You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 75: Be a little fierce


Andrew originally had no idea what Shen Yanming had said, until a curious person who could speak Chinese translated it for him. Then his expression became interesting.

Aren't they Orientals supposed to care about their reputation? How did Chaos manage to bring this up without any concern? Aren't they afraid of embarrassment

That would be fine, but chaos even mocked him!

Even though Andrew was mentally strong, he couldn't remain calm after hearing the words "He doesn't dare to accept my invitation to play against me", "He's a coward", "Maybe he can't beat me". He originally rejected Shen Yanming's invitation to play against him because he was afraid that the other party would have other intentions and cause trouble. He decided to spend the next few days quietly. It was not because he really couldn't beat him.

Now that his strength was being questioned, he felt a little angry and stood up to answer Shen Yanming's words: "Fight if you want, just go solo."

At their level, the factors that determine the outcome of a 4v4 team battle are not only the players' own strength, but also various other factors such as team cooperation and strategy. In comparison, 1v1 can eliminate other factors and directly see the difference between the two sides.

It was just an appointment for a game match, not a real fight. Although the organizer could see that both parties were very angry, they had no intention of obstructing it. Moreover, they did have some shortcomings in this matter. They were already thankful that Shen Yanming did not directly kill them in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, but instead attacked Andrew accurately.

Shen Yanming was very satisfied to see that Andrew was successfully provoked, but he did not forget his original request: "Let me make it clear first, if you lose, you have to promise to explain the matter clearly and apologize to me publicly."

Andrew: "Okay."

Shen Yanming smiled and said, "All of you here have heard that he said it was okay. Then again, wasn't he pretending not to know just now? How come he is okay now? It seems that making a solo appointment with me will help him recover his memory."

Andrew agreed immediately, but when he heard what Shen Yanming said, he realized that he had been tricked again. He wanted to play dead and get away with it. He thought that as long as Shen Yanming had some shame, he would not tell anyone about it, and he could just pretend he didn't know and let the matter go.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yanming not only brought it up, but also said it in front of so many people in the live broadcast room.

His response of "OK" now means that he has admitted in front of so many people that he harassed and spoke rudely to other players.

Andrew is regretting it now, very much. He thought he was flirting with a sweetheart, but later found out that she was a hedgehog... Now he finds out that she is a demon!

At this point, Andrew couldn't save face, but he still had to save face. His thoughts were completely confused, and he blurted out, "What if you lose?"

Shen Yanming was stunned.

Andrew thought he had successfully touched Shen Yanming's pain point, but Shen Yanming gave him an incomprehensible look as if he was a fool: "Are you okay? It's you who did something wrong. You should apologize regardless of whether you lose or not. Now I'm generous and allow you to apologize after you lose. You still have the nerve to make conditions with me?" He really seems to be not very smart.

Andrew: “…”

Andrew was furious, but he couldn't say anything. He was not the kind of person who had no IQ at all, he just liked to pick on the weak and never failed, which inevitably made him a little arrogant. This time he accidentally picked on the weak, and a series of chain reactions made his ability to respond to situations plummet. He spoke without thinking and made mistakes every time he took a step.

He was so annoyed that he held his breath and sat down to play the game.

This training camp has a special temporary server, and all players will be matched in this server these days. After the start, Shen Yanming was not too surprised to find that the players did not go to match or train. On the surface, they seemed to be unmoved by external things, but in fact, when they started solo, most people rushed in to watch the game.

It seems that it is human nature to love watching the fun, and this is an eternal truth.

Shen Yanming asked Andrew to choose a character first, and then he chose the same character as Andrew - Death Swordsman.

This character was originally a pure output and mindless fighting character, but after the revision, he gained a skill to knock people back. The revision has been updated not long ago, and this knockback skill is generally used to save lives or cooperate with teammates in team battles.

As soon as Shen Yanming came up and met Andrew, he directly knocked the opponent back.

The contestants watching all let out a hiss.

