You’re Causing Chaos Again

Chapter 92


Shen Yanming hasn't used the account [I'm messing around again] for live streaming for a long time. He opened the account just for fun, and after joining the team and signing a contract with the platform, he used the team account for live streaming.

So when he logged into this account today, many fans who received live broadcast reminders thought there was a bug in the platform.

"There is no bug. I want to do something crazy today, so I'll use this account again and not forget my original intention." Shen Yanming waved in front of the camera with a cat's paw in his hand - the cat's paw was a real cat's paw, from a blue cat with a cool look on his face.

Shen Yanming waved its claw in front of the camera twice, and then the claw pressed down on Shen Yanming's face with great force.

Shen Yanming put the cat down and muttered, "Say hello to the audience, it's so rude."

The audience in the live broadcast room became noisy.

-Tiantian sauce!

-Tiantian stepped on me!

-Cats and dogs have always been incompatible. The rumor that dogs can't beat cats is also true. For example, Luanzi has never beaten Tiantian in public.

This Tiantian is not their squinty-eyed Korean teammate Sunday, but a British blue shorthair cat, commonly known as a blue cat.

On Sunday, the day we left the base, Pudding, who was seeing us off at the airport, was like an old father whose beloved son had been taken away from him.

When he muttered to his teammates for the 10,086th time, "I don't know if Tiantian is eating well and sleeping well. I heard that the hierarchy over there is quite strict. What if Tiantian goes to the new team and gets bullied by his seniors? Woohoo, I miss Tiantian so much. During the first hour of Tiantian's departure, I missed him, missed him, missed him," he was ruthlessly expelled from the base villa.

Pudding sat on the bench in front of the villa for a long time in a daze. Then a cat jumped out from somewhere and sat on his knees. When he stretched out his hand, the cat rubbed his palm very consciously.

Pudding took the cat back to the villa.

The big boys were like hungry wolves that had never eaten meat. They touched the cat all over, from its back to its belly. After feeling the pain, these rough guys who had never had any experience in raising pets realized belatedly and started to worry.

Meng Yan's hand was still on the cat's belly, with his wrist held by the cat. He pondered for a long time and made a judgment: "Actually, I think it should be a lost cat. Although I don't know what kind of cat it is, it looks like a purebred cat, and it's quite friendly. It shouldn't be a stray cat."

The cat swept the ground with its tail, as if agreeing with Meng Yan's statement.

However, there were almost no residents near the base, and after asking around, they couldn't find the cat's owner. They posted a missing cat notice that day, but still to no avail.

Pudding muttered mysteriously: "It must be my cub who turned into a cat and stayed with me."

So the cat stayed in the base. Because Pudding firmly believed that the cat was the incarnation of Sunday, the cat was named Tiantian.

Of course, this Tiantian cat has met the real Tiantian in a video call. At that time, Sunday was surprised and said, "Its eyes are much rounder than mine. You Meng actually think it looks like me!"

Ever since the team got a cat, the team members’ social media platforms have been filled with cat videos. The fans are also very familiar with the cat, but it’s a bit strange that the cat was brought to the live broadcast, and it seems that it was broadcasted in the training room.

-By the way, is it okay to bring Tian-chan to the training room

-Is this cat a gift from an opponent? It is used to confuse the TMM team members and make them do nothing but pet the cat all day long.

-Hahahaha what are you doing, do you want the cat to play games

Shen Yanming glanced at the comments: "Yeah, that's right, let Tianjiang perform today."

-That's really messed up.

-What's the sudden idea

-You're not going to let the cat roll over the keyboard, are you? Do you think you don't cherish your equipment

-If you don't understand, do cats rolling on the keyboard damage the device? I am a social animal working overtime at home, and my cat always grabs my keyboard. I think it's not that bad.

-It's just for fun, right? I'm still curious about why Luanjiang suddenly did something. He hasn't done anything for so long that I almost forgot how he got the name Luanzige.

-You're just messing around again

Shen Yanming: "I'm not on my computer. I found a spare machine in an empty room. My peripherals are all mine, so how can I let a cat touch them? Every day... Damn, she hit me again."

The cat slapped Shen Yanming's face with its claws again, causing a burst of laughter.

