You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 66: You can hold hands


Shen Yanming stole a light kiss that didn't look like a kiss. If you want to be serious, it was just a brief skin contact. That was all. Looking back, he felt like a perverted pervert, as if he had done something bad. His heart was beating like a drum, and he felt annoyed and blamed himself for being too impulsive.

Is Kong Ge asleep? I think Kong Ge is asleep.

He didn't know how long he had been holding the quilt, and he vaguely heard a sigh.

"Aren't you bored?" He Changkong said, reaching out and gently prying Shen Yanming's face open, trying to dig his head out of the quilt.

Shen Yanming: “!!!”

Shen Yanming, who usually talks nonsense, suddenly got stuck: "Brother... you, you, you didn't sleep."

He Changkong responded: "Yeah."

Shen Yanming: "Um, I... I..."

He hesitated for a long time, but failed to say a complete sentence. He Changkong pulled the child, who was so nervous that he was as tense as a steel plate, over to him, patted his back first, and then naturally held him in his arms: "Sleep."

In fact, he was also nervous. He had just gone through a long psychological struggle. At first, he was not sure whether Shen Yanming did this action when he was awake or kissed him unconsciously like before when he was asleep. He did not move, and observed the movements of the person next to him for a while, and found that the other party was not asleep at all.

Shen Yanming was sober, and Shen Yanming kissed himself.

After realizing this, on that silent autumn night, He Changkong's heart exploded with the rumbling sound of spring thunder.

Normally, he could explain Shen Yanming's actions as his personality. Even though he was often teased and felt uneasy, he could only keep a calm appearance. But this time was different. He thought that no matter how frivolous a person was, he would not kiss a friend secretly in the middle of the night, unless he had some quirk.

But he had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing. Emotionally, he was a complete blank slate. He thought for a long time whether he should dress in accordance with the rules or what to do... But Shen Yanming had been buried in the quilt, and he was indeed afraid that the child would feel uncomfortable. After struggling for a long time, he could not help but speak out to remind him.

Shen Yanming: “Hmm.”

He Changkong rubbed Shen Yanming's head: "What's wrong?"

Shen Yanming leaned on He Changkong's chest: "...Brother, your heart is beating so fast."

He Changkong: “…” He failed to pretend to be calm.

Shen Yanming muttered again: "Me too, I feel like it's about to jump out, how could this happen."

"I don't know." He Changkong's tone remained flat, but his breathing seemed heavier in the silence. "Go to sleep."

Shen Yanming: "... Just slept like this?"

He Changkong: "Well, close your eyes."

Shen Yanming nodded: "Okay."

Shen Yanming closed his eyes obediently, but he couldn't fall asleep. The aftereffects of the kiss were still there, and he was still in a strange state of wakefulness. He was indeed discovered, but He Changkong didn't say anything and was still hugging him. What did he mean? Was it what he thought

If that's what he meant... That's it? That's it

He didn't know when he fell asleep. The next day, when Shen Yanming woke up, He Changkong was not in the room. He tidied himself up and sat obediently beside the bed, waiting for He Changkong to come back and call him after exercising.

Not long after, He Changkong came back and said good morning as usual: "Are you done? Come on down."

Shen Yanming stared at him.

that's all

Was he dreaming last night

Shen Yanming began to doubt his life. He jumped off the bed, followed He Changkong out of the room, closed the door and went downstairs, just like usual.

This couldn't be a dream... Shen Yanming took a few steps and called He Changkong unwillingly, "Brother."

He Changkong stopped and turned to look at him.

Shen Yanming said weakly: "... Can we hold hands?"

He Changkong didn't say yes or no, he turned his head back and seemed to be going to move forward.

Shen Yanming: “!!!” No way!

But before he had time to feel disappointed, he saw that although He Changkong still didn't turn around, he put one hand behind his back and stretched it towards him with the palm facing up.

After a while, seeing no movement, He Changkong clenched his palms.

Shen Yanming bit his lower lip and put his hand on it. He Changkong immediately shook his hand back.

In fact, it is very inconvenient to go up and down the stairs like this, and the two of them almost moved downstairs slowly.

They led him downstairs and to the cafeteria. They sat face to face while eating, their hands still dragging under the table, swaying. It was also early in the morning, and there was almost no one in the base, so they dared to be so arrogant.

It was also inconvenient to eat with one hand, and it took me twice as long as usual to finish breakfast.

So much so that by the time they arrived at the training room it was already a little late.

Sitting in front of the computer, Shen Yanming finally pulled his hand out reluctantly: "I'm going to play games."

The tone sounded somewhat sad.

