportunity and died one after another. This was because he was not as skilled as others, not cheating.

Secondly, what Shen Yanming typed on the public screen did not contain any swear words, nor did he belittle his opponent. Although anyone with a little emotional intelligence could see that he was being sarcastic, Shen Yanming was able to insist that he was just asking a question.

If a team member dies, the nanny should resurrect him. What happened


The one who was pulled to the post-match interview this time was Sunday. He spoke plastic Mandarin and was easily shy around strangers. It was not known whether he could express himself well. Shen Yanming was worried about him and went with him. The others went back to the lounge first.

After Shen Yanming and Sunday finished performing crosstalk in front of the host and returned, they saw coaches Afeng and Meng Yan sitting on the left and right next to Pudding, like left and right protectors.

Pudding's eyes were red, and he looked like he had been crying. When he saw the remaining two teammates coming in, he raised his head and smiled at them with his tear-stained face. Shen Yanming went over to pat Pudding's shoulder, then walked to He Changkong and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

He Changkong explained: "They chatted for a while."

Shen Yanming didn't ask any more questions, probably because they talked about something that hurt them. This wasn't a bad thing, anything that could be said was good, but Shen Yanming was more afraid of pudding, so he kept it to himself.

Meng Yan stood up: "The coach and I will accompany Ding Jiang back home first."

Sunday said weakly, "I want to go too."

Meng Yan stopped him: "Don't go, kid. A big bad wolf will eat you."

Sunday got bolder and rolled his eyes at his brother: "I'm sixteen, not three, thank you."

Shen Yanming didn't know the cause and effect, so he simply guessed that Pudding's bad condition today was related to his family, and the coach and Meng Yan should also go over to help solve it. Sunday was naturally kind, but since they had a plan, it would be better not to disrupt them.

So Shen Yanming pulled Sunday over and said, "Tianjiang, to celebrate your amazing performance in your first game, I'm going to take you out to eat..."

Sunday's squinty eyes instantly lit up: "Eat the forest demon!"

Shen Yanming also curled his eyes: "McDonald's Happy Meal."

Sunday: "…"

That’s fine, Sunday thought.

It was just that McDonald's was crowded, so they finally ordered McDelivery after returning to the base. They bought a Happy Meal and got a toy as a gift, saying it was for Sunday to play with, but Shen Yanming opened it himself and had a lot of fun.

They sat at the table in the dining room on the first floor of the villa, Shen Yanming and He Changkong sat on one side, and Sunday sat opposite them.

"We three look like a family of three," Sunday took a bite of the Filet-O-Fish burger, swallowed it, and started singing "Three Lucky Treasures," "Dad is like the sun shining on Mom~"

"What do you mean by a family of three? I am your father?" Shen Yanming asked again, "Can you sing this song?"

He Changkong: “…”

"I know a lot," Sunday said proudly, and then added, "Dad Kong, Mom Luan, the three of us are a lucky and prosperous family~"

Shen Yanming didn't know why he felt awkward, and didn't even dare to turn around to look at He Changkong. He could only bluff and say, "You got it wrong!"

"Kerosene is wrong," Sunday took another bite of the burger and swallowed it slowly, ignoring Shen Yanming's rebuttal. He thought of something else, and his expression suddenly became a little depressed, "I am very happy today, but Ding Ding Hiong is not happy, and I am not happy either."

After hearing this, Shen Yanming also sighed.

"That moonlight is not a good guy." Shen Yanming said.

He told He Changkong and Sunday about the cheating scene he had witnessed with Pudding before.

"Pudding, his cousin is a gossipy guy. He said that some people suspected Moonlight was gay before. Unfortunately, our video is not conclusive evidence. If we want to prove him, we need to find more evidence... But I have a plan," Shen Yanming said as he opened the app store on his phone, entered an application name and started downloading new software. "I plan to conduct a sting operation."

He Changkong asked: "How do you conduct fishing enforcement?"

Shen Yanming said seriously: "I heard that gays like to hook up on this app. I'll register an account and see if I can find him. I'll send him some pictures and ask him about his well-being every day. From time to time, I'll say something like 'Brother, I miss you so much' or 'Brother, you're so awesome, I like you so much'. When he takes the bait, I'll..."

Before he could finish speaking, He Changkong held down Shen Yanming's hand as he was about to register a new user.

"No," He Changkong said with a dark face, "Let Meng Yan come."