Shen Yanming scratched the cat's chin and opened the game while saying, "Really let the cat play, I'm not lying to you... Just last night I was watching the forum and there was a guy who kept scolding Brother Kong. I told him that if he could do it, he could stop talking nonsense. He actually challenged me to a fight. Didn't I say that if I let my cat play for ten minutes first, I could beat him? He didn't believe me, so I'm going to show him my Tiantian's strength."

There were patches of ellipsis floating across the barrage.

-Are you so idle? ? Not only reading the forum, but you also quarrel with others? Are you toxic...

-Hahahaha that anonymous guy yesterday was a mess? I just happened to see that post

- I'll leave you a link, you can take a look.

The post was a mindless bashing post. As we all know, Kong's ability to control the game has reached a terrifying level. This person was not happy with Kong but couldn't find anything to criticize him for, so he said that he healed his teammates too much. It was obvious that he only needed to ensure that his teammates had enough health, but he also healed them to full health. Couldn't he have spent more time to output more damage? Later, this person said that Kong was just occupying the toilet without doing anything, not giving newcomers a chance to stand out.

This criticism is so unreasonable that the guys who replied to the post all laughed.

Normally, even ordinary fans would not pay attention to such a boring post. But Shen Yanming saw it and replied with a classic "you can you up, no canbb".

Opponent: I know my own limitations. I definitely won’t be able to make it to the World Championship, but I’m more than capable of beating you.

Shen Yanming was amused by this and replied: I'll let my cat play for ten minutes, and I'll still be able to beat you later.

The other side was immediately enraged, and built a room and made an appointment to meet at the throne duel arena at 1 pm the next day.

Shen Yanming arrived as promised.


-Damn, you really have to be careful when speaking on the forum in the future. Why are these players always checking the forum

-Come on, you guys, every time you play yin and yang, don’t you just circle other people’s accounts and ask if they are watching

- As expected of him being the husband of God Kong, he is too protective of his people. I see people posting posts cursing Luan Zi Ge himself on the forum, but he doesn't care. But he can't stand people cursing Kong.

-This is really funny. If you tell people that you are chaos, who would not believe that you can win even if you let the cat play for ten minutes first

- Bullying is this hhh

Shen Yanming entered a room number, which was the number given by the troll when they arranged a fight. When he came in, he found that the man was quite punctual and was actually waiting in the room.

However, the man became confused when he saw Shen Yanming's account.

Although Shen Yanming used the username [I'm messing around again], everyone knew the owner of this account. That person slowly typed a question mark in the battle channel: You can't be chaos himself, can you

[I'm messing around again]: Yeah.

That person said: You are crazy, you are a professional player, why do you care about netizens, so many people scold you and you beat them up one by one? Don't you think it's a loss of face

[I'm messing around again]: Ah... You also know that it will be embarrassing for others to play with you

That person: …

[I'm messing around again]: I condescended to come and solo with you, and you still said this to me, I'm so sad, do you know how many people have asked me to solo? My schedule is already booked for three months later

The other party stopped moving.

[I'm messing around again]: Are you going to hit me or not? My cat is already warmed up* addition and subtraction... gaga gaga...&&... %¥...

As if to cooperate with the words sent by Shen Yanming, Tiantianjiang took elegant small steps to patrol the keyboard and sent a line of garbled code to the person opposite as a friendly gesture.

The person opposite: You are sick, you are stupid

With that he exited the game room swearing.

"It's really boring... I'm a professional player, so what? Which law in our country stipulates that professional players can't argue with netizens who curse at them? It seems that we deserve to be cursed," Shen Yanming rubbed the cat's head, "But that's not what I mean. I don't care if people curse me. Sometimes I don't do well, and I will be more sober when netizens curse me. But what did Kong Ge do? Is it wrong to nurse too well? I don't allow others to say anything about him."

-Yeah, yeah, I know you love your wife.

-People who play competitive games are very irritable, but it is not good to curse all the time. I hope everyone can be less aggressive and more peaceful and loving.

- I don't have a temper, I'm just an e-sports girl, kiss

-So today's live broadcast is to show us your affection? Give me your claws, you're wasting my data

-Oh no, here comes the slut

Shen Yanming turned around and saw He Changkong coming. He smiled and said, "Wife~~"

The ending tone was so tortuous that it almost made everyone in the live broadcast room vomit.

Shen Yanming had tried to come out. At that time, their entire team was invited to participate in an online quick question and answer event on a live broadcast platform. An audience member who was selected directly asked Shen Yanming if he was in love with He Changkong.