As soon as their hands separated, Shen Yanming began to recall. When he first held Kong Ge's hand, it was still dry. Soon, it seemed to be sweating. If it was winter, it should be very warm to hold it.

He Changkong chuckled: "Don't want to fight?"

Shen Yanming sat up straight: "I want to play, I want to play. Nothing is more important than playing games. Stop talking nonsense and log in."

Fortunately, Shen Yanming does have one advantage. No matter how distracted his thoughts were before, as long as he enters the game, he can start the game without distraction.

They played until lunch time, when Meng Yan pulled Sunday to sit next to them. He then made eyes at the other two people who had just arrived at the cafeteria and sat down.

Shen Yanming didn't understand for a moment: "What's wrong with Yanjiang? Did your eyes cramp?"

"Fuck you," Meng Yan handed over the phone, "Take a look at the group."

Shen Yanming didn't look at him. He took out his own phone and opened the group chat suspiciously. He found that Pudding had just said that he had sent out the Weibo post exposing Moonlight, and when he sent it, the text was hypocritically written as "fan submission".

Liu Ritian's account had quite a few fans to begin with, and pudding also circled a number of marketing accounts in the circle, melon-eating bloggers, and private bloggers with relatively large personal influence. This Weibo post was forwarded a considerable number of times not long after it was sent out.

[Nurse Sister is the Best in the World]: You guys train well this afternoon, I will monitor public opinion, if it doesn't work I will hire some Internet trolls

[kong酱天下第一]: Ding Ding Jiang, you also buy water army

[Sister Nurse is the best in the world]: Of course

Meng Yan saw what Shen Yanming asked and explained to him: "There was a boring game account that held a boring vote, something like choosing the number one face on the throne in your heart. Your brother Ding Zi secretly hired a group of netizens to vote and got himself ranked first."

Shen Yanming: “…”

Shen Yanming turned around and glanced at He Changkong: "I think the person next to him is the first face of the throne."

Meng Yan touched his face and said, "I'm OK, too."

Sunday was still eating mechanically with his eyes closed as if he was asleep, but he suddenly jumped up after receiving a phone call: "Boss, I'm called in for a talk again."

Everyone was puzzled, and He Changkong suddenly said: "You used his account to post on Weibo, and you were exposed immediately."

At this time, several people suddenly realized that they had been sneaking around for so long, but in the end they lost because of such a detail.

Meng Yan: "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

He Changkong: "I didn't think of it before."

But Sunday was fine: "Don't worry, I have a plan~"

Shen Yanming opened his mouth and said, "You say such difficult words every day."

Meng Yan: "He likes to listen to storytellers recently, and he listens to stories with Ding Jiang every night..."

Sunday nodded heavily: "Yes, every night at twelve o'clock, NetEase Cloud Music starts!"

Shen Yanming: "… Others listen to sad songs on NetEase Cloud Music, but you listen to Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Do you understand?"

"I don't understand," Sunday said again, "Please protect my food and I'll come back next time."

"Go ahead," Meng Yan waved at Sunday, then turned to look at his two teammates who had been eating with one hand since the beginning, "What are you doing? Is your hand broken, or is this some new trend?"

The two people who were happily dragging hands under the table were both stunned. Then Shen Yanming pinched He Changkong's palm, let go of his hand, and put his hand back on the table with an awkward but polite smile on his face: "Aha."

He Changkong also lowered his head.

Meng Yan: "Something's wrong." Meng Yan looked at Shen Yanming and then at He Changkong. He intuitively felt that there was something wrong with these two people, but he stared at them for a long time and couldn't figure out anything.

I went there on Sunday and came back. He said he had given his number to someone else and didn't know anything. I was still scolded, but the leaders seemed to turn a blind eye.

He Changkong analyzed: "It's actually normal. To put it bluntly, the club wants us to win, and they definitely want to have fewer competitors. As long as we're not exposed, they don't really care."

Shen Yanming poked at the chicken in the bowl and said, "It doesn't matter whether they are our opponents or not. They can't beat us anyway."

Meng Yan: "You are so inflated."

He Changkong took out his cell phone and sent a message to Shen Yanming.

[kong_]: Good boy.

When Shen Yanming received this message, the corners of his mouth curled up again.

When they went back and trained for another afternoon and evening, when they came out of the training room, public opinion had changed drastically.

With the experience of watching other girls mess up Lan last time, Pudding was very active in posting on Weibo in the ward. At the beginning, he still only posted the chat records. As expected, the other party did not come up with any new ideas to explain that it was all photoshopped and it was absolutely a fabrication. He also took the opportunity to sell the image of a loving and good boyfriend.