Someone shook his head. "Although I sympathize with Chaos's situation, his awareness is indeed... He pushed the opponent away at the beginning, and he will have to spend time getting close again later. It is not conducive to the connection of skills, unless he wants to use a combo while the opponent is knocked back and can't cast skills, but without the cooperation of others, this is difficult to do."

However, before this man could finish his sigh, he saw Shen Yanming quickly use a charge after repelling the opponent, and moved to the direction where Andrew was repelled. He even arrived one step faster than the opponent and used a combination of skills before the opponent had time to react.

The person who was sighing just now quickly changed his words: "Amazing! The hand speed is amazing, I shouldn't have said it was difficult to do! In the face of absolute speed and reaction, nothing is impossible."

Shen Yanming's live broadcast was still on. His recording angle was rather strange, but it did not prevent the audience from seeing clearly what he had just done.

Shen Yanming said to the audience in the live broadcast room with some pride: "This is the hand speed I have developed after being single for more than ten years."

He Changkong next to him glanced at him.

Single? Ok.

Andrew was confused at the beginning, and his mentality was not stable. He made several small mistakes in succession and was beaten by Shen Yanming without any resistance. There was no suspense in this solo, and Shen Yanming won.

However, Andrew may not have understood the situation yet, or he may still be trying to fight back: "That doesn't count, best of three."

Shen Yanming actually didn't want to waste too much time on Andrew. He just wanted to get the respect and apology he deserved. He originally wanted to finish a solo quickly and then use his precious time on training.

But since Andrew was unwilling to give up, Shen Yanming also joined in. Under normal circumstances, they might be able to fight out the winner, but Andrew's mentality exploded now, and he played with many flaws. He said he would win two out of three games, but in the end he still lost the second game.

Seeing that he was about to say something else, Shen Yanming said lightly before he could, "I don't have time to play with you anymore. I advise you to cut your losses in time."

Andrew left after playing these few games with an excuse. When I asked about him again in the afternoon, I heard that he had packed up and left the training camp in dejection.

And I heard that the fine was a bit heavier this time. Originally, their club wanted to keep him, but he made a fool of himself in front of the live broadcast, which caused the team to suffer a lot of negative public opinion.

They have also experienced Shen Yanming's strength. In order to prevent any further mishaps, this time the club ordered Andrew to make a public apology on the social platform.

It was posted on an overseas social platform, but many domestic gaming bloggers rushed to repost it, and many people stayed up late to watch the live broadcast that day, so the news quickly spread. Those who originally said that Shen Yanming was arrogant and had a bad attitude towards others also shut up.

Shen Yanming took a rough look at the result, but didn't take it seriously. He just sighed and said, "Why not just stand at attention and take the beating? I'm not the kind of person who won't let go even if I'm right, right?"

It was dinner time, and Zhang Xixi left the team again and came to TMM, and insisted on sitting next to Shen Yanming. Hearing what Shen Yanming said, Zhang Xixi immediately responded: "No, no, no, brother Luan, I think you look particularly handsome when you insist on being reasonable."

Just after he finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze sweeping over from the opposite side. Zhang Xixi glanced at He Changkong, who was facing Shen Yanming diagonally opposite him. He Changkong looked expressionless, so the cold gaze must be an illusion. Zhang Xixi shrank his neck.

"Yeah, revenge is needed, and justice is met," Meng Yan forked a piece of fruit and threw it into his mouth, saying vaguely, "But your start in the first game solo was quite impressive. This operation should be of great use even in the official competition."

Zhang Xixi got excited and patted his chest as if to ask for credit: "Me, me, me!"

Meng Yan: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Xixi: "This is what I came up with when Luan Ge and I were soloing a few days ago!"

At that time, they tried many characters and unconventional play methods, mainly to study some operations that could win by surprise. Of course, the Death Swordsman's move is not that special. Other players and anchors have mentioned this idea before, but no one would use the knockback skill when a single player meets a single player because the operation is difficult, the risk is high, and the benefits are small.