Shen Yanming was stunned, glanced at He Changkong, and admitted: "Yes."

They didn't mention it on purpose, because they felt that they hadn't established themselves completely yet, so there was no need to publicize their relationship to others. But if someone asked, there was no point in hiding it. They said they could still make it public if the time was right.

Being asked this question directly, Shen Yanming thought that since they had just won the challenge competition trophy a few days ago, it would be okay to talk about it now.

So after he said "yes", he rubbed his face and added rather embarrassedly: "We are dating seriously, and Kong Ge is my lover."

As he spoke, Shen Yanming nervously held He Changkong's hand.

The female commentator who was in charge of the broadcast was terrified. She didn't know whether to stop the live broadcast or what to do. Suddenly she asked He Changkong, "Is what Chaos said true?"

He Changkong held Shen Yanming's hand in return: "What he said is true."

The female commentator took a deep breath, but when she looked at the comments, they were all laughing. She came to her senses after a while, picked out a few comments and read: "Let's see what the netizens are saying... 'This is pretending to be real, this crosstalk team is too funny' 'Kong Ge has changed a lot in recent times, he used to be like a piece of wood, but now he can cooperate with Luanjiang to make jokes' 'Is pretending to be gay a tradition of TM? Ever since Tanhua's code was deleted, I think it's so funny when he said on the forum that he was with Mengyan'..."

Shen Yanming & He Changkong: "..."

Shen Yanming didn't believe it, and continued to cue He Changkong on other occasions. But no matter how hard he tried, everyone thought he was just joking. Even when they held hands in public, everyone would just say "so sweet and so real" but actually didn't think it was real.

It even developed to the point where everyone tacitly called He Changkong a whore sister-in-law.

What can he do?! He can't do this and that with He Changkong in front of others to show that their relationship is really special!

But later they figured it out. Let people misunderstand as they please. It's better than having things clarified and then some people going crazy because they can't accept it.

Speaking of which, He Changkong came to this empty spare training room and stood behind Shen Yanming with a disapproving expression: "You really did live broadcast a fight with someone else."

"Yes, but that man was so cowardly. Our cat didn't do anything before he ran away," Shen Yanming raised the cat's paw, "so you didn't get to show off your skills."

He Changkong: "Don't do this next time."

Shen Yanming pursed his lips: "Oh."

Someone in the barrage used special effects to try to attract He Changkong's attention: Kong Jiang! Luan Luanzi made an appointment to fight with others just for you! Don't criticize him!

He Changkong did see this message, but he did not respond. He just said to the live camera: "Sorry everyone, we will end the broadcast first."

Then he turned off the live camera, quit the live platform, and even turned off the computer.

He Changkong rubbed Shen Yanming's head: "Will you be unhappy?"

Shen Yanming: "No."

He Changkong explained: "Just like you don't like seeing me being scolded, I don't want you to be talked about by some strange people because of me."

Shen Yanming teased the cat and said, "I know."

He Changkong: "Then go back to train?"

Shen Yanming reluctantly pulled away his hand that was struggling with the cat fist: "Okay, then let's take the cat outside first."

"Well," He Changkong also rubbed the cat's head, "You are always beaten by the cat, but you still like playing with it so much."

Shen Yanming paused, and suddenly a light blush appeared on his face: "I am always beaten by you, but I don't like playing with you that much."

He Changkong didn't react for a moment: "Isn't it me who beat you up unilaterally in the recent solo?"

"Who said that!" Shen Yanming drooped his eyelashes, seeming a little embarrassed.

He Changkong finally understood what Shen Yanming was talking about: "..."

It wasn't any exaggerated play, just using small clips and spanking.

Originally, a straight-forward person like He Changkong would not do such messy things. The reason they did this kind of play can be traced back to before the college entrance examination. One day, Shen Yanming was lazy and didn't want to finish his homework, so He Changkong slapped him. He Changkong thought it would have a deterrent effect, but Shen Yanming actually asked him if he could do it again.

That's so true.

Later, after Shen Yanming finished his exams and registered for leave of absence, he had no excuse to do his homework, but the play was still kept.

He Changkong lowered his head and gently bit Shen Yanming's open mouth.

The blue cat stared at them intently with its round eyes: "Meow~"

(Extra 2, end.)