You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 82: It is zero and it is one


Thinking of what bad things were going on, He Changkong's face got hot. He just leaned on the bed and flipped through a book when Shen Yanming was in the bathroom across the wall.

He Changkong put his hand on Shen Yanming's head and did not respond to Shen Yanming's question. Instead, he asked, "Didn't you say you had something to tell me?"

Shen Yanming had changed his mind while taking a shower, and decided to bring it up later. He didn't bring it up for the moment, and changed his words to: "There's nothing special to say, I just hope you can relax and play the game..."

He was a little speechless when he said this. Although he was a smooth talker, he would easily run out of words when he was trying to comfort people. And how should he say it

Did he say that losing doesn't matter? No, no, losing does matter a lot. It's not that he only cares about winning or losing the game and doesn't care about He Changkong's mood, but he knows that He Changkong himself would not be willing to fall. If he said that, he would actually be looking down on He Changkong.

But I don’t know if saying things like “I believe you can fight well” or “I’m waiting for you to take me flying” will add pressure to He Changkong.

Shen Yanming was very distressed. Comforting people is really a science.

It's not as useful as actual action.

Shen Yanming simply stopped talking, pushed He Changkong, made a gun gesture, and shot at He Changkong: "You were shot by me."

"Yeah." He Changkong cooperated and fell down, his body sinking into the bed.

Shen Yanming climbed onto the bed, looked down at He Changkong, and rubbed his hands excitedly: "Now you are kidnapped by me... I am going to do something bad to you!"

Actually, He Changkong had wanted to take advantage of the conversation between the two to tell him about his discoveries during his days as a famous detective, but the timing was obviously not right - Shen Yanming was in high spirits here, and it would be unromantic for him to suddenly say something else.

He Changkong: "So, Mr. Kidnapper, what are you going to do?"

Shen Yanming stretched out his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, then came back and sat on He Changkong's legs. In the darkness, he groped his hostage dishonestly and touched a hard spot. "I suspect you have something hidden on you that you shouldn't have. Let me check it out."

The lines spoken by Shen Yanming were exactly what a sleazy bandit in a movie or TV series would say when he wanted to flirt with a young girl. However, his voice was humming when he said it, and he didn't sound like a bad guy at all. If you didn't know him, you would think he was the one being flirted with.

As he spoke, Shen Yanming began to help He Changkong check. Halfway through the check, they somehow ended up being like little brothers. Shen Yanming supported himself on the bed with his forearms and bent his waist, but soon he felt he had no strength left.

It turned out that this hostage was just a desperate man. He was just pretending to be obedient at first, but when the kidnapper ran out of strength, he turned around and overpowered the other party.

As a result, He Changkong, who was a hostage, helped Shen Yanming get it out first.

He Changkong was a little surprised: "Didn't you say you did it in the shower? Why are there still so many?"

Shen Yanming panted: "... Because I'm strong."

He Changkong took a piece of paper and wiped his hands clean, then listened to Shen Yanming say: "Okay, I just lied to you, I didn't do anything bad in the bathroom."

After saying that, Shen Yanming continued to make moves, as if unwilling to be outdone, and eventually made the hostage surrender.

The two of them lay on their sides, hugging each other face to face. Shen Yanming put his head on He Changkong's shoulder and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito's hum: "Continue, brother?"

He Changkong: "Hmm?"

Shen Yanming didn't know whether He Changkong really didn't understand what he meant or was teasing him on purpose. He took a deep breath and said, "Actually... I secretly bought some lubricants and put them in the third compartment under your closet."

He Changkong really didn't expect: "You..."

Shen Yanming threw away all his shame and said, "I am an old pervert. I have been lusting after your body for a long time. Do you understand?"

Shen Yanming once posted some of his emotional confusions in a forum attached to a gay dating software. At that time, he thought he was a straight man who couldn't be straighter, but he soon slapped himself in the face and replied to the post, "Thank you everyone, we are together." The gays in the forum said, "It's true," and offered their blessings.

Although Shen Yanming did not post again after that, he would check out the posts in that forum from time to time. Admittedly, there were some dirty things, but generally speaking, the communication between everyone was still very loving.

At first, Shen Yanming would read some posts about emotional communication, mainly because he was too embarrassed to click on other posts. Until one day, he clicked on a post that was also asking for answers. The poster of that post said that he didn't know whether he was 0 or 1, and asked how to tell the difference.

The answers were varied. A more direct answer was: This is easy. It depends on whether you want to bully him or let him bully you!

Shen Yanming was a little flustered. As a former straight man, he certainly had never thought of being suppressed before. Even if he read a fan fiction with himself as the protagonist, he would definitely see himself as the top one. However, after reading this post, he had some new thoughts.

First of all, he likes to see himself as the top in fan fiction. In addition to his deep-rooted straight male perception, he also thinks that tops are cooler. After all, tops in fan fiction are usually very domineering. They can bankrupt a whole street with just one sentence, turn a whole city upside down with just one look, and they are also very rich, with big houses, housekeepers, and endless luxury cars... Even if it's not so exaggerated, the tops usually enjoy it a little more.

For example, some people who write fan fiction about campus paro will write that he controls the lifeline of milk tea and fruit tea in the whole school. As long as he raises his hand, the overseas student brother Sunday Liu will send him the latest large cup of cheese and fleshy grapes from the canteen, which are airlifted from other provinces! And he sat in his exclusive seat in the classroom, enjoying the fanning service provided by brothers 1234 (his other teammates and other friends in the circle). He tasted a bite of the sweet fleshy grapes, let out a satisfied sigh, and then said to the poor senior Kong Kongzi in a rebellious manner: "Do you want to drink? If you want to drink, come and serve me."

Just ask yourself, who wouldn’t like to be a top? No one wouldn’t like to be a top!

But in fact, he had no desire to talk to He Changkong.

Even because of the reminder of this post, he tried to think about what would happen if He Changkong said... A magical thing happened! He couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I never thought you would be such a person. Shen Yanming did a profound self-examination.

After the review, he opened the door to a new world and read a lot of teaching posts about Koukou.

But he only had theoretical knowledge but no practice, so he was too embarrassed to speak up.

That is to say, I just think about it occasionally to satisfy my craving.

Besides, as the competition and training schedule became increasingly tight, he had no time to think about other things.

It's just that the atmosphere is just right tonight and everything seems to be falling into place.

Shen Yanming felt a little tipsy in this delicate atmosphere and took the opportunity to throw out the words, but He Changkong did not respond in time.

I don't know what gave him the courage, Shen Yanming gently bit He Changkong's earlobe like a puppy, and whispered in his ear: "Do it... Don't you want to do it/me?"

The night was so quiet that the only sounds that could be heard were the two people's heartbeats and heavy breathing.

After Shen Yanming asked this question, He Changkong's heartbeat obviously quickened, and the hand that was originally loosely placed on Shen Yanming's waist suddenly tightly grasped her pajamas.

Shen Yanming himself was so panicked that he didn't notice these details at all.

After he asked, he got no response. His mind was already cracked into a black hole. He wondered what was going on. He didn't really want to, did he? Could it be that He Changkong was not the fierce attacker he imagined? Or was he too unrestrained and disgusting? Ah, how shameful!

Shen Yanming then said: "Ah, forget it. I take back what I just said. Let's forget all this. Tomorrow is a brand new day!"