Zhang Xixi also tried a few times that night, but failed to succeed in repelling and immediately bouncing behind the opponent, as there was always a little time difference. Shen Yanming was just watching Zhang Xixi perform at the time, and he had never tried it himself.

Zhang Xixi didn't expect Shen Yanming to use this trick today, and asked again: "Tell me, did you practice it secretly in private?"

Shen Yanming looked innocent: "No."

Zhang Xixi was shocked: "Then how can you do it?"

Shen Yanming: "I can do it anyway, why should I practice?"

Zhang Xixi lowered her head angrily and took a few mouthfuls of rice, thinking that comparing herself with others was really frustrating. It was just like when she worked hard all night studying for a semester and passed the final exam, or when a genius slept for a semester and got full marks in the final exam.

Shen Yanming scratched the back of his head, feeling that what he said was a bit hurtful, and added: "I didn't say it strictly enough. I also practiced my hand speed in the past, so now it's better to practice new characters easily."

Zhang Xixi thought about it and agreed, but he soon realized something was wrong: "No, you haven't been in the professional team as long as I have! You must have practiced less than me! Ah, don't comfort me."

Shen Yanming: “…” It seems to be even more hurtful.

Hand speed can indeed be practiced, but everyone's physique is different. Some people have a little more talent in this area, and can easily crush a group of hard-working players. Shen Yanming is like this.

When he was just reborn, he had not found the feeling and played a little slowly. However, after joining the team, he practiced more every day, and it was like his Ren and Du meridians were opened up. With the same practice time, he could achieve better results than others.

Shen Yanming felt a little guilty: "Hey, but it was you who came up with the idea. If you hadn't worked with me to study the routine, I might not have been able to show off today."

This was also a white lie. In fact, how could Shen Yanming, who came from the future, not know about this style of play? Later, many high-level speed players also played this way.

Zhang Xixi's broken heart was comforted a little, and she immediately showed great interest: "Then let's go solo after we finish eating!"

Shen Yanming was about to agree, but He Changkong said, "No."

Zhang Xixi was totally unaware: "Why?"

He Changkong thought about it and it seemed that he had no reason to stop it, so he said sullenly, "That's fine."

Shen Yanming slammed the table and thought of an idea: "Let's have a round-robin battle. It's boring to work alone behind closed doors, right? Let's clash with a few more people, create more sparks, and have fun."

He Changkong agreed to the proposal almost immediately.

As long as they don't play alone, they can get along well and may play until midnight.

It was Shen Yanming who proposed the round-robin match, and he was the one defending the match. At first, only XXL and TMM came to join in the fun, but later people from other teams also came. After these few days, Shen Yanming became famous among the teams. There were many people who wanted to play with him, but they didn't invite him directly because they were not familiar with him or for other reasons. Some people still hoped to be matched with him. Now that there is an opportunity, those who want to fight with Shen Yanming rushed forward.

He Changkong was very depressed as he watched. Originally, he agreed to this proposal in order to prevent Shen Yanming and Zhang Xixi from playing alone. Now, without Zhang Xixi, a huge army had arrived.

Of course, there were times when Shen Yanming failed to defend the ring, but someone would immediately skip the solo with others and go straight to Shen Yanming. The fight was endless, and the key point was that Shen Yanming was quite enjoying it.

So they played until after one o'clock in the morning. Seeing that it was already past the bedtime in He Changkong's old age schedule, Shen Yanming quickly drove away all the players who came to play with him.

He Changkong didn't say anything, but after returning, he mentioned it casually: "My little Luan is very popular."

Shen Yanming was very considerate. He stuck to He Changkong and asked proactively, "Then can I comfort you?"

He Changkong: "Yeah."

The two of them leaned against the wall and kissed. When the kiss was over, Shen Yanming's face was flushed, and it seemed that he had something to say.

He Changkong touched his face: "What's wrong?"

Shen Yanming stammered, "That... is... um... Brother, can you be a little more fierce?"

He Changkong didn't understand for a moment: "... Hmm?"

Shen Yanming risked his life: "Oh, that's right! When kissing! Be a little fierce... I, I kind of like that..."