Then pudding released the video. The video content matched the chat logs about the time and place of the meeting and what he was wearing. Even his teammates came out to testify anonymously that he did go out that day.

Moonlight couldn't say it was fake anymore. The harder she jumped at first, the more embarrassed she became later.

Not only people in the circle, but also people outside the circle reposted the Weibo. Because this is not just a gossip about e-sports players, but also involves the issue of homosexuals deceiving straight women, which caused a big uproar.

At first, some fans helped to speak up, and then a long-time fan came out to say something: Do you know why I stopped following him? Because he told others privately that we are clumsy and brain-dead people who know nothing and only know how to point fingers all day long. Well, I won't point fingers all day long. You guys should stop speaking up for him, he doesn't make a living from fans, your likes are worthless to him.

Of course, there is no evidence just what this old fan said, but at this critical juncture, many people still believe this rhythm. After all, this fan really helped TR to get some sponsorship and helped them find competitions when TR was still a small workshop-style team. If nothing happened, he would definitely not leave so decisively.

Then Zhuo Minxing’s ex-boyfriend also came out. He did not reveal who he was, but directly posted an intimate photo of Zhuo Minxing and moonlight on the account of Liu Ritian. After telling the story of the past, he said: He sent these pictures to me to make me angry, so there is no need to wash them, moonlight is just a gay who is cheating on marriage.

In just one night, public opinion turned around, and finally various pieces of information were revealed by different people, which directly hammered Moonlight to death.

Their club reacted pretty quickly and issued a disciplinary notice soon after. Because the circumstances were quite serious, this person was not only banned from the game but also expelled from the team.

Later, someone went to the official blog of Rizhuo Minxing School, and they also said that they would discuss and deal with the matter. But no matter what the result of the discussion is, at least this person is socially dead.

It was a turbulent night, but fortunately the only consolation was that the deceived girl looked strong. She sent a private message to Liu Ritian's account. Although she expressed her sadness, she also thanked the person who posted the message for coming forward to expose it, otherwise she would really be preparing to marry this trash.

Shen Yanming did not go back to the room, but took He Changkong for a stroll outside. While walking around, he read things on Weibo. After reading for a while, Shen Yanming got bored and put away his phone. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up at the sky: "Brother, I won him fair and square in the competition. I am very happy. I am also happy to see that he got the punishment he deserved for his wrongdoings, but I really don't want to see these messes anymore... Others scolded me like this at that time."

Netizens should be a group that hates evil very much. For scum like moonlight, if you search his name now, all you will get are curses at him.

Shen Yanming was once mistaken for this kind of person. Because he was soft-hearted, he did not refute it immediately, and because his teammates gave false testimony, the label of violence was directly branded on him.

Everyone wanted to appear upright, so they used the most unpleasant words to curse him. Some even found his parents' phone number and called them to ask, "How could you give birth to such a beastly son? He has a simple mind but strong limbs and can only beat people. I'm afraid he grew up eating pig feed." Then they recorded a voice message and posted it online, feeling smug about it.

He didn't know how he ended up like this when he was just helping others. He thought if he had the chance to do it again, he would definitely not be a good person. But he thought again, he shouldn't do it again.

It's meaningless, isn't it? I worked so hard, but I couldn't achieve my goal. I had good intentions, but I ended up with the worst possible outcome.

Fortunately, he met He Changkong and other friends again, who firmly pulled him out of the quagmire.

He thought that if he stayed in school, he would not learn much, even if he said he wanted to learn. After the college entrance examination, he would go to a junior college and become a salesperson in the future, just like his father did at the beginning. The salary was okay, he would socialize until he vomited, and drink with clients late at night. Maybe he would still remember that he had a dream.

Shen Yanming shook his head, trying to get rid of these messy thoughts. He looked at He Changkong again: "Brother, can we hold hands?"

"Okay." He Changkong held Shen Yanming's hand, felt him trembling slightly, then hugged him in his arms and patted his back.

Of course He Changkong knew about those things. Although they were not familiar with each other before, and He Changkong was not the type to meddle in other people's business, He Changkong actually sent some words to Shen Yanming one night. It was not anything special, just hoping that he could cheer up.

But it seems that there is no chance of being seen even if it is sent out.

Because on that night, in that world, there was no longer a young man named Shen Yanming.

Fortunately, all this is over.

He Changkong patted Shen Yanming's back again and again: "It's all right, you can hug me, you can cry or laugh."

Shen Yanming exclaimed "Wow" and buried his head in He Changkong's shoulder. Soon He Changkong felt a wetness on his shoulder.

Cry, my little friend, He Changkong